[xoops-cvslog 2971] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class


Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 5月 9日 (火) 19:21:10 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/image.php
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/image.php:
--- /dev/null	Tue May  9 19:21:10 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/image.php	Tue May  9 19:21:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) exit();
+class BaseImageObject extends XoopsSimpleObject
+	var $mImageCategory = null;
+	var $_mImageCategoryLoadedFlag = false;
+	function BaseImageObject()
+	{
+		$this->initVar('image_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, '', false);
+		$this->initVar('image_name', XOBJ_DTYPE_STRING, '', true, 30);
+		$this->initVar('image_nicename', XOBJ_DTYPE_STRING, '', true, 255);
+		$this->initVar('image_mimetype', XOBJ_DTYPE_STRING, '', true, 30);
+		$this->initVar('image_created', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, time(), true);
+		$this->initVar('image_display', XOBJ_DTYPE_BOOL, '1', true);
+		$this->initVar('image_weight', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, '0', true);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, '0', true);
+	}
+	function loadImagecategory()
+	{
+		if ($this->_mImageCategoryLoadedFlag == false) {
+			$handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('imagecategory');
+			$this->mImageCategory =& $handler->get($this->get('imgcat_id'));
+			$this->_mImageCategoryLoadedFlag = true;
+		}
+	}
+class BaseImageHandler extends XoopsObjectGenericHandler
+	var $mTable = "image";
+	var $mPrimary = "image_id";
+	var $mClass = "BaseImageObject";
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/imagecategory.php
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/imagecategory.php:
--- /dev/null	Tue May  9 19:21:10 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/imagecategory.php	Tue May  9 19:21:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+if (!defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH')) exit();
+class BaseImagecategoryObject extends XoopsSimpleObject
+	var $mImage = array();
+	var $_mImageLoadedFlag = false;
+	/**
+	 * Array of group objects which are allowed to read files of this category.
+	 */	
+	var $mReadGroups = array();
+	var $_mReadGroupsLoadedFlag = false;
+	/**
+	 * Array of group objects which are allowed to upload a file to this category.
+	 */	
+	var $mUploadGroups = array();
+	var $_mUploadGroupsLoadedFlag = false;
+	function BaseImagecategoryObject()
+	{
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_id', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, '', false);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_name', XOBJ_DTYPE_STRING, '', true, 100);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_maxsize', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, '50000', true);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_maxwidth', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, '120', true);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_maxheight', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, '120', true);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_display', XOBJ_DTYPE_BOOL, '1', true);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_weight', XOBJ_DTYPE_INT, '0', true);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_type', XOBJ_DTYPE_STRING, 'C', true, 1);
+		$this->initVar('imgcat_storetype', XOBJ_DTYPE_STRING, 'file', true, 5);
+	}
+	function loadImage()
+	{
+		if ($this->_mImageLoadedFlag == false) {
+			$handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('image');
+			$this->mImage =& $handler->getObjects(new Criteria('imagecat_id', $this->get('imagecat_id')));
+			$this->_mImageLoadedFlag = true;
+		}
+	}
+	function &createImage()
+	{
+		$handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('image');
+		$obj =& $handler->create();
+		$obj->set('imagecat_id', $this->get('imagecat_id'));
+		return $obj;
+	}
+	function loadReadGroups()
+	{
+		if ($this->_mReadGroupsLoadedFlag) {
+			return;
+		}
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
+		$gidArr = $handler->getGroupIds('imgcat_read', $this->get('imgcat_id'));
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('group');
+		foreach ($gidArr as $gid) {
+			$object =& $handler->get($gid);
+			if (is_object($object)) {
+				$this->mReadGroups[] =& $object;
+			}
+			unset($object);
+		}
+		$this->_mReadGroupsLoadedFlag = true;
+	}
+	function isLoadedReadGroups()
+	{
+		return $this->_mReadGroupsLoadedFlag;
+	}
+	function loadUploadGroups()
+	{
+		if ($this->_mUploadGroupsLoadedFlag) {
+			return;
+		}
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
+		$gidArr = $handler->getGroupIds('imgcat_write', $this->get('imgcat_id'));
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('group');
+		foreach ($gidArr as $gid) {
+			$object =& $handler->get($gid);
+			if (is_object($object)) {
+				$this->mUploadGroups[] =& $object;
+			}
+			unset($object);
+		}
+		$this->_mUploadGroupsLoadedFlag = true;
+	}
+	function isLoadedUploadGroups()
+	{
+		return $this->_mUploadGroupsLoadedFlag;
+	}
+class BaseImagecategoryHandler extends XoopsObjectGenericHandler
+	var $mTable = "imagecategory";
+	var $mPrimary = "imgcat_id";
+	var $mClass = "BaseImagecategoryObject";
+	function insert(&$obj, $force = false)
+	{
+		$returnFlag = parent::insert($obj, $force);
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
+		//
+		// If the object has groups which are allowed to read.
+		//
+		if ($obj->isLoadedReadGroups()) {
+			$criteria =& new CriteriaCompo();
+			$criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_itemid', $obj->get('imgcat_id')));
+			$criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_modid', 1));
+			$criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_name', 'imgcat_read'));
+			$handler->deleteAll($criteria);
+			foreach ($obj->mReadGroups as $group) {
+				$perm =& $handler->create();
+				$perm->set('gperm_groupid', $group->get('groupid'));
+				$perm->set('gperm_itemid', $obj->get('imgcat_id'));
+				$perm->set('gperm_modid', 1);
+				$perm->set('gperm_name', 'imgcat_read');
+				$returnFlag &= $handler->insert($perm, $force);
+			}
+		}
+		//
+		// If the object has groups which are allowed to upload.
+		//
+		if ($obj->isLoadedUploadGroups()) {
+			$criteria =& new CriteriaCompo();
+			$criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_itemid', $obj->get('imgcat_id')));
+			$criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_modid', 1));
+			$criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_name', 'imgcat_write'));
+			$handler->deleteAll($criteria);
+			foreach ($obj->mUploadGroups as $group) {
+				$perm =& $handler->create();
+				$perm->set('gperm_groupid', $group->get('groupid'));
+				$perm->set('gperm_itemid', $obj->get('imgcat_id'));
+				$perm->set('gperm_modid', 1);
+				$perm->set('gperm_name', 'imgcat_write');
+				$returnFlag &= $handler->insert($perm, $force);
+			}
+		}
+		return $returnFlag;
+	}
+	function delete(&$obj, $force = false)
+	{
+		$handler =& xoops_getmodulehandler('image');
+		$handler->deleteAll(new Criteria('imagecat_id', $obj->get('imagecat_id')));
+		unset($handler);
+		$handler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
+		$criteria =& new CriteriaCompo();
+		$criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_itemid', $obj->get('imgcat_id')));
+		$criteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_modid', 1));
+		$nameCriteria =& new CriteriaCompo();
+		$nameCriteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_name', 'imgcat_read'));
+		$nameCriteria->add(new Criteria('gperm_name', 'imgcat_write'), 'OR');
+		$criteria->add($nameCriteria);
+		$handler->deleteAll($criteria);
+		return parent::delete($obj, $force);
+	}

xoops-cvslog メーリングリストの案内