[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Ruby/Libglade


ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 4月 24日 (土) 01:23:43 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Ruby%2FLibglade
= module GladeXML
The Libglade module.

== Class Functions
--- GladeXML.new(fname, root = nil, domain = nil) {|handler| ... }
    Creates a new GladeXML object (and the corresponding widgets) from the XML
    file fname.  
    Optionally it will only build the interface from the widget node root (if
    it is not nil).  
    This feature is useful if you only want to build say a toolbar or menu from
    the XML file, but not the window it is embedded in.  
    Note also that the XML parse tree is cached to speed up creating another
    GladeXML object for the same file

    The additional block is connected to all signal handlers.
    It recieves the signal handler name as the only argument.
    A common block is {|handler| method(handler)} which calls the method with
    the same name as the signal handler.
    * fname: the XML file name.
    * root: the widget node in fname to start building from.
    * domain: the translation domain for the XML file.
    * Returns: a GladeXML instance

--- GladeXML.set_custom_widget_handler(setting)
    Turns the custom widget handler on or off.
    * setting: true or false
    * Returns: self

--- GladeXML.require(library)
    Ensure that a required library is available. 
    If it is not already available, libglade will attempt to dynamically load a
    module that contains the handlers for that library.
    * library: the required library.
    Returns: self

--- GladeXML.provide(library)
    This function should be called by a module to assert that it provides
    wrappers for a particular library.  
    This should be called by the register_widgets() function of a libglade
    module so that it isn't loaded twice, for instance.
    * library: the provided library.
    * Returns: self

== Instance Functions
--- get_widget(name)
    This function is used to get a pointer to the Gtk::Widget corresponding to
    name in the interface description. 
    You would use this if you have to do anything to the widget after loading.
    * name: the widget's name in the glade tree.
    * Returns: a reference to name or nil if name does not exist

--- [name]
    This is the same as get_widget(name).
    * name: the widget's name in the glade tree.
    * Returns: a reference to name or nil if name does not exist

--- filename
    * Returns: the name of the glade file

- ((<jawebada>))

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