



Spins by Kilz 2024-11-24 00:08 (by kilz)

ダウンロードSpins by Kilz is a project making spins of Manjaro and Debian linux. The project uses tools from the distributions to make compatible installable media that has different applications and themes than official releases.
The goal is not to reinvent the wheel, but to polish the desktop.

100% compatible with the main distribution they are based on.
Docks instead of panels.

Custom dark themes.

Desktop effects.

Each release features a full and a very minimal iso.

Due to this page being u...


WackoWiki 2024-10-07 05:00 (by vendeeglobe)

ダウンロードWacko Wikiは、軽量で便利なWikiエンジンです。機能:完全なリビジョン管理、リビジョン間の強力な差分、ページごとのアクセス制御リストによるアクセス制御、編集内容、統合されたページコメント機能、ページ監視-変更/コメントに関するメール通知、デザインテーマ(スキン)サポート、ページまたはグローバルごとのアップロード、クラスター-相対アドレス指定、目次の自動生成、時間の入力ミスの即時修正-仕様。文字、完全に多言語


Webサイト「源氏物語の世界 再編集版」を2024/10/6に更新したときに使用した開発環境一式です。

以下のフォルダがあります。 (1)converterV4:再編集プログラム 再編集プログラムはWindows上でwsf(Windowsスクリプト)とhta(HTMLアプリケーション)を使って実行します。 実行のためのbatファイルもあり、単にダブルクリックして実行できます。 MakeAllFiles.batを実行すると、必要な再編集プログラムが順に実行されて、最終的に、必要なファイルはすべて再作成されます。

(2)html HTML形式の最新版のファイルが入ります。



ASUD 2024-06-21 07:10 (by fastrgv)


**ver 1.2.4 -- ddjun2024**

* Added dynamically definable SET overlays to augment the 9 pre-defined ones. * Added a checker program to insure puzzles have a unique solution (sol2.adb).

AdaVenture 2024-06-21 06:58 (by fastrgv)


**ver 2.4.4 -- 6apr2024**

* Added more dynamic sky frag.shader in maze9. * Added Minoan horns, Greek sign to Labyrinth exterior, etc. * Improved visuals in temple.

I cannot seem to upload to OSDN so... Get the latest version at: https://sourceforge.net/projects/adaventure/


Dikt - Network Dictionary 2024-06-17 08:15 (by goran)


SlunkCrypt 2024-06-09 04:06 (by muldersoft)


SlunkCrypt is moving to '''[https://lord_mulder.gitlab.io/slunkcrypt/]''' due to ongoing technical problems on OSDN.net!


Ezarcher 2024-06-01 13:09 (by eznix)

ダウンロードWelcome to Ezarcher

The Ezarcher Linux ISO is a full featured Arch Linux desktop. The live system comes with many common desktop software packages and tools to install Arch Linux on your system. There are two installer methods, the Calamares Installer Framework and the Arch Way, by following the Arch Wiki. The Calamares installer is located in the System menu and titled Install System.

The live user's /home folder has an ezarcher folder with several folders containing all the project files ...


anadolupanteri 2024-04-18 16:09 (by ortanca_samuray)


Anadolu Panteri has been established in Turkey as an individual and institutional company in order to give Linux support to every sector. The goal is to be able to meet the needs of developers with specially structured scripts, as well as simple and basic needs that enable us to work together at home, even on the office, and with ease of use.

2002 / 2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013