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(最終更新 2014-07-30 13:55)

openMAINT is an enterprise open source solution for the Property & Facility Management (CMMS).

openMAINT helps to know and manage the inventory, maintenance, logistic and economic information related to buildings, plants and movable assets.

openMAINT is a ready-to-use solution, configured with databases, workflows, reports and dashboards.

The software can be gradually activated according to the needs of each organization and the available resources.

openMAINT includes the modules of Space & Asset Inventory, Facility Maintenance, Logistic Management, Economic Management, Energy & Environment, GIS & BIM.

The FM module manages the preventive / scheduled / breakdown maintenance using worflows based on the Maintenance Manual criteria.

openMAINT also supports the new BIM extensions (Building Information Modeling) with a connector based on the open IFC standard and a viewer of IFC 3D models.

openMAINT is implemented on the open source asset management framework CMDBuild.
