Rev. | b4fe1a1aa49efbd41c500b38f522ee3af3171fd6 |
サイズ | 10,433 バイト |
日時 | 2014-12-15 02:24:36 |
作者 | Simon Morgan |
ログメッセージ | first commit
# tk.tcl --
# Initialization script normally executed in the interpreter for each
# Tk-based application. Arranges class bindings for widgets.
# $Header: /user6/ouster/wish/scripts/RCS/tk.tcl,v 1.19 92/08/08 14:50:08 ouster Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
# Copyright 1992 Regents of the University of California
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
# software and its documentation for any purpose and without
# fee is hereby granted, provided that this copyright
# notice appears in all copies. The University of California
# makes no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
# express or implied warranty.
# Insist on running with a compatible version of Tcl.
if "[info tclversion] != {6.4}" {
error "wrong version of Tcl loaded ([info tclversion]): need 6.4"
# Initialize the auto-load path to include Tk's directory as well as
# Tcl's directory:
set auto_path "$tk_library [info library]"
# Turn off strict Motif look and feel as a default.
set tk_strictMotif 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class bindings for various flavors of button widgets. $tk_priv(window)
# keeps track of the button containing the mouse, and $tk_priv(relief)
# saves the original relief of the button so it can be restored when
# the mouse button is released.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bind Button <Any-Enter> {tk_butEnter %W}
bind Button <Any-Leave> {tk_butLeave %W}
bind Button <1> {tk_butDown %W}
bind Button <ButtonRelease-1> {tk_butUp %W}
bind CheckButton <Any-Enter> {tk_butEnter %W}
bind CheckButton <Any-Leave> {tk_butLeave %W}
bind CheckButton <1> {tk_butDown %W}
bind CheckButton <ButtonRelease-1> {tk_butUp %W}
bind RadioButton <Any-Enter> {tk_butEnter %W}
bind RadioButton <Any-Leave> {tk_butLeave %W}
bind RadioButton <1> {tk_butDown %W}
bind RadioButton <ButtonRelease-1> {tk_butUp %W}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class bindings for entry widgets.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bind Entry <1> {
%W cursor @%x
%W select from @%x
if {[lindex [%W config -state] 4] == "normal"} {focus %W}
bind Entry <B1-Motion> {%W select to @%x}
bind Entry <Shift-1> {%W select adjust @%x}
bind Entry <Shift-B1-Motion> {%W select to @%x}
bind Entry <2> {%W scan mark %x}
bind Entry <B2-Motion> {%W scan dragto %x}
bind Entry <Any-KeyPress> {
if {"%A" != ""} {
%W insert cursor %A
tk_entrySeeCaret %W
bind Entry <Delete> {tk_entryBackspace %W; tk_entrySeeCaret %W}
bind Entry <BackSpace> {tk_entryBackspace %W; tk_entrySeeCaret %W}
bind Entry <Control-h> {tk_entryBackspace %W; tk_entrySeeCaret %W}
bind Entry <Control-d> {%W delete sel.first sel.last; tk_entrySeeCaret %W}
bind Entry <Control-u> {%W delete 0 end}
bind Entry <Control-v> {%W insert cursor [selection get]; tk_entrySeeCaret %W}
bind Entry <Control-w> {tk_entryBackword %W; tk_entrySeeCaret %W}
tk_bindForTraversal Entry
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class bindings for listbox widgets.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bind Listbox <1> {%W select from [%W nearest %y]}
bind Listbox <B1-Motion> {%W select to [%W nearest %y]}
bind Listbox <Shift-1> {%W select adjust [%W nearest %y]}
bind Listbox <Shift-B1-Motion> {%W select to [%W nearest %y]}
bind Listbox <2> {%W scan mark %x %y}
bind Listbox <B2-Motion> {%W scan dragto %x %y}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class bindings for scrollbar widgets. When strict Motif is requested,
# the bindings use $tk_priv(buttons) and $tk_priv(activeFg) to set the
# -activeforeground color to -foreground when the mouse is in the window
# and restore it when the mouse leaves.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bind Scrollbar <Any-Enter> {
if $tk_strictMotif {
set tk_priv(activeFg) [lindex [%W config -activeforeground] 4]
%W config -activeforeground [lindex [%W config -foreground] 4]
bind Scrollbar <Any-Leave> {
if {$tk_strictMotif && ($tk_priv(buttons) == 0)} {
%W config -activeforeground $tk_priv(activeFg)
bind Scrollbar <Any-ButtonPress> {incr tk_priv(buttons)}
bind Scrollbar <Any-ButtonRelease> {incr tk_priv(buttons) -1}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class bindings for scale widgets. When strict Motif is requested,
# the bindings use $tk_priv(buttons) and $tk_priv(activeFg) to set the
# -activeforeground color to -foreground when the mouse is in the window
# and restore it when the mouse leaves.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bind Scale <Any-Enter> {
if $tk_strictMotif {
set tk_priv(activeFg) [lindex [%W config -activeforeground] 4]
%W config -activeforeground [lindex [%W config -sliderforeground] 4]
bind Scale <Any-Leave> {
if {$tk_strictMotif && ($tk_priv(buttons) == 0)} {
%W config -activeforeground $tk_priv(activeFg)
bind Scale <Any-ButtonPress> {incr tk_priv(buttons)}
bind Scale <Any-ButtonRelease> {incr tk_priv(buttons) -1}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class bindings for menubutton widgets. Variables used:
# $tk_priv(posted) - keeps track of the menubutton whose menu is
# currently posted (or empty string, if none).
# $tk_priv(inMenuButton)- if non-null, identifies menu button
# containing mouse pointer.
# $tk_priv(relief) - keeps track of original relief of posted
# menu button, so it can be restored later.
# $tk_priv(dragging) - if non-null, identifies menu button whose
# menu is currently being dragged in a tear-off
# operation.
# $tk_priv(focus) - records old focus window so focus can be
# returned there after keyboard traversal
# to menu.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bind Menubutton <Enter> {
set tk_priv(inMenuButton) %W
if {[lindex [%W config -state] 4] != "disabled"} {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
%W config -state active
bind Menubutton <Any-Leave> {
set tk_priv(inMenuButton) {}
if {[lindex [%W config -state] 4] != "disabled"} {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
%W config -state normal
bind Menubutton <1> {tk_mbButtonDown %W}
bind Menubutton <Any-ButtonRelease-1> {
if {($tk_priv(inMenuButton) != "") && ($tk_priv(posted) != "")} {
[lindex [$tk_priv(posted) config -menu] 4] activate 0
} else {
# In the binding below, it's important to ignore grab-related entries
# and exits because they lag reality and can cause menus to chase
# their own tail, repeatedly posting and unposting.
bind Menubutton <B1-Enter> {
set tk_priv(inMenuButton) %W
if {([lindex [%W config -state] 4] != "disabled")
&& ("%m" != "NotifyGrab") && ("%m" != "NotifyUngrab")} {
if {!$tk_strictMotif} {
%W config -state active
tk_mbPost %W
bind Menubutton <2> {
if {($tk_priv(posted) == "")
&& ([lindex [%W config -state] 4] != "disabled")} {
set tk_priv(dragging) %W
[lindex [$tk_priv(dragging) config -menu] 4] post %X %Y
bind Menubutton <B2-Motion> {
if {$tk_priv(dragging) != ""} {
[lindex [$tk_priv(dragging) config -menu] 4] post %X %Y
bind Menubutton <ButtonRelease-2> {set tk_priv(dragging) ""}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class bindings for menu widgets. $tk_priv(x) and $tk_priv(y) are used
# to keep track of the position of the mouse cursor in the menu window
# during dragging of tear-off menus. $tk_priv(window) keeps track of
# the menu containing the mouse, if any.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bind Menu <Any-Enter> {set tk_priv(window) %W; %W activate @%y}
bind Menu <Any-Leave> {set tk_priv(window) {}; %W activate none}
bind Menu <Any-Motion> {
if {$tk_priv(window) != ""} {
%W activate @%y
bind Menu <ButtonRelease-1> {tk_invokeMenu %W}
bind Menu <2> {set tk_priv(x) %x; set tk_priv(y) %y}
bind Menu <B2-Motion> {
if {$tk_priv(posted) == ""} {
%W post [expr %X-$tk_priv(x)] [expr %Y-$tk_priv(y)]
bind Menu <B2-Leave> { }
bind Menu <B2-Enter> { }
bind Menu <Escape> {tk_mbUnpost}
bind Menu <Any-KeyPress> {tk_traverseWithinMenu %W %A}
bind Menu <Left> {tk_nextMenu -1}
bind Menu <Right> {tk_nextMenu 1}
bind Menu <Up> {tk_nextMenuEntry -1}
bind Menu <Down> {tk_nextMenuEntry 1}
bind Menu <Return> {tk_invokeMenu %W}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Class bindings for text widgets. $tk_priv(selectMode) holds one of
# "char", "word", or "line" to indicate which selection mode is active.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bind Text <1> {
set tk_priv(selectMode) char
%W mark set insert @%x,%y
%W mark set anchor insert
if {[lindex [%W config -state] 4] == "normal"} {focus %W}
bind Text <Double-1> {
set tk_priv(selectMode) word
%W mark set insert "@%x,%y wordstart"
tk_textSelectTo %W insert
bind Text <Triple-1> {
set tk_priv(selectMode) line
%W mark set insert "@%x,%y linestart"
tk_textSelectTo %W insert
bind Text <B1-Motion> {tk_textSelectTo %W @%x,%y}
bind Text <Shift-1> {
tk_textResetAnchor %W @%x,%y
tk_textSelectTo %W @%x,%y
bind Text <Shift-B1-Motion> {tk_textSelectTo %W @%x,%y}
bind Text <2> {%W scan mark %y}
bind Text <B2-Motion> {%W scan dragto %y}
bind Text <Any-KeyPress> {
if {"%A" != ""} {
%W insert insert %A
%W yview -pickplace insert
bind Text <Return> {%W insert insert \n; %W yview -pickplace insert}
bind Text <BackSpace> {tk_textBackspace %W; %W yview -pickplace insert}
bind Text <Delete> {tk_textBackspace %W; %W yview -pickplace insert}
bind Text <Control-h> {tk_textBackspace %W; %W yview -pickplace insert}
bind Text <Control-d> {%W delete sel.first sel.last}
bind Text <Control-v> {
%W insert insert [selection get]
%W yview -pickplace insert
tk_bindForTraversal Text
# Initialize the elements of tk_priv that require initialization.
set tk_priv(buttons) 0
set tk_priv(dragging) {}
set tk_priv(focus) {}
set tk_priv(inMenuButton) {}
set tk_priv(posted) {}
set tk_priv(selectMode) char
set tk_priv(window) {}