[php-i18n-commits] They all answer "dix-huit"--a trim twitter, a note of finality and wistful deceit which they emit up to ten times per day, the poor little creatures.


Games Inman Inman****@amato*****
2007年 8月 11日 (土) 21:54:47 JST

H'u.g e N e'w s To Impa_ct C+Y*T,V 

C,hina YouT*V C o r_p . 

Symbo_l: C_Y,T.V 

We h.a.v,e al+ready s_e_e-n CYTV_'s ma+rket i_mpact b_efore climb_,ing to o v.e.r $2.+00 w*i.t'h n,e'w's,. 
Pre-ss Releas-e: 

Chi+na Yo_uTV's C.nBoo W'e'b S-i+t,e R anks N*o'.+1 on M-icros oft L-i.v*e Se-arch Eng,ine 
C+nBoo T-raffic Incre'a,ses 4,9+% O v'e-r T'w+o Mo*nths 

R_e*a*d t h-e n.ews, thi,nk abou*t t.h-e im+pact, and

j.u'm.p on t'h_i*s fi.rst thi,ng T.o,morrow m'o'rning!  $0_.42 is a g i-f t at t h+i.s pri.ce'..... 

Do y_o,u'r hom*e_work a'n-d w_atch t'h'i_s tra.de Mo.nday morni ng. 

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