[xoops-cvslog 4227] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english


Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 8月 18日 (金) 21:28:52 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php:	Fri Aug 18 20:34:26 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/language/english/admin.php	Fri Aug 18 21:28:51 2006
@@ -236,5 +236,113 @@
 define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_IMGCAT_STORETYPE', "imgcat storetype");
 define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_INSTALL_BLOCK', "Let's customize your site with installing your favorite blocks. You can edit the block's options when you install the block.");
 define('_AD_BASE_TIPS_THEME_ADMIN', "Do you change your site's looks to your favorite? Click 'select' button to change theme.<br/> Do you think your site theme should be selectable by users?  Add themes to theme selection block with checking checkboxes. To learn more details, read the help.");
+define('_MD_AM_ADMINML', "Admin mail address");
+define('_MD_AM_ADMNOTSET', "Admin mail is not set.");
+define('_MD_AM_ALLOWHTML', "Allow HTML tags in user comments?");
+define('_MD_AM_ALLOWIMAGE', "Allow users to display image files in posts?");
+define('_MD_AM_ALLOWREG', "Allow new user registration?");
+define('_MD_AM_ALLOWREGDSC', "Select yes to accept new user registration");
+define('_MD_AM_ALLOWTHEME', "Allow users to select theme?");
+define('_MD_AM_ALWDHTML', "HTML tags allowed in all posts.");
+define('_MD_AM_ANONNAME', "Username for anonymous users");
+define('_MD_AM_BADIPS', "Enter IP addresses that should be banned from the site.<br />Separate each with a <b>|</b>, case insensitive, regex enabled.");
+define('_MD_AM_BADIPSDSC', "^aaa.bbb.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that starts with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa.bbb.ccc$ will disallow visitors with an IP that ends with aaa.bbb.ccc<br />aaa.bbb.ccc will disallow visitors with an IP that contains aaa.bbb.ccc");
+define('_MD_AM_CENSOR', "Word Censoring Options");
+define('_MD_AM_CENSORRPLC', "Bad words will be replaced with:");
+define('_MD_AM_CENSORRPLCDSC', "Censored words will be replaced with the characters entered in this textbox");
+define('_MD_AM_CENSORWRD', "Words to censor");
+define('_MD_AM_CENSORWRDDSC', "Enter words that should be censored in user posts.<br />Separate each with a <b>|</b>, case insensitive.");
+define('_MD_AM_CHNGUTHEME', "Change all users' theme");
+define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITE', "Turn your site off?");
+define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITEDSC', "Select yes to turn your site off so that only users in selected groups have access to the site. ");
+define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOK', "Select groups that are allowed to access while the site is turned off.");
+define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITEOKDSC', "Users in the default webmasters group are always granted access.");
+define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITETXT', "Reason for turning off the site");
+define('_MD_AM_CLOSESITETXTDSC', "The text that is presented when the site is closed.");
+define('_MD_AM_COMMODE', "Default Comment Display Mode");
+define('_MD_AM_COMORDER', "Default Comments Display Order");
+define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE', "Debug mode");
+define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE0', "Off");
+define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE1', "PHP Debug");
+define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE2', "MySQL/Blocks Debug");
+define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODE3', "Smarty Templates Debug");
+define('_MD_AM_DEBUGMODEDSC', "Several debug options. A running website should have this turned off.");
+define('_MD_AM_DEFAULTTZ', "Default timezone");
+define('_MD_AM_DOBADIPS', "Enable IP bans?");
+define('_MD_AM_DOBADIPSDSC', "Users from specified IP addresses will not be able to view your site");
+define('_MD_AM_DOCENSOR', "Enable censoring of unwanted words?");
+define('_MD_AM_DOCENSORDSC', "Words will be censored if this option is enabled. This option may be turned off for enhanced site speed.");
+define('_MD_AM_DONTCHNG', "Don't change!");
+define('_MD_AM_DOSEARCH', "Enable global searches?");
+define('_MD_AM_DOSEARCHDSC', "Allow searching for posts/items within your site.");
+define('_MD_AM_DTHEME', "Default theme");
+define('_MD_AM_DTPLSET', "Default template set");
+define('_MD_AM_GENERAL', "General Settings");
+define('_MD_AM_IFUCANT', "If you can't change the permissions you can edit the rest of this file by hand.");
+define('_MD_AM_INVLDMINPASS', "Invalid value for minimum length of password.");
+define('_MD_AM_INVLDSCOOK', "Invalid value for sessioncookie name.");
+define('_MD_AM_INVLDSEXP', "Invalid value for session expiration time.");
+define('_MD_AM_INVLDUCOOK', "Invalid value for usercookie name.");
+define('_MD_AM_IPBAN', "IP Banning");
+define('_MD_AM_LANGUAGE', "Default language");
+define('_MD_AM_LOADINGIMG', "Display loading... image?");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILER', "Mail Setup");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILER_', "");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILER_MAIL', "");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILER_SENDMAIL', "");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILERMETHOD', "Mail delivery method");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILERMETHODDESC', "Method used to deliver mail. Default is \"mail\", use others only if that makes trouble.");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILFROM', "FROM address");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILFROMDESC', "");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILFROMNAME', "FROM name");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILFROMUID', "FROM user");
+define('_MD_AM_MAILFROMUIDDESC', "When the system sends a private message, which user should appear to have sent it?");
+define('_MD_AM_MINSEARCH', "Minimum keyword length");
+define('_MD_AM_MINSEARCHDSC', "Enter the minimum keyword length that users are required to enter to perform search");
+define('_MD_AM_MODCACHE', "Module-wide Cache");
+define('_MD_AM_MODCACHEDSC', "Caches module contents for a specified amount of time to enhance performance. Setting module-wide cache will override module item level cache if any.");
+define('_MD_AM_MODCONFIG', "Module Config Options");
+define('_MD_AM_MYIP', "Your IP address");
+define('_MD_AM_MYIPDSC', "This IP will not counted as impression for banners");
+define('_MD_AM_NO', "No");
+define('_MD_AM_NOMODULE', "There is no module that can be cached.");
+define('_MD_AM_NONE', "None");
+define('_MD_AM_NOTIFYTO', "Select group to which new user notification mail will be sent");
+define('_MD_AM_PREFMAIN', "Preferences Main");
+define('_MD_AM_REMEMBER', "Remember to chmod 666 this file in order to let the system write to it properly.");
+define('_MD_AM_SEARCH', "Search Options");
+define('_MD_AM_SENDMAILPATH', "Path to sendmail");
+define('_MD_AM_SENDMAILPATHDESC', "Path to the sendmail program (or substitute) on the webserver.");
+define('_MD_AM_SERVERTZ', "Server timezone");
+define('_MD_AM_SESSEXPIRE', "Session expiration");
+define('_MD_AM_SESSEXPIREDSC', "Maximum duration of session idle time in minutes (Valid only when 'use custom session' is enabled. Works only when you are using PHP4.2.0 or later.)");
+define('_MD_AM_SESSNAME', "Session name");
+define('_MD_AM_SESSNAMEDSC', "The name of session (Valid only when 'use custom session' is enabled)");
+define('_MD_AM_SITECACHE', "Site-wide Cache");
+define('_MD_AM_SITECACHEDSC', "Caches whole contents of the site for a specified amount of time to enhance performance. Setting site-wide cache will override module-level cache, block-level cache, and module item level cache if any.");
+define('_MD_AM_SITENAME', "Site name");
+define('_MD_AM_SITEPREF', "Site Preferences");
+define('_MD_AM_SLOGAN', "Slogan for your site");
+define('_MD_AM_SMTPHOST', "SMTP host(s)");
+define('_MD_AM_SMTPHOSTDESC', "List of SMTP servers to try to connect to.");
+define('_MD_AM_SMTPPASS', "SMTPAuth password");
+define('_MD_AM_SMTPPASSDESC', "Password to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth.");
+define('_MD_AM_SMTPUSER', "SMTPAuth username");
+define('_MD_AM_SMTPUSERDESC', "Username to connect to an SMTP host with SMTPAuth.");
+define('_MD_AM_SSLLINK', "URL where SSL login page is located");
+define('_MD_AM_SSLPOST', "SSL Post variable name");
+define('_MD_AM_SSLPOSTDSC', "The name of variable used to transfer session value via POST. If you are unsure, set any name that is hard to guess.");
+define('_MD_AM_STARTPAGE', "Module for your start page");
+define('_MD_AM_THEMEFILE', "Update module template .html files from themes/your theme/templates directory?");
+define('_MD_AM_THEMEFILEDSC', "If this option is enabled, module template .html files will be updated automatically if there are newer files under the themes/your theme/templates directory for the current theme. This should be turned off once the site goes public.");
+define('_MD_AM_THEMEOK', "Selectable themes");
+define('_MD_AM_THEMEOKDSC', "Choose themes that users can select as the default theme");
+define('_MD_AM_THEMESET', "Theme Set");
+define('_MD_AM_USEGZIP', "Use gzip compression?");
+define('_MD_AM_USEMYSESS', "Use custom session");
+define('_MD_AM_USEMYSESSDSC', "Select yes to customise session related values.");
+define('_MD_AM_USESSL', "Use SSL for login?");
+define('_MD_AM_YES', "Yes");

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