[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-mnstbs-tb


ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 11月 20日 (火) 11:25:50 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-mnstbs-tb
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
-The image above on the right shows the toolbar dragged to a different location within the window, whereas the image here on the left shows you from the main window detached toolbar. The latter technique of detaching the toolbar from the window is rather useless, since unlike the other 'drag-and-drop' (dnd) method, it does not recover by the toolbar vacated window real estate (space). In both cases though, there are a few details, you should be aware of if you'd like to drag the toolbar to a new location, and indeed, to drag it back to its original location. To start dragging a toolbar to a new location you have to click on a particular drag-sensitive spot on the toolbar, and keep pressing the mouse button while dragging. However, the two methods differ in presenting that drag-sensitive spot. {{image_right("handle-indicator.png")}} The detaching method provides a rather obvious handle, depicted as three vertical bars. Even though however, these handles are hard to spot. On th
 e images here, they are marked with red circles.
+The image above on the right shows the toolbar dragged to a different location within the window, whereas the image here on the left shows you from the main window detached toolbar. The latter technique of detaching the toolbar from the window is rather useless, since unlike the other 'drag-and-drop' (dnd) method, it does not recover by the toolbar vacated window real estate (space). In both cases though, there are a few details, you should be aware of if you'd like to drag the toolbar to a new location, and indeed, to drag it back to its original location. To start dragging a toolbar to a new location you have to click on a particular drag-sensitive spot on the toolbar, and keep pressing the mouse button while dragging. However, the two methods differ in presenting that drag-sensitive spot. {{image_right("handle-indicator.png")}} The detaching method provides a rather obvious handle, depicted as three vertical bars. Even though however, these handles are hard to spot. On th
 e images here, they are marked with red circles. Note, that this handle is not on the toolbar itself but rather on the wrapper widget called Gtk::HandleBox. Our first example program 'detaching-toolbar-w-HandleBox.rb' demonstrates the use of this widget.

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