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Rev. 日時 作者
b7b54ffb11f8 2007-01-26 08:22:21 iselllo

I updated the file VELA/CVS.mph by fixing a problem with the temperature
close to the layer.

fffd6ca93408 2007-01-26 08:18:34 iselllo

I corrected a small bug in the code R-codes/read_two_sets.R (before
lendat was appearing twice unnecessarily).

02a9dacafeb2 2007-01-26 07:38:09 iselllo

I added the file VELA/CVS.mph which tries modelling the CVS by using a
mesh with bricks and a boundary layer.

ad4280671e76 2007-01-26 07:33:14 iselllo

I added the file VELA/anaconda.mph which contains the modelling with
Comsol of the anaconda (mesh with bricks and the use of wall functions
for the velocity)

58742c2e300f 2007-01-26 00:31:10 iselllo

I added the file VELA/test-grid-square2-bis+anaconda.mph, which contains
the results of the latest vela simulations. It has both the anaconda and
the CVS. It contains a boundary layer both along the anaconda and along
the CVS. I maninly used bricks mesh the geometry, but I also used a mesh
with triangular elements for some domains.

41a505a34ccf 2007-01-19 02:08:47 iselllo

I added the script R-codes/read_two_sets.R, which automatically reads
and plots 2 datasets of data to ease the comparison.
I also updated the readme file

61ce687bc8a1 2007-01-18 19:49:32 iselllo

I modified the code R-codes/Housiadas_T_profile.R by simply adding a
legend to the plot of the two theoretical temperature profiles (the one
by Christos and the one obtained using the Diffus-Boelter correlation)

836e08f6786a 2007-01-18 19:37:56 iselllo

I added a new directory which contains a simple calculation of the
mean axial temperature profile in the anaconda

d5a3a9f46384 2007-01-18 09:50:16 iselllo

I updated the code R-codes/Housiadas_T_profile.R, which now also
computes the temperature profile using the Dittus-Boelter correlation

813e1c230698 2007-01-15 05:58:50 iselllo

I updated the file R-codes/Housiadas_T_profile.R correcting also a few
Now, it calculates the Re from the physics of the flow in a pipe and it
also selects the appropriate power law for the velocity profile
according to the Re.

0a9c56797ef1 2007-01-14 08:22:54 iselllo

I added a few lines to the code R-codes/Housiadas_T_profile.R.
It is now able to plot read the radial velocity profiles and compare
them to the one-seventh law or similar empirical expressions.

6cc5654a3a26 2007-01-14 00:21:48 iselllo

I added some parts to R-codes/Housiadas_T_profile.R: now the code is
able to read & integrate some radial temperature profile, integrate them
and get the numerical dimensionless temperature

7521ea160dfd 2007-01-12 18:00:06 iselllo

I added the small code R-codes/Housiadas_T_profile.R, which calculates
& prints out the temperature profile in a tube using the turbulent
expression in the paper by Housiadas & Yannis & I updated the readme

e5a8f2cc9eb2 2007-01-11 19:52:07 iselllo

I updated the code R-codes/readme after adding the file R-vortex-inlet.R

bd1a2a18bbab 2007-01-11 19:50:28 iselllo

I added the code R-codes/R-vortex-inlet.R. It is a very short and simple
script which plots the initial velocity profile at the inlet given by
eq. 7.9 in the book by Orlandi.

152435096cfc 2007-01-09 18:26:36 iselllo

As usual, I created my own Makefile to compile the project and I made
some tiny modifications to the PIP/pipma.f file (I simply fixed the
paths leading to some input files which have to be read by the code).
The code now compiles and seems to work, but I did not wait till the
completion of the simulation ---> careful! There may be problems later

94dc624009f8 2007-01-09 18:10:18 iselllo

I created a new Makefile to be able to compile the code and run it.
I had to slightly modify the codes TR3D/tr3dnuma.f and
TR3D/tr3dnuinri.f. I basically had to trivially change the path leading
to some files which had to be read and the format to save some output
(or better: to print it out), since the compiler used to complain.
The code now seems to be running but I have not completed a single run
yet---> careful, there may be problems!

5f1351095f09 2007-01-08 04:51:08 iselllo

I added the R code RK/read_burgers.R which reads and plots some of the
output files from the burgts.f code and calculates numerically the first
derivative of the velocity profile wrt the physical coordinate according
to eq. 2.14 in the book by Orlandi

ff94d69dabe5 2007-01-08 04:48:41 iselllo

I modified the file RK/burgts.f by adding some comments and slighting
changing the output format in order to make it easier to do
post-processing with an R code.

ee8c3f58d144 2007-01-05 03:37:40 iselllo

I added the R file ELLIP/read_stream.R which reads the analytical and
numerical solution to Poisson equation and plots then for some selected

35a7426745bc 2007-01-05 03:36:00 iselllo

I modified files ELLIP/param.f and ELLIP/capro.f in order to be able to
save the numerical results in a convenient way for post-processing them
with R. I add to modify the file param.f in order to be able to add some
extra arrays to save the data.
NB: Orlandi uses implicit declarations for his arrays!!!!!
Be very careful with that!!!!!

82271976c2d5 2007-01-05 02:05:14 iselllo

I modified the file ELLIP/capro.f by adding some comments which are
supposed to make the code more readable

d85c713ab869 2007-01-04 04:00:16 iselllo

I modified the files ELLIP/capro.f and ELLIP/Makefile essentially by
removing the parts dealing with the p2fftess.f file which uses a library
which is not available on the system.

f87d88f5f48b 2007-01-04 01:41:08 iselllo

Trivial modification to Makefile (basically I am now compiling with
gfortran-4.1 instead of f95). It goes without saying that I can create
the .o files in directory NCARFFT by inputing gfortran-4.1 -c filename

f3d0170ce32a 2007-01-04 01:26:59 iselllo

I did a few things, most of which are described in the readme file I
1) I actually added a readme file. This is a modification of one of the
two makefiles initially provided by Orlandi in this directory.
2)The Makefile now requires that the .o files are preliminarly created
in the NCARFFT folder. (just run f95 -c filename for both files and you
are done)
3)The file p2fftess needed some minor modification (fundamentally I had
to take away the lines invoking some specific library available on
IBM computers)
4)On can use [so far] both f95 and gfortran-4.1 commands to compile the
code. Perhaps in the future it will be better to use only the gfortran
compiler [the other one does not seem to be supported any longer]

d6ead535ae87 2007-01-02 08:32:21 iselllo

Some modifications again to SECDBL/r_code_secdbls_f.R and
SECDBL/secdbls.f. Nothing substantial but it helps polishing a few

4ab6243b2294 2007-01-01 00:20:47 iselllo

I added the R code SECDBL/r_code_secdbls_f.R to be read and plot some of
the output files of secdbls.f (this is still preliminary)

2aee74717ae8 2007-01-01 00:19:00 iselllo

I modified the file SECDBL/secdbls.f basically by changing the way in
which the output files are saved (to make it easier to post-process them
with an R code)

dfd439501ece 2006-12-31 23:49:13 iselllo

I modified SECD/r_code_secdml_f.R by adding a few lines to plot also the
velocity profile saved in file u_profile

da62abca60c4 2006-12-31 00:08:15 iselllo

I modified the code SECD/secdml.f by changing the names and formats of
the output files. Furthermore, I added an R code,
SECD/r_code_secdml_f.R, which reads and plots out the quantities of