[xoops-cvslog 5900] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help


Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 11月 20日 (月) 18:23:39 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/basic.html
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/basic.html:
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+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/basic.html	Mon Nov 20 18:23:39 2006
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+<h4>User module - Basic Knowledge</h4>
+<p>At first, you must understand five elemental things which are User, Group, Rank, Avatar, Permission. This section explains the basic of them to you. For more informations, you should read each sections.</p>
+<p>This is meaning a user account. A user account has login informations on Xoops Authentication and fixed profile fields. Uname, E-mail address and Password are must to work this site. User accounts are added by administration and User Registration.</p>
+<p>This is meaning a group of user accounts. A user account can belong to plural groups. A group has Permission for modules. In this module, the thing having permissions is not users but groups. Permissions of users are decided by groups which users belong to.</p>
+<p>You may create groups for both of permission management and user list. But, you must know three fixed-groups. These special groups have been created in the installation, and it's unpossible to delete.</p>
+<p>Users belonging has the permission to do anything. In other words, users which can belong to this group are the webmaster only. You pay attention to that this groups are allowed to do anything. In case where you hope to leave your friends a part of site management, you don't put your friends to this group.</p>
+<p>Let me say that again. This group has the permission to do anything.</p>
+<h6>Registered Users</h6>
+<p>Common users belong to this module. User Registration of this module uses this group as an initial group which a new user belongs to. In most of cases, you should not give admin permissions to this group.</p>
+<h6>Anonymous Users</h6>
+<p>Access which doesn't login is handled as this group. This group is really special group and a kind of virtual groups. This group should not have members.</p>
+<p>Rank is one of user's profiles. Rank consists of the symbol image and the title. A rank of a user is decided by number of his posts. This feature is a kind of jokes which make your site exciting. Therefore, you don't need to worry that ranks give some effects to Xoops Authentication.</p>
+<p>Avatar is one of user's profiles, too. This is a personal graphical label. There is two kinds of avatars. One of them is System Avatar, which administrators prepare. Another one is Custom Avatar, which users upload their favorite image file.</p>
+<p>Permission is action permissions of groups. This module can edit the basic of permissions. If you hope to edit module-specific permissions, use the permission editor of each modules.</p>
+<p>Permissions of a user are decided by union of all group permissions which a user belongs to.</p>
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/preferences.html
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/preferences.html:
--- /dev/null	Mon Nov 20 18:23:39 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/preferences.html	Mon Nov 20 18:23:39 2006
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+<h4>User module - Preferences</h4>
+<h5>Allow new user registration?</h5>
+<p>Specifies whether anonymous users can register to your site. In case of YES, register.php is available, and <span class='highlight_block_name'>Login Block</span> shows the link to register.php. Even if case of No, you can add a new user in the user management.</p>
+<h5>Minimum length of password required</h5>
+<p>Specifies the minimum length of password. Long password makes a password harder to guess. Of course, the length isn't all factors of strong password. But, you should specify five or longer.</p>
+<h5>Minimum length of username required</h5>
+<p>Specifies the minimum length of username. This option isn't about security. Decide with just your preferences.</p>
+<h5>Allow users to change email address?</h5>
+<p>Specifies whether users can change their email address in user profile editor (edituser.php). In fact, this module doesn't send confirm-mail for users who changes email address.</p>
+<h5>Notify by mail when a new user is registered?</h5>
+<p>In the case where this option is Yes, the group specified by the next option can receive notification mail about new users' registrations.</p>
+<h5>Select a group to which new user notification mail will be sent</h5>
+<p>Specifies the group which get notification mail in the case where the previous option is Yes. Webmaster group is good usually for this option.</p>
+<h5>Select activation type of newly registered users</h5>
+<p>After registering, a user must be activated. Being activated means being able to log in. There are several ways to activate users.</p>
+<h6>Require activation by user</h6>
+<p>This is far and away the most popular setting in the world of website systems. A user gets an activation email when they register. They can then become able to login by clicking the activation URL on the mail. This choise is good for most of cases.</p>
+<h6>Activate automatically</h6>
+<p>In simple terms, there is really no activation mechanism, everyone is activated straight away. But, if you use this, you should pay attention to BOT. BOT may register and submit SPAM automatically. Therefore, this choice is good for closed segment.</p>
+<h6>Activation by administrators</h6>
+<p>A user can only be activated by direct approval from the group specified by the next option. This selection may force hard work to activators.</p>
+<h5>Select the level of strictness for username filtering</h5>
+<p>Select amount of freedom for username form following choises.</p>
+<h6>Strict (Only alphabets and numbers)</h6>
+<p>With this choice, your site allows the following characters for user name.</p>
+  <li>Alphabets without case sensitive.</li>
+  <li>Numbers.</li>
+  <li>Under score (_).</li>
+  <li>Hyphen (-).</li>
+<p>With this choice, your site allows the following characters for user name.</p>
+  <li>Alphabets without case sensitive.</li>
+  <li>Numbers</li>
+  <li>Underscore(_).</li>
+  <li>Hyphen(-).</li>
+  <li>Less than character(&lt;).</li>
+  <li>Greater than character(&gt;).</li>
+  <li>Comma(,).</li>
+  <li>Period(.).</li>
+  <li>Dollar($).</li>
+  <li>Percent(%).</li>
+  <li>Sharp(#).</li>
+  <li>At sign(@).</li>
+  <li>Exclamation point(!).</li>
+  <li>Single quotation(').</li>
+  <li>Double quotation(&quot;).</li>
+<h6>Light - allow 2byte characters</h6>
+<p>With this choice, your site allows all characters except control code. But, the choice may cause troubles for some modules. Therefore, this module doesn't recommend the choice.</p>
+<h5>Allow custom avatar upload?</h5>
+<p>Specifies whether a user can upload his favorite image file as his avatar to this site. Even if case of No, a user can choose his avatar from system avatars which administrators prepare.</p>
+<h5>Minimum posts required</h5>
+<p>If allow custom avatar upload, you don't need to touch this option.</p>
+<p>This is the minimum number of posts which users can get right of uploading custom avatar. It may have have poor taste. Zero is good.</p>
+<h5>Avatar image max width (pixel)</h5>
+<p>If you don't allow custom avatar upload, you don't need to touch this option.</p>
+<p>Specifies the limit width for custom avatar. In the case where a user upload a wider image than this value, this module displays error messages.</p>
+<h5>Avatar image max hight (pixel)</h5>
+<p>If you don't allow custom avatar upload, you don't need to touch this option.</p>
+<p>Specifies the limit height for custom avatar. In the case where a user upload a higher image than this value, this module displays error messages.</p>
+<h5>Avatar image max filesize (byte)</h5>
+<p>If you don't allow custom avatar upload, you don't need to touch this option.</p>
+<p>Specifies the limit filesize for custom avatar. In the case where a user upload a larger image file than this value, this module displays error messages.</p>
+<h5>Allow users to delete own account?</h5>
+<p>Specifies whether users can delete own account in the user profile edit. In case of Yes, users can go to the account delete dialog through the link from the user profile (userinfo.php). Because these dialogs about deleting are very simple, you should edit templates of them --- user_delete.html, user_delete_success.html.</p>
+<h5>Execution confirmation message</h5>
+<p>This is the message displayed in the account delete dialog. If you don't allow users to delete own account, you don't need to touch this option.</p>
+<h5>Enter names that should not be selected as username</h5>
+<p>This is patterns which your site doesn't permit as username. Separate each with a |. This is case insensitive and regex enabled. In addition, this rule does not apply to the user management in the control panel.</p>
+<p>If you don't allow anonymous users to register to this site, you don't need to touch this option.</p>
+<h5>Enter emails that should not be used in user profile</h5>
+<p>This is patterns which your site doesn't permit as email address. Separate each with a |. This is case insensitive and regex enabled. In addition, this rule does not apply to the user management in the control panel.</p>
+<h5>Display disclaimer?</h5>
+<p>Specify whether the user registration shows the disclaimer specified by the next option.</p>
+<h5>Registration disclaimer</h5>
+<p>This is the disclaimer shown in the user registration for anonymous user. If the previous option is No, you don't need to touch this option.</p>
+<h5>Name for user cookies</h5>
+<p>Specifies the cookie name for web browsers. In most of cases, you don't need to change this.</p>
+<h5>Use SSL for login?</h5>
+<p>You must install the special additional login script to activate SSL login. In case of YES, <span class="highlight_block_name">Login Block</span> shows the link whose name is "SSL Login" specified by next options. These options are for the compatibility with XOOPS2 JP. Perhaps, you can find better solutions than this for SSL Login. The script is in "/extra" directory.</p>
+<h5>SSL Post variable name</h5>
+<p>This option is for SSL Login, too. Specifies a name of the POST-request variable.</p>
+<h5>URL where SSL login page is located</h5>
+<p>This option is for SSL Login, too. Specifies URL where you have installed the special additional login script.</p>
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/help.html
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/help.html: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/help.html:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/help.html:	Mon Jun  5 18:30:32 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/help.html	Mon Nov 20 18:23:39 2006
@@ -1,55 +1,17 @@
-  <li>User module has general function of user and group management. It provides functions of 'Edit Users' and 'Groups' in XOOPS 2.0. System Configuration. By using the User Module, you can edit user accounts, change group permission, modify user rank, allow or disallow new user registration, send email messages to users and so on.</li>
-<h4>User Administration(Edit User)</h4>
-  <li>Administrators can add new user and edit registered user information.</li>
-  <li>To add new user to your site, please go to 'Add User'.</li>
-  <li>To modify registered user information, click a command button (pencil icon) at the right of the listed user.</li>
-  <li>To delete a user form your site, click a delete button (X marked icon) at the right of the listed user.</li>
-<h4>User Ranks</h4>
-  <li>Administrators can edit User Rank settings. User Rank is displayed on posts in forums and user profiles.</li>
-  <li>To modify a registered user rank setting, click a command button (pencil icon) at the right of the listed rank.</li>
-  <li>To delete a registered user rank setting, click delete button (X marked icon) at the right of the listed rank.</li>
-<h4>Edit Groups</h4>
-  <li>Administrators can edit group settings including permission to access blocks, modules and administration functions to each group.</li>
-  <li>To add new group to your site, please go to 'Add Group' at upper right of the page.</li>
-  <li>If you add new group to your site, name of the new group would be listed. After adding a new group, you need to modify the group settings.</li>
-  <li>To modify a registered user rank setting, click a command button (pencil icon) at the right of the listed groups.</li>
-  <li>To add a new user to the group, click a command button (add member) at the right of the listed groups.</li>
-  <li>To delete users from group, select a user from group members list, then click delete button.</li>
-  <li>Each user may belong to multiple groups. For easy maintenance, we suggest to set up a general (standard) group, then add special groups which has minimum privileges as needed.</li>
-  <li>You can check the settings of each group by clicking command button (property) at the right of the listed groups. To check group settings, we recommend to check the property, to add test user ID for each group, then login with the test ID and see how your site looks in each group.</li>
-<h4>Mail Users</h4>
-  <li>Administrators can send mass email or newsletter to registered users. You may narrow down recipient of emails by registered date, last login date and so on. It may be useful to send welcome messages to new users, to send email notification to persons who has not accessed to your website for a certain period.</li>
-  <ul>
-    <li>At first, list up target users by <a href="<{$smarty.const.XOOPS_MODULE_URL}>/user/admin/index.php?action=UserSearch">User Search</a>.
-    <li>Check the list and click "Send mail by this condition".
-    <li>Input the subject and the content of the mail.
-    <li>Choose the mailjob in the list of mailjobs.
-    <li>Follow the guide message and click the submit button.
-  </ul>
-  <li>You can edit the mailjob anytime until you finish sending it.
-  <li>You can include names of the target user into the subject and the message by the special format.
-  <li>And, that function can be extended by custom files or custom modules. If you hope more functions, find such modules.
-  <li>Administrators may modify settings of accepting or rejecting new user registration, how to activate new user registration, minimum and maximum length of username/password, registration disclaimer at registration page and so on.</li>
+<h4>User module</h4>
+<p>This module offers various feature about users to Legacy System base module. Offering feature are Xoops Authentication, User Registration, User Profile Edit, User Profile Display, Blocks about users, User Management and others.</p>
+You don't need to do something to install in most cases, because this package might have been already installed correctly. If you need more informations, go to "Installation Guide".
+<h5 class="new"><a href="<{'basic.html'|helpurl}>">Basic Knowledge</a></h5>
+<p>This section explains about five elemental things of user management.</p>
+<h5>Features in Control Panel</h5>
+<h5 class="new"><a href="<{'preferences.html'|helpurl}>">Preferences</a></h5>
+<h5>Features in the homepage</h5>
+<h5 class="new"><a href="<{'blocks.html'|helpurl}>">Blocks in the public</a></h5>
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/blocks.html
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/user/language/english/help/blocks.html:
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+<h4>User module - Blocks in the public</h4>
+<h5 class='highlight_block_name'>Login</h5>
+<p>This block shows the login-form for only anonymous users who still are not passing the authentication. If the user registration is allowed, it shows the link to register.php. And, if the SSL login is allowed, it shows the link specified by options of preferences.</p>
+<p>You can do login in user.php without this block,  if you has uninstalled this block by mistake.</p>
+<h5 class='highlight_block_name'>Who's Online</h5>
+<p>This block shows a name of users who may be accessing to your site and numbers of them.</p>
+<p>Getting correct informations for online users is too heavy process. For that, this block doesn't try to find the correct results. But, it's enough to make your site exciting.</p>
+<h5 class='highlight_block_name'>New Members</h5>
+<p>This block shows a name of users who are registered to your site recently.</p>
+  <dt>Display x members</dt>
+  <dd>Specifies limit number of displaying recently users.</dd>
+  <dt>Display member avatars</dt>
+  <dd>In case of YES, displays user's avatars on the name of the users.</dd>
+<h5 class='highlight_block_name'>Top posters</h5>
+<p>This block shows the ranking of the top posters.</p>
+  <dt>Display x members</dt>
+  <dd>Specifies limit number of displaying users.</dd>
+  <dt>Display member avatars</dt>
+  <dd>In case of YES, displays user's avatars on the name of the users.</dd>
+  <dt>Do not display users whose rank is x</dt>
+  <dd>You can remove users belonging to specific groups from the ranking.</dd>

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