[xoops-cvslog 2737] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class


NobuNobu nobun****@users*****
2006年 4月 11日 (火) 17:39:07 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleInstaller.class.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleInstaller.class.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleInstaller.class.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleInstaller.class.php:	Sun Apr  2 23:42:44 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleInstaller.class.php	Tue Apr 11 17:39:07 2006
@@ -10,162 +10,182 @@
 class Legacy_ModuleInstaller extends Legacy_AbstractModuleInstaller
-	var $mAgree = false;
+    var $mAgree = false;
-	/**
-	 * Load xoops module object that isn't installed and return it.
-	 * @static
-	 * @access public
-	 * @param $dirname string
-	 * @return XoopsModule
-	 */
-	function &loadModuleObject($dirname)
-	{
-		$ret = null;
-		$moduleHandler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
-		$module =& $moduleHandler->getByDirname($dirname);
-		if (is_object($module))
-			return $ret;
-		$module =& $moduleHandler->create();
-		$module->setVar('weight', 1);
-		$module->loadInfoAsVar($this->mDirname);
-		if ($module->get('dirname') == null) {
-			return $ret;
-		}
-		if (isset($module->modinfo['installer']) && isset($module->modinfo['installer']['licence']) ) {
-			$this->mAgree = true;
-		}
-		return $module;
-	}
-	function _installModule()
-	{
-		if (parent::_installModule()) {
-			$gpermHandler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
-			//
-			// Add a permission which administrators can manage.
-			//
-			$adminPerm =& $this->_createPermission(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN);
-			$adminPerm->setVar('gperm_name', 'module_admin');
-			if (!$gpermHandler->insert($adminPerm)) {
-				$log->addError("Could not set admin permission " . $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
-			}
-    		$read_any = $this->mModule->getInfo('read_any');
-    		if ($read_any) {
-				$memberHandler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
-				$groupObjects =& $memberHandler->getGroups();
-    			//
-    			// Add a permission all group members and guest can read.
-    			//
-				foreach($groupObjects as $group) {
-        			$readPerm =& $this->_createPermission($group->getVar('groupid'));
-        			$readPerm->setVar('gperm_name', 'module_read');
-        			if (!$gpermHandler->insert($readPerm)) {
-        				$log->addError("Could not set read permission " . $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
-        			}
-    			}
-    		} else {
-    			//
-    			// Add a permission which administrators can read.
-    			//
-			    $root = $root=&XCube_Root::getSingleton();
-                $groups = $root->mController->mXoopsUser->getGroups();
-				foreach($groups as $mygroup) {
-        			$readPerm =& $this->_createPermission($mygroup);
-    			    $readPerm->setVar('gperm_name', 'module_read');
-       			    if (!$gpermHandler->insert($readPerm)) {
-    			    	$log->addError("Could not set read permission " . $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
-    				}
-				}
-    		}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Create a permission object which has been initialized for admin.
-	 * For flexibility, creation only and not save it.
-	 * @access private
-	 * @param $group
-	 */
-	function &_createPermission($group)
-	{
-		$gpermHandler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
-		$perm =& $gpermHandler->create();
-		$perm->setVar('gperm_groupid', $group);
-		$perm->setVar('gperm_itemid', $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
-		$perm->setVar('gperm_modid', 1);
-		return $perm;
-	}
-	function _installTable()
-	{
-		Legacy_ModuleUtils::installTable($this->mModule, $this->mLog);
-	}
-	function _installTemplate()
-	{
-		$templates = $this->mModule->getInfo('templates');
-		if ($templates != false) {
-			foreach ($templates as $template) {
-				Legacy_ModuleUtils::installTemplate($this->mModule, $template, $this->mLog);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function _installBlock()
-	{
-		$definedBlocks = $this->mModule->getInfo('blocks');
-		if($definedBlocks == false)
-			return true;
-		$blockHandler =& xoops_gethandler('block');
-		$func_num=0;
-		foreach ($definedBlocks as $block) {
-			$func_num++;
-			$newBlock =& Legacy_ModuleUtils::createBlockByInfo($this->mModule, $block);
-			$newBlock->setVar('func_num', $func_num);
-			Legacy_ModuleUtils::installBlock($this->mModule, $newBlock, $block, $this->mLog);
-		}
-	}
-	function _installPreference()
-	{
-		Legacy_ModuleUtils::insertAllConfigs($this->mModule, $this->mLog);
-	}
-	function _processScript()
-	{
-		$installScript = trim($this->mModule->getInfo('onInstall'));
-		if ($installScript != false) {
-			require_once XOOPS_MODULE_PATH . "/" . $this->mModule->getVar('dirname') . "/" . $installScript;
-			$funcName = 'xoops_module_install_' . $this->mModule->getVar('dirname');
-			if (function_exists($funcName)) {
-				if (!call_user_func($funcName, $this->mModule)) {
-					$this->mLog->addError("Failed to execute " . $funcName);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	function hasAgree()
-	{
-		return $this->mAgree;
-	}
+    /**
+     * Load xoops module object that isn't installed and return it.
+     * @static
+     * @access public
+     * @param $dirname string
+     * @return XoopsModule
+     */
+    function &loadModuleObject($dirname)
+    {
+        $ret = null;
+        $moduleHandler =& xoops_gethandler('module');
+        $module =& $moduleHandler->getByDirname($dirname);
+        if (is_object($module))
+            return $ret;
+        $module =& $moduleHandler->create();
+        $module->setVar('weight', 1);
+        $module->loadInfoAsVar($this->mDirname);
+        if ($module->get('dirname') == null) {
+            return $ret;
+        }
+        if (isset($module->modinfo['installer']) && isset($module->modinfo['installer']['licence']) ) {
+            $this->mAgree = true;
+        }
+        return $module;
+    }
+    function _installModule()
+    {
+        if (parent::_installModule()) {
+            $gpermHandler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
+            //
+            // Add a permission which administrators can manage.
+            //
+            if ($this->mModule->getInfo('hasAdmin')) {
+                $adminPerm =& $this->_createPermission(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN);
+                $adminPerm->setVar('gperm_name', 'module_admin');
+                if (!$gpermHandler->insert($adminPerm)) {
+                    $log->addError("Could not set admin permission " . $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
+                }
+            }
+            //
+            // Add a permission which administrators can manage. (Special for Legacy System Module)
+            //
+            if ($this->mModule->getVar('dirname') == 'system') {
+                for ($i=1; $i<16; $i++) {
+                    $sysAdminPerm  =& $this->_createPermission(XOOPS_GROUP_ADMIN);
+                    $adminPerm->setVar('gperm_itemid', $i);
+                    $adminPerm->setVar('gperm_name', 'system_admin');
+                    if (!$gpermHandler->insert($adminPerm)) {
+                        $log->addError("Could not set system admin permission " . $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
+                    }
+                    unset($sysAdminPerm);
+                }
+            }
+            if ($this->mModule->getInfo('hasMain')) {
+                $read_any = $this->mModule->getInfo('read_any');
+                if ($read_any) {
+                    $memberHandler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
+                    $groupObjects =& $memberHandler->getGroups();
+                    //
+                    // Add a permission all group members and guest can read.
+                    //
+                    foreach($groupObjects as $group) {
+                        $readPerm =& $this->_createPermission($group->getVar('groupid'));
+                        $readPerm->setVar('gperm_name', 'module_read');
+                        if (!$gpermHandler->insert($readPerm)) {
+                            $log->addError("Could not set read permission " . $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    //
+                    // Add a permission which administrators can read.
+                    //
+                    $root = $root=&XCube_Root::getSingleton();
+                    $groups = $root->mController->mXoopsUser->getGroups();
+                    foreach($groups as $mygroup) {
+                        $readPerm =& $this->_createPermission($mygroup);
+                        $readPerm->setVar('gperm_name', 'module_read');
+                        if (!$gpermHandler->insert($readPerm)) {
+                            $log->addError("Could not set read permission " . $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Create a permission object which has been initialized for admin.
+     * For flexibility, creation only and not save it.
+     * @access private
+     * @param $group
+     */
+    function &_createPermission($group)
+    {
+        $gpermHandler =& xoops_gethandler('groupperm');
+        $perm =& $gpermHandler->create();
+        $perm->setVar('gperm_groupid', $group);
+        $perm->setVar('gperm_itemid', $this->mModule->getVar('mid'));
+        $perm->setVar('gperm_modid', 1);
+        return $perm;
+    }
+    function _installTable()
+    {
+        Legacy_ModuleUtils::installTable($this->mModule, $this->mLog);
+    }
+    function _installTemplate()
+    {
+        $templates = $this->mModule->getInfo('templates');
+        if ($templates != false) {
+            foreach ($templates as $template) {
+                Legacy_ModuleUtils::installTemplate($this->mModule, $template, $this->mLog);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function _installBlock()
+    {
+        $definedBlocks = $this->mModule->getInfo('blocks');
+        if($definedBlocks == false)
+            return true;
+        $blockHandler =& xoops_gethandler('block');
+        $func_num=0;
+        foreach ($definedBlocks as $block) {
+            $func_num++;
+            $newBlock =& Legacy_ModuleUtils::createBlockByInfo($this->mModule, $block);
+            $newBlock->setVar('func_num', $func_num);
+            Legacy_ModuleUtils::installBlock($this->mModule, $newBlock, $block, $this->mLog);
+        }
+    }
+    function _installPreference()
+    {
+        Legacy_ModuleUtils::insertAllConfigs($this->mModule, $this->mLog);
+    }
+    function _processScript()
+    {
+        $installScript = trim($this->mModule->getInfo('onInstall'));
+        if ($installScript != false) {
+            require_once XOOPS_MODULE_PATH . "/" . $this->mModule->getVar('dirname') . "/" . $installScript;
+            $funcName = 'xoops_module_install_' . $this->mModule->getVar('dirname');
+            if (function_exists($funcName)) {
+                if (!call_user_func($funcName, $this->mModule)) {
+                    $this->mLog->addError("Failed to execute " . $funcName);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    function hasAgree()
+    {
+        return $this->mAgree;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleUtils.class.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleUtils.class.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleUtils.class.php:
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleUtils.class.php:	Tue Apr 11 00:10:23 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/admin/class/ModuleUtils.class.php	Tue Apr 11 17:39:07 2006
@@ -401,7 +401,9 @@
 				$config->setVar('conf_catid', 0);
 				$config->setVar('conf_name', $configInfo['name']);
 				$config->setVar('conf_title', $configInfo['title'], true);
-				$config->setVar('conf_desc', $configInfo['description'], true);
+				if (isset($configInfo['description'])) {
+					$config->setVar('conf_desc', $configInfo['description'], true);
+				}
 				$config->setVar('conf_formtype', $configInfo['formtype'], true);
 				$config->setVar('conf_valuetype', $configInfo['valuetype'], true);
 				$config->setConfValueForInput($configInfo['default'], true);

xoops-cvslog メーリングリストの案内