OSDN Docs (English)のニュース RSS


2016-10-04 18:40 (by sado)

We proudly announce the two new mirror sites that were set up in the New Jersey (USA), for OSDN's file release system.
All the files that were released through the use of file release system of OSDN's projects and chambers are mirrored by m (続きを読む...)


2016-09-28 12:42 (by ishikawa)

Site domain will change October 3, 2016
OSDN will down temporarily by following schedule with the domain change.
October 3, 2016, maximum about 1 hour between 5:00AM to 11:00AM (UTC)
Web, API and repository will be down.
EDIT on October (続きを読む...)


2016-09-16 14:02 (by sado)

Due to the protocol issue, we are shifting toward OpenID connect and social login, and combined with seeing many discontinuing cases of OpenID 2.0 providers ending their support, we have decided to put an end to OpenID support for OSDN login (続きを読む...)


2016-09-02 01:43 (by sado)

OSDN services was suspended from around 9pm Sep 1st JST to 0:30 Sep 2nd JST due to DDoS attack.
We are sorry for inconvenience. Now all our services has been recovered.


2016-08-25 16:53 (by sado)

Last year, we've changed our brand to OSDN, our current brand name, and here we announce that we will be relocating our current osdn.jp site domain (URL) to osdn.net on October 3.
Starting on October 3, our site domain will be as follows. (続きを読む...)

2016-08-25 16:44 (by sado)

We have globalized the feature that sets up descriptions (such as a text body that gives additional instructions on what users are asked to write on tickets) based on the ticket type during ticket submit. It allows you to set up descriptions (続きを読む...)

2016-08-25 16:43 (by sado)

Until now, ID was the only option used for a URL that points to a chamber's specific file, but from now on, you can also use path base URL that reflects the folder structure.
Due to this additional feature, now you can decide on a URL that (続きを読む...)


2016-06-21 14:25 (by sado)

For your project’s file release, you can attach Releasenote and Changelog documents to the release. This function originally only supported a method of entering from Web UI using wiki format, but now it is added with a function that display (続きを読む...)


2016-05-11 17:27 (by sado)

OSDN API has been released in the beta version, and now we are proud to announce that we just released a command line client as a sample of client implementation using this API.
You can manipulate a project's file release in a non-interacti (続きを読む...)

2016-05-11 17:24 (by sado)

In addition to our general project statistics, we added a new feature that shows download statistics in details.
You can sort information based on a specific package, release, and file. You could also get OS-based and country-based statisti (続きを読む...)
2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021