[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Ruby/Libglade


ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 4月 28日 (水) 11:35:03 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Ruby%2FLibglade
- = Class GladeXML
- The Ruby binding to libglade.
- == Class Functions
- --- GladeXML.new(fname, root = nil, domain = nil) {|handler| ... }
-     Creates a new GladeXML object (and the corresponding widgets) from the XML file fname.  
-     Optionally it will only build the interface from the widget node root (if it is not nil).  
-     This feature is useful if you only want to build say a toolbar or menu from the XML file, but not the window it is embedded in.  
-     Note also that the XML parse tree is cached to speed up creating another GladeXML object for the same file
-     The additional block is connected to all signal handlers.
-     It recieves the signal handler name as the only argument.
-     A common block is 
-     {|handler| method(handler)} 
-     which calls the method with the same name as the signal handler.
-     * fname: the XML file name.
-     * root: the widget node in fname to start building from.
-     * domain: the translation domain for the XML file.
-     * Returns: a GladeXML instance
- --- GladeXML.require(library)
-     Ensure that a required library is available. 
-     If it is not already available, libglade will attempt to dynamically load a module that contains the handlers for that library.
-     * library: the required library.
-     * Returns: self
- --- GladeXML.provide(library)
-     This function should be called by a module to assert that it provides wrappers for a particular library.  
-     This should be called by the register_widgets() function of a libglade module so that it isn't loaded twice, for instance.
-     * library: the provided library.
-     * Returns: self
- --- GladeXML.set_custom_widget_handler(setting)
-     Turns the custom widget handler on or off. This is internal use only.
-     * setting: true or false
-     * Returns: self
- == Instance Functions
- --- get_widget(name)
-     This function is used to get a reference to the Gtk::Widget corresponding to name in the interface description. 
-     You would use this if you have to do anything to the widget after loading.
-     * name: the widget's name in the glade tree.
-     * Returns: a reference(Gtk::Widget) to name or nil if name does not exist
- --- [name]
-     This is the same as get_widget(name).
-     * name: the widget's name in the glade tree.
-     * Returns: a reference(Gtk::Widget) to name or nil if name does not exist
- --- filename
-     Gets the name of the original XML file.
-     * Returns: the name of the glade file
- * 2004-04-27 Revised some methods. ((<Masao>))
- * 2004-04-24 Initial release. ((<jawebada>))
+ = Ruby/Libglade API Reference
+ * GladeXML

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