[PRb-list] their active and sustained cooperation in spreading f


Forster bivou****@faure*****
2010年 3月 24日 (水) 02:46:48 JST

L construction, but to the fulfilment of its high destiny. And while we bend our efforts and strain our nerves in
a feverish pursuit to provide the necessary means for the speedy construction of the
Ma_sh_riqu'l-A_dh_kar, may we not pause for a moment to examine those statements which set forth the purpose as well as the functions of this symbolical yet so
spiritually potent Edifice? It will be readily admitted that at a time
when the tenets of a Faith, not yet fully

emerged from the fires of repression,
are as yet improperly defined and imperfectly understood, the utmost
caution should be exercised in reveal
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