[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-txtw-itrsmrks


ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 9月 16日 (日) 03:41:11 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-txtw-itrsmrks
@@ -366,13 +366,6 @@
 Following is the API for these methods:
---- paste_clipboard(clipboard, override_location, default_editable)
-    Pastes the contents of a clipboard at the insertion point, or at override_location. (Note: pasting is asynchronous, that is, we'll ask for the paste data and return, and at some point later after the main loop runs, the paste data will be inserted.)
-    * clipboard : the Gtk::Clipboard to paste from 
-    * override_location : location to insert pasted text, or nil for at the cursor 
-    * default_editable : true if the buffer is editable by default 
-    * Returns: self
 --- copy_clipboard(clipboard)
@@ -386,6 +379,8 @@
     * clipboard: the Gtk::Clipboard object to cut to
     * default_editable : true if the buffer is editable by default 
     * Returns: self
+--- paste_clipboard(clipboard, override_location, default_editable)
+    Pastes the contents of a clipboard at the insertion point, or at override_location. (Note: pasting is asynchronous, that is, we'll ask for the paste data and return, and at some point later after the main loop runs, the paste data will be inserted.)
+    * clipboard : the Gtk::Clipboard to paste from 
+    * override_location : location to insert pasted text, or nil for at the cursor 
+    * default_editable : true if the buffer is editable by default 
+    * Returns: self
 Though it is possible to manipulate the clipboard directly, for the simplest clipboard actions such as cuting, copying and pasting text it makes more sense to use just mentioned Gtk::TextBuffer's built-in instance methods. 

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