[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::TreeView


ruby-****@lists***** ruby-****@lists*****
2003年 7月 19日 (土) 00:40:56 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gtk%3A%3ATreeView

= class Gtk::TreeView
Widget that displays any object that implements the Gtk::TreeModel interface.

== super class
* Gtk::Container

== class methods
--- Gtk::TreeView.new(model = nil)
    Creates a new Gtk::TreeView widget with the model initialized to model or nil.
    * model: the model. 
    * Returns: A newly created Gtk::TreeView widget. 

== public instance methods
--- model
    Returns the model the the Gtk::TreeView is based on. Returns nil if the model is unset.
    * Returns: A Gtk::TreeModel, or nil if none is currently being used. 
--- model=(model)
    Sets the model for a Gtk::TreeView. If the Gtk::TreeView already has a model set, it will remove it before setting the new model. If model is nil, then it will unset the old model.
    * model: The model 
    * Returns: model
--- set_model(model)
    Same as model=.
    * model: The model
    * Returns: self

--- selection
    Gets the Gtk::TreeSelection associated with the TreeView.
    * Returns: A Gtk::TreeSelection object. 

--- hadjustment
    Gets the Gtk::Adjustment currently being used for the horizontal aspect.
    * Returns: A Gtk::Adjustment object, or nil if none is currently being used. 
--- hadjustment=(adjustment)
    Sets the Gtk::Adjustment for the current horizontal aspect.
    * adjustment: The Gtk::Adjustment to set, or nil 
    * Returns: adjustment
--- set_hadjustment(adjustment)
    Same as hadjustment=.
    * Returns: self

--- vadjustment
    Gets the Gtk::Adjustment currently being used for the vertical aspect.
    * Returns: A Gtk::Adjustment object, or nil if none is currently being used. 
--- vadjustment=(adjustment)
    Sets the Gtk::Adjustment for the current vertical aspect.
    * adjustment: The Gtk::Adjustment to set, or nil 
    * Returns: adjustment
--- set_vadjustment(adjustment)
    Same as vadjustment=.
    * Returns: self

--- headers_visible?
    Returns true if the headers on the Gtk::TreeView are visible.
    * Returns: Whether the headers are visible or not. 
--- headers_visible=(headers_visible)
    Sets the the visibility state of the headers.
    * headers_visible: true if the headers are visible 
    * Returns: headers_visible
--- set_headers_visible(headers_visible)
    Same as headers_visible=.
    * Returns: headers_visible

--- columns_autosize
    Resizes all columns to their optimal width. Only works after the Gtk::TreeView has been realized.
    * Returns: self

--- headers_clickable=(setting)
    Allow the column title buttons to be clicked.
    * setting: true if the columns are clickable. 
    * Returns: self

--- set_headers_clickable
    not yet
    * Returns: self

--- append_column
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- bin_window
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- collapse_all
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- collapse_row
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- columns
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- create_row_drag_icon
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- cursor
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- drag_dest_row
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- enable_model_drag_dest
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- enable_model_drag_source
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- enable_search=
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- enable_search?
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- expand_all
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- expand_row
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- expander_column
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- expander_column=
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- get_background_area
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- get_cell_area
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- get_column
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- get_dest_row_at_pos
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- get_path_at_pos
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- insert_column
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- move_column_after
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- remove_column
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- reorderable=
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- reorderable?
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- row_activated
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- row_expanded?
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- rules_hint=
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- rules_hint?
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- scroll_to_cell
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- scroll_to_point
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- search_column
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- search_column=
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- set_cursor
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- set_drag_dest_row
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- set_enable_search
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- set_expander_column
    not yet
    * Returns: self

--- set_reorderable
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- set_rules_hint
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- set_search_column
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- tree_to_widget_coords
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- unset_rows_drag_dest
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- unset_rows_drag_source
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- visible_rect
    not yet
    * Returns: self
--- widget_to_tree_coords
    not yet
    * Returns: self

== constants

== signals
--- columns-changed: self
     * self: 
--- cursor-changed: self
     * self: 
--- expand-collapse-cursor-row: self
     * self: 
--- move-cursor: self
     * self: 
--- row-activated: self
     * self: 
--- row-collapsed: self
     * self: 
--- row-expanded: self
     * self: 
--- select-all: self
     * self: 
--- select-cursor-parent: self
     * self: 
--- select-cursor-row: self
     * self: 
--- set-scroll-adjustments: self
     * self: 
--- start-interactive-search: self
     * self: 
--- test-collapse-row: self
     * self: 
--- test-expand-row: self
     * self: 
--- toggle-cursor-row: self
     * self: 
--- unselect-all: self
     * self: 

== See Also

- ((<Masao>))

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