2004年 5月 13日 (木) 10:21:40 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = URL = ------------------------- = class Gdk::EventFocus Describes a change of keyboard focus. == Object Hierarchy * Object * GLib::Boxed * Gdk::Event * Gdk::EventAny * Gdk::EventFocus == Instance Methods --- in? Gets the value whether the window has gained the keyboard focus or has lost the focus. * Returns: true if the window has gained the keyboard focus, false if it has lost the focus. --- in=(val) Sets the value whether the window has gained the keyboard focus or has lost the focus. * val: true if the window has gained the keyboard focus, false if it has lost the focus. * Returns: val --- set_in(val) Same as in=. * val: true if the window has gained the keyboard focus, false if it has lost the focus. * Returns: self -((<Masao>))