[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gtk::FileChooserButton


ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 3月 7日 (月) 21:38:28 JST

REMOTE_USER = ruby-gnome2-hiki        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/hiki/hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3AFileChooserButton
TITLE       = Gtk::FileChooserButton
KEYWORD     = 
= class Gtk::FileChooserButton
The Gtk::FileChooserButton is a widget that lets the user select a file. It includes the Gtk::FileChooser module. Visually, it is a file name with a button to bring up a Gtk::FileChooserDialog. The user can then use that dialog to change the file associated with that button. This widget does not support setting the "select-multiple" property to true. 

=== Example 5. Create a button to let the user select a file in /etc

  button = Gtk::FileChooserButton.new("Select a file", 
  button.current_folder = "/etc"

The Gtk::FileChooserButton supports the ((<GtkFileChooserAction|Gtk::FileChooser#GtkFileChooserAction>))s Gtk::FileChooser::ACTION_OPEN and Gtk::FileChooser::ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER. 

 The Gtk::FileChooserButton will ellipsize the label, and thus will thus request little horizontal space. To give the button more space, you should call Gtk::Widget#size_request, Gtk::FileChooserButton#width_chars=, or pack the button in such a way that other interface elements give space to the widget. 

== Object Hierarchy
* Object
  * GLib::Instantiatable
    * GLib::Object
      * Gtk::Object
        * Gtk::Widget
          * Gtk::Container
            * Gtk::Box
              * Gtk::HBox
                * Gtk::FileChooserButton

== Included Modules
* Gtk::FileChooser

== Class Methods
--- Gtk::FileChooserButton.new(title, action, backend = nil)
    Creates a new file-selecting button widget. ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * title: the title of the browse dialog.  
    * action: the open mode for the widget. ((<GtkFileChooserAction|Gtk::FileChooser#GtkFileChooserAction>)) 
    * backend: The name of the specific filesystem backend to use or nil. (e.g.) "gnome-vfs" 
    * Returns: a new Gtk::FileChooserButton widget.  
--- Gtk::FileChooserButton.new(dialog)
    Creates a Gtk::FileChooserButton widget which uses dialog as it's file-picking window. Note that dialog must be a Gtk::FileChooserDialog (or subclass). ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * dialog: the Gtk::FileChooserDialog widget to use.  
    * Returns: a new Gtk::FileChooserButton widget.  

--- title
    Retrieves the title of the browse dialog used by button.  ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * Returns: The title of the file chooser dialog.
--- title=(title)
    Modifies the title of the browse dialog used by button. ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * title: the new browse dialog title.  
    * Returns: title
--- set_title(title)
    Same as title=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * title: the new browse dialog title.  
    * Returns: self

--- width_chars
    Retrieves the width in characters of the button widget's entry and/or label. ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * Returns: an Integer width (in characters) that the button will use to size itself.  
--- width_chars=(n_chars)
    Sets the width (in characters) that button will use to n_chars. ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * n_chars: the new width, in characters.  
    * Returns: n_chars
--- set_width_chars(n_chars)
    Same as width_chars=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * n_chars: the new width, in characters.  
    * Returns: self

--- dialog=(dialog)
    Sets the Gtk::FileChooserDialog to use. ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * dialog: The Gtk::FileChooserDialog to use.
    * Returns: dialog
--- set_dialog(dialog)
    Same as dialog=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
    * dialog: The Gtk::FileChooserDialog to use.
    * Returns: self

== Properties
--- dialog: Gtk::FileChooserDialog (Write)
    The file chooser dialog to use. ((* Since 2.6 *))

--- title: String (Read/Write)
    The title of the file chooser dialog. ((* Since 2.6 *))

--- width-chars: Integer (Read/Write)
    The desired width of the button widget, in characters. ((* Since 2.6 *))

== See Also

== ChangeLog
* 2005-03-07 Added - ((<Masao>))

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