medo Steffensen
2007年 8月 16日 (木) 02:24:07 JST
T*h,i.s g-e+m is reall'y mo+vable-!! T-h'i,s o,n,e is rea,lly profita,ble!!.! H'a'v*e y-o+u b_e e.n wat.ch_ing t'h-i-s f_o*r t'h.e l.a+s t w_e_e+k ? T a-k_e a l*o*o k at it: r ecent n'e_w*s rel+e_ases s+e n_t ge ner*ating growi-ng in*teres.t in C*Y-T,V Co*m-pany: C*HINA YOU'TV C*O'R-P (*O+T*C BB:*C YTV.OB) S t o c k: C,Y T-V Curr'ent P_rice: $+.'4*9 4_t+h S traig+ht d-a'y,s we h'a.v,e s,e*e,n t-h i_s c'limb. (_S.e,e Y+ahoo Cha'r+t-New N.e,w's re_lease) T_h*i_s o.n-e h.a+s h-a.d n,i c_e retu'rns f o*r in-vestor.s o v e'r t,h-e summe_r, and n o,w sho+ws p,romise to a secon'd w a_v+e of re-turns. K.e-e.p a e+y-e o u+t on We*dnesd+ay A-u g 1-5.... T.h_e ac_tual applica,tio_n is l_i.k+e t,h*i+s-. Mi k-u n d,u+b'o ba -lancis la k+apon. At least*," it a'dded wistf+ully,, "I d*i.d h+a.v,e a ter,ri.ble h.e-a'd f'o_r hei-ghts. B,u t it a l's*o h,a.s a-llowed us to t a*k*e differe*'nt a_pproa-ches th-at, p_artly by de_sign a.n d par_tly by p u_r'e d u m.b luck , h a+v e allowe-d us to g*a+i+n si-mplic_ity. Matthe.w John+-son's i,n'troduction to O.p'e,n Firm'wa're. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B... ダウンロード