[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - Gtk::Layout


ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2014年 6月 16日 (月) 15:20:00 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3ALayout
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-= class Gtk::Layout
+= Gtk::Layout クラス
 Gtk::Layout is similar to Gtk::DrawingArea in that it's a "blank slate" and doesn't do anything but paint a blank background by default. It's different in that it supports scrolling natively (you can add it to a Gtk::ScrolledWindow), and it can contain child widgets, since it's a Gtk::Container. However if you're just going to draw, a Gtk::DrawingArea is a better choice since it has lower overhead.
 When handling expose events on a Gtk::Layout, you must draw to Gtk::Layout#bin_window, rather than to Gtk::Widget#window, as you would for a drawing area.
-== Object Hierarchy
+== オブジェクト階層
 * Object
   * GLib::Instantiatable
     * GLib::Object
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           * Gtk::Container
             * Gtk::Layout
-== Class Methods
+== インクルードされているモジュール
+* Gtk::Buildable
+* Atk::Implementor
+* GLib::Interface
+== クラスメソッド
 --- Gtk::Layout.new(hadjustment = nil, vadjustment = nil)
     Creates a new Gtk::Layout. Unless you have a specific adjustment you'd like the layout to use for scrolling, pass nil for hadjustment and vadjustment.
     * hadjustment : horizontal scroll adjustment, or nil 
     * vadjustment : vertical scroll adjustment, or nil 
     * Returns : a new Gtk::Layout 
-== Instance Methods
+== インスタンスメソッド
 --- put(child_widget, x, y)
     Adds child_widget to layout, at position (x, y). layout becomes the new parent container of child_widget.
     * child_widget: child widget(Gtk::Widget)
@@ -102,7 +108,16 @@
     Gets the bin_window. When handling expose events on a Gtk::Layout, you must draw to Gtk::Layout#bin_window, rather than to Gtk::Widget#window, as you would for a drawing area.
     * Returns: the Gdk::Window
-== Properties
+--- set_scroll_adjustments()
+    ((*要編集*))
+== プロパティ
 --- hadjustment: Gtk::Adjustment (Read/Write)
     The Gtk::Adjustment for the horizontal position
@@ -115,14 +124,24 @@
 --- width: Integer (Read/Write)
     The width of the layout
-== Signals
+== シグナル
 --- set-scroll-adjustments: self, arg1, arg2
      * self: a Gtk::Layout
      * arg1: a Gtk::Adjustment
      * arg2: a Gtk::Adjustment
-== See Also
+== 関連ページ
 Gtk::DrawingArea, Gtk::ScrolledWindow
-- ((<Masao>))
+== 更新履歴
+* 2014-06-16 クラスのメンバで漏れていたものを追加。 - ((<きたがわ>))
+* - ((<Masao>))

ruby-gnome2-cvs メーリングリストの案内