2003年 8月 25日 (月) 10:29:28 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = URL = ------------------------- = class Gtk::SpinButton A Gtk::SpinButton is an ideal way to allow the user to set the value of some attribute. Rather than having to directly type a number into a Gtk::Entry, Gtk::SpinButton allows the user to click on one of two arrows to increment or decrement the displayed value. A value can still be typed in, with the bonus that it can be checked to ensure it is in a given range. The main properties of a Gtk::SpinButton are through a Gtk::Adjustment. See the Gtk::Adjustment section for more details about an adjustment's properties. - == Super Class - * Gtk::Entry + == Object Hierarchy + * Object + * GLib::Instantiatable + * GLib::Object + * Gtk::Object + * Gtk::Widget + * Gtk::Entry + * Gtk::SpinButton == Class Methods --- Creates a new Gtk::SpinButton. * Returns: The new spin button. ---, climb_rate, digits) Creates a new Gtk::SpinButton with Gtk::Adjustment. * adjustment: the Gtk::Adjustment object that this spin button should use. * climb_rate: specifies how much the spin button changes when an arrow is clicked on.(Float) * digits: the number of decimal places to display. (Integer) * Returns: The new spin button. ---, max, step) This is a convenience constructor that allows creation of a numeric Gtk::SpinButton without manually creating an adjustment. The value is initially set to the minimum value and a page increment of 10 * step is the default. The precision of the spin button is equivalent to the precision of step. * min: Minimum allowable value(Float) * max: Maximum allowable value(Float) * step: Increment added or subtracted by spinning the widget(Float) * Returns: The new spin button. == Instance Methods --- configure(adjustment, climb_rate, digits) Changes the properties of an existing spin button. The adjustment, climb rate, and number of decimal places are all changed accordingly, after this function call. * adjustment: a GtkAdjustment. * climb_rate: the new climb rate. * digits: the number of decimal places to display in the spin button. * Returns: self --- adjustment Get the adjustment associated with a Gtk::SpinButton * Returns : the GtkAdjustment of spin_button --- adjustment=(adjustment) Replaces the Gtk::Adjustment associated with spin_button. * adjustment: a Gtk::Adjustment to replace the existing adjustment * Returns: adjustment --- set_adjustment(adjustment) Same as adjustment=. * adjustment: a Gtk::Adjustment to replace the existing adjustment * Returns: self --- climb_rate Gets the value which specifies how much the spin button changes when an arrow is clicked on. * Returns: the value specifies how much the spin button changes when an arrow is clicked on.(Float) --- climb_rate=(climb_rate) Sets the value which specifies how much the spin button changes when an arrow is clicked on. * climb_rate: specifies how much the spin button changes when an arrow is clicked on.(Float) * Returns: climb_rate --- set_climb_rate(climb_rate) Same as climb_rate=. * climb_rate: specifies how much the spin button changes when an arrow is clicked on.(Float) * Returns: self --- digits Fetches the precision of spin_button. See Gtk::SpinButton#digits=. * Returns: the current precision --- digits=(digits) Set the precision to be displayed by spin_button. Up to 20 digit precision is allowed. * digits: the number of digits to be displayed for the spin button's value * Returns: digits --- set_digits(digits) Same as digits=. * digits: the number of digits to be displayed for the spin button's value * Returns: self --- increments Gets the current step and page the increments used by spin_button. See Gtk::SpinButton#set_increments(). * Returns: [step, page] * step: location to store step increment or nil * page: location to store page increment or nil --- set_increments(step, page) Sets the step and page increments for spin_button. This affects how quickly the value changes when the spin button's arrows are activated. * step: increment applied for a button 1 press. (Float) * page: increment applied for a button 2 press. (Float) * Returns: self --- numeric? Returns whether non-numeric text can be typed into the spin button. See Gtk::SpinButton#numeric=. * Returns: true if only numeric text can be entered --- numeric=(numeric) Sets the flag that determines if non-numeric text can be typed into the spin button. * numeric : flag indicating if only numeric entry is allowed. * Returns: numeric --- set_numeric(numeric) Same as numeric=. * numeric : true if only numeric entry is allowed. * Returns: self --- range Gets the range allowed for spin_button. See Gtk::SpinButton#set_range. * Returns: [min, max] * min: location to store minimum allowed value, or nil * max: location to store maximum allowed value, or nil --- set_range(min, max) Sets the minimum and maximum allowable values for spin_button * min : minimum allowable value (Float) * max : maximum allowable value (Float) * Returns: self --- snap_to_ticks? Returns whether the values are corrected to the nearest step. See Gtk::SpinButton#snap_to_ticks=. * Returns: true if values are snapped to the nearest step. --- snap_to_ticks=(snap_to_ticks) Sets the policy as to whether values are corrected to the nearest step increment when a spin button is activated after providing an invalid value. * snap_to_ticks : true if invalid values should be corrected. * Returns: snap_to_ticks --- set_snap_to_ticks Same as snap_to_ticks=. * snap_to_ticks : true if invalid values should be corrected. * Returns: self --- update Manually force an update of the spin button. * spin_button: a Gtk::SpinButton --- update_policy Gets the update behavior of a spin button. See Gtk::SpinButton#update_policy=. * Returns : the current update policy(((<GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy|URL:#GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy>))) --- update_policy=(policy) Sets the update behavior of a spin button. This determines whether the spin button is always updated or only when a valid value is set. * policy: a ((<GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy|URL:#GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy>)) value * Returns: policy --- set_update_policy(policy) Same as update_policy=. * policy: a ((<GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy|URL:#GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy>)) value * Returns: self --- value Get the value in the spin_button. * Returns: the value of spin_button --- value=(value) Set the value of spin_button. * value: the new value(Float) * Returns: value --- set_value(value) Same as value=. * value: the new value(Float) * Returns: self --- value_as_int Get the value spin_button represented as an integer. * Returns: the value of spin_button --- spin(direction, increment) Increment or decrement a spin button's value in a specified direction by a specified amount. * direction: a ((<GtkSpinType|URL:#GtkSpinType>)) indicating the direction to spin. * increment: step increment to apply in the specified direction. * Returns: self --- wrap? Returns whether the spin button's value wraps around to the opposite limit when the upper or lower limit of the range is exceeded. See Gtk::SpinButton#wrap=. * Returns: true if the spin button wraps around --- wrap=(wrap) Sets the flag that determines if a spin button value wraps around to the opposite limit when the upper or lower limit of the range is exceeded. * wrap: true if wrapping behavior is performed. * Returns: wrap --- set_wrap Same as wrap=. * wrap: true if wrapping behavior is performed. * Returns: self == Constants === GtkSpinButtonUpdatePolicy --- UPDATE_ALWAYS When refreshing your Gtk::SpinButton, the value is always displayed. --- UPDATE_IF_VALID When refreshing your Gtk::SpinButton, the value is only displayed if it is valid within the bounds of the spin button's Gtk::Adjustment. === GtkSpinType --- STEP_FORWARD This value spin a Gtk::SpinButton by the relevant values of the spin button's Gtk::Adjustment. --- STEP_BACKWARD This value spin a Gtk::SpinButton by the relevant values of the spin button's Gtk::Adjustment. --- PAGE_FORWARD This value spin a Gtk::SpinButton by the relevant values of the spin button's Gtk::Adjustment. --- PAGE_BACKWARD This value spin a Gtk::SpinButton by the relevant values of the spin button's Gtk::Adjustment. --- HOME HOME and END set the spin button's value to the minimum or maxmimum possible values, (set by it's Gtk::Adjustment), respectively. --- END HOME and END set the spin button's value to the minimum or maxmimum possible values, (set by it's Gtk::Adjustment), respectively. --- USER_DEFINED The programmer must specify the exact amount to spin the Gtk::SpinButton. + + == Properties + --- adjustment: Gtk::Adjustment (Read/Write) + The adjustment that holds the value of the spinbutton + + --- climb-rate: Float (Read/Write) + The acceleration rate when you hold down a button + + --- digits: Integer (Read/Write) + The number of decimal places to display + + --- numeric: true or false (Read/Write) + Whether non-numeric characters should be ignored + + --- snap-to-ticks: true or false (Read/Write) + Whether erroneous values are automatically changed to a spin button's nearest step increment + + --- update-policy: Integer (Read/Write) + Whether the spin button should update always, or only when the value is legal + + --- value: Float (Read/Write) + Reads the current value, or sets a new value + + --- wrap: true or false (Read/Write) + Whether a spin button should wrap upon reaching its limits == Signals --- change-value: self, arg1 * self: Gtk::SpinButton * arg1: --- input: self, arg1 * self: Gtk::SpinButton * arg1: --- output: self, arg1 * self: Gtk::SpinButton * arg1: --- value-changed: self * self: Gtk::SpinButton == See Also * Gtk::Entry - retrieve text rather than numbers. ((<Masao>))