pipes インタラクティブシェル.
オブジェクト指向, perlライクな文字列処理の内部コマンドを組みこんでいます。
2012 30th May - 14th June, version 1.0.3
Added mkdir touch man external program object to root object.
Detected and modified file completion bug.
Running sweep (no exstence object) have made segmentention fault error. Modified.
fselector inner command is added. See help
rl object for manupulating readline library. See rl->help
Added show method to all objects.
Added main method mechanizm to all objects. If you defined main method in an object, when being called the object, run the "main" method automatically.
Improved the error message.
Dissmiss to sweep self
Added 'funinfo' inner command
Improved searching algorithm of user completion object.
Wildcard of user completion name is changed from * to __all__
Dynamic library so version is up.
Released Pipes version 1.0.3 at 14th June