リビジョン | e3a825b6cd8f1dd3d52d4a396d4455f1355bbee6 (tree) |
日時 | 2024-01-25 07:04:40 |
作者 | Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella@gmai...> |
コミッター | Lorenzo Isella |
A beautiful template for a book in latex.
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101 | +\begin{document} | |
102 | +% \TileWallPaper{300pt}{300pt}{Descargas/fondopapelviejo.jpg} | |
103 | + | |
104 | +\chapter{Six kingdoms of life?} | |
105 | +\newpage | |
106 | + | |
107 | +\section{Plant\ae} | |
108 | +\lettrine[lines=3]{\initfamily\textcolor{darkgreen}{T}}{he classic} kingdom \emph{Plant\ae} (Haeckel, 1866 | |
109 | +include all the multicellular green plants (\emph{Viridiplant\ae} in Latin) as flowering | |
110 | +plants, conifers, ferns, mosses and green algae. The number of species | |
111 | +are estimated\footnote{Largely underestimated according to many naturalist.} around 300,000 to 315,000. | |
112 | +Usually red or brown seaweeds like kelp, fungi and bacteria have | |
113 | +excluded from this group. | |
114 | +This kingdom really exists since Carolus Linn\ae us (1707--1778) who | |
115 | +divided the natural world into animals, plants and minerals. The kingdom \emph{Animalia} and \emph{Plant\ae} remained | |
116 | +in use by modern evolutionary biologists until some years. | |
117 | + | |
118 | +\begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.26\textwidth} | |
119 | +\centering | |
120 | +\includegraphics[scale=.26]{Descargas/mobot31753002356449_0113.jpg} | |
121 | +\caption{\footnotesize \emph{Vallaris pergularia} from \emph{Icones plantarum}, vol. II., (Hooker, 1837).} | |
122 | +\label{fig1} | |
123 | +\end{wrapfigure} | |
124 | +But now, both kingkoms are considered only two brachs of the unicelular kingdom \emph{Protist} | |
125 | +or \emph{Protozoa}\footnote{Although by tradition, inconsistently the status of kingdom | |
126 | +is maintained \emph{Animalia} and \emph{Plant\ae}.}. | |
127 | +\lipsum[2] | |
128 | + | |
129 | +\lipsum[3] | |
130 | + | |
131 | +\ornamento | |
132 | + | |
133 | +\section{Storia della mia vita} | |
134 | + | |
135 | +\lettrine[lines=3]{\initfamily\textcolor{darkgreen}{L}}{a}, storia | |
136 | +della mia vita non è facile da raccontare. Anzitutto devo dire che mi | |
137 | +sono sempre considerato piuttosto sfortunato, punito con una famiglia | |
138 | +che sentivo di non meritare. In particolare , da giovane, il rapporto | |
139 | +con mio padre era molto difficile. Col passare degli anni, l'ho | |
140 | +perdonato, ma ho continuato a pensare che in fondo lui sia stata la | |
141 | +fonte di molte delle mie difficoltà. Purtroppo, crescendo, ho capito | |
142 | +di aver assorbito alcuni (per fortuna non tutti!) tratti della sua personalità. | |
143 | + | |
144 | +\begin{wraptable}{r}{7 cm} | |
145 | +\vspace{-.5cm} | |
146 | +\centering | |
147 | +\footnotesize | |
148 | +\caption{\label{wraptab}Estimated fungal species.} | |
149 | +\begin{tabular}{lr}\\\toprule | |
150 | +Authors & Species \\\midrule | |
151 | +Bisby and Ainsworth (1943) & $10^5$ \\ | |
152 | +Martin (1951) & $2.5\times10^5$ \\ | |
153 | +Hawksworth (1991) & $1.5\times10^6$ \\ | |
154 | +O’Brien \emph{et al.} (2005) & $>3.5\times10^6$ \\ \bottomrule | |
155 | +\end{tabular} | |
156 | +\end{wraptable} | |
157 | + | |
158 | + | |
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160 | + | |
161 | +\end{document} | |
162 | +%%% Local Variables: | |
163 | +%%% mode: latex | |
164 | +%%% TeX-master: t | |
165 | +%%% End: |