[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gdk


ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 11月 8日 (土) 14:43:04 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gdk
- = module Gdk::RGB
- Gdk::RGB converts RGB, grayscale, and colormapped images into the native window pixel format and displays them. It takes care of colormaps, visuals, dithering, and management of the temporary buffers.
- == Module Methods
- --- Gdk::RGB.cmap()
-     Retrieves colormap set by Gdk::RGB.
-     * Returns: The Gdk::Colormap set by Gdk::RGB.
- --- Gdk::RGB.visual()
-     Retrieves visual set by Gdk::RGB.
-     * Returns: The Gdk::Visual chosen by Gdk::RGB.
- --- Gdk::RGB.draw_rgb_image(win, gc, x, y, w, h, dither, buf, rowstride)
-     Draws a rectangular RGB image in the Gdk::Drawable.
-     * win: The Gdk::Drawable to draw in (usually a Gdk::Window).
-     * gc: The Gdk::GC graphics context to control the drawing style.
-     * x: The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle in the drawable.
-     * y: The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle in the drawable.
-     * w: The width of the rectangle to be drawn.
-     * h: The height of the rectangle to be drawn.
-     * dither: A GdkRgbDither value, selecting the desired dither mode.
-     * buf: The 24-bit pixel data.
-     * rowstride: The number of bytes from the start of one row in buf to the start of the next.
-     * Returns: self
- --- Gdk::RGB.draw_rgb_image_dithalign(win, gc, x, y w, h, dither, buf, rowstride, xdith, ydith)
-     Draws an RGB image in the Gdk::Drawable, with an adjustment for dither alignment. This function is useful when drawing dithered images into a window that may be scrolled. Pixel (x, y) will be drawn dithered as if its actual location is (x + xdith, y + ydith). Thus, if you draw an image into a window using zero dither alignment, then scroll up one pixel, subsequent draws to the window should have ydith = 1.
-     * win: The Gdk::Drawable to draw in (usually a Gdk::Window).
-     * gc: The Gdk::GC graphics context to control the drawing style.
-     * x: The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle in the drawable.
-     * y: The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle in the drawable.
-     * w: The width of the rectangle to be drawn.
-     * h: The height of the rectangle to be drawn.
-     * dither: A GdkRgbDither value, selecting the desired dither mode.
-     * buf: The 24-bit pixel data.
-     * rowstride: The number of bytes from the start of one row in buf to the start of the next.
-     * xdith: x offset for dither alignment.
-     * ydith: y offset for dither alignment.
-     * Returns: self
- --- Gdk::RGB.draw_gray_image(win, gc, x, y, w, h, dither, buf, rowstride)
-     Draws a grayscale image in the Gdk::Drawable.
-     * win: The Gdk::Drawable to draw in (usually a Gdk::Window).
-     * gc: The Gdk::GC graphics context to control the drawing style.
-     * x: The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle in the drawable.
-     * y: The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle in the drawable.
-     * w: The width of the rectangle to be drawn.
-     * h: The height of the rectangle to be drawn.
-     * dither: A GdkRgbDither value, selecting the desired dither mode.
-     * buf: The pixel data, represented as 8-bit gray values.
-     * rowstride: The number of bytes from the start of one row in buf to the start of the next.
-     * Returns: self
- --- Gdk::RGB.draw_rgb_32_image(win, gc, x, y, w, h, dither, buf, rowstride)
-     Draws a padded RGB image in the Gdk::Drawable. The image is stored as one pixel per 32-bit word. It is laid out as a red byte, a green byte, a blue byte, and a padding byte.
-     * win: The Gdk::Drawable to draw in (usually a Gdk::Window).
-     * gc: The Gdk::GC graphics context to control the drawing style.
-     * x: The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle in the drawable.
-     * y: The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the rectangle in the drawable.
-     * w: The width of the rectangle to be drawn.
-     * h: The height of the rectangle to be drawn.
-     * dither: A GdkRgbDither value, selecting the desired dither mode.
-     * buf: The 32-bit pixel data.
-     * rowstride: The number of bytes from the start of one row in buf to the start of the next.
-     * Returns: self
- ==Constants
- ===GdkRgbDither
- * 2003-11-03: ((<goddess101>))

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