Marc Meade
2006年 8月 19日 (土) 15:31:45 JST
***ATTENTION ALL DAY TRADEERS AND INVESTOORS*** INVESTOOR ALEERT! DON'T MISS ANOTHER RUN OON IVH N!!! BREAKING NEWS CAME OUT ON WEDNESDAY!!! WATCH IT EXPLODE ON FRIDAY!!! WATCH IVH N LIKE A HAAWK ON Fridaay Auugust 18, 2006 Commpany: Inn ovation Holdings Tickeer: IVH N Currrent Priice: $0.12 Tarrget Priice: $0.95 Recommendation: STROONG BUUY Markket Caap: 1.35M Get on IVH N First Thing on Fridaay!!! Bre aking News: Inn ovation Holdings Inc.'s Target Acquisition, PharmaSpritz Corpporation, Receives Second Tranche of Funding 8/16/2006 4:05 pm ET TORONTO--(MARRKET WWIRE)--8/16/2006-- PharmaSpritz Corpporation of Delaware, the target acquisition of Inn ovation Holdings Inc.(Other OT C:IVH N. PK - News) of Nevada and the manufacturer of SlimSpritz weight control spray, Compozure anti-stress oral spray and Spritzzz nighttime sleep aid, has announced the receipt of the second in a series of funding payments from Sentinel Capital Corpporation.(sentinelcapitalcorp[dot.]com) Senntinel has agreed to investt a total of USD$ 2 000000 in PharmaSpritz Corrporation.Senntinel's investmentt will accelerate the development and testing of PharmaSpritz Corrporation's new cconsumer nutraceutical products and will help speed the delivery of the core products to the cconsumer mmarketplace.The first three products developed by PharmaSpritz Corrporation: SlimSpritz, (slimspritz[dot.]com) Compozure and Spritzzz are manufactured by PharmaSpritz's technology partner, BioZone Laboratories Inc. of California. All three consist of effective natural source medicinal ingredients in patented formulations. They feature a Metered Dosee Aerosol Pump that instantly delivers effective and recognized herbal mediciinal agents, and all three utilize PharmaSpritz Corporration's unique low doese/high frequency formulation that allows the consumer to self-regulate their intake based on their individual requirements. About Inn ovation Hold ings: The Coompany is currently in the proccess of preparing fully audited financcial stattements in anticipation of finding a merger candidate with significant earninggs. Several commpanies have expressed interestt in reverse mergger acquisitions and Inn ovation Hold ing's managemment is currently in the due diligence process with several of these candidates. This process should enable the Coompany to re-emergge as a profitable eentity going forward. ADD THIS GEM TO YOUR RADDAR AND WATCH IT TRADDE ON FRIDAAY, AUGUST 18,2006 !-!-! DON'T EVEN BLINKK! IV HN DOESN'T SLEEPP IT WILL EXPLODDE ON FRIDAAY, AUGUST 18,2006 !-!-! YOU KNOW THE NEWS! TRADDE SMARTT