[xoops-cvslog 5873] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/admin/class


Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 11月 16日 (木) 19:08:07 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/admin/class/ModuleUpdater.class.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/admin/class/ModuleUpdater.class.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/admin/class/ModuleUpdater.class.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/admin/class/ModuleUpdater.class.php:	Wed Nov 15 20:33:20 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/legacy/admin/class/ModuleUpdater.class.php	Thu Nov 16 19:08:07 2006
@@ -381,115 +381,6 @@
 		return true;
-	/**
-	 * Tries to smart update all of preferences & notifications.
-	 * 
-	 * @todo This method is perhaps uncompleted. If you have written more smart
-	 *       function, please contribute it to us.
-	 * @note The utility method for the custom-update-installer.
-	 */
-	function _upgradePreferences()
-	{
-		$configHandler =& xoops_gethandler('config');
-		//
-		// At the start, load config items of this time.
-		//
-		$criteria =& new CriteriaCompo();
-		$criteria->add(new Criteria('conf_modid', $this->_mTargetXoopsModule->get('mid')));
-		$criteria->add(new Criteria('conf_catid', 0));
-		$activeConfigArr =& $configHandler->getConfigs($criteria);
-		//
-		// Next, load config item from xoops_version.php.
-		//
-		$newConfigArr = array();
-		$t_configInfoArr = Legacy_ModuleInstallUtils::getConfigInfosFromManifesto($this->_mTargetXoopsModule);
-		$count = 0;
-		if (is_array($t_configInfoArr)) {
-			foreach ($t_configInfoArr as $t_configInfo) {
-				$config =& $configHandler->createConfig();
-				$config->loadFromConfigInfo($this->_mTargetXoopsModule->get('mid'), $t_configInfo, $count++);
-				$newConfigArr[] =& $config;
-				unset($config);
-			}
-		}
-		//
-		// If some active configs were deleted, remove them form database.
-		//
-		foreach (array_keys($activeConfigArr) as $t_actkey) {
-			$findFlag = false;
-			foreach (array_keys($newConfigArr) as $t_newkey) {
-				if ($activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->get('conf_name') == $newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->get('conf_name')) {
-					$findFlag = true;
-					if (!$activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->isEqual($newConfigArr[$t_newkey])) {
-						//
-						// Update object
-						//
-						$activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->set('conf_title', $newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->get('conf_title'));
-						$activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->set('conf_value', $newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->get('conf_value'));
-						$activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->set('conf_desc', $newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->get('conf_desc'));
-						$activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->set('conf_formtype', $newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->get('conf_formtype'));
-						$activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->set('conf_valuetype', $newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->get('conf_valuetype'));
-						//
-						// Delete config options.
-						//
-						$t_optionArr =& $activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->getOptionItems();
-						foreach (array_keys($t_optionArr) as $t_optionKey) {
-							$configHandler->_oHandler->delete($t_optionArr[$t_optionKey]);	//< Exception!!
-						}
-						$activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->setConfOptions($newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->getConfOptions());
-						$configHandler->insertConfig($activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]);	//< FIXME need log.
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if (!$findFlag) {
-				$configHandler->deleteConfig($activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]);
-				unset($activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]);
-			}
-		}
-		//
-		// If some new configs were registered, insert them into database.
-		//
-		$maxOrder = 0;
-		foreach (array_keys($activeConfigArr) as $t_actkey) {
-			if ($activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->get('conf_order') > $maxOrder) {
-				$maxOrder = $activeConfigArr[$t_actkey]->get('conf_order');
-			}
-		}
-		$order = $maxOrder + 1;
-		foreach (array_keys($newConfigArr) as $t_newkey) {
-			$newFlag = true;
-			foreach (array_keys($activeConfigArr) as $t_actkey) {
-				if ($newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->isEqual($activeConfigArr[$t_actkey])) {
-					$newFlag = false;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if ($newFlag) {
-				$newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->set('conf_order', $order);
-				if ($configHandler->insertConfig($newConfigArr[$t_newkey])) {
-					$this->mLog->addReport(XCube_Utils::formatMessage(_AD_LEGACY_MESSAGE_INSERT_CONFIG, $newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->get('conf_name')));
-				}
-				else {
-					$this->mLog->addError(XCube_Utils::formatMessage(_AD_LEGACY_ERROR_COULD_NOT_INSERT_CONFIG, $newConfigArr[$t_newkey]->get('conf_name')));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
\ No newline at end of file

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