[xoops-cvslog 1422] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/class/database


Minahito minah****@users*****
2005年 12月 27日 (火) 00:17:58 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/class/database/oldsqlutility.php
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/class/database/oldsqlutility.php:
--- /dev/null	Tue Dec 27 00:17:58 2005
+++ xoops2jp/html/class/database/oldsqlutility.php	Tue Dec 27 00:17:58 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+// $Id: oldsqlutility.php,v 2005/12/26 15:17:58 minahito Exp $
+// sqlutility.php - defines utility class for MySQL database
+ * @package     kernel
+ * @subpackage  database
+ * 
+ * @author	    Kazumi Ono	<onoka****@xoops*****>
+ * @copyright	copyright (c) 2000-2003 XOOPS.org
+ */
+ * provide some utility methods for databases
+ * 
+ * @author Kazumi Ono <onoka****@xoops*****>
+ * @copyright copyright (c) 2000-2003 XOOPS.org
+ * 
+ * @package kernel
+ * @subpackage  database
+ */
+class OldSqlUtility
+	/**
+	* Function from phpMyAdmin (http://phpwizard.net/projects/phpMyAdmin/)
+	*
+ 	* Removes comment and splits large sql files into individual queries
+ 	*
+	* Last revision: September 23, 2001 - gandon
+ 	*
+ 	* @param   array    the splitted sql commands
+ 	* @param   string   the sql commands
+ 	* @return  boolean  always true
+ 	* @access  public
+ 	*/
+	function splitMySqlFile(&$ret, $sql)
+	{
+		$sql               = trim($sql);
+		$sql_len           = strlen($sql);
+		$char              = '';
+    	$string_start      = '';
+    	$in_string         = false;
+    	for ($i = 0; $i < $sql_len; ++$i) {
+        	$char = $sql[$i];
+           // We are in a string, check for not escaped end of
+		   // strings except for backquotes that can't be escaped
+           if ($in_string) {
+           		for (;;) {
+               		$i         = strpos($sql, $string_start, $i);
+					// No end of string found -> add the current
+					// substring to the returned array
+                	if (!$i) {
+						$ret[] = $sql;
+                    	return true;
+                	}
+					// Backquotes or no backslashes before 
+					// quotes: it's indeed the end of the 
+					// string -> exit the loop
+                	else if ($string_start == '`' || $sql[$i-1] != '\\') {
+						$string_start      = '';
+                   		$in_string         = false;
+                    	break;
+                	}
+                	// one or more Backslashes before the presumed 
+					// end of string...
+                	else {
+						// first checks for escaped backslashes
+                    	$j                     = 2;
+                    	$escaped_backslash     = false;
+						while ($i-$j > 0 && $sql[$i-$j] == '\\') {
+							$escaped_backslash = !$escaped_backslash;
+                        	$j++;
+                    	}
+                    	// ... if escaped backslashes: it's really the 
+						// end of the string -> exit the loop
+                    	if ($escaped_backslash) {
+							$string_start  = '';
+                        	$in_string     = false;
+							break;
+                    	}
+                    	// ... else loop
+                    	else {
+							$i++;
+                    	}
+                	} // end if...elseif...else
+            	} // end for
+        	} // end if (in string)
+        	// We are not in a string, first check for delimiter...
+        	else if ($char == ';') {
+				// if delimiter found, add the parsed part to the returned array
+            	$ret[]    = substr($sql, 0, $i);
+            	$sql      = ltrim(substr($sql, min($i + 1, $sql_len)));
+           		$sql_len  = strlen($sql);
+            	if ($sql_len) {
+					$i      = -1;
+            	} else {
+                	// The submited statement(s) end(s) here
+                	return true;
+				}
+        	} // end else if (is delimiter)
+        	// ... then check for start of a string,...
+        	else if (($char == '"') || ($char == '\'') || ($char == '`')) {
+				$in_string    = true;
+				$string_start = $char;
+        	} // end else if (is start of string)
+        	// for start of a comment (and remove this comment if found)...
+        	else if ($char == '#' || ($char == ' ' && $i > 1 && $sql[$i-2] . $sql[$i-1] == '--')) {
+            	// starting position of the comment depends on the comment type
+           		$start_of_comment = (($sql[$i] == '#') ? $i : $i-2);
+            	// if no "\n" exits in the remaining string, checks for "\r"
+            	// (Mac eol style)
+           		$end_of_comment   = (strpos(' ' . $sql, "\012", $i+2))
+                              ? strpos(' ' . $sql, "\012", $i+2)
+                              : strpos(' ' . $sql, "\015", $i+2);
+           		if (!$end_of_comment) {
+                // no eol found after '#', add the parsed part to the returned
+                // array and exit
+					// RMV fix for comments at end of file
+               		$last = trim(substr($sql, 0, $i-1));
+					if (!empty($last)) {
+						$ret[] = $last;
+					}
+               		return true;
+				} else {
+                	$sql     = substr($sql, 0, $start_of_comment) . ltrim(substr($sql, $end_of_comment));
+                	$sql_len = strlen($sql);
+                	$i--;
+            	} // end if...else
+        	} // end else if (is comment)
+    	} // end for
+    	// add any rest to the returned array
+    	if (!empty($sql) && trim($sql) != '') {
+			$ret[] = $sql;
+    	}
+    	return true;
+	}
+	/**
+	 * add a prefix.'_' to all tablenames in a query
+     * 
+     * @param   string  $query  valid SQL query string
+     * @param   string  $prefix prefix to add to all table names
+	 * @return  mixed   FALSE on failure
+	 */
+	function prefixQuery($query, $prefix)
+	{
+		$pattern = "/^(INSERT INTO|CREATE TABLE|ALTER TABLE|UPDATE)(\s)+([`]?)([^`\s]+)\\3(\s)+/siU";
+		$pattern2 = "/^(DROP TABLE)(\s)+([`]?)([^`\s]+)\\3(\s)?$/siU";
+		if (preg_match($pattern, $query, $matches) || preg_match($pattern2, $query, $matches)) {
+			$replace = "\\1 ".$prefix."_\\4\\5";
+			$matches[0] = preg_replace($pattern, $replace, $query);
+			return $matches;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}

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