[Freeciv-tickets] [freeciv] #43565: Drop requirement for libsqlite3 when it's not really needed

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Thu Jan 6 22:23:50 JST 2022

#43565: Drop requirement for libsqlite3 when it's not really needed

  Open Date: 2022-01-06 15:23
Last Update: 2022-01-06 15:23

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Last Changes/Comment on this Ticket:
2022-01-06 15:23 Updated by: cazfi
 * New Ticket "Drop requirement for libsqlite3 when it's not really needed" created

Ticket Status:

      Reporter: cazfi
         Owner: (None)
          Type: Patches
        Status: Open
      Priority: 5 - Medium
     MileStone: (None)
     Component: Bootstrap
      Severity: 5 - Medium
    Resolution: None

Ticket details:

Currently we have libsqlite3 always as a hard dependency. We could allow building without it, if also both features, fcdb and fcmp, requiring it are explicitly disabled.

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