[perldocjp-cvs 1844] CVS update: docs/modules/Furl-3.00/lib


ktats****@users***** ktats****@users*****
2013年 11月 18日 (月) 11:14:29 JST

Index: docs/modules/Furl-3.00/lib/Furl.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Furl-3.00/lib/Furl.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Mon Nov 18 11:14:29 2013
+++ docs/modules/Furl-3.00/lib/Furl.pod	Mon Nov 18 11:14:29 2013
@@ -0,0 +1,579 @@
+=encoding utf-8
+=head1 名前
+=begin original
+Furl - Lightning-fast URL fetcher
+=end original
+Furl - 軽量で速い URL fecher
+=head1 概要
+    use Furl;
+    my $furl = Furl->new(
+        agent   => 'MyGreatUA/2.0',
+        timeout => 10,
+    );
+    my $res = $furl->get('http://example.com/');
+    die $res->status_line unless $res->is_success;
+    print $res->content;
+    my $res = $furl->post(
+        'http://example.com/', # URL
+        [...],                 # headers
+        [ foo => 'bar' ],      # form data (HashRef/FileHandle are also okay)
+    );
+    # Accept-Encoding is supported but optional
+    $furl = Furl->new(
+        headers => [ 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip' ],
+    );
+    my $body = $furl->get('http://example.com/some/compressed');
+=head1 説明
+=begin original
+Furl is yet another HTTP client library. LWP is the de facto standard HTTP
+client for Perl 5, but it is too slow for some critical jobs, and too complex
+for weekend hacking. Furl resolves these issues. Enjoy it!
+=end original
+Furl はもう一つの HTTP クライアントライブラリです。LWP は Perl 5 のデファクトスタンダードな
+HTTP クライアントですが、クリティカルなジョブでは遅すぎますし、週末のハッキングには
+複雑過ぎます。Furl はこれらの問題を解決します。楽しんで下さい!
+=head2 Class Methods
+=head3 C<< Furl->new(%args | \%args) :Furl >>
+=begin original
+Creates and returns a new Furl client with I<%args>. Dies on errors.
+=end original
+I<%args> で新しい Furl クライアントを作ります。エラーがあれば死にます。
+=begin original
+I<%args> might be:
+=end original
+I<%args> は:
+=item agent :Str = "Furl/$VERSION"
+=item timeout :Int = 10
+=item max_redirects :Int = 7
+=item capture_request :Bool = false
+=begin original
+If this parameter is true, L<Furl::HTTP> captures raw request string.
+You can get it by C<< $res->captured_req_headers >> and C<< $res->captured_req_content >>.
+=end original
+このパラメータが真なら、L<Furl::HTTP> は生のリクエスト文字列をキャプチャします。
+C<< $res->captured_req_headers >> と C<< $res->captured_req_content >> でキャプチャしたものを取得できます。
+=item proxy :Str
+=item no_proxy :Str
+=item headers :ArrayRef
+=head2 Instance Methods
+=head3 C<< $furl->request([$request,] %args) :Furl::Response >>
+=begin original
+Sends an HTTP request to a specified URL and returns a instance of L<Furl::Response>.
+=end original
+=begin original
+I<%args> might be:
+=end original
+I<%args> は:
+=item scheme :Str = "http"
+=begin original
+Protocol scheme. May be C<http> or C<https>.
+=end original
+プロトコロスキーマ。C<http> か C<https> でしょう。
+=item host :Str
+=begin original
+Server host to connect.
+=end original
+=begin original
+You must specify at least C<host> or C<url>.
+=end original
+C<host> か C<url>のいずれかを指定しなければいけません。
+=item port :Int = 80
+=begin original
+Server port to connect. The default is 80 on C<< scheme => 'http' >>,
+or 443 on C<< scheme => 'https' >>.
+=end original
+接続するサーバのポート。デフォルトは、C<< schema => 'http' >>なら80で、
+C<< scheme => 'https' >>なら、443です。
+=item path_query :Str = "/"
+=begin original
+Path and query to request.
+=end original
+=item url :Str
+=begin original
+URL to request.
+=end original
+=begin original
+You can use C<url> instead of C<scheme>, C<host>, C<port> and C<path_query>.
+=end original
+=item headers :ArrayRef
+=begin original
+HTTP request headers. e.g. C<< headers => [ 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip' ] >>.
+=end original
+HTTPリクエストヘッダ。例 C<< headers => [ 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip' ] >>.
+=item content : Str | ArrayRef[Str] | HashRef[Str] | FileHandle
+=begin original
+Content to request.
+=end original
+=begin original
+If the number of arguments is an odd number, this method assumes that the
+first argument is an instance of C<HTTP::Request>. Remaining arguments
+can be any of the previously describe values (but currently there's no
+way to really utilize them, so don't use it)
+=end original
+引数の数が奇数の場合、このメソッドは最初の引数を C<HTTP::Request>のインスタンスと
+    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(...);
+    my $res = $furl->request($req);
+=begin original
+You can also specify an object other than HTTP::Request (e.g. Furl::Request),
+but the object must implement the following methods:
+=end original
+HTTP::Request以外のオブジェクト(e.g. Furl::Request)も指定できますが、
+=over 4
+=item uri
+=item method
+=item content
+=item headers
+=begin original
+These must return the same type of values as their counterparts in
+=end original
+=begin original
+You must encode all the queries or this method will die, saying
+C<Wide character in ...>.
+=end original
+すべてのクエリをエンコードする必要があります。さもなくば、C<Wide character in ...>
+=head3 C<< $furl->get($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str] ) >>
+=begin original
+This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<GET> method.
+=end original
+=head3 C<< $furl->head($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str] ) >>
+=begin original
+This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<HEAD> method.
+=end original
+=head3 C<< $furl->post($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str], $content :Any) >>
+=begin original
+This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<POST> method.
+=end original
+=head3 C<< $furl->put($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str], $content :Any) >>
+=begin original
+This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<PUT> method.
+=end original
+=head3 C<< $furl->delete($url :Str, $headers :ArrayRef[Str] ) >>
+=begin original
+This is an easy-to-use alias to C<request()>, sending the C<DELETE> method.
+=end original
+=head3 C<< $furl->env_proxy() >>
+=begin original
+Loads proxy settings from C<< $ENV{HTTP_PROXY} >> and C<< $ENV{NO_PROXY} >>.
+=end original
+C<< $ENV{HTTP_PROXY} >> と C<< $ENV{NO_PROXY} >> からプロキシ設定を読みこみます。
+=head1 FAQ
+=over 4
+=item FurlはXSモジュールに依存しますか?
+=begin original
+(Does Furl depends on XS modules?)
+=end original
+=begin original
+No. Although some optional features require XS modules, basic features are
+available without XS modules.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Note that Furl requires HTTP::Parser::XS, which seems an XS module
+but includes a pure Perl backend, HTTP::Parser::XS::PP.
+=end original
+pure PerlのバックエンドであるHTTP::Parser::XS::PPを含んでいます。
+=item もっとスピードが必要です。
+=begin original
+(I need more speed.)
+=end original
+=begin original
+See L<Furl::HTTP>, which provides the low level interface of L<Furl>.
+It is faster than C<Furl.pm> since L<Furl::HTTP> does not create response objects.
+=end original
+L<Furl::HTTP> を見てください。L<Furl>の低レベルのインターフェースを提供しています。
+=item cookie_jar を使うには?
+=begin original
+(How do you use cookie_jar?)
+=end original
+=begin original
+Furl does not directly support the cookie_jar option available in LWP. You can use L<HTTP::Cookies>, L<HTTP::Request>, L<HTTP::Response> like following.
+=end original
+Furl はLWPで使えるcookie_jarオプションを直接にはサポートしません。 L<HTTP::Cookies>、 L<HTTP::Request>、 L<HTTP::Response>を使って
+    my $f = Furl->new();
+    my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new();
+    my $req = HTTP::Request->new(...);
+    $cookies->add_cookie_header($req);
+    my $res = H$f->request_with_http_request($req)->as_http_response;
+    $res->request($req);
+    $cookies->extract_cookies($res);
+    # and use $res.
+=item コンテントレングスをどのように制限できますか?
+=begin original
+(How do you limit the response content length?)
+=end original
+=begin original
+You can limit the content length by callback function.
+=end original
+    my $f = Furl->new();
+    my $content = '';
+    my $limit = 1_000_000;
+    my %special_headers = ('content-length' => undef);
+    my $res = $f->request(
+        method          => 'GET',
+        url             => $url,
+        special_headers => \%special_headers,
+        write_code      => sub {
+            my ( $status, $msg, $headers, $buf ) = @_;
+            if (($special_headers{'content-length'}||0) > $limit || length($content) > $limit) {
+                die "over limit: $limit";
+            }
+            $content .= $buf;
+        }
+    );
+=item プログレスバーを表示できますか?
+=begin original
+(How do you display the progress bar?)
+=end original
+    my $bar = Term::ProgressBar->new({count => 1024, ETA => 'linear'});
+    $bar->minor(0);
+    $bar->max_update_rate(1);
+    my $f = Furl->new();
+    my $content = '';
+    my %special_headers = ('content-length' => undef);;
+    my $did_set_target = 0;
+    my $received_size = 0;
+    my $next_update  = 0;
+    $f->request(
+        method          => 'GET',
+        url             => $url,
+        special_headers => \%special_headers,
+        write_code      => sub {
+            my ( $status, $msg, $headers, $buf ) = @_;
+            unless ($did_set_target) {
+                if ( my $cl = $special_headers{'content-length'} ) {
+                    $bar->target($cl);
+                    $did_set_target++;
+                }
+                else {
+                    $bar->target( $received_size + 2 * length($buf) );
+                }
+            }
+            $received_size += length($buf);
+            $content .= $buf;
+            $next_update = $bar->update($received_size)
+            if $received_size >= $next_update;
+        }
+    );
+=item HTTPS リクエストが警告を表示する
+=begin original
+(HTTPS requests claims warnings!)
+=end original
+=begin original
+When you make https requests, IO::Socket::SSL may complain about it like:
+=end original
+https リクエストをするときに、 IO::Socket::SSL が次のyおうな警告をするかもしれません:
+    *******************************************************************
+     Using the default of SSL_verify_mode of SSL_VERIFY_NONE for client
+     is depreciated! Please set SSL_verify_mode to SSL_VERIFY_PEER
+     together with SSL_ca_file|SSL_ca_path for verification.
+     If you really don't want to verify the certificate and keep the
+     connection open to Man-In-The-Middle attacks please set
+     SSL_verify_mode explicitly to SSL_VERIFY_NONE in your application.
+    *******************************************************************
+=begin original
+You should set C<SSL_verify_mode> explicitly with Furl's C<ssl_opts>.
+=end original
+C<SSL_verify_mode> を明示的に、Furlの C<ssl_opts> にセットすべきです。
+    use IO::Socket::SSL;
+    my $ua = Furl->new(
+        ssl_opts => {
+            SSL_verify_mode => SSL_VERIFY_PEER(),
+        },
+    });
+=begin original
+See L<IO::Socket::SSL> for details.
+=end original
+=head1 著者
+Tokuhiro Matsuno E<lt>tokuh****@gmail*****<gt>
+Fuji, Goro (gfx)
+=head1 謝辞
+Kazuho Oku
+=head1 参照
+=head1 ライセンス
+Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself.

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