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An Objective-C wrapper for Mac OS X’s FSEvents C API.

Rev. 日時 作者
21d9b00 gh-pages 2013-04-07 05:20:24 Aron Cedercrantz

Merge pull request #17 from kudos/gh-pages

Fix typo in short example.

4137f50 2013-04-07 03:36:41 Jonathan Cremin

Fix typo in short example

f33fdfc 2012-11-22 05:11:50 Aron Cedercrantz

Update API documentation to 1.2.0.

Signed-off-by: Aron Cedercrantz <aron@cedercrantz.se>

03a7a03 2012-11-22 05:11:24 Aron Cedercrantz

Fix some issues with the index page.

Signed-off-by: Aron Cedercrantz <aron@cedercrantz.se>

125e73d 2011-11-28 06:30:46 Aron Cedercrantz

Fix code block overflow.

353f338 2011-11-28 06:01:23 Aron Cedercrantz

Fix an apostrophe.

e139b42 2011-11-10 07:32:35 Aron Cedercrantz

Add Google Analytics to the pages

791231d 2011-11-04 07:40:44 Aron Cedercrantz

Change style to a black and blue.

The red (previous) was annoying in the long run.
Also change some other stuff to make site look better, at least I think so.

16a5e02 2011-11-03 02:45:14 Aron Cedercrantz

Change the style a bit.

107a6b6 2011-11-03 00:58:43 Aron Cedercrantz

Fix missing link.

0171a9e 2011-11-03 00:52:51 Aron Cedercrantz

Remove unused css.

cf22832 2011-11-03 00:46:31 Aron Cedercrantz

Change latest to ordinary directory.

It seems that links did not work with gh pages :P

9cfbd1a 2011-11-03 00:44:32 Aron Cedercrantz

Add link pointing to the latest release.

Let's hope links works with gh pages :)

022d11a 2011-11-03 00:39:11 Aron Cedercrantz

Add all released releases.


94b84db 2011-11-03 00:38:46 Aron Cedercrantz

Add API docs index file.

c8ae97b 2011-11-03 00:25:35 Aron Cedercrantz

Add API docs for head.

aaf1474 2011-11-03 00:22:17 Aron Cedercrantz

Update the project page.

- Improved the content on the page and the order of the content.

- Changed the page style.

1c4f30c 2011-11-03 00:21:49 Aron Cedercrantz

Add git ignore file to gh-pages branch.

d20d5eb 2011-11-02 22:50:55 Aron Cedercrantz

Created gh-pages branch via GitHub