A lot of bugs were fixed, including the buffer overflow in different tools, and improvements have been done. The most noticeable changes are the addition of airdrop-ng and the interaction in airodump-ng.
A few programs have been added (airserv-ng, airolib-ng, tkiptun-ng, and airdecloak-ng), others have been improved (new options, new drivers supported, compilation on several OSes and architectures, etc.), and many bugs have been fixed. There is now a library called "osdep" (src/osdep directory) for capturing/injecting 802.11 frames without having to care about the difference on different OSes and the drivers used. It can do networking and more.
Aireplay-ng now works with rtc_cmos. Wrong
information written in a CSV file by Airodump-ng
was fixed, and 5Ghz channel support for airpcap
devices was added. Airdecap-ng PMK calculation was
fixed. Driver detection was improved and mac80211
support in airmon-ng was added. Some manpages the
openbsd makefile were fixed. Some other various
fixes were made.
This release adds an ACX injection patch, and updates the rtl8187 patch for 2.6.21. It fixes madwifi-ng detection with airmon-ng. It fixes 2 bugs in aircrack-ng related to WPA cracking. It fixes an old Debian bug (#417388). It fixes the use of wlanng, and fixes IP address writing in the CSV file with airodump-ng. It fixes a bug in the GUI for Windows and adds a PTW option.