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NSVTL Not So Very Tiny Language

Deriving a new dialect of Very Tiny Language from VTL-2 6800 version

This is intended as a project to rewrite VTL (Very Tiny Language) in a split-stack run-time.

It includes source code for VTL-2 for 6800, 6801, and 6809, which I have progressively edited in exploring the code. A description of my work on this source code can be found in one of my blogs, beginning here: https://joels-programming-fun.blogspot.com/2022/08/adventures-getting-vtl-2-very-tiny.html

I can offer no license for use of the code.

Release Files

vtl_6801_mc10.tgz18.41 k2022-10-01 14:28:2630

Recent Commits

Rev.日時作者メッセージ RSS
2458e9442022-10-14 16:06:22Joel Matthew Reesexplicitly terminate the powers of ten array.
ea5511972022-10-06 15:56:26Joel Matthew ReesUsing Y in decimal conversion, analyzing powers10
3e9208712022-10-06 12:16:25Joel Matthew Reesreverting to before attempting U use too soon
e16e8f4e2022-10-06 10:09:08Joel Matthew Reesdetour working out parameter and local discipline too far...
604df6892022-10-02 21:28:42Joel Matthew Reesparameters, saves, and temps on U stack
b645edd22022-10-02 21:17:47Joel Matthew Reesmade a tarball for mc-10
465daf7e2022-10-02 21:15:47Joel Matthew Reesthe rest of the wandered files
37fa7bcc2022-10-02 20:40:25Joel Matthew ReesMore Y conversions, and an old side-path that needs recor...
b163b0692022-10-02 20:39:00Joel Matthew ReesMore Y conversions
c38e7a952022-10-01 16:46:49Joel Matthew ReesMore using Y

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