[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::Window


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2003年 5月 16日 (金) 18:57:47 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gtk%3A%3AWindow
= class Gtk::WindowGroup

== super class
* GLib::Object

== class methods
--- Gtk::WindowGroup.new
    Creates a new Gtk::WindowGroup object. Grabs added with Gtk.grab_add only affect windows within the same Gtk::WindowGroup.

== public instance methods
--- add(window)
    Adds a window to a Gtk::WindowGroup.
    * window: the Gtk::Window to add.
    * Returns: self.  

--- remove(window)
    Removes a window from a Gtk::WindowGroup.
    * window: the Gtk::Window to remove.
    * Returns: self.  

- ((<Masao>))

= class Gtk::Window

== super class
* ((<Gtk::Bin>))

== class methods
--- Gtk::Window.new(type = Gtk::Window::TOPLEVEL)
    Creates a new Gtk::Window, which is a toplevel window that can contain other widgets. Nearly always, the type of the window should be Gtk::Window::TOPLEVEL. If you're implementing something like a popup menu from scratch (which is a bad idea, just use Gtk::Menu), you might use Gtk::Window::POPUP. Gtk::Window::POPUP is not for dialogs, though in some other toolkits dialogs are called "popups". In GTK+, Gtk::Window::POPUP means a pop-up menu or pop-up tooltip. On X11, popup windows are not controlled by the window manager.
    If you simply want an undecorated window (no window borders), use Gtk::Window#decorated=, don't use Gtk::Window::POPUP.
    * type: type of window. (((<GtkWindowType|Gtk::Window#GtkWindowType>))).
    * Returns: a new Gtk::Window. 

== public instance methods
--- title
    Gets the title of the Gtk::Window.
    * Returns: title
--- title=(title)
    Sets the title of the Gtk::Window. The title of a window will be displayed in its title bar; on the X Window System, the title bar is rendered by the window manager, so exactly how the title appears to users may vary according to a user's exact configuration. The title should help a user distinguish this window from other windows they may have open. A good title might include the application name and current document filename, for example.
    * title: title of the window 
    * Returns: title
--- set_title(title)
    Same as title=.
    * title: title of the window 
    * Returns: self

--- set_wmclass(wmclass_name, wmclass_class)
    Don't use this function. It sets the X Window System "class" and "name" hints for a window. According to the ICCCM, you should always set these to the same value for all windows in an application, and GTK+ sets them to that value by default, so calling this function is sort of pointless. However, you may want to call Gtk::Window#role= on each window in your application, for the benefit of the session manager. Setting the role allows the window manager to restore window positions when loading a saved session.
    * wmclass_name: window name hint 
    * wmclass_class: window class hint 
    * Returns: self

--- resizable?
    Gets the value set by Gtk::Window#resizable=.
    * Returns : TRUE if the user can resize the window 
--- resizable=(resizable)
    Sets whether the user can resize a window. Windows are user resizable by default.
    * resizable: true if the user can resize this window 
    * Returns: resizable
--- set_resizable(resizable)
    Same as resizable=.
    * resizable: true if the user can resize this window 
    * Returns: self

--- add_accel_group(accel_group)
    Associate accel_group with window, such that calling Gtk::AccelGroup.activate on window will activate accelerators in accel_group.
    * accel_group : a Gtk::AccelGroup 
    * Returns: self
--- remove_accel_group(accel_group)
    Reverses the effects of Gtk::Window#add_accel_group.
    * accel_group : a Gtk::AccelGroup 

--- active_focus
    Activates the current focused widget within the window.
    * Returns: true if a widget got activated.
--- active_default
    Activates the default widget for the window, unless the current focused widget has been configured to receive the default action(See Gtk::Widget::RECEIVES_DEFAULT in ((<GtkWidgetFlags|Gtk::Widget#GtkWidgetFlags>)).
    * Returns: true if a widget got activated.

--- modal?
    Returns whether the window is modal. See Gtk::Window#modal=.
    * Returns: true if the window is set to be modal and establishes a grab when shown 
--- modal=(modal)
    Sets a window modal or non-modal. Modal windows prevent interaction with other windows in the same application. To keep modal dialogs on top of main application windows, use Gtk::Window#transient_for= to make the dialog transient for the parent; most window managers will then disallow lowering the dialog below the parent.
    * modal: true if the window is modal.
    * Returns: modal
--- set_modal(modal)
    Same as modal=.
    * modal: true if the window is modal.
    * Returns: self

--- default_size
    Gets the value set by Gtk::Window#set_default_size.
    * Returns : [width, height]
--- set_default_size(width, height)
    Sets the default size of a window. If the window's "natural" size (its size request) is larger than the default, the default will be ignored. More generally, if the default size does not obey the geometry hints for the window (Gtk::Window#set_geometry_hints can be used to set these explicitly), the default size will be clamped to the nearest permitted size.
    Unlike Gtk::Widget#set_size_request, which sets a size request for a widget and thus would keep users from shrinking the window, this function only sets the initial size, just as if the user had resized the window themselves. Users can still shrink the window again as they normally would. Setting a default size of -1 means to use the "natural" default size (the size request of the window).
    For more control over a window's initial size and how resizing works, investigate Gtk::Window#set_geometry_hints.
    For some uses, Gtk::Window#resize is a more appropriate function. Gtk::Window#resize changes the current size of the window, rather than the size to be used on initial display. Gtk::Window#resize always affects the window itself, not the geometry widget.
    The default size of a window only affects the first time a window is shown; if a window is hidden and re-shown, it will remember the size it had prior to hiding, rather than using the default size.
    Windows can't actually be 0x0 in size, they must be at least 1x1, but passing 0 for width and height is OK, resulting in a 1x1 default size.
    * width: width in pixels, or -1 to unset the default width 
    * height: height in pixels, or -1 to unset the default height 
    * Returns: self

--- set_geometry_hints(geometry_widget, geometry, geom_mask)
    This method sets up hints about how a window can be resized by the user. You can set a minimum and maximum size; allowed resize increments (e.g. for xterm, you can only resize by the size of a character); aspect ratios; and more. See the Gdk::Geometry.
    * geometry_widget: widget the geometry hints will be applied to
    * geometry: a Gdk::Geometry value
    * geom_mask: mask indicating which struct fields should be paid attention to (((<GdkWindowHints|Gdk::Window#GdkWindowHints>)))
    * Returns: self

--- gravity
    Gets the value set by Gtk::Window#gravity=.
    * Returns: window gravity
--- gravity=(gravity)
    Window gravity defines the meaning of coordinates passed to Gtk::Window#move. See Gtk::Window#move and ((<GdkGravity|Gdk::Window#GdkGravity>)) for more details.
    The default window gravity is Gdk::Window#GRAVITY_NORTH_WEST which will typically "do what you mean."
    * gravity: window gravity(((<GdkGravity|Gdk::Window#GdkGravity>)))
    * Returns: gravity=
--- set_gravity(gravity)
    Same as gravity=.
    * gravity: window gravity(((<GdkGravity|Gdk::Window#GdkGravity>)))
    * Returns: self

--- window_position
    Gets the value set by Gtk::Window#window_position=.
    * Returns: window position (((<GtkWindowPosition|Gtk::Window#GtkWindowPosition>)))
--- window_position=(position)
    Sets a position constraint for this window. If the old or new constraint is Gtk::Window::POS_CENTER_ALWAYS, this will also cause the window to be repositioned to satisfy the new constraint.
    * position: a position constraint. (((<GtkWindowPosition|Gtk::Window#GtkWindowPosition>)))
    * Returns: position
--- set_window_position(position)
    Same as window_position=.
    * position: a position constraint. (((<GtkWindowPosition|Gtk::Window#GtkWindowPosition>)))
    * Returns: self

--- transient_for
--- transient_for=(parent)
    Dialog windows should be set transient for the main application window they were spawned from. This allows window managers to e.g. keep the dialog on top of the main window, or center the dialog over the main window. Gtk::Dialog.new and other convenience functions in GTK+ will sometimes call Gtk::Window#transient_for= on your behalf.
    On Windows, this function will and put the child window on top of the parent, much as the window manager would have done on X.
    * parent: parent Gtk::Window 
    * Returns: parent
--- set_transient_for(parent)
    Same as transient_for=.
    * parent: parent Gtk::Window 
    * Returns: self

--- destroy_with_parent?
    Returns whether the window will be destroyed with its transient parent. See Gtk::Window#destroy_with_parent=.
    * Returns: true if the window will be destroyed with its transient parent. 
--- destroy_with_parent=(setting)
    If setting is true, then destroying the transient parent of window will also destroy window itself. This is useful for dialogs that shouldn't persist beyond the lifetime of the main window they're associated with, for example.
    * setting : true if the window is destroyed window with its transient parent 
    * Returns: setting
--- set_destroy_with_parent(setting)
    Same as destroy_with_parent=.
    * setting : true if the window will be destroyed with its transient parent. 
    * Returns: self

--- frame_dimensions
    (((*Note: this is a special-purpose method intended for the framebuffer port; see Gtk::Window#has_frame=. It will not return the size of the window border drawn by the window manager, which is the normal case when using a windowing system. See gdk_window_get_frame_extents() to get the standard window border extents.)

Retrieves the dimensions of the frame window for this toplevel. See gtk_window_set_has_frame(), gtk_window_set_frame_dimensions().

--- position

--- allow_grow=
--- allow_grow?
--- allow_shrink=
--- allow_shrink?
--- decorated=
--- decorated?
--- default=
--- default_height
--- default_height=
--- default_width
--- default_width=
--- deiconify
--- focus
--- focus=
--- icon
--- icon=
--- iconify
--- maximize
--- mnemonic_modifier
--- move
--- present
--- resize
--- role
--- role=
--- set_allow_grow
--- set_allow_shrink
--- set_decorated
--- set_default
--- set_default_height
--- set_default_width
--- set_focus
--- set_icon
--- set_role
--- set_type_hint
--- size
--- stick
--- type_hint
--- type_hint=
--- unmaximize
--- unstick

== constants

== See Also

- ((<Masao>))

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