[Pythonjp-checkins] (無題)


Ella Champion eric****@arste*****
2007年 10月 21日 (日) 22:34:42 JST

about his arm. "You are to go with him into the trench for the night,"
American correspondent at the British front, and to Collier's and
academic military training than the graduate of Sandhurst. This is not
absorbing the majesty of a city from a cathedral tower after having
a shell in the breech and send it with their compliments to the
approve of this; but we think it the best way. The average graduate of
and you have cheer and warmth and light through the long night
among the forests and tree-clad hills of the mountainous country.
any German patrol out to have a look at our barbed wire and
another to get a major fighting ship, bristling with torpedo defence
an exclamation which was hostile, and looked up to see Minerva, as
Ah Fong could really be a neutral; and even they were expected to be

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ファイル名: 無し
型:         image/gif
サイズ:     11439 バイト
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URL:        http://lists.sourceforge.jp/mailman/archives/pythonjp-checkins/attachments/20071021/124b2950/attachment.gif 

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