[Rubycocoa-devel 807] Re: Methods not found


Laurent Sansonetti lsans****@apple*****
Fri Mar 2 00:34:05 JST 2007

Mmh I'm not sure if it's a good idea to add #method_missing in  
NSArray, this may cause more problems than we think (and it's anyway  
going to overlap with the real #method_missing in oc_wrapper.rb).  
Might be better to simply re-implement the missing interface :)


On Mar 1, 2007, at 4:21 PM, Eloy Duran wrote:

> Yes indeed :)
> I don't know if there are any other methods that are important....
> But would it maybe be possible/handy to just create some sort
> of proxy method? Like:
> def method_missing(method, *args)
>  if Array.instance_methods.include? method.to_s
>    self.to_a.send method, *args
>  else
>    super
>  end
> end
> Then again, this probably is much slower/too much clutter.....
> Anyways, I always use length so that would be a good one :)
> Eloy
> On 3/1/07, Laurent Sansonetti <lsans****@apple*****> wrote:
>> Might be a good idea :)
>> I also think that we should provide #length as an alias of #size  
>> (like
>> the original Array does).
>> Laurent
>> On Mar 1, 2007, at 4:07 PM, Eloy Duran wrote:
>>> Nice work!
>>> Looks much better indeed.
>>> One thing though, I don't know if this is necessary,
>>> but should we also be able to pass a range to NSArray[] ?
>>> Right now it only supports a integer (index).
>>> Because it might be confusing to users that you are able
>>> to pass a index like in in ruby but not a range.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Eloy
>>> On 3/1/07, Laurent Sansonetti <lsans****@apple*****> wrote:
>>>> I profited of this to do a quick refactoring. The #to_a, #to_i and
>>>> #to_f methods in oc_wrapper.rb aren't really necessary anymore  
>>>> now (I
>>>> guess there were there for historical reasons). Also, in
>>>> oc_attachments*.rb, it's no longer needed to use sub modules as we
>>>> can
>>>> add the methods on the fly directly to the right classes (which
>>>> should
>>>> also be faster).
>>>> Committed as r1610.
>>>> Laurent
>>>> On Mar 1, 2007, at 3:20 PM, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
>>>>> Good catch! The following patch fixes the problem (so you can call
>>>>> #to_a on an enumerator again):
>>>>> Index: framework/src/ruby/osx/objc/oc_wrapper.rb
>>>>> = 
>>>>> ==================================================================
>>>>> --- framework/src/ruby/osx/objc/oc_wrapper.rb    (revision 1606)
>>>>> +++ framework/src/ruby/osx/objc/oc_wrapper.rb    (working copy)
>>>>> @@ -66,14 +66,14 @@
>>>>>    end
>>>>>    def to_a
>>>>> -      if self.ocm_send(:isKindOfClass_, OSX::NSArray) != 0 then
>>>>> +      if self.ocm_send(:isKindOfClass_, OSX::NSArray)
>>>>>        ary = Array.new
>>>>>        iter = self.ocm_send(:objectEnumerator)
>>>>>        while obj = iter.ocm_send(:nextObject) do
>>>>>          ary.push(obj)
>>>>>        end
>>>>>        ary
>>>>> -      elsif self.ocm_send(:isKindOfClass_, OSX::NSEnumerator) ! 
>>>>> = 0
>>>>> then
>>>>> +      elsif self.ocm_send(:isKindOfClass_, OSX::NSEnumerator)
>>>>>        self.ocm_send(:allObjects).to_a
>>>>>      else
>>>>>        [ self ]
>>>>> Laurent
>>>>> On Mar 1, 2007, at 2:45 PM, Jacob Wallström wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Laurent,
>>>>>> While preparing the demo for you I turned out to be mistaken. The
>>>>>> whole line looked like this:
>>>>>> session.changeEnumeratorForEntityNames([syncName]).to_a
>>>>>> The changeEnumeratorForEntityNames method returns a NSEnumerator.
>>>>>> For
>>>>>> some reason the above call was working in RubyCocoa 0.4.3d2.
>>>>>> Changing
>>>>>> the code to
>>>>>> session.changeEnumeratorForEntityNames([syncName]).allObjects
>>>>>> made it work in RubyCocoa 1.0 too. Sorry about that.
>>>>>> /Jacob
>>>>>> On 28 feb 2007, at 16.48, Laurent Sansonetti wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Jacob,
>>>>>>> This is a weird problem. At a glance ISDChangeEnumerator is a
>>>>>>> valid
>>>>>>> subclass of NSEnumerator so there is no reason why [-
>>>>>>> objectEnumerator]
>>>>>>> is called on it. Could you isolate this problem in a separate/
>>>>>>> distinct
>>>>>>> project and send it to the list? I may be able to fix it if I  
>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>> reproduce it.
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Laurent
>>>>>>> On Feb 28, 2007, at 4:26 PM, Jacob Wallström wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'm trying out RubyCocoa pre-1.0 from the unstable branch (rev.
>>>>>>>> 1600). One problem I have run into is the following:
>>>>>>>> Exception thrown: Can't get Objective-C method signature for
>>>>>>>> selector
>>>>>>>> 'objectEnumerator' of receiver #<OSX::ISDChangeEnumerator:
>>>>>>>> 0x39d032
>>>>>>>> class='ISDChangeEnumerator' id=0x15cb3590>
>>>>>>>> /Checkedout/JacobDocs/GhostAction/trunk/GhostAction/build/
>>>>>>>> Development/
>>>>>>>> Ghost Action.app/Contents/Frameworks/RubyCocoa.framework/
>>>>>>>> Resources/
>>>>>>>> ruby/osx/objc/oc_wrapper.rb:63:in `ocm_send'
>>>>>>>> /Checkedout/JacobDocs/GhostAction/trunk/GhostAction/build/
>>>>>>>> Development/
>>>>>>>> Ghost Action.app/Contents/Frameworks/RubyCocoa.framework/
>>>>>>>> Resources/
>>>>>>>> ruby/osx/objc/oc_wrapper.rb:63:in `to_a'
>>>>>>>> I get it when I make the following call:
>>>>>>>> # session is a proper ISyncSession object
>>>>>>>> session
>>>>>>>> .changeEnumeratorForEntityNames 
>>>>>>>> (["com.apple.calendars.Calendar"])
>>>>>>>> The same code was working under 0.4.3d2 (I had imported the  
>>>>>>>> Sync
>>>>>>>> Services classes myself), but when trying with pre-1.0 I get  
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> error above.
>>>>>>>> I'm grateful for any advice.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Jacob Wallström
>>>>>>>> http://ghostparksoftware.com
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