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(最終更新 2014-07-30 13:53)

Very initial version.
This is a simple program to copy files or directories and verify the copied file with md5 hash. Hash is saved in and .md5 file compatible with md5sum. it has a gui and work on Linux and windows (the script should work even on Mac). Md5 is computed while reading so sources file are read only once. The executables have been created using pp : it creates an executable similar to an autoextract-zip with the script, the perl engine and all libraries.
I'm using it under linux to copy GigaBytes files from ntfs internal hd to ntfs external hd with an old atom eepc with 8.5MB/sec speed : is it good? With more powerful pc speeds are 3 times better.
Added ability to manage very long path (>260 char) under windows (under linux is default : magic linux!). Added a file_select box that manges very long path and multiple selection of dirs and files.
