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Sample Conky (system monitor) configuration file with weather, CPU graph, memory graph, network traffic graph and processes


リビジョン441eebb08656830f920473f17416ceb1178b556f (tree)
日時2020-08-13 16:38:19
作者shitamo <shitamo@user...>





--- a/conkyrc
+++ b/conkyrc
@@ -16,9 +16,13 @@ conky.config = {
1616 out_to_console = false,
1717 out_to_stderr = false,
1818 extra_newline = false,
19- own_window = true,
2019 own_window_class = 'Conky',
20+ own_window = true,
2121 own_window_type = 'override',
22+ own_window_transparent = no,
23+ own_window_colour = '363047',
24+ border_inner_margin = 0,
25+ border_outer_margin = 0,
2226 stippled_borders = 0,
2327 update_interval = 1.0,
2428 uppercase = false,
@@ -27,51 +31,26 @@ conky.config = {
2731 show_graph_range = false,
2832 imlib_cache_flush_interval = 30,
3234 alignment = 'top_right',
3335 gap_y = 20,
3436 double_buffer = true,
3537 maximum_width = 400,
3638 minimum_width = 400, minimum_height = 1200,
3739 text_buffer_size = 1024,
38- own_window_transparent = true,
3940 override_utf8_locale = true,
4041 use_xft = true,
4142 font = 'TakaoGothic:style=Regular:size=11',
43- template1 = '~/.cache/weather.xml',
4444 template2 = [[
4545 ${color #eae5e3}${top name \1} ${top pid \1} ${top cpu \1} ${top mem \1} ${top time \1}]],
46- template3 = [[
47-${execi 300 cp -f ~/.conky/icons/$(ruby -ne 'cnt ||= 0; $_.scan(/yweather:forecast.*?code="(.+?)"/) { cnt+=1; print $1 if cnt == \1; }' ${template1}).png ~/.cache/weather-\1.png}${image ~/.cache/weather-\1.png -p \2 -s 32x32}]],
48- template4 = [[
49-${rss http://weather.livedoor.com/forecast/rss/warn/16.xml 60 item_title \1}]],
46+ template4 = '~/.cache/weather.txt',
5147 };
5349 conky.text = [[
55-# ${pre_exec /usr/sbin/smartctl --scan | awk '{print "/usr/sbin/hddtemp " $1 " -n -unit=C"}' > ~/.cache/hdddev.sh; chmod +x ~/.cache/hdddev.sh}\
56-# https://weather.yahoo.com/japan/ -> Toyama Prefecture -> Toyama-shi
57-# https://weather.yahoo.com/japan/toyama-prefecture/toyama-shi-1118400/
58-${execi 300 curl -s 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql' -d q='select * from weather.forecast where woeid=1118400 and u="c"' -o ${template1}}
60-# Weather
62-${goto 36}${voffset 0}${font mono:size=36}${color1}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'if /yweather:condition .*? temp="(.+?)"/ then printf("%s℃", $1 ); end' ${template1}}${font}${color}
63-${goto 46}${voffset 14}${font mono:size=12}${color1}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'if /yweather:condition .*? text="(.+?)"/ then print $1; end' ${template1}}${font}${color}
65-${color1}${alignr 55}${voffset -72}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'if /yweather:atmosphere .*? pressure="(.+?)"/ then print $1; end' ${template1}}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'if /yweather:units .*? pressure="(.+?)"/ then print $1; end' ${template1}}
66-${color1}${alignr 55}${voffset 7}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'if /yweather:atmosphere .* humidity="(.+?)"/ then print $1; end' ${template1}}%${color}
67-${color1}${alignr 55}${voffset 7}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'if /yweather:wind .* speed="(.+?)"/ then print $1; end' ${template1}}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'if /yweather:units .*? speed="(.+?)"/ then print $1; end' ${template1}}${color}
69-${color3}${voffset 30}${alignc}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'cnt ||= 0; $_.scan(/day="(.+?)"/){ if (cnt < 3) then cnt+=1; printf(" %s ", $1 ); end }' ${template1}}${color}
71-${color2}${voffset 40}${alignc}${execi 300 ruby -ne 'cnt ||= 0; $_.scan(/high="(.+?)" low="(.+?)"/){ if (cnt < 3) then cnt+=1; printf("%3s℃/%3s℃ ", $1, $2); end }' ${template1}}${color}
7250 ${hr 2}
7351 \
7452 ${color #d8e698}System information :${color #eae5e3}
53+ ${color #ffffff}System : ${alignr}${color #eae5e3}${kernel}
7554 ${color #ffffff}Uptime : ${alignr}${color #eae5e3}${uptime}
7655 ${color #ffffff}Frequency(GHz): ${color #eae5e3}${freq_g} ${color #ffffff}Processes:${color #eae5e3} ${processes}
7756 ${color #ffffff}CPU Usage : ${color #eae5e3}${cpu}% - ${cpubar 5}
@@ -80,31 +59,27 @@ ${color #d8e698}System information :${color #eae5e3}
8059 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
8160 ${color #d8e698}Device temperature :${color #eae5e3}
8261 ${execi 58 ~/.cache/hdddev.sh > ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}\
83-${color #ffffff} CPU0:${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core0' | cut -c 14-22} ${color #ffffff}HDD1: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '1!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
84-${color #ffffff} CPU1:${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors | grep -A 0 'Core1' | cut -c 14-22} ${color #ffffff}HDD2: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '2!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
85-${color #ffffff} M/B :${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors | grep -A 0 'MB' | cut -c 25-33} ${color #ffffff}HDD3: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '3!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
86-${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
87-${color #d8e698}Weather report :${color #eae5e3}
88- 富山空港 ${weather http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/ RJNT weather } ${weather http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/ RJNT temperature} ℃
62+${color #ffffff} CPU:${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sensors k10temp-pci-00c3 | grep -A 0 'Tdie' | cut -c 14-22}
63+${color #ffffff} HDD1: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '1!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
64+${color #ffffff} HDD2: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '2!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
65+${color #ffffff} HDD3: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '3!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
66+${color #ffffff} HDD4: ${color #eae5e3}${execi 60 sed -e '4!d' ~/.cache/hddtemp.txt}.0℃
8967 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
90-${color #d8e698}Storm warning :${color #eae5e3}
91- ${template4 1}
92- ${template4 2}
93- ${template4 3}
94- ${template4 4}
95- ${template4 5}
68+${color #d8e698}天気予報 :${color #eae5e3}
69+${font mono:size=9}${execi 3600 cat ${template4}}${font}
9670 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
9771 ${color #d8e698}File systems : ${color #eae5e3}
9872 / ${fs_used /}/${fs_size /} ${fs_bar 5 /}
99- /var/backups ${fs_used /var/backups}/${fs_size /var/backups} ${fs_bar 5 /var/backups}
73+ /home ${fs_used /home}/${fs_size /home} ${fs_bar 5 /home}
74+ /var/www/text ${fs_used /var/www/text}/${fs_size /var/www/text} ${fs_bar 5 /var/www/text}
10075 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}${color #eae5e3}
10176 ${color #d8e698}Disk IO : ${color #eae5e3}
102- / Read ${execpi 3600 mount | grep " / " | awk '{print "${diskio_read " $1 "}"}'}/s
103- / Write ${execpi 3600 mount | grep " / " | awk '{print "${diskio_write " $1 "}"}'}/s
77+ /home Read ${execpi 3600 mount | grep " /home " | awk '{print "${diskio_read " $1 "}"}'}/s
78+ /home Write ${execpi 3600 mount | grep " /home " | awk '{print "${diskio_write " $1 "}"}'}/s
10479 ${color #ffffff}\
105-${execpi 3600 mount | grep " / " | awk '{print "${diskiograph_read " $1 " 20,190 fef4f4 eebbcb}"}'}\
80+${execpi 3600 mount | grep " /home " | awk '{print "${diskiograph_read " $1 " 20,190 fef4f4 eebbcb}"}'}\
10681 ${alignr}${color #ffffff}\
107-${execpi 3600 mount | grep " / " | awk '{print "${diskiograph_write " $1 " 20,190 fef4f4 eebbcb}"}'}
82+${execpi 3600 mount | grep " /home " | awk '{print "${diskiograph_write " $1 " 20,190 fef4f4 eebbcb}"}'}
10883 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
10984 ${color #d8e698}Name PID CPU% MEM% TIME
11085 ${template2 1}
@@ -114,20 +89,11 @@ ${color #d8e698}Name PID CPU% MEM% TIME
11489 ${template2 5}
11590 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
11691 ${color #d8e698}Networking :
117- ${color #ffffff}Up size : ${color #eae5e3}${totalup}
118- ${color #ffffff}Down size : ${color #eae5e3}${totaldown}
119- ${color #ffffff}Up speed : ${color #eae5e3}${upspeed eth0}
120- ${color #ffffff}Down speed : ${color #eae5e3}${downspeed eth0}
92+ ${color #ffffff}Up size : ${color #eae5e3}${totalup enp3s0}
93+ ${color #ffffff}Down size : ${color #eae5e3}${totaldown enp3s0}
94+ ${color #ffffff}Up speed : ${color #eae5e3}${upspeed enp3s0}
95+ ${color #ffffff}Down speed : ${color #eae5e3}${downspeed enp3s0}
12196 ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
12297 ${font mono:size=9}${execi 60 gcal -i -H no . |sed -e "1,5d" -e "6,$ s/^\(.\{21\}\).\{26\}/\1/"}
123-# ${color #d8e698}${stippled_hr}
12498 ${font mono:size=12}${execi 60 gcal -i | sed -e "1d" }
125-# Various images including the icons of the forecast #
127-${image ~/.conky/images/pressure.png -p 350,24 -s 16x16}\
128-${image ~/.conky/images/humidity.png -p 350,46 -s 16x16}\
129-${image ~/.conky/images/wind.png -p 350,68 -s 16x16}\
130-${template3 1 84,130}\
131-${template3 2 183,130}\
132-${template3 3 277,130}${font}
13399 ]];