[Sie-announce] SIEコード [1816] 1, fill-opacityに関するバグの修正


svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2010年 5月 11日 (火) 19:25:14 JST

Revision: 1816
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2010-05-11 19:25:14 +0900 (Tue, 11 May 2010)

Log Message:
1, fill-opacityに関するバグの修正
2, カーニング対象に「-」の文字を付け加えた
3, バージョン情報を0.60に

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/06x/060/sie.js
--- branches/06x/060/sie.js	2010-05-10 14:42:40 UTC (rev 1815)
+++ branches/06x/060/sie.js	2010-05-11 10:25:14 UTC (rev 1816)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 var NAIBU = {};
 SIE = {
-  version : 0.58
+  version : 0.60
 /*@cc_on  _d=document;eval('var  document=_d')@*/
@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@
     tts.height = "0px";
-    var arr = this.tspan, textLength = 0, fontSize = this.paint.fontSize, atfontSize = 0, fij = /[fijlt.,:;1]/g; //fontSizeは親要素の文字サイズ。atfontSizeは各span要素のサイズ。
+    var arr = this.tspan, textLength = 0, fontSize = this.paint.fontSize, atfontSize = 0, fij = /[fijlt.,:;1\-]/g; //fontSizeは親要素の文字サイズ。atfontSizeは各span要素のサイズ。
     for (var i=0,s={dx:0,dy:0},arri=arr.length;i<arri;++i) {
       var ari = arr[i];
@@ -751,7 +751,7 @@
       if (isM[com] && Fli > 3) { //MoveToが複数の座標ならば、2番目以降の座標ペアをLineToとして処理
         F.splice(3, 0, "l");
-      rx = ry = null;
+      Fli = rx = ry = null;
     dat += F.join(" ");
     com = F = null;
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@
   ele.path = dat + " e";
   ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
   this.paint.set(w, h, ttm);
-  ele = dat = this.paint = ttm = this.transformable = preCom = x = y = x0 = y0 = dx = dy = tma = tmb = tmc = tmd = tme = tmf = w = h = null; //解放
+  i = dli = dili = j = ele = dat = this.paint = ttm = this.transformable = preCom = x = y = x0 = y0 = dx = dy = tma = tmb = tmc = tmd = tme = tmf = w = h = null; //解放
@@ -1182,7 +1182,7 @@
       fillElement.setAttribute("color", this.color(this.fill));
       var fillOpacity = this.fillopacity * this.opacity; //opacityを掛け合わせる
       if (fillOpacity < 1) {
-        fillElement.setAttribute("opacity", fillOpacity);
+        fillElement.setAttribute("opacity", fillOpacity+"");
     } catch(e) {stlog.add(e,682); fillElement.on = "true";
@@ -1418,8 +1418,8 @@
     ele.setAttribute("color2", color[length-1]);
     ele.setAttribute("colors", colors.join(","));
     // When colors attribute is used, the meanings of opacity and o:opacity2 are reversed.
-    ele.setAttribute("opacity", opacity[length-1]);
-    ele.setAttribute("o:opacity2", opacity[0]);
+    ele.setAttribute("opacity", opacity[length-1]+ "");
+    ele.setAttribute("o:opacity2", opacity[0]+ "");
     var type = grad.getAttribute("type"), toNumber = this.toNumber;
     if (type === "gradient") {
       try {

Sie-announce メーリングリストの案内