Rev. | deec2c46d1e4b89d37ea473242737695cab87712 |
サイズ | 1,193 バイト |
日時 | 2012-03-25 16:55:28 |
作者 | masakih |
ログメッセージ | [Mod] PPCサポートをやめた
/* SampleCIView.h - simple OpenGL based CoreImage view */
// This code was stolen from /Developer/Examples/Quartz/Core Image/FunHouse/SampleCIView.m
// and modified to scale the CIImage within the frame rect (preserving aspect ratio,
// and painting unused areas black)
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#import <QuartzCore/CoreImage.h>
@interface SampleCIView: NSOpenGLView
CIContext *context;
CIImage *theImage;
NSRect lastBounds;
CGSize captureSize;
BOOL mirrored, goodScan;
BOOL cropImage;
CGRect cropRect;
//NSRecursiveLock *lock;
CIFilter *mirroredFilter, *redLinesFilter, *greenLinesFilter;
BOOL captureMode;
NSColor *defaultColor;
- (void)setImage:(CIImage *)image;
//- (void)setImage:(CIImage *)image dirtyRect:(CGRect)r;
//- (void)setCleanRect:(CGRect)cleanRect;
- (void)setCaptureSize:(CGSize)aSize;
- (void)setCropRect:(CGRect)cropRect;
//- (void)setDefaultColor:(NSColor *)aColor;
- (CIImage *)image;
// Called when the view bounds have changed
- (void)viewBoundsDidChange:(NSRect)bounds;
- (void)setGoodScan:(BOOL)aBool;
- (void)setMirrored:(BOOL)aBool;
//- (void)setHighResiSight:(BOOL)aBool;
- (void)setCapture:(BOOL)aMode;