[perldocjp-cvs 1453] CVS update: docs/perl/5.10.1


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2012年 6月 6日 (水) 19:58:25 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.10.1/perlboot.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/perl/5.10.1/perlboot.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Jun  6 19:58:25 2012
+++ docs/perl/5.10.1/perlboot.pod	Wed Jun  6 19:58:25 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,1961 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+perlboot - Beginner's Object-Oriented Tutorial
+=end original
+perlboot - Perl オブジェクト指向導入編
+=begin original
+If you're not familiar with objects from other languages, some of the
+other Perl object documentation may be a little daunting, such as
+L<perlobj>, a basic reference in using objects, and L<perltoot>, which
+introduces readers to the peculiarities of Perl's object system in a
+tutorial way.
+=end original
+他の Perl オブジェクトのドキュメントのいくつかは気力をくじかせるでしょう。
+オブジェクトを使うための基本的なリファレンス L<perlobj>、
+Perl のオブジェクトシステムの特性のチュートリアル的な紹介 L<perltoot> 
+=begin original
+So, let's take a different approach, presuming no prior object
+experience. It helps if you know about subroutines (L<perlsub>),
+references (L<perlref> et. seq.), and packages (L<perlmod>), so become
+familiar with those first if you haven't already.
+=end original
+パッケージ(L<perlmod>) を知っているのならそれが役に立ちますので、
+=head2 If we could talk to the animals...
+=begin original
+Let's let the animals talk for a moment:
+=end original
+    sub Cow::speak {
+      print "a Cow goes moooo!\n";
+    }
+    sub Horse::speak {
+      print "a Horse goes neigh!\n";
+    }
+    sub Sheep::speak {
+      print "a Sheep goes baaaah!\n";
+    }
+    Cow::speak;
+    Horse::speak;
+    Sheep::speak;
+=begin original
+This results in:
+=end original
+    a Cow goes moooo!
+    a Horse goes neigh!
+    a Sheep goes baaaah!
+=begin original
+Nothing spectacular here.  Simple subroutines, albeit from separate
+packages, and called using the full package name.  So let's create
+an entire pasture:
+=end original
+    # Cow::speak, Horse::speak, Sheep::speak as before
+    @pasture = qw(Cow Cow Horse Sheep Sheep);
+    foreach $animal (@pasture) {
+      &{$animal."::speak"};
+    }
+=begin original
+This results in:
+=end original
+    a Cow goes moooo!
+    a Cow goes moooo!
+    a Horse goes neigh!
+    a Sheep goes baaaah!
+    a Sheep goes baaaah!
+=begin original
+Wow.  That symbolic coderef de-referencing there is pretty nasty.
+We're counting on C<no strict refs> mode, certainly not recommended
+for larger programs.  And why was that necessary?  Because the name of
+the package seems to be inseparable from the name of the subroutine we
+want to invoke within that package.
+=end original
+ここにあるシンボリック coderef のデリファレンスはかなり粗雑です。
+C<no strict refs> モードも考えてみると、大きなプログラムには全然向きません。
+=begin original
+Or is it?
+=end original
+=head2 Introducing the method invocation arrow
+=begin original
+For now, let's say that C<< Class->method >> invokes subroutine
+C<method> in package C<Class>.  (Here, "Class" is used in its
+"category" meaning, not its "scholastic" meaning.) That's not
+completely accurate, but we'll do this one step at a time.  Now let's
+use it like so:
+=end original
+いまのところ、C<< Class->method >> は C<Class> パッケージの C<method> 
+(ここで "Class" は "カテゴリ" の意味です。
+"学級" ではありません。)
+    # Cow::speak, Horse::speak, Sheep::speak as before
+    Cow->speak;
+    Horse->speak;
+    Sheep->speak;
+=begin original
+And once again, this results in:
+=end original
+    a Cow goes moooo!
+    a Horse goes neigh!
+    a Sheep goes baaaah!
+=begin original
+That's not fun yet.  Same number of characters, all constant, no
+variables.  But yet, the parts are separable now.  Watch:
+=end original
+    $a = "Cow";
+    $a->speak; # invokes Cow->speak
+=begin original
+Ahh!  Now that the package name has been parted from the subroutine
+name, we can use a variable package name.  And this time, we've got
+something that works even when C<use strict refs> is enabled.
+=end original
+そして今度は C<use strict refs> が有効であってもちゃんと機能するのです。
+=head2 Invoking a barnyard
+=begin original
+Let's take that new arrow invocation and put it back in the barnyard
+=end original
+    sub Cow::speak {
+      print "a Cow goes moooo!\n";
+    }
+    sub Horse::speak {
+      print "a Horse goes neigh!\n";
+    }
+    sub Sheep::speak {
+      print "a Sheep goes baaaah!\n";
+    }
+    @pasture = qw(Cow Cow Horse Sheep Sheep);
+    foreach $animal (@pasture) {
+      $animal->speak;
+    }
+=begin original
+There!  Now we have the animals all talking, and safely at that,
+without the use of symbolic coderefs.
+=end original
+また今度はシンボリック coderef を使っていなくて安全です。
+=begin original
+But look at all that common code.  Each of the C<speak> routines has a
+similar structure: a C<print> operator and a string that contains
+common text, except for two of the words.  It'd be nice if we could
+factor out the commonality, in case we decide later to change it all
+to C<says> instead of C<goes>.
+=end original
+でも、コードをよく見てみると、各 C<speak> 関数はよく似た構造を持っています。
+C<print> 演算子と、2 語を除くと同一のテキストを含んでいるだけです。
+例えば、後で全ての C<goes> を C<says> に変えることもできるようになります。
+=begin original
+And we actually have a way of doing that without much fuss, but we
+have to hear a bit more about what the method invocation arrow is
+actually doing for us.
+=end original
+=head2 The extra parameter of method invocation
+=begin original
+The invocation of:
+=end original
+    Class->method(@args)
+=begin original
+attempts to invoke subroutine C<Class::method> as:
+=end original
+は、C<Class::Method> 関数を次のように呼び出そうとします:
+    Class::method("Class", @args);
+=begin original
+(If the subroutine can't be found, "inheritance" kicks in, but we'll
+get to that later.)  This means that we get the class name as the
+first parameter (the only parameter, if no arguments are given).  So
+we can rewrite the C<Sheep> speaking subroutine as:
+=end original
+(もし引数がなければそれがただ1 つのパラメータになります)。 
+このことから C<Sheep> のおしゃべり関数を次のように書き改めることが
+    sub Sheep::speak {
+      my $class = shift;
+      print "a $class goes baaaah!\n";
+    }
+=begin original
+And the other two animals come out similarly:
+=end original
+    sub Cow::speak {
+      my $class = shift;
+      print "a $class goes moooo!\n";
+    }
+    sub Horse::speak {
+      my $class = shift;
+      print "a $class goes neigh!\n";
+    }
+=begin original
+In each case, C<$class> will get the value appropriate for that
+subroutine.  But once again, we have a lot of similar structure.  Can
+we factor that out even further?  Yes, by calling another method in
+the same class.
+=end original
+それぞれにおいて C<$class> にはその関数の特定の値を得ます。
+=head2 Calling a second method to simplify things
+(簡単に 2 つ目のメソッドを呼び出す)
+=begin original
+Let's call out from C<speak> to a helper method called C<sound>.
+This method provides the constant text for the sound itself.
+=end original
+C<speak> から補助メソッド C<sound> を呼び出してみましょう。
+    { package Cow;
+      sub sound { "moooo" }
+      sub speak {
+        my $class = shift;
+        print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+      }
+    }
+=begin original
+Now, when we call C<< Cow->speak >>, we get a C<$class> of C<Cow> in
+C<speak>.  This in turn selects the C<< Cow->sound >> method, which
+returns C<moooo>.  But how different would this be for the C<Horse>?
+=end original
+さて、C<< Cow->speak >> を呼び出すと C<speak> では C<$class> として
+C<Cow> を得ました。
+これをつかって C<moooo> を返す C<< Cow->sound >> メソッドを選択します。
+では C<Horse> の時はどこが変わるでしょう。
+    { package Horse;
+      sub sound { "neigh" }
+      sub speak {
+        my $class = shift;
+        print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+      }
+    }
+=begin original
+Only the name of the package and the specific sound change.  So can we
+somehow share the definition for C<speak> between the Cow and the
+Horse?  Yes, with inheritance!
+=end original
+ところで Cow と Horse で C<speak> の定義を共有する方法はないでしょうか?
+=head2 Inheriting the windpipes
+=begin original
+We'll define a common subroutine package called C<Animal>, with the
+definition for C<speak>:
+=end original
+共通の関数のパッケージとして C<Animal> を作ります;
+ここで C<speak> を定義します
+    { package Animal;
+      sub speak {
+      my $class = shift;
+      print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+      }
+    }
+=begin original
+Then, for each animal, we say it "inherits" from C<Animal>, along
+with the animal-specific sound:
+=end original
+C<Animal> から「継承」します:
+    { package Cow;
+      @ISA = qw(Animal);
+      sub sound { "moooo" }
+    }
+=begin original
+Note the added C<@ISA> array (pronounced "is a").  We'll get to that in a minute.
+=end original
+ここで、C<@ISA> (「イズア」と発音します))配列が加えられていることに
+=begin original
+But what happens when we invoke C<< Cow->speak >> now?
+=end original
+ところで、ここで C<< Cow->speak >> を呼び出すとなにが起こるのでしょう?
+=begin original
+First, Perl constructs the argument list.  In this case, it's just
+C<Cow>.  Then Perl looks for C<Cow::speak>.  But that's not there, so
+Perl checks for the inheritance array C<@Cow::ISA>.  It's there,
+and contains the single name C<Animal>.
+=end original
+まず、Perl が引数リストを構築します。
+今回は単純に C<Cow> だけです。
+それから Perl は C<Cow::speak> を探します。
+そのため Perl は継承配列 C<@Cow::ISA> を調べます。
+それは存在し、名前を 1 つ C<Animal> を格納しています。
+=begin original
+Perl next checks for C<speak> inside C<Animal> instead, as in
+C<Animal::speak>.  And that's found, so Perl invokes that subroutine
+with the already frozen argument list.
+=end original
+Perl は次に C<Animal> の C<speak> を C<Animal::speak> の様に調べます。
+そこで Perl はこの関数をさっき作っておいた引数リストで呼び出します。
+=begin original
+Inside the C<Animal::speak> subroutine, C<$class> becomes C<Cow> (the
+first argument).  So when we get to the step of invoking
+C<< $class->sound >>, it'll be looking for C<< Cow->sound >>, which
+gets it on the first try without looking at C<@ISA>.  Success!
+=end original
+C<Animal::speak> 関数においては、C<$class> は C<Cow> になります
+(これが 1 つめの引数です)。
+そのため C<< $class->sound >> の呼び出しにおいて C<< Cow->sound >> を
+最初は C<@ISA> を探すことなく調べます。
+=head2 A few notes about @ISA
+(@ISA に関して追記)
+=begin original
+This magical C<@ISA> variable has declared that C<Cow> "is a" C<Animal>.
+Note that it's an array, not a simple single value, because on rare
+occasions, it makes sense to have more than one parent class searched
+for the missing methods.
+=end original
+この魔法の C<@ISA> 変数は、
+C<Cow> が C<Animal> の「一種である(is-a)」と宣言しています。
+これが単なる 1 つの値ではなく配列であることに注意してください。
+1 つ以上もつこともあるためです。
+=begin original
+If C<Animal> also had an C<@ISA>, then we'd check there too.  The
+search is recursive, depth-first, left-to-right in each C<@ISA> by
+default (see L<mro> for alternatives).  Typically, each C<@ISA> has
+only one element (multiple elements means multiple inheritance and
+multiple headaches), so we get a nice tree of inheritance.
+=end original
+もし C<Animal> も C<@ISA> をもっていたらそれも同様に調べられます。
+デフォルトでは、検索は C<@ISA> の中を再帰的に、深さ優先、左から右に
+行われます(代替案については L<mro> を参照してください)。
+典型的に、各 C<@ISA> がただ1つのみ要素を持っています。
+=begin original
+When we turn on C<use strict>, we'll get complaints on C<@ISA>, since
+it's not a variable containing an explicit package name, nor is it a
+lexical ("my") variable.  We can't make it a lexical variable though
+(it has to belong to the package to be found by the inheritance mechanism),
+so there's a couple of straightforward ways to handle that.
+=end original
+C<use strict> を有効にしたとき、C<@ISA> は明示的なパッケージ名を
+持っていないため、そしてレキシカル変数 ("my") でもないため警告を受けます。
+これに対処する方法は 2 つあります。
+=begin original
+The easiest is to just spell the package name out:
+=end original
+    @Cow::ISA = qw(Animal);
+=begin original
+Or declare it as package global variable:
+=end original
+Or declare it as package global variable:
+    package Cow;
+    our @ISA = qw(Animal);
+=begin original
+Or allow it as an implicitly named package variable:
+=end original
+    package Cow;
+    use vars qw(@ISA);
+    @ISA = qw(Animal);
+=begin original
+If the C<Animal> class comes from another (object-oriented) module, then
+just employ C<use base> to specify that C<Animal> should serve as the basis
+for the C<Cow> class:
+=end original
+If the C<Animal> class comes from another (object-oriented) module, then
+just employ C<use base> to specify that C<Animal> should serve as the basis
+for the C<Cow> class:
+    package Cow;
+    use base qw(Animal);
+=begin original
+Now that's pretty darn simple!
+=end original
+Now that's pretty darn simple!
+=head2 Overriding the methods
+=begin original
+Let's add a mouse, which can barely be heard:
+=end original
+    # Animal package from before
+    { package Mouse;
+      @ISA = qw(Animal);
+      sub sound { "squeak" }
+      sub speak {
+        my $class = shift;
+        print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+        print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
+      }
+    }
+    Mouse->speak;
+=begin original
+which results in:
+=end original
+    a Mouse goes squeak!
+    [but you can barely hear it!]
+=begin original
+Here, C<Mouse> has its own speaking routine, so C<< Mouse->speak >>
+doesn't immediately invoke C<< Animal->speak >>. This is known as
+"overriding". In fact, we don't even need to say that a C<Mouse> is
+an C<Animal> at all, because all of the methods needed for C<speak> are
+completely defined for C<Mouse>; this is known as "duck typing":
+"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck"
+(James Whitcomb). However, it would probably be beneficial to allow a
+closer examination to conclude that a C<Mouse> is indeed an C<Animal>,
+so it is actually better to define C<Mouse> with C<Animal> as its base
+(that is, it is better to "derive C<Mouse> from C<Animal>").
+=end original
+ここでは C<Mouse> は C<< Animal->speak >> を呼ぶのではなく
+自分用のおしゃべりルーティン C<< Mouse->speak >> を持っています。
+事実、C<Mouse> が C<Animal> の一種であるという必要はまったくありません。
+おしゃべり(C<speak>)に必要なメソッドは全て C<Mouse> に定義されています;
+this is known as "duck typing":
+"If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I would call it a duck"
+(James Whitcomb). However, it would probably be beneficial to allow a
+closer examination to conclude that a C<Mouse> is indeed an C<Animal>,
+so it is actually better to define C<Mouse> with C<Animal> as its base
+(that is, it is better to "derive C<Mouse> from C<Animal>").
+=begin original
+Moreover, this duplication of code could become a maintenance headache
+(though code-reuse is not actually a good reason for inheritance; good
+design practices dictate that a derived class should be usable wherever
+its base class is usable, which might not be the outcome if code-reuse
+is the sole criterion for inheritance. Just remember that a C<Mouse>
+should always act like an C<Animal>).
+=end original
+Moreover, this duplication of code could become a maintenance headache
+(though code-reuse is not actually a good reason for inheritance; good
+design practices dictate that a derived class should be usable wherever
+its base class is usable, which might not be the outcome if code-reuse
+is the sole criterion for inheritance. Just remember that a C<Mouse>
+should always act like an C<Animal>).
+=begin original
+So, let's make C<Mouse> an C<Animal>!
+=end original
+So, let's make C<Mouse> an C<Animal>!
+=begin original
+The obvious solution is to invoke C<Animal::speak> directly:
+=end original
+The obvious solution is to invoke C<Animal::speak> directly:
+    # Animal package from before
+    { package Mouse;
+      @ISA = qw(Animal);
+      sub sound { "squeak" }
+      sub speak {
+        my $class = shift;
+        Animal::speak($class);
+        print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
+      }
+    }
+=begin original
+Note that we're using C<Animal::speak>. If we were to invoke
+C<< Animal->speak >> instead, the first parameter to C<Animal::speak>
+would automatically be C<"Animal"> rather than C<"Mouse">, so that
+the call to C<< $class->sound >> in C<Animal::speak> would become
+C<< Animal->sound >> rather than C<< Mouse->sound >>.
+=end original
+Note that we're using C<Animal::speak>. If we were to invoke
+C<< Animal->speak >> instead, the first parameter to C<Animal::speak>
+would automatically be C<"Animal"> rather than C<"Mouse">, so that
+the call to C<< $class->sound >> in C<Animal::speak> would become
+C<< Animal->sound >> rather than C<< Mouse->sound >>.
+=begin original
+Also, without the method arrow C<< -> >>, it becomes necessary to specify
+the first parameter to C<Animal::speak> ourselves, which is why C<$class>
+is explicitly passed: C<Animal::speak($class)>.
+=end original
+Also, without the method arrow C<< -> >>, it becomes necessary to specify
+the first parameter to C<Animal::speak> ourselves, which is why C<$class>
+is explicitly passed: C<Animal::speak($class)>.
+=begin original
+However, invoking C<Animal::speak> directly is a mess: Firstly, it assumes
+that the C<speak> method is a member of the C<Animal> class; what if C<Animal>
+actually inherits C<speak> from its own base? Because we are no longer using
+C<< -> >> to access C<speak>, the special method look up mechanism wouldn't be
+used, so C<speak> wouldn't even be found!
+=end original
+However, invoking C<Animal::speak> directly is a mess: Firstly, it assumes
+that the C<speak> method is a member of the C<Animal> class; what if C<Animal>
+actually inherits C<speak> from its own base? Because we are no longer using
+C<< -> >> to access C<speak>, the special method look up mechanism wouldn't be
+used, so C<speak> wouldn't even be found!
+=begin original
+The second problem is more subtle: C<Animal> is now hardwired into the subroutine
+selection. Let's assume that C<Animal::speak> does exist. What happens when,
+at a later time, someone expands the class hierarchy by having C<Mouse>
+inherit from C<Mus> instead of C<Animal>. Unless the invocation of C<Animal::speak>
+is also changed to an invocation of C<Mus::speak>, centuries worth of taxonomical
+classification could be obliterated!
+=end original
+The second problem is more subtle: C<Animal> is now hardwired into the subroutine
+selection. Let's assume that C<Animal::speak> does exist. What happens when,
+at a later time, someone expands the class hierarchy by having C<Mouse>
+inherit from C<Mus> instead of C<Animal>. Unless the invocation of C<Animal::speak>
+is also changed to an invocation of C<Mus::speak>, centuries worth of taxonomical
+classification could be obliterated!
+=begin original
+What we have here is a fragile or leaky abstraction; it is the beginning of a
+maintenance nightmare. What we need is the ability to search for the right
+method wih as few assumptions as possible.
+=end original
+What we have here is a fragile or leaky abstraction; it is the beginning of a
+maintenance nightmare. What we need is the ability to search for the right
+method wih as few assumptions as possible.
+=head2 Starting the search from a different place
+=begin original
+A I<better> solution is to tell Perl where in the inheritance chain to begin searching
+for C<speak>. This can be achieved with a modified version of the method arrow C<< -> >>:
+=end original
+A I<better> solution is to tell Perl where in the inheritance chain to begin searching
+for C<speak>. This can be achieved with a modified version of the method arrow C<< -> >>:
+    ClassName->FirstPlaceToLook::method
+=begin original
+So, the improved C<Mouse> class is:
+=end original
+So, the improved C<Mouse> class is:
+    # same Animal as before
+    { package Mouse;
+      # same @ISA, &sound as before
+      sub speak {
+        my $class = shift;
+        $class->Animal::speak;
+        print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
+      }
+    }
+=begin original
+Using this syntax, we start with C<Animal> to find C<speak>, and then
+use all of C<Animal>'s inheritance chain if it is not found immediately.
+As usual, the first parameter to C<speak> would be C<$class>, so we no
+longer need to pass C<$class> explicitly to C<speak>.
+=end original
+この構文を使うことで、C<speak> の探索を C<Animal> から開始することが
+でき、それから直接見つからなくても C<Animal> の全ての継承連鎖を使う
+As usual, the first parameter to C<speak> would be C<$class>, so we no
+longer need to pass C<$class> explicitly to C<speak>.
+いつも通り、C<speak> への 1 つめのパラメータは C<$class> になるため、
+so we no
+longer need to pass C<$class> explicitly to C<speak>.
+=begin original
+But what about the second problem? We're still hardwiring C<Animal> into
+the method lookup.
+=end original
+But what about the second problem? We're still hardwiring C<Animal> into
+the method lookup.
+=head2 The SUPER way of doing things
+(SUPER 解答)
+=begin original
+If C<Animal> is replaced with the special placeholder C<SUPER> in that
+invocation, then the contents of C<Mouse>'s C<@ISA> are used for the
+search, beginning with C<$ISA[0]>. So, all of the problems can be fixed
+as follows:
+=end original
+If C<Animal> is replaced with the special placeholder C<SUPER> in that
+invocation, then the contents of C<Mouse>'s C<@ISA> are used for the
+search, beginning with C<$ISA[0]>. So, all of the problems can be fixed
+as follows:
+    # same Animal as before
+    { package Mouse;
+      # same @ISA, &sound as before
+      sub speak {
+        my $class = shift;
+        $class->SUPER::speak;
+        print "[but you can barely hear it!]\n";
+      }
+    }
+=begin original
+In general, C<SUPER::speak> means look in the current package's C<@ISA>
+for a class that implements C<speak>, and invoke the first one found.
+The placeholder is called C<SUPER>, because many other languages refer
+to base classes as "I<super>classes", and Perl likes to be eclectic.
+=end original
+一般的に、C<SUPER::speak> は現在のパッケージの C<@ISA> から C<speak> を
+The placeholder is called C<SUPER>, because many other languages refer
+to base classes as "I<super>classes", and Perl likes to be eclectic.
+=begin original
+Note that a call such as
+=end original
+Note that a call such as
+    $class->SUPER::method;
+=begin original
+does I<not> look in the C<@ISA> of C<$class> unless C<$class> happens to
+be the current package.
+=end original
+does I<not> look in the C<@ISA> of C<$class> unless C<$class> happens to
+be the current package.
+=head2 Let's review...
+=begin original
+So far, we've seen the method arrow syntax:
+=end original
+  Class->method(@args);
+=begin original
+or the equivalent:
+=end original
+  $a = "Class";
+  $a->method(@args);
+=begin original
+which constructs an argument list of:
+=end original
+  ("Class", @args)
+=begin original
+and attempts to invoke:
+=end original
+  Class::method("Class", @args);
+=begin original
+However, if C<Class::method> is not found, then C<@Class::ISA> is examined
+(recursively) to locate a class (a package) that does indeed contain C<method>,
+and that subroutine is invoked instead.
+=end original
+しかし、C<Class:method> が見つからなければ C<@Class::ISA> が(再帰的に)
+実際 C<method> を含んでいるクラス(パッケージ)を探すために使われます。
+=begin original
+Using this simple syntax, we have class methods, (multiple) inheritance,
+overriding, and extending. Using just what we've seen so far, we've
+been able to factor out common code (though that's never a good reason
+for inheritance!), and provide a nice way to reuse implementations with
+=end original
+(though that's never a good reason
+for inheritance!),
+=begin original
+Now, what about data?
+=end original
+Now, what about data?
+=head2 A horse is a horse, of course of course -- or is it?
+(馬は馬、もちろん -- ですか?)
+=begin original
+Let's start with the code for the C<Animal> class
+and the C<Horse> class:
+=end original
+C<Animal> クラスと C<Horse> クラスを書いてみましょう。
+  { package Animal;
+    sub speak {
+      my $class = shift;
+      print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+    }
+  }
+  { package Horse;
+    @ISA = qw(Animal);
+    sub sound { "neigh" }
+  }
+=begin original
+This lets us invoke C<< Horse->speak >> to ripple upward to
+C<Animal::speak>, calling back to C<Horse::sound> to get the specific
+sound, and the output of:
+=end original
+C<< Horse->speak >> を呼び出すことで C<Animal::speak> に渡り、
+そこから C<Horse::sound> に鳴き声を作りに戻ります。
+  a Horse goes neigh!
+=begin original
+But all of our Horse objects would have to be absolutely identical.
+If we add a subroutine, all horses automatically share it. That's
+great for making horses the same, but how do we capture the
+distinctions of an individual horse?  For example, suppose we want
+to give our first horse a name. There's got to be a way to keep its
+name separate from the other horses.
+=end original
+しかしこのすべての Horse オブジェクトは完全に同一です。
+=begin original
+That is to say, we want particular instances of C<Horse> to have
+different names.
+=end original
+That is to say, we want particular instances of C<Horse> to have
+different names.
+=begin original
+In Perl, any reference can be an "instance", so let's start with the
+simplest reference that can hold a horse's name: a scalar reference.
+=end original
+Perl では任意のリファレンスなら「インスタンス」になることができます。
+  my $name = "Mr. Ed";
+  my $horse = \$name;
+=begin original
+So, now C<$horse> is a reference to what will be the instance-specific
+data (the name). The final step is to turn this reference into a real
+instance of a C<Horse> by using the special operator C<bless>:
+=end original
+これで C<$talking> はインスタンス指向のデータ(名前)のリファレンスに
+最後のステップは特別な演算子 C<bless> を使ってこのリファレンスを実際の
+C<Horse> のインスタンスにすることです。
+  bless $horse, Horse;
+=begin original
+This operator stores information about the package named C<Horse> into
+the thing pointed at by the reference.  At this point, we say
+C<$horse> is an instance of C<Horse>.  That is, it's a specific
+horse.  The reference is otherwise unchanged, and can still be used
+with traditional dereferencing operators.
+=end original
+これはパッケージ名 C<Horse> に関する情報を
+これにより、C<$horse> が C<Horse> のインスタンスになったといいます。
+=head2 Invoking an instance method
+=begin original
+The method arrow can be used on instances, as well as classes (the names
+of packages). So, let's get the sound that C<$horse> makes:
+=end original
+では、C<$horse> の作り出す音を取り出してみましょう:
+  my $noise = $horse->sound("some", "unnecessary", "args");
+=begin original
+To invoke C<sound>, Perl first notes that C<$horse> is a blessed
+reference (and thus an instance).  It then constructs an argument
+list, as per usual.
+=end original
+C<sound> を呼び出すために、Perl は始めに C<$horse> が
+bless されたリファレンス(つまりインスタンス)であることを確認します。
+=begin original
+Now for the fun part: Perl takes the class in which the instance was
+blessed, in this case C<Horse>, and uses that class to locate the
+subroutine. In this case, C<Horse::sound> is found directly (without
+using inheritance). In the end, it is as though our initial line were
+written as follows:
+=end original
+Perl はインスタンスが bless されているクラス、今回は C<Horse> を取り出し、
+今回は、C<Horse::sound> が直接に(継承を使うことなしに)
+In the end, it is as though our initial line were
+written as follows:
+  my $noise = Horse::sound($horse, "some", "unnecessary", "args");
+=begin original
+Note that the first parameter here is still the instance, not the name
+of the class as before.  We'll get C<neigh> as the return value, and
+that'll end up as the C<$noise> variable above.
+=end original
+この結果 C<neigh> を復帰値として受け取り、
+これが C<$noise> 変数に代入されます。
+=begin original
+If Horse::sound had not been found, we'd be wandering up the C<@Horse::ISA>
+array, trying to find the method in one of the superclasses. The only
+difference between a class method and an instance method is whether the
+first parameter is an instance (a blessed reference) or a class name (a
+=end original
+もし Horse::sound が見つからなかったときには、スーパークラスの
+中でメソッドが見つかるかどうか C<@Horse::ISA> 配列をたどります。
+その最初の引数がインスタンス(bless されたリファレンス)
+=head2 Accessing the instance data
+=begin original
+Because we get the instance as the first parameter, we can now access
+the instance-specific data.  In this case, let's add a way to get at
+the name:
+=end original
+  { package Horse;
+    @ISA = qw(Animal);
+    sub sound { "neigh" }
+    sub name {
+      my $self = shift;
+      $$self;
+    }
+  }
+=begin original
+Inside C<Horse::name>, the C<@_> array contains:
+=end original
+Inside C<Horse::name>, the C<@_> array contains:
+    ($horse, "some", "unnecessary", "args")
+=begin original
+so the C<shift> stores C<$horse> into C<$self>. Then, C<$self> gets
+de-referenced with C<$$self> as normal, yielding C<"Mr. Ed">.
+=end original
+so the C<shift> stores C<$horse> into C<$self>. Then, C<$self> gets
+de-referenced with C<$$self> as normal, yielding C<"Mr. Ed">.
+=begin original
+It's traditional to C<shift> the first parameter into a variable named
+C<$self> for instance methods and into a variable named C<$class> for
+class methods.
+=end original
+It's traditional to C<shift> the first parameter into a variable named
+C<$self> for instance methods and into a variable named C<$class> for
+class methods.
+=begin original
+Then, the following line:
+=end original
+Then, the following line:
+  print $horse->name, " says ", $horse->sound, "\n";
+=begin original
+=end original
+  Mr. Ed says neigh.
+=head2 How to build a horse
+=begin original
+Of course, if we constructed all of our horses by hand, we'd most
+likely make mistakes from time to time.  We're also violating one of
+the properties of object-oriented programming, in that the "inside
+guts" of a Horse are visible.  That's good if you're a veterinarian,
+but not if you just like to own horses.  So, let's have the Horse
+class handle the details inside a class method:
+=end original
+プログラミングの約束事を 1 つ破っています。
+なので Horse クラスのクラスメソッドの内部の扱いを見てみましょう:
+  { package Horse;
+    @ISA = qw(Animal);
+    sub sound { "neigh" }
+    sub name {
+      my $self = shift;     # instance method, so use $self
+      $$self;
+    }
+    sub named {
+      my $class = shift;    # class method, so use $class
+      my $name = shift;
+      bless \$name, $class;
+    }
+  }
+=begin original
+Now with the new C<named> method, we can build a horse as follows:
+=end original
+以下のように、この新しく作った C<named> メソッドで馬を作ることができます:
+  my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+=begin original
+Notice we're back to a class method, so the two arguments to
+C<Horse::named> are C<Horse> and C<Mr. Ed>.  The C<bless> operator
+not only blesses C<\$name>, it also returns that reference.
+=end original
+また C<Horse::named> の2つの引数は C<Horse> および
+C<Mr. Ed> になります。
+C<bless> 演算子は C<\$name> を bless するだけでなく、
+=begin original
+This C<Horse::named> method is called a "constructor".
+=end original
+This C<Horse::named> method is called a "constructor".
+=begin original
+We've called the constructor C<named> here, so that it quickly denotes
+the constructor's argument as the name for this particular C<Horse>.
+You can use different constructors with different names for different
+ways of "giving birth" to the object (like maybe recording its
+pedigree or date of birth).  However, you'll find that most people
+coming to Perl from more limited languages use a single constructor
+named C<new>, with various ways of interpreting the arguments to
+C<new>.  Either style is fine, as long as you document your particular
+way of giving birth to an object.  (And you I<were> going to do that,
+=end original
+ここではコンストラクタを C<named> としたので、このコンストラクタの引数が
+特定の C<Horse> の名前ということを示しています。
+しかし、もっと制限の課せられていた言語から Perl へと来たほとんどの人々は
+C<new> という 1 つのコンストラクタに、様々な引数の処理方法を
+=head2 Inheriting the constructor
+=begin original
+But was there anything specific to C<Horse> in that method?  No.  Therefore,
+it's also the same recipe for building anything else that inherited from
+C<Animal>, so let's put C<name> and C<named> there:
+=end original
+でもこのメソッドに C<Horse> 特有のことってありますか?
+答えは No です。
+従って、C<Animal> から継承して何かを構築するのと
+ここに C<name> と C<named> を置いてみましょう:
+  { package Animal;
+    sub speak {
+      my $class = shift;
+      print "a $class goes ", $class->sound, "!\n";
+    }
+    sub name {
+      my $self = shift;
+      $$self;
+    }
+    sub named {
+      my $class = shift;
+      my $name = shift;
+      bless \$name, $class;
+    }
+  }
+  { package Horse;
+    @ISA = qw(Animal);
+    sub sound { "neigh" }
+  }
+=begin original
+Ahh, but what happens if we invoke C<speak> on an instance?
+=end original
+あぁ、でもインスタンスに対して C<speak> を呼び出したら
+  my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+  $horse->speak;
+=begin original
+We get a debugging value:
+=end original
+  a Horse=SCALAR(0xaca42ac) goes neigh!
+=begin original
+Why?  Because the C<Animal::speak> routine is expecting a classname as
+its first parameter, not an instance.  When the instance is passed in,
+we'll end up using a blessed scalar reference as a string, and that
+shows up as we saw it just now.
+=end original
+それは、この C<Animal::speak> ルーチンはその最初の引数には
+=head2 Making a method work with either classes or instances
+=begin original
+All we need is for a method to detect if it is being called on a class
+or called on an instance.  The most straightforward way is with the
+C<ref> operator.  This returns a string (the classname) when used on a
+blessed reference, and an empty string when used on a string (like a
+classname).  Let's modify the C<name> method first to notice the change:
+=end original
+一番率直な方法は C<ref> 演算子を使うことです。
+これは bless されたリファレンスに対して使うと文字列(クラス名)を返し、
+ではまず変わったことがわかるように C<name> メソッドを
+  sub name {
+    my $either = shift;
+    ref $either ? $$either : "Any $either";
+  }
+=begin original
+Here, the C<?:> operator comes in handy to select either the
+dereference or a derived string.  Now we can use this with either an
+instance or a class.  Note that I've changed the first parameter
+holder to C<$either> to show that this is intended:
+=end original
+ここで C<?:> 演算子はでリファレンスするか派生された文字列かを
+C<$either> に変更しています:
+  my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+  print Horse->name, "\n"; # prints "Any Horse\n"
+  print $horse->name, "\n"; # prints "Mr Ed.\n"
+=begin original
+and now we'll fix C<speak> to use this:
+=end original
+そして C<speak> もこれを使うように直してみましょう:
+  sub speak {
+    my $either = shift;
+    print $either->name, " goes ", $either->sound, "\n";
+  }
+=begin original
+And since C<sound> already worked with either a class or an instance,
+we're done!
+=end original
+そして C<sound> は既にクラスでもインスタンスでも動作する
+=head2 Adding parameters to a method
+=begin original
+Let's train our animals to eat:
+=end original
+  { package Animal;
+    sub named {
+      my $class = shift;
+      my $name = shift;
+      bless \$name, $class;
+    }
+    sub name {
+      my $either = shift;
+      ref $either ? $$either : "Any $either";
+    }
+    sub speak {
+      my $either = shift;
+      print $either->name, " goes ", $either->sound, "\n";
+    }
+    sub eat {
+      my $either = shift;
+      my $food = shift;
+      print $either->name, " eats $food.\n";
+    }
+  }
+  { package Horse;
+    @ISA = qw(Animal);
+    sub sound { "neigh" }
+  }
+  { package Sheep;
+    @ISA = qw(Animal);
+    sub sound { "baaaah" }
+  }
+=begin original
+And now try it out:
+=end original
+  my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+  $horse->eat("hay");
+  Sheep->eat("grass");
+=begin original
+which prints:
+=end original
+  Mr. Ed eats hay.
+  Any Sheep eats grass.
+=begin original
+An instance method with parameters gets invoked with the instance,
+and then the list of parameters.  So that first invocation is like:
+=end original
+  Animal::eat($horse, "hay");
+=head2 More interesting instances
+=begin original
+What if an instance needs more data?  Most interesting instances are
+made of many items, each of which can in turn be a reference or even
+another object.  The easiest way to store these is often in a hash.
+The keys of the hash serve as the names of parts of the object (often
+called "instance variables" or "member variables"), and the
+corresponding values are, well, the values.
+=end original
+=begin original
+But how do we turn the horse into a hash?  Recall that an object was
+any blessed reference.  We can just as easily make it a blessed hash
+reference as a blessed scalar reference, as long as everything that
+looks at the reference is changed accordingly.
+=end original
+リファレンスを参照している箇所を適切に修正すれば、bless された
+スカラリファレンスと同じように簡単に、それを bless された
+=begin original
+Let's make a sheep that has a name and a color:
+=end original
+  my $bad = bless { Name => "Evil", Color => "black" }, Sheep;
+=begin original
+so C<< $bad->{Name} >> has C<Evil>, and C<< $bad->{Color} >> has
+C<black>.  But we want to make C<< $bad->name >> access the name, and
+that's now messed up because it's expecting a scalar reference.  Not
+to worry, because that's pretty easy to fix up.
+=end original
+これで C<< $bad->{Name} >> は C<Evil> になり、
+C<< $bad->{Color} >> は C<black> になります。
+でも C<< $bad->name >> でその名前にアクセスできるようにしたい
+=begin original
+One solution is to override C<Animal::name> and C<Animal::named> by
+defining them anew in C<Sheep>, but then any methods added later to
+C<Animal> might still mess up, and we'd have to override all of those
+too. Therefore, it's never a good idea to define the data layout in a
+way that's different from the data layout of the base classes. In fact,
+it's a good idea to use blessed hash references in all cases. Also, this
+is why it's important to have constructors do the low-level work. So,
+let's redefine C<Animal>:
+=end original
+One solution is to override C<Animal::name> and C<Animal::named> by
+defining them anew in C<Sheep>, but then any methods added later to
+C<Animal> might still mess up, and we'd have to override all of those
+too. Therefore, it's never a good idea to define the data layout in a
+way that's different from the data layout of the base classes. In fact,
+it's a good idea to use blessed hash references in all cases. Also, this
+is why it's important to have constructors do the low-level work. So,
+let's redefine C<Animal>:
+  ## in Animal
+  sub name {
+    my $either = shift;
+    ref $either ? $either->{Name} : "Any $either";
+  }
+  sub named {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $self = { Name => $name };
+    bless $self, $class;
+  }
+=begin original
+Of course, we still need to override C<named> in order to handle
+constructing a C<Sheep> with a certain color:
+=end original
+Of course, we still need to override C<named> in order to handle
+constructing a C<Sheep> with a certain color:
+  ## in Sheep
+  sub named {
+    my ($class, $name) = @_;
+    my $self = $class->SUPER::named(@_);
+    $$self{Color} = $class->default_color;
+    $self
+  }
+=begin original
+(Note that C<@_> contains the parameters to C<named>.)
+=end original
+(Note that C<@_> contains the parameters to C<named>.)
+=begin original
+What's this C<default_color>?  Well, if C<named> has only the name,
+we still need to set a color, so we'll have a class-specific default color.
+For a sheep, we might define it as white:
+=end original
+この C<default_color> って何でしょう?
+C<named> が名前だけで呼ばれても色を設定する必要があります、
+  ## in Sheep
+  sub default_color { "white" }
+=begin original
+=end original
+  my $sheep = Sheep->named("Bad");
+  print $sheep->{Color}, "\n";
+=begin original
+=end original
+  white
+=begin original
+Now, there's nothing particularly specific to C<Sheep> when it comes
+to color, so let's remove C<Sheep::named> and implement C<Animal::named>
+to handle color instead:
+=end original
+Now, there's nothing particularly specific to C<Sheep> when it comes
+to color, so let's remove C<Sheep::named> and implement C<Animal::named>
+to handle color instead:
+  ## in Animal
+  sub named {
+    my ($class, $name) = @_;
+    my $self = { Name => $name, Color => $class->default_color };
+    bless $self, $class;
+  }
+=begin original
+And then to keep from having to define C<default_color> for each additional
+class, we'll define a method that serves as the "default default" directly
+in C<Animal>:
+=end original
+そして追加したそれぞれのクラスで C<default_color> を定義する必要がないように、
+メソッドを C<Animal> で直接定義しておきます:
+  ## in Animal
+  sub default_color { "brown" }
+=begin original
+Of course, because C<name> and C<named> were the only methods that
+referenced the "structure" of the object, the rest of the methods can
+remain the same, so C<speak> still works as before.
+=end original
+もちろん、C<name> と C<named> だけがオブジェクトの「構造」を
+しておくことができます、C<speak> は前のままでそのまま動作します。
+=head2 A horse of a different color
+=begin original
+But having all our horses be brown would be boring.  So let's add a
+method or two to get and set the color.
+=end original
+なので色を取得/設定するためのメソッドを 1 つか 2 つ作ってみましょう。
+  ## in Animal
+  sub color {
+    $_[0]->{Color}
+  }
+  sub set_color {
+    $_[0]->{Color} = $_[1];
+  }
+=begin original
+Note the alternate way of accessing the arguments: C<$_[0]> is used
+in-place, rather than with a C<shift>.  (This saves us a bit of time
+for something that may be invoked frequently.)  And now we can fix
+that color for Mr. Ed:
+=end original
+C<$_[0]> は C<shift> の代わりに in-place に
+さてこれで Mr. Ed の色を変えることができます:
+  my $horse = Horse->named("Mr. Ed");
+  $horse->set_color("black-and-white");
+  print $horse->name, " is colored ", $horse->color, "\n";
+=begin original
+which results in:
+=end original
+  Mr. Ed is colored black-and-white
+=head2 Summary
+=begin original
+So, now we have class methods, constructors, instance methods, instance
+data, and even accessors. But that's still just the beginning of what
+Perl has to offer. We haven't even begun to talk about accessors that
+double as getters and setters, destructors, indirect object notation,
+overloading, "isa" and "can" tests, the C<UNIVERSAL> class, and so on.
+That's for the rest of the Perl documentation to cover. Hopefully, this
+gets you started, though.
+=end original
+しかしこれらは Perl の提供しているもののまだ始まりにすぎません。
+オーバーロード、"isa" および "can" によるテスト、
+C<UNIVERSAL> クラス、等々についてはまだ話し始めてもいません。
+これらは他の Perl ドキュメントでカバーされています。
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+For more information, see L<perlobj> (for all the gritty details about
+Perl objects, now that you've seen the basics), L<perltoot> (the
+tutorial for those who already know objects), L<perltooc> (dealing
+with class data), L<perlbot> (for some more tricks), and books such as
+Damian Conway's excellent I<Object Oriented Perl>.
+=end original
+L<perlobj> (ここで基礎を見た、Perl オブジェクトに関するすべての強固な詳細)、
+L<perltoot> (オブジェクトを知っている人のためのチュートリアル)、
+L<perltooc> (クラスデータの取り扱い)、
+L<perlbot> (もっとトリッキーなこととか)、
+そして Damian Conway の優秀な I<Object Oriented Perl> 等の書籍を
+=begin original
+Some modules which might prove interesting are Class::Accessor,
+Class::Class, Class::Contract, Class::Data::Inheritable,
+Class::MethodMaker and Tie::SecureHash
+=end original
+Class::Data::Inheritable、Class::MethodMaker そして Tie::SecureHash。
+Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 by Randal L. Schwartz and Stonehenge
+Consulting Services, Inc.
+Copyright (c) 2009 by Michael F. Witten.
+Permission is hereby granted to distribute this document intact with
+the Perl distribution, and in accordance with the licenses of the Perl
+distribution; derived documents must include this copyright notice
+Portions of this text have been derived from Perl Training materials
+originally appearing in the I<Packages, References, Objects, and
+Modules> course taught by instructors for Stonehenge Consulting
+Services, Inc. and used with permission.
+Portions of this text have been derived from materials originally
+appearing in I<Linux Magazine> and used with permission.
+=begin meta
+Transrate: 山科 氷魚 (YAMASHINA Hio) <hio****@hio*****>
+Update: Kentaro Shirakata <argra****@ub32*****> (5.10.0-)
+Status: in progress
+=end meta
Index: docs/perl/5.10.1/perltrap.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/perl/5.10.1/perltrap.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Jun  6 19:58:25 2012
+++ docs/perl/5.10.1/perltrap.pod	Wed Jun  6 19:58:25 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,3118 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+perltrap - Perl traps for the unwary
+=end original
+perltrap - 不注意による Perl の罠
+=begin original
+The biggest trap of all is forgetting to C<use warnings> or use the B<-w>
+switch; see L<perllexwarn> and L<perlrun>. The second biggest trap is not
+making your entire program runnable under C<use strict>.  The third biggest
+trap is not reading the list of changes in this version of Perl; see
+=end original
+最も大きな罠とは、C<use warnings> あるいは B<-w> スイッチを使うのを
+忘れてしまうということです;  L<perllexwarn> と L<perlrun> を
+二番目に大きな罠とは、あなたのプログラム全体を C<use strict> の元で
+三番目の罠は、このバージョンの Perl での変更点を読まないということです;
+L<perldelta> を参照してください。
+=head2 Awk Traps
+(awk の罠)
+=begin original
+Accustomed B<awk> users should take special note of the following:
+=end original
+B<awk> に慣れた方は、以下のようなことに特に注意してください:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+A Perl program executes only once, not once for each input line.  You can
+do an implicit loop with C<-n> or C<-p>.
+=end original
+Perl のプログラムは、1 度だけ実行されます; 入力行毎ではありません。
+C<-n> や C<-p> を使って暗黙のループを使えます。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The English module, loaded via
+=end original
+    use English;
+=begin original
+allows you to refer to special variables (like C<$/>) with names (like
+$RS), as though they were in B<awk>; see L<perlvar> for details.
+=end original
+のようにしてロードすれば、B<awk> でそうであったように
+(C<$/> のような)特殊変数を($RS のような)名前で参照することができます。
+詳しくは L<perlvar> を参照してください。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Semicolons are required after all simple statements in Perl (except
+at the end of a block).  Newline is not a statement delimiter.
+=end original
+Perlでは、すべての単純文(simple statement)の末尾にセミコロンが必要です
+=item *
+=begin original
+Curly brackets are required on C<if>s and C<while>s.
+=end original
+C<if> や C<while> では中かっこが必要です。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Variables begin with "$", "@" or "%" in Perl.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+Arrays index from 0.  Likewise string positions in substr() and
+=end original
+配列の添え字は 0 から始まります。
+substr() や index() での文字列の位置も同様です。
+=item *
+=begin original
+You have to decide whether your array has numeric or string indices.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+Hash values do not spring into existence upon mere reference.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+You have to decide whether you want to use string or numeric
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+Reading an input line does not split it for you.  You get to split it
+to an array yourself.  And the split() operator has different
+arguments than B<awk>'s.
+=end original
+入力を読み込むだけでは split は行われません。
+配列への split は自分で行います。
+また、split() 演算子の引数は B<awk> のものと異なっています。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The current input line is normally in $_, not $0.  It generally does
+not have the newline stripped.  ($0 is the name of the program
+executed.)  See L<perlvar>.
+=end original
+通常、カレント行は $0 ではなく $_ にあります。
+($0 には実行しているプログラムの名前があります)。
+L<perlvar> を参照してください。
+=item *
+=begin original
+$<I<digit>> does not refer to fields--it refers to substrings matched
+by the last match pattern.
+=end original
+$<I<digit>> はフィールドを参照しません。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The print() statement does not add field and record separators unless
+you set C<$,> and C<$\>.  You can set $OFS and $ORS if you're using
+the English module.
+=end original
+print() 文は、C<$,> や C<$\> に値を設定しない限りフィールド区切り子や
+English モジュールを使っていれば、$OFS や $ORS に対して設定することでも
+OK です。
+=item *
+=begin original
+You must open your files before you print to them.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+The range operator is "..", not comma.  The comma operator works as in
+=end original
+カンマ演算子は C と同じような振る舞いをします。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The match operator is "=~", not "~".  ("~" is the one's complement
+operator, as in C.)
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+The exponentiation operator is "**", not "^".  "^" is the XOR
+operator, as in C.  (You know, one could get the feeling that B<awk> is
+basically incompatible with C.)
+=end original
+“^”は C と同様、XOR 演算子です。
+(B<awk> が基本的に C と非互換であることにお気付きかもしれませんね)。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The concatenation operator is ".", not the null string.  (Using the
+null string would render C</pat/ /pat/> unparsable, because the third slash
+would be interpreted as a division operator--the tokenizer is in fact
+slightly context sensitive for operators like "/", "?", and ">".
+And in fact, "." itself can be the beginning of a number.)
+=end original
+(空文字列を使ってしまうと C</pat/ /pat/> が、その 3 番目のスラッシュが
+Perl の字句解析器は "/", "?", ">" といった演算子に対して
+実際、"." 自身も数値の始まりとなる可能性もあります。)
+=item *
+=begin original
+The C<next>, C<exit>, and C<continue> keywords work differently.
+=end original
+キーワード C<next>, C<exit>, C<continue> の振る舞いが異なります。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The following variables work differently:
+=end original
+      Awk	Perl
+      ARGC	scalar @ARGV (compare with $#ARGV)
+      ARGV[0]	$0
+      FNR	$. - something
+      FS	(whatever you like)
+      NF	$#Fld, or some such
+      NR	$.
+      OFMT	$#
+      OFS	$,
+      ORS	$\
+      RLENGTH	length($&)
+      RS	$/
+      RSTART	length($`)
+      SUBSEP	$;
+=item *
+=begin original
+You cannot set $RS to a pattern, only a string.
+=end original
+$RS に正規表現をセットすることはできません; できるのは文字列だけです。
+=item *
+=begin original
+When in doubt, run the B<awk> construct through B<a2p> and see what it
+gives you.
+=end original
+妙だと思ったときには B<awk> の構文を B<a2p> に通して、出力されたものを
+=head2 C/C++ Traps
+(C/++ の罠)
+=begin original
+Cerebral C and C++ programmers should take note of the following:
+=end original
+知的な C と C++ のプログラマは以下のことに注意すべきです:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+Curly brackets are required on C<if>'s and C<while>'s.
+=end original
+C<if> や C<while> には中かっこが必要です。
+=item *
+=begin original
+You must use C<elsif> rather than C<else if>.
+=end original
+C<else if> ではなく、C<elsif> を使わなければなりません。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The C<break> and C<continue> keywords from C become in Perl C<last>
+and C<next>, respectively.  Unlike in C, these do I<not> work within a
+C<do { } while> construct.  See L<perlsyn/"Loop Control">.
+=end original
+C の C<break> と C<continue> は、Perl ではそれぞれ C<last> と
+C<next> となります。
+C とは異なり、これらは C<do { } while> 構文では I<使えません>。
+L<perlsyn/"Loop Control"> を参照してください。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The switch statement is called C<given/when> and only available in
+perl 5.10 or newer. See L<perlsyn/"Switch statements">.
+=end original
+switch 文は C<given/when> と呼ばれ、perl 5.10 以降でのみ利用可能です。
+L<perlsyn/"Switch statements"> を参照してください。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Variables begin with "$", "@" or "%" in Perl.
+=end original
+Perl では、変数は“$”か“@”か“%”で始まります。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Comments begin with "#", not "/*" or "//".  Perl may interpret C/C++
+comments as division operators, unterminated regular expressions or
+the defined-or operator.
+=end original
+コメントの始まりは、“#”であり、“/*”や "//" ではありません。
+Perl は C/C++ のコメントを除算演算子、終端していない正規表現、
+=item *
+=begin original
+You can't take the address of anything, although a similar operator
+in Perl is the backslash, which creates a reference.
+=end original
+Perl には似たような演算子であるバックスラッシュがありますが、これは
+=item *
+=begin original
+C<ARGV> must be capitalized.  C<$ARGV[0]> is C's C<argv[1]>, and C<argv[0]>
+ends up in C<$0>.
+=end original
+C<ARGV> は大文字でなければなりません。
+C<$ARGV[0]> が C での C<argv[1]> に相当し、C<argv[0]> にあたるものは
+C<$0> です。
+=item *
+=begin original
+System calls such as link(), unlink(), rename(), etc. return nonzero for
+success, not 0. (system(), however, returns zero for success.)
+=end original
+link(), unlink(), rename() などのシステムコールは、成功時に
+0 ではなく非 0 の値を返します。
+(但し、system() は成功時に 0 を返します。)
+=item *
+=begin original
+Signal handlers deal with signal names, not numbers.  Use C<kill -l>
+to find their names on your system.
+=end original
+使用できるシグナル名は、kill -l として確かめてください。
+=head2 Sed Traps
+(sed の罠)
+=begin original
+Seasoned B<sed> programmers should take note of the following:
+=end original
+熟練した B<sed> プログラマは以下のことに注意すべきです:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+A Perl program executes only once, not once for each input line.  You can
+do an implicit loop with C<-n> or C<-p>.
+=end original
+Perl のプログラムは、1 度だけ実行されます; 入力行毎ではありません。
+C<-n> や C<-p> を使って暗黙のループを使えます。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Backreferences in substitutions use "$" rather than "\".
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+The pattern matching metacharacters "(", ")", and "|" do not have backslashes
+in front.
+=end original
+"(", ")", "|" といったパターンマッチのメタキャラクタは、その直前に
+=item *
+=begin original
+The range operator is C<...>, rather than comma.
+=end original
+範囲演算子は C<...> であって、カンマではありません。
+=head2 Shell Traps
+(shell の罠)
+=begin original
+Sharp shell programmers should take note of the following:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+The backtick operator does variable interpolation without regard to
+the presence of single quotes in the command.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+The backtick operator does no translation of the return value, unlike B<csh>.
+=end original
+バッククォート演算子は B<csh> とは違って、返された値を変換しません。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Shells (especially B<csh>) do several levels of substitution on each
+command line.  Perl does substitution in only certain constructs
+such as double quotes, backticks, angle brackets, and search patterns.
+=end original
+シェル (特に B<csh>) は、コマンドラインごとに何段階もの置換を行ないます。
+Perl はダブルクォート、バッククォート、山かっこ、検索パターンといった
+=item *
+=begin original
+Shells interpret scripts a little bit at a time.  Perl compiles the
+entire program before executing it (except for C<BEGIN> blocks, which
+execute at compile time).
+=end original
+Perl は実行前にプログラム全体をコンパイルします
+(コンパイル時に実行される C<BEGIN> ブロックを除く)。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The arguments are available via @ARGV, not $1, $2, etc.
+=end original
+引数は $1, $2 などではなく、@ARGV から得られます。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The environment is not automatically made available as separate scalar
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+The shell's C<test> uses "=", "!=", "<" etc for string comparisons and "-eq",
+"-ne", "-lt" etc for numeric comparisons. This is the reverse of Perl, which
+uses C<eq>, C<ne>, C<lt> for string comparisons, and C<==>, C<!=> C<< < >> etc
+for numeric comparisons.
+=end original
+シェルの C<test> は "=", "!=", "<" などを文字列比較に使い、"-eq", "-ne",
+"-lt" などを数値比較に使います。
+これは Perl とは逆です; Perl では C<eq>, C<ne>, C<lt> を文字列比較に使い、
+C<==>, C<!=> C<< < >> などを数値比較に使います。
+=head2 Perl Traps
+(Perl の罠)
+=begin original
+Practicing Perl Programmers should take note of the following:
+=end original
+実践的な Perl プログラマは以下のことに注意すべきです:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+Remember that many operations behave differently in a list
+context than they do in a scalar one.  See L<perldata> for details.
+=end original
+詳しくは L<perldata> を参照してください。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Avoid barewords if you can, especially all lowercase ones.
+You can't tell by just looking at it whether a bareword is
+a function or a string.  By using quotes on strings and
+parentheses on function calls, you won't ever get them confused.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+You cannot discern from mere inspection which builtins
+are unary operators (like chop() and chdir())
+and which are list operators (like print() and unlink()).
+(Unless prototyped, user-defined subroutines can B<only> be list
+operators, never unary ones.)  See L<perlop> and L<perlsub>.
+=end original
+組込み関数のどれが(chop() や chdir())のような単項演算子で、
+どれが(print() や unlink())のような
+リスト演算子として B<のみ> 定義でき、単項演算子にはできません)。
+L<perlop> と L<perlsub> を参照してください。
+=item *
+=begin original
+People have a hard time remembering that some functions
+default to $_, or @ARGV, or whatever, but that others which
+you might expect to do not.
+=end original
+いくつかの関数が $_ や @ARGV などをデフォルトにしていますが、
+=item *
+=begin original
+The <FH> construct is not the name of the filehandle, it is a readline
+operation on that handle.  The data read is assigned to $_ only if the
+file read is the sole condition in a while loop:
+=end original
+<FH> 構造はファイルハンドルではなく、そのハンドルに対する行読み込みの
+操作(readline operation)です。
+while ループの条件式の中にこのファイル読み込みだけがあった場合には
+読み込まれたデータは $_ に代入されます。
+    while (<FH>)      { }
+    while (defined($_ = <FH>)) { }..
+    <FH>;  # data discarded!
+=item *
+=begin original
+Remember not to use C<=> when you need C<=~>;
+these two constructs are quite different:
+=end original
+C<=~> が必要なところで c<=> を使わない、ということを忘れないでください。
+    $x =  /foo/;
+    $x =~ /foo/;
+=item *
+=begin original
+The C<do {}> construct isn't a real loop that you can use
+loop control on.
+=end original
+C<do {}> 構造は、ループ制御を行えるような本当のループではありません。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Use C<my()> for local variables whenever you can get away with
+it (but see L<perlform> for where you can't).
+Using C<local()> actually gives a local value to a global
+variable, which leaves you open to unforeseen side-effects
+of dynamic scoping.
+=end original
+ローカル変数は、my() で済むところではこれで済ませること
+(使えない場所については、L<perlform> を参照してください)。
+local() を使えばグローバル変数に対するローカルな値を与えますが、
+=item *
+=begin original
+If you localize an exported variable in a module, its exported value will
+not change.  The local name becomes an alias to a new value but the
+external name is still an alias for the original.
+=end original
+モジュールにある export された変数を局所化すると、その export された
+=head2 Perl4 to Perl5 Traps
+(Perl4 から Perl5 への罠)
+=begin original
+Practicing Perl4 Programmers should take note of the following
+Perl4-to-Perl5 specific traps.
+=end original
+実践的な Perl4 プログラマは
+以下に挙げる Perl4 と Perl5 の違いに特有な罠に気をつけた
+=begin original
+They're crudely ordered according to the following list:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item Discontinuance, Deprecation, and BugFix traps
+=begin original
+Anything that's been fixed as a perl4 bug, removed as a perl4 feature
+or deprecated as a perl4 feature with the intent to encourage usage of
+some other perl5 feature.
+=end original
+修正された perl4 のバグや、なくなった perl4 の仕様、
+perl5 で仕様の変わったもの。
+=item Parsing Traps
+=begin original
+Traps that appear to stem from the new parser.
+=end original
+=item Numerical Traps
+=begin original
+Traps having to do with numerical or mathematical operators.
+=end original
+=item General data type traps
+=begin original
+Traps involving perl standard data types.
+=end original
+=item Context Traps - scalar, list contexts
+=begin original
+Traps related to context within lists, scalar statements/declarations.
+=end original
+=item Precedence Traps
+=begin original
+Traps related to the precedence of parsing, evaluation, and execution of
+=end original
+=item General Regular Expression Traps using s///, etc.
+=begin original
+Traps related to the use of pattern matching.
+=end original
+=item Subroutine, Signal, Sorting Traps
+=begin original
+Traps related to the use of signals and signal handlers, general subroutines,
+and sorting, along with sorting subroutines.
+=end original
+=item OS Traps
+=begin original
+OS-specific traps.
+=end original
+=item DBM Traps
+=begin original
+Traps specific to the use of C<dbmopen()>, and specific dbm implementations.
+=end original
+C<dbmopen()> の使用や、dbm の実装に関連した罠。
+=item Unclassified Traps
+=begin original
+Everything else.
+=end original
+=begin original
+If you find an example of a conversion trap that is not listed here,
+please submit it to <F<perlb****@perl*****>> for inclusion.
+Also note that at least some of these can be caught with the
+C<use warnings> pragma or the B<-w> switch.
+=end original
+例を見つけたら、それを <F<perlb****@perl*****>> まで送ってください。
+また、少なくともこれらのいくつかは C<use warnings> プラグマか
+B<-w> スイッチで捕捉できることに注意してください。
+=head2 Discontinuance, Deprecation, and BugFix traps
+=begin original
+Anything that has been discontinued, deprecated, or fixed as
+a bug from perl4.
+=end original
+perl4 から、なくなったり修正されたことがら。
+=over 4
+=item * Symbols starting with "_" no longer forced into main
+("_" で始まるシンボルはもはや main パッケージに強制的に結び付けられません)
+=begin original
+Symbols starting with "_" are no longer forced into package main, except
+for C<$_> itself (and C<@_>, etc.).
+=end original
+“_”で始まるシンボルはもはや main パッケージに強制的に結び付けられることは、
+C<$_> 自身(と C<@-> など)を除いてはなくなりました。
+    package test;
+    $_legacy = 1;
+    package main;
+    print "\$_legacy is ",$_legacy,"\n";
+    # perl4 prints: $_legacy is 1
+    # perl5 prints: $_legacy is
+=item * Double-colon valid package separator in variable name
+=begin original
+Double-colon is now a valid package separator in a variable name.  Thus these
+behave differently in perl4 vs. perl5, because the packages don't exist.
+=end original
+このため、以下の例では perl4 と perl5 とでは振る舞いが変わります。
+    $a=1;$b=2;$c=3;$var=4;
+    print "$a::$b::$c ";
+    print "$var::abc::xyz\n";
+    # perl4 prints: 1::2::3 4::abc::xyz
+    # perl5 prints: 3
+=begin original
+Given that C<::> is now the preferred package delimiter, it is debatable
+whether this should be classed as a bug or not.
+(The older package delimiter, ' ,is used here)
+=end original
+C<::> は今では、(これがバグとして分類すべきかどうかはともかく)
+(ここでは古いパッケージデリミタの ' を使っています)。
+    $x = 10;
+    print "x=${'x}\n";
+    # perl4 prints: x=10
+    # perl5 prints: Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF
+=begin original
+You can avoid this problem, and remain compatible with perl4, if you
+always explicitly include the package name:
+=end original
+常にパッケージ名を含めることで、この問題を避けつつ、perl4 との
+    $x = 10;
+    print "x=${main'x}\n";
+=begin original
+Also see precedence traps, for parsing C<$:>.
+=end original
+C<$:> の解析については、優先順位の罠 も参照してください。
+=item * 2nd and 3rd args to C<splice()> are now in scalar context
+(C<splice()> の第 2、第 3 引数はスカラコンテキストになりました)
+=begin original
+The second and third arguments of C<splice()> are now evaluated in scalar
+context (as the Camel says) rather than list context.
+=end original
+C<splice()> の第 2、第 3 引数は
+    sub sub1{return(0,2) }          # return a 2-element list
+    sub sub2{ return(1,2,3)}        # return a 3-element list
+    @a1 = ("a","b","c","d","e");
+    @a2 = splice(@a1,&sub1,&sub2);
+    print join(' ', @ a2),"\n";
+    # perl4 prints: a b
+    # perl5 prints: c d e
+=item * Can't do C<goto> into a block that is optimized away
+(最適化によってなくなってしまうようなブロックの中に飛び込む C<goto> は使えません)
+=begin original
+You can't do a C<goto> into a block that is optimized away.  Darn.
+=end original
+飛び込む C<goto> は使えなくなりました。
+    goto marker1;
+    for(1){
+    marker1:
+        print "Here I is!\n";
+    }
+    # perl4 prints: Here I is!
+    # perl5 errors: Can't "goto" into the middle of a foreach loop
+=item * Can't use whitespace as variable name or quote delimiter
+=begin original
+It is no longer syntactically legal to use whitespace as the name
+of a variable, or as a delimiter for any kind of quote construct.
+Double darn.
+=end original
+    $a = ("foo bar");
+    $b = q baz;
+    print "a is $a, b is $b\n";
+    # perl4 prints: a is foo bar, b is baz
+    # perl5 errors: Bareword found where operator expected
+=item * C<while/if BLOCK BLOCK> gone
+(C<while/if BLOCK BLOCK> 対応はなくなりました)
+=begin original
+The archaic while/if BLOCK BLOCK syntax is no longer supported.
+=end original
+古い while/if BLOCK BLOCK の構文は、もはやサポートされていません。
+    if { 1 } {
+        print "True!";
+    }
+    else {
+        print "False!";
+    }
+    # perl4 prints: True!
+    # perl5 errors: syntax error****@test***** line 1, near "if {"
+=item * C<**> binds tighter than unary minus
+(C<**> は単項のマイナスよりも優先順位が高いです)
+=begin original
+The C<**> operator now binds more tightly than unary minus.
+It was documented to work this way before, but didn't.
+=end original
+C<**> 演算子の優先順位は、単項のマイナスよりも高くなりました。
+    print -4**2,"\n";
+    # perl4 prints: 16
+    # perl5 prints: -16
+=item * C<foreach> changed when iterating over a list
+(リストを反復するときの C<foreach> が変わりました)
+=begin original
+The meaning of C<foreach{}> has changed slightly when it is iterating over a
+list which is not an array.  This used to assign the list to a
+temporary array, but no longer does so (for efficiency).  This means
+that you'll now be iterating over the actual values, not over copies of
+the values.  Modifications to the loop variable can change the original
+=end original
+あるときの C<foreach{}> の意味が変わりました。
+    @list = ('ab','abc','bcd','def');
+    foreach $var (grep(/ab/, @ list)){
+        $var = 1;
+    }
+    print (join(':', @ list));
+    # perl4 prints: ab:abc:bcd:def
+    # perl5 prints: 1:1:bcd:def
+=begin original
+To retain Perl4 semantics you need to assign your list
+explicitly to a temporary array and then iterate over that.  For
+example, you might need to change
+=end original
+perl4 と同じようにするには、自分で陽にテンポラリの配列へと
+    foreach $var (grep(/ab/, @ list)){
+=begin original
+=end original
+    foreach $var (@tmp = grep(/ab/, @ list)){
+=begin original
+Otherwise changing $var will clobber the values of @list.  (This most often
+happens when you use C<$_> for the loop variable, and call subroutines in
+the loop that don't properly localize C<$_>.)
+=end original
+そうしないと、$var を変更したときに @list の値に影響が出ます
+(これはループ変数に C<$_> を使っていて、かつ、
+C<$_> を局所化していないようなサブルーチンを
+=item * C<split> with no args behavior changed
+(引数なしの C<split> の振る舞いが変わりました)
+=begin original
+C<split> with no arguments now behaves like C<split ' '> (which doesn't
+return an initial null field if $_ starts with whitespace), it used to
+behave like C<split /\s+/> (which does).
+=end original
+引数なしの C<split> の振る舞いは、C<split /\s+/>
+($_ が空白から始まっているときに先頭のフィールドが空になる)
+    $_ = ' hi mom';
+    print join(':', split);
+    # perl4 prints: :hi:mom
+    # perl5 prints: hi:mom
+=item * B<-e> behavior fixed
+(B<-e> の振る舞いが修正されました)
+=begin original
+Perl 4 would ignore any text which was attached to an B<-e> switch,
+always taking the code snippet from the following arg.  Additionally, it
+would silently accept an B<-e> switch without a following arg.  Both of
+these behaviors have been fixed.
+=end original
+perl4 では、B<-e> スイッチにアタッチされたテキストは無視されて、常に
+B<-e> スイッチの後に引数を渡さない場合も受け付けていました。
+    perl -e'print "attached to -e"' 'print "separate arg"'
+    # perl4 prints: separate arg
+    # perl5 prints: attached to -e
+    perl -e
+    # perl4 prints:
+    # perl5 dies: No code specified for -e.
+=item * C<push> returns number of elements in resulting list
+(C<push> は結果リストの要素数を返すようになりました)
+=begin original
+In Perl 4 the return value of C<push> was undocumented, but it was
+actually the last value being pushed onto the target list.  In Perl 5
+the return value of C<push> is documented, but has changed, it is the
+number of elements in the resulting list.
+=end original
+perl4 では C<push> の戻り値はドキュメントに書かれていませんでしたが、
+Perl5 では、C<push> の戻り値はドキュメントに明記され、かつそれは
+perl4 から変更されました。これは push した後のリストにある要素の数を
+    @x = ('existing');
+    print push(@x, 'first new', 'second new');
+    # perl4 prints: second new
+    # perl5 prints: 3
+=item * Some error messages differ
+=begin original
+Some error messages will be different.
+=end original
+=item * C<split()> honors subroutine args
+(C<split()> はサブルーチンの引数を尊重します)
+=begin original
+In Perl 4, if in list context the delimiters to the first argument of
+C<split()> were C<??>, the result would be placed in C<@_> as well as
+being returned.   Perl 5 has more respect for your subroutine arguments.
+=end original
+Perl 4 では、リストコンテキストで C<split()> の最初の引数の
+デリミタが C<??> だった場合、返される結果が C<@_> にも設定されました。
+Perl 5 ではサブルーチンの引数により多くの敬意を払います。
+=item * Bugs removed
+=begin original
+Some bugs may have been inadvertently removed.  :-)
+=end original
+幾つかのバグがうかつにも修正されているかもしれません :-)
+=head2 Parsing Traps
+=begin original
+Perl4-to-Perl5 traps from having to do with parsing.
+=end original
+パースに関する Perl4 と Perl5 の違いの罠です。
+=over 4
+=item * Space between . and = triggers syntax error
+(. と = の間に空白を入れると文法エラーになります)
+=begin original
+Note the space between . and =
+=end original
+. と = の間にあるスペースに注意。
+    $string . = "more string";
+    print $string;
+    # perl4 prints: more string
+    # perl5 prints: syntax error at - line 1, near ". ="
+=item * Better parsing in perl 5
+(perl 5 でのよりよいパース)
+=begin original
+Better parsing in perl 5
+=end original
+perl5 では構文解析が改良されました。
+    sub foo {}
+    &foo
+    print("hello, world\n");
+    # perl4 prints: hello, world
+    # perl5 prints: syntax error
+=item * Function parsing
+=begin original
+"if it looks like a function, it is a function" rule.
+=end original
+  print
+    ($foo == 1) ? "is one\n" : "is zero\n";
+    # perl4 prints: is zero
+    # perl5 warns: "Useless use of a constant in void context" if using -w
+=item * String interpolation of C<$#array> differs
+(C<$#array> の文字列展開が異なります)
+=begin original
+String interpolation of the C<$#array> construct differs when braces
+are to used around the name.
+=end original
+C<$#array> 構造の文字列展開で名前の周りにブレースがあるときには
+    @a = (1..3);
+    print "${#a}";
+    # perl4 prints: 2
+    # perl5 fails with syntax error
+    @ = (1..3);
+    print "$#{a}";
+    # perl4 prints: {a}
+    # perl5 prints: 2
+=item * Perl guesses on C<map>, C<grep> followed by C<{> if it starts BLOCK or hash ref
+(Perl は C<map>, C<grep> の後の C<{> が BLOCK の開始かハッシュリファレンスかを推測します)
+=begin original
+When perl sees C<map {> (or C<grep {>), it has to guess whether the C<{>
+starts a BLOCK or a hash reference. If it guesses wrong, it will report
+a syntax error near the C<}> and the missing (or unexpected) comma.
+=end original
+perl が C<map {> (または C<grep {>) を見つけると、C<{> が BLOCK の開始か
+推測に失敗すると、C<}> の近くでカンマがない (あるいは予想外の位置に
+カンマがある) という文法エラーが報告されます。
+=begin original
+Use unary C<+> before C<{> on a hash reference, and unary C<+> applied
+to the first thing in a BLOCK (after C<{>), for perl to guess right all
+the time. (See L<perlfunc/map>.)
+=end original
+ハッシュリファレンスの C<{> の前に単項の C<+> を、また BLOCK 内の最初の
+ものに(C<{> の後に) 単項の C<+> を使ってください; perl がいつでも正しく
+推測できるようにするためです (L<perlfunc/map> を参照してください)。
+=head2 Numerical Traps
+=begin original
+Perl4-to-Perl5 traps having to do with numerical operators,
+operands, or output from same.
+=end original
+Perl4 と Perl5 の違いの罠です。
+=over 5
+=item * Formatted output and significant digits
+=begin original
+Formatted output and significant digits.  In general, Perl 5
+tries to be more precise.  For example, on a Solaris Sparc:
+=end original
+一般的に Perl 5 はより的確に試します。
+例えば、Solaris Sparc では:
+    print 7.373504 - 0, "\n";
+    printf "%20.18f\n", 7.373504 - 0;
+    # Perl4 prints:
+    7.3750399999999996141
+    7.375039999999999614
+    # Perl5 prints:
+    7.373504
+    7.375039999999999614
+=begin original
+Notice how the first result looks better in Perl 5.
+=end original
+Perl 5 では、最初の結果がより良いものであることに注目してください。
+=begin original
+Your results may vary, since your floating point formatting routines
+and even floating point format may be slightly different.
+=end original
+あなたが実行した結果は違うかもしれません; あなたの浮動小数点フォーマット
+=item * Auto-increment operator over signed int limit deleted
+=begin original
+This specific item has been deleted.  It demonstrated how the auto-increment
+operator would not catch when a number went over the signed int limit.  Fixed
+in version 5.003_04.  But always be wary when using large integers.
+If in doubt:
+=end original
+これはバージョン 5.003_04 で修正されましたが、大きな整数を取り扱うことに
+   use Math::BigInt;
+=item * Assignment of return values from numeric equality tests doesn't work
+=begin original
+Assignment of return values from numeric equality tests
+does not work in perl5 when the test evaluates to false (0).
+Logical tests now return a null, instead of 0
+=end original
+数値の等価性の比較の結果を代入しても、perl ではその比較の結果が
+偽 (0) であったときにはうまくいきません。
+論理比較は、現在 0 ではなく null を返します。
+    $p = ($test == 1);
+    print $p,"\n";
+    # perl4 prints: 0
+    # perl5 prints:
+=begin original
+Also see L<"General Regular Expression Traps using s///, etc.">
+for another example of this new feature...
+=end original
+この新しい仕様の別の例は L<"General Regular Expression Traps using s///, etc.">
+=item * Bitwise string ops
+=begin original
+When bitwise operators which can operate upon either numbers or
+strings (C<& | ^ ~>) are given only strings as arguments, perl4 would
+treat the operands as bitstrings so long as the program contained a call
+to the C<vec()> function. perl5 treats the string operands as bitstrings.
+(See L<perlop/Bitwise String Operators> for more details.)
+=end original
+数値としても文字列としても操作可能なビット操作演算子 (C<& | ^ ~>) が
+perl4 は、プログラムが C<vec()> 関数の呼び出しを含んでいればオペランドを
+perl5 は文字列オペランドをビット文字列として扱います
+(さらなる詳細については L<perlop/Bitwise String Operators> を参照してください)。
+    $fred = "10";
+    $barney = "12";
+    $betty = $fred & $barney;
+    print "$betty\n";
+    # Uncomment the next line to change perl4's behavior
+    # ($dummy) = vec("dummy", 0, 0);
+    # Perl4 prints:
+    8
+    # Perl5 prints:
+    10
+    # If vec() is used anywhere in the program, both print:
+    10
+=head2 General data type traps
+=begin original
+Perl4-to-Perl5 traps involving most data-types, and their usage
+within certain expressions and/or context.
+=end original
+使い方に関する Perl4 と Perl5 の違いの罠です。
+=over 5
+=item * Negative array subscripts now count from the end of array
+=begin original
+Negative array subscripts now count from the end of the array.
+=end original
+    @a = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
+    print "The third element of the array is $a[3] also expressed as $a[-2] \n";
+    # perl4 prints: The third element of the array is 4 also expressed as
+    # perl5 prints: The third element of the array is 4 also expressed as 4
+=item * Setting C<$#array> lower now discards array elements
+(C<$#array> により小さな値を設定すると配列要素が捨てられるようになりました)
+=begin original
+Setting C<$#array> lower now discards array elements, and makes them
+impossible to recover.
+=end original
+C<$#array> に(それまでよりも)小さな値を設定したときには、余計な
+    @a = (a,b,c,d,e);
+    print "Before: ",join('', @ a);
+    $#a =1;
+    print ", After: ",join('', @ a);
+    $#a =3;
+    print ", Recovered: ",join('', @ a),"\n";
+    # perl4 prints: Before: abcde, After: ab, Recovered: abcd
+    # perl5 prints: Before: abcde, After: ab, Recovered: ab
+=item * Hashes get defined before use
+=begin original
+Hashes get defined before use
+=end original
+    local($s, @ a,%h);
+    die "scalar \$s defined" if defined($s);
+    die "array \@a defined" if defined(@a);
+    die "hash \%h defined" if defined(%h);
+    # perl4 prints:
+    # perl5 dies: hash %h defined
+=begin original
+Perl will now generate a warning when it sees defined(@a) and
+=end original
+Perl は defined(@a) と defined(%h) に警告を出すようになりました。
+=item * Glob assignment from localized variable to variable
+=begin original
+glob assignment from variable to variable will fail if the assigned
+variable is localized subsequent to the assignment
+=end original
+    @a = ("This is Perl 4");
+    *b = *a;
+    local(@a);
+    print @b,"\n";
+    # perl4 prints: This is Perl 4
+    # perl5 prints:
+=item * Assigning C<undef> to glob
+(C<undef> のグロブへの代入)
+=begin original
+Assigning C<undef> to a glob has no effect in Perl 5.   In Perl 4
+it undefines the associated scalar (but may have other side effects
+including SEGVs). Perl 5 will also warn if C<undef> is assigned to a
+typeglob. (Note that assigning C<undef> to a typeglob is different
+than calling the C<undef> function on a typeglob (C<undef *foo>), which
+has quite a few effects.
+=end original
+C<undef> のグロブへの代入は Perl5 では何の影響も及ぼしません。
+Perl4 では結び付けられたスカラを undefine します
+(しかし SEGV を含め、なんらかの副作用があるかもしれません)。
+Perl 5 はまた型グロブに C<undef> を代入すると警告されます。
+(型グロブに C<undef> を代入するのは、型グロブに対して
+C<undef> 関数を呼び出すのとは違います)。いくつかの効果があります。
+    $foo = "bar";
+    *foo = undef;
+    print $foo;
+    # perl4 prints:
+    # perl4 warns: "Use of uninitialized variable" if using -w
+    # perl5 prints: bar
+    # perl5 warns: "Undefined value assigned to typeglob" if using -w
+=item * Changes in unary negation (of strings)
+=begin original
+Changes in unary negation (of strings)
+This change effects both the return value and what it
+does to auto(magic)increment.
+=end original
+    $x = "aaa";
+    print ++$x," : ";
+    print -$x," : ";
+    print ++$x,"\n";
+    # perl4 prints: aab : -0 : 1
+    # perl5 prints: aab : -aab : aac
+=item * Modifying of constants prohibited
+=begin original
+perl 4 lets you modify constants:
+=end original
+perl4 では定数を変更してしまいます。
+    $foo = "x";
+    &mod($foo);
+    for ($x = 0; $x < 3; $x++) {
+        &mod("a");
+    }
+    sub mod {
+        print "before: $_[0]";
+        $_[0] = "m";
+        print "  after: $_[0]\n";
+    }
+    # perl4:
+    # before: x  after: m
+    # before: a  after: m
+    # before: m  after: m
+    # before: m  after: m
+    # Perl5:
+    # before: x  after: m
+    # Modification of a read-only value attem****@foo***** line 12.
+    # before: a
+=item * C<defined $var> behavior changed
+(C<defined $var> の振る舞いは変わりました)
+=begin original
+The behavior is slightly different for:
+=end original
+perl4 と perl5 とで全然違う動作:
+    print "$x", defined $x
+    # perl 4: 1
+    # perl 5: <no output, $x is not called into existence>
+=item * Variable Suicide
+=begin original
+Variable suicide behavior is more consistent under Perl 5.
+Perl5 exhibits the same behavior for hashes and scalars,
+that perl4 exhibits for only scalars.
+=end original
+perl5 では、変数の自殺(variable sucide)の振る舞いはより
+perl4 ではスカラのみがそうであるような振る舞いを、
+perl5 ではハッシュとスカラで示します。
+    $aGlobal{ "aKey" } = "global value";
+    print "MAIN:", $aGlobal{"aKey"}, "\n";
+    $GlobalLevel = 0;
+    &test( *aGlobal );
+    sub test {
+        local( *theArgument ) = @_;
+        local( %aNewLocal ); # perl 4 != 5.001l,m
+        $aNewLocal{"aKey"} = "this should never appear";
+        print "SUB: ", $theArgument{"aKey"}, "\n";
+        $aNewLocal{"aKey"} = "level $GlobalLevel";   # what should print
+        $GlobalLevel++;
+        if( $GlobalLevel<4 ) {
+            &test( *aNewLocal );
+        }
+    }
+    # Perl4:
+    # MAIN:global value
+    # SUB: global value
+    # SUB: level 0
+    # SUB: level 1
+    # SUB: level 2
+    # Perl5:
+    # MAIN:global value
+    # SUB: global value
+    # SUB: this should never appear
+    # SUB: this should never appear
+    # SUB: this should never appear
+=head2 Context Traps - scalar, list contexts
+(コンテキストの罠 - スカラコンテキストとリストコンテキスト)
+=over 5
+=item * Elements of argument lists for formats evaluated in list context
+=begin original
+The elements of argument lists for formats are now evaluated in list
+context.  This means you can interpolate list values now.
+=end original
+    @fmt = ("foo","bar","baz");
+    format STDOUT=
+    @<<<<< @||||| @>>>>>
+    @fmt;
+    .
+    write;
+    # perl4 errors:  Please use commas to separate fields in file
+    # perl5 prints: foo     bar      baz
+=item * C<caller()> returns false value in scalar context if no caller present
+(C<caller()> 関数は呼び出し元がなくスカラコンテキストで呼ばれた場合には偽を返します)
+=begin original
+The C<caller()> function now returns a false value in a scalar context
+if there is no caller.  This lets library files determine if they're
+being required.
+=end original
+C<caller()> 関数は呼び出し元がなく、スカラコンテキストで呼ばれた
+(自分が)require されたのかを判断することができます。
+    caller() ? (print "You rang?\n") : (print "Got a 0\n");
+    # perl4 errors: There is no caller
+    # perl5 prints: Got a 0
+=item * Comma operator in scalar context gives scalar context to args
+=begin original
+The comma operator in a scalar context is now guaranteed to give a
+scalar context to its arguments.
+=end original
+    @y= ('a','b','c');
+    $x = (1, 2, @y);
+    print "x = $x\n";
+    # Perl4 prints:  x = c   # Thinks list context interpolates list
+    # Perl5 prints:  x = 3   # Knows scalar uses length of list
+=item * C<sprintf()> prototyped as C<($;@)>
+(C<sprintf()> のプロトタイプは C<($;@)>)
+=begin original
+C<sprintf()> is prototyped as ($;@), so its first argument is given scalar
+context. Thus, if passed an array, it will probably not do what you want,
+unlike Perl 4:
+=end original
+C<sprintf()> のプロトタイプは ($;@) なので、最初の引数は
+Perl 4 とは違っておそらくあなたの望まない結果になるでしょう。
+    @z = ('%s%s', 'foo', 'bar');
+    $x = sprintf(@z);
+    print $x;
+    # perl4 prints: foobar
+    # perl5 prints: 3
+=begin original
+C<printf()> works the same as it did in Perl 4, though:
+=end original
+しかし、C<printf()> のほうは Perl 4 と同じように動きます:
+    @z = ('%s%s', 'foo', 'bar');
+    printf STDOUT (@z);
+    # perl4 prints: foobar
+    # perl5 prints: foobar
+=head2 Precedence Traps
+=begin original
+Perl4-to-Perl5 traps involving precedence order.
+=end original
+評価順序に関する Perl4 と Perl5 の違いの罠です。
+=begin original
+Perl 4 has almost the same precedence rules as Perl 5 for the operators
+that they both have.  Perl 4 however, seems to have had some
+inconsistencies that made the behavior differ from what was documented.
+=end original
+Perl4 はほとんどの演算子で Perl5 と同じ優先順位を持っています。
+しかし Perl4 では、ドキュメントとは少々異なるような
+=over 5
+=item * LHS vs. RHS of any assignment operator
+(代入演算子の LHS 対 RHS)
+=begin original
+LHS vs. RHS of any assignment operator.  LHS is evaluated first
+in perl4, second in perl5; this can affect the relationship
+between side-effects in sub-expressions.
+=end original
+LHS is evaluated first
+in perl4, second in perl5; this can affect the relationship
+between side-effects in sub-expressions.
+    @arr = ( 'left', 'right' );
+    $a{shift @arr} = shift @arr;
+    print join( ' ', keys %a );
+    # perl4 prints: left
+    # perl5 prints: right
+=item * Semantic errors introduced due to precedence
+=begin original
+These are now semantic errors because of precedence:
+=end original
+以下の例は、優先順位の関係で意味エラー(semantic error)となるようになりました。
+    @list = (1,2,3,4,5);
+    %map = ("a",1,"b",2,"c",3,"d",4);
+    $n = shift @list + 2;   # first item in list plus 2
+    print "n is $n, ";
+    $m = keys %map + 2;     # number of items in hash plus 2
+    print "m is $m\n";
+    # perl4 prints: n is 3, m is 6
+    # perl5 errors and fails to compile
+=item * Precedence of assignment operators same as the precedence of assignment
+=begin original
+The precedence of assignment operators is now the same as the precedence
+of assignment.  Perl 4 mistakenly gave them the precedence of the associated
+operator.  So you now must parenthesize them in expressions like
+=end original
+perl4 は間違って、この優先順位が関連演算子と同じものに
+    /foo/ ? ($a += 2) : ($a -= 2);
+=begin original
+=end original
+    /foo/ ? $a += 2 : $a -= 2
+=begin original
+would be erroneously parsed as
+=end original
+    (/foo/ ? $a += 2 : $a) -= 2;
+=begin original
+On the other hand,
+=end original
+    $a += /foo/ ? 1 : 2;
+=begin original
+now works as a C programmer would expect.
+=end original
+これは C プログラマーが期待するであろう動作になりました。
+=item * C<open> requires parentheses around filehandle
+(C<open> はファイルハンドルの周りにかっこが必要です)
+    open FOO || die;
+=begin original
+is now incorrect.  You need parentheses around the filehandle.
+Otherwise, perl5 leaves the statement as its default precedence:
+=end original
+括弧で括る必要があります。さもなければ、perl5 はこういった文を
+    open(FOO || die);
+    # perl4 opens or dies
+    # perl5 opens FOO, dying only if 'FOO' is false, i.e. never
+=item * C<$:> precedence over C<$::> gone
+(C<$:> は C<$::> と同じ優先順位)
+=begin original
+perl4 gives the special variable, C<$:> precedence, where perl5
+treats C<$::> as main C<package>
+=end original
+perl4 は特殊変数 C<$:> の優先順位に、perl5 が C<$::> を main パッケージと
+    $a = "x"; print "$::a";
+    # perl 4 prints: -:a
+    # perl 5 prints: x
+=item * Precedence of file test operators documented
+=begin original
+perl4 had buggy precedence for the file test operators vis-a-vis
+the assignment operators.  Thus, although the precedence table
+for perl4 leads one to believe C<-e $foo .= "q"> should parse as
+C<((-e $foo) .= "q")>, it actually parses as C<(-e ($foo .= "q"))>.
+In perl5, the precedence is as documented.
+=end original
+perl には、ファイルテスト演算子と代入演算子を組み合わせたときに
+優先順位のバグがありました。したがって、Perl4 の優先順位テーブルでは
+C<-e $foo .= "q"> は
+C<((-e $foo) .= "q")> と解釈すべきなのに実際には
+C<((-e $foo) .= "q")> と解釈していました。
+Perl5 ではドキュメントにある通りの優先順位です。
+    -e $foo .= "q"
+    # perl4 prints: no output
+    # perl5 prints: Can't modify -e in concatenation
+=item * C<keys>, C<each>, C<values> are regular named unary operators
+(C<keys>, C<each>, C<values> は通常の名前付き単項演算子)
+=begin original
+In perl4, keys(), each() and values() were special high-precedence operators
+that operated on a single hash, but in perl5, they are regular named unary
+operators.  As documented, named unary operators have lower precedence
+than the arithmetic and concatenation operators C<+ - .>, but the perl4
+variants of these operators actually bind tighter than C<+ - .>.
+Thus, for:
+=end original
+perl4 では、key()、each()、values() はシングルハッシュに対する
+しかし perl5 では、これらの演算子は通常の名前付き単項演算子となりました。
+ドキュメントにある通り、名前付き単項演算子は、C<+ - .> のような
+しかし、perl4 ではこれらの演算子よりも key() などのほうが強く演算対象と
+    %foo = 1..10;
+    print keys %foo - 1
+    # perl4 prints: 4
+    # perl5 prints: Type of arg 1 to keys must be hash (not subtraction)
+=begin original
+The perl4 behavior was probably more useful, if less consistent.
+=end original
+この perl4 の振る舞いは便利であるかもしれませんが、一貫性に欠けます。
+=head2 General Regular Expression Traps using s///, etc.
+(s/// などを使ったときの一般的な正規表現の罠)
+=begin original
+All types of RE traps.
+=end original
+=over 5
+=item * C<s'$lhs'$rhs'> interpolates on either side
+=begin original
+C<s'$lhs'$rhs'> now does no interpolation on either side.  It used to
+interpolate $lhs but not $rhs.  (And still does not match a literal
+'$' in string)
+=end original
+C<s'$lhs'$rhs'> はもはやいずれの辺にあっても展開されなくなりました。
+以前は $lhs は展開し、$rhs を展開しませんでした。
+(文字列にあるリテラルの '$' にはいまでもマッチしません)。
+    $a=1;$b=2;
+    $string = '1 2 $a $b';
+    $string =~ s'$a'$b';
+    print $string,"\n";
+    # perl4 prints: $b 2 $a $b
+    # perl5 prints: 1 2 $a $b
+=item * C<m//g> attaches its state to the searched string
+=begin original
+C<m//g> now attaches its state to the searched string rather than the
+regular expression.  (Once the scope of a block is left for the sub, the
+state of the searched string is lost)
+=end original
+C<m//g> は、その状態を正規表現ではなく検索対象の文字列に
+(sub に対するブロックのスコープが残っているのであれば、
+    $_ = "ababab";
+    while(m/ab/g){
+        &doit("blah");
+    }
+    sub doit{local($_) = shift; print "Got $_ "}
+    # perl4 prints: Got blah Got blah Got blah Got blah
+    # perl5 prints: infinite loop blah...
+=item * C<m//o> used within an anonymous sub
+=begin original
+Currently, if you use the C<m//o> qualifier on a regular expression
+within an anonymous sub, I<all> closures generated from that anonymous
+sub will use the regular expression as it was compiled when it was used
+the very first time in any such closure.  For instance, if you say
+=end original
+現在のところ、C<m//o> 量指定子を無名サブルーチンの中にある正規表現で
+使った場合、I<すべての> クロージャーはそのような無名サブルーチンから、
+    sub build_match {
+        my($left,$right) = @_;
+        return sub { $_[0] =~ /$left stuff $right/o; };
+    }
+    $good = build_match('foo','bar');
+    $bad = build_match('baz','blarch');
+    print $good->('foo stuff bar') ? "ok\n" : "not ok\n";
+    print $bad->('baz stuff blarch') ? "ok\n" : "not ok\n";
+    print $bad->('foo stuff bar') ? "not ok\n" : "ok\n";
+=begin original
+For most builds of Perl5, this will print:
+not ok
+not ok
+=end original
+Perl5 のほとんどのビルドでは、これは以下のように出力します:
+    ok
+    not ok
+    not ok
+=begin original
+build_match() will always return a sub which matches the contents of
+$left and $right as they were the I<first> time that build_match()
+was called, not as they are in the current call.
+=end original
+この例の場合、build_match() は常にC<最初>に build_match() が呼ばれたときの
+$left と $right の内容にマッチするようなサブルーチンを返します。
+=item * C<$+> isn't set to whole match
+=begin original
+If no parentheses are used in a match, Perl4 sets C<$+> to
+the whole match, just like C<$&>. Perl5 does not.
+=end original
+マッチングの中で括弧が使われなかった場合、perl4 では
+C<$+> には C<$&> と同じようにマッチした全体がセットされますが、
+Perl5 ではそうではありません。
+    "abcdef" =~ /b.*e/;
+    print "\$+ = $+\n";
+    # perl4 prints: bcde
+    # perl5 prints:
+=item * Substitution now returns null string if it fails
+=begin original
+substitution now returns the null string if it fails
+=end original
+    $string = "test";
+    $value = ($string =~ s/foo//);
+    print $value, "\n";
+    # perl4 prints: 0
+    # perl5 prints:
+=begin original
+Also see L<Numerical Traps> for another example of this new feature.
+=end original
+この新しい仕様に関しては L<Numerical Traps> も参照してください。
+=item * C<s`lhs`rhs`> is now a normal substitution
+=begin original
+C<s`lhs`rhs`> (using backticks) is now a normal substitution, with no
+backtick expansion
+=end original
+C<s`lhs`rhs`> (バッククォートの使用)は通常の置換となり、
+    $string = "";
+    $string =~ s`^`hostname`;
+    print $string, "\n";
+    # perl4 prints: <the local hostname>
+    # perl5 prints: hostname
+=item * Stricter parsing of variables in regular expressions
+=begin original
+Stricter parsing of variables used in regular expressions
+=end original
+    s/^([^$grpc]*$grpc[$opt$plus$rep]?)//o;
+    # perl4: compiles w/o error
+    # perl5: with Scalar found where operator expected ..., near "$opt$plus"
+=begin original
+an added component of this example, apparently from the same script, is
+the actual value of the s'd string after the substitution.
+C<[$opt]> is a character class in perl4 and an array subscript in perl5
+=end original
+C<[$opt]> は perl4 ではキャラクタクラスであり、perl5 では配列の
+    $grpc = 'a';
+    $opt  = 'r';
+    $_ = 'bar';
+    s/^([^$grpc]*$grpc[$opt]?)/foo/;
+    print;
+    # perl4 prints: foo
+    # perl5 prints: foobar
+=item * C<m?x?> matches only once
+=begin original
+Under perl5, C<m?x?> matches only once, like C<?x?>. Under perl4, it matched
+repeatedly, like C</x/> or C<m!x!>.
+=end original
+perl5 では、C<m?x?> は C<?x?> と同様に一回だけマッチします。
+perl4 では、C</x/> や C<m!x!> と同じように何度でもマッチします。
+    $test = "once";
+    sub match { $test =~ m?once?; }
+    &match();
+    if( &match() ) {
+        # m?x? matches more then once
+        print "perl4\n";
+    } else {
+        # m?x? matches only once
+        print "perl5\n";
+    }
+    # perl4 prints: perl4
+    # perl5 prints: perl5
+=item * Failed matches don't reset the match variables
+=begin original
+Unlike in Ruby, failed matches in Perl do not reset the match variables
+($1, $2, ..., C<$`>, ...).
+=end original
+Ruby と違って、Perl ではマッチングに失敗してもマッチング変数
+($1, $2, ..., C<$`>, ...) はリセットされません。
+=head2 Subroutine, Signal, Sorting Traps
+=begin original
+The general group of Perl4-to-Perl5 traps having to do with
+Signals, Sorting, and their related subroutines, as well as
+general subroutine traps.  Includes some OS-Specific traps.
+=end original
+Perl4 と Perl5 の違いの罠に分類される一般的なものは
+サブルーチンで、いくつかの OS 固有の罠を含めた
+=over 5
+=item * Barewords that used to look like strings look like subroutine calls
+=begin original
+Barewords that used to look like strings to Perl will now look like subroutine
+calls if a subroutine by that name is defined before the compiler sees them.
+=end original
+    sub SeeYa { warn"Hasta la vista, baby!" }
+    $SIG{'TERM'} = SeeYa;
+    print "SIGTERM is now $SIG{'TERM'}\n";
+    # perl4 prints: SIGTERM is now main'SeeYa
+    # perl5 prints: SIGTERM is now main::1 (and warns "Hasta la vista, baby!")
+=begin original
+Use B<-w> to catch this one
+=end original
+B<-w> を使って、これを発見できます。
+=item * Reverse is no longer allowed as the name of a sort subroutine
+=begin original
+reverse is no longer allowed as the name of a sort subroutine.
+=end original
+reverse はもはやソートのサブルーチンの名前としては
+    sub reverse{ print "yup "; $a <=> $b }
+    print sort reverse (2,1,3);
+    # perl4 prints: yup yup 123
+    # perl5 prints: 123
+    # perl5 warns (if using -w): Ambiguous call resolved as CORE::reverse()
+=item * C<warn()> won't let you specify a filehandle.
+=begin original
+Although it _always_ printed to STDERR, warn() would let you specify a
+filehandle in perl4.  With perl5 it does not.
+=end original
+常に STDERR に出力していたにもかかわらず、perl4 では warn() はファイルハンドルの
+指定を必要としていましたが、perl5 では必要なくなりました。
+    warn STDERR "Foo!";
+    # perl4 prints: Foo!
+    # perl5 prints: String found where operator expected
+=head2 OS Traps
+(OS の罠)
+=over 5
+=item * SysV resets signal handler correctly
+=begin original
+Under HPUX, and some other SysV OSes, one had to reset any signal handler,
+within  the signal handler function, each time a signal was handled with
+perl4.  With perl5, the reset is now done correctly.  Any code relying
+on the handler _not_ being reset will have to be reworked.
+=end original
+HPUX 及び一部の SysV OS では、perl4 のときには
+perl5 では、この再設定を正しく行うようになりました。
+=begin original
+Since version 5.002, Perl uses sigaction() under SysV.
+=end original
+5.002 以降の perl では、SysV のときには sigaction() を使います。
+    sub gotit {
+        print "Got @_... ";
+    }
+    $SIG{'INT'} = 'gotit';
+    $| = 1;
+    $pid = fork;
+    if ($pid) {
+        kill('INT', $pid);
+        sleep(1);
+        kill('INT', $pid);
+    } else {
+        while (1) {sleep(10);}
+    }
+    # perl4 (HPUX) prints: Got INT...
+    # perl5 (HPUX) prints: Got INT... Got INT...
+=item * SysV C<seek()> appends correctly
+=begin original
+Under SysV OSes, C<seek()> on a file opened to append C<<< >> >>> now does
+the right thing w.r.t. the fopen() manpage. e.g., - When a file is opened
+for append,  it  is  impossible to overwrite information already in
+the file.
+=end original
+SysV OS では、追記モード (C<<< >> >>>) でオープンしたファイルに対する
+C<seek()> は fopen() マニュアルページにあるように正しく動作するように
+    open(TEST,">>seek.test");
+    $start = tell TEST;
+    foreach(1 .. 9){
+        print TEST "$_ ";
+    }
+    $end = tell TEST;
+    seek(TEST,$start,0);
+    print TEST "18 characters here";
+    # perl4 (solaris) seek.test has: 18 characters here
+    # perl5 (solaris) seek.test has: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 18 characters here
+=head2 Interpolation Traps
+=begin original
+Perl4-to-Perl5 traps having to do with how things get interpolated
+within certain expressions, statements, contexts, or whatever.
+=end original
+Perl4 と Perl5 の違いの罠には、式や文、コンテキストなどにおける
+=over 5
+=item * C<@> always interpolates an array in double-quotish strings
+=begin original
+@ now always interpolates an array in double-quotish strings.
+=end original
+ダブルクォートで囲まれた文字列にある @ は常に配列に展開されます。
+    print "To: someo****@somew*****\n";
+    # perl4 prints: To:someo****@somew*****
+    # perl < 5.6.1, error : In string, @somewhere now must be written as \@somewhere
+    # perl >= 5.6.1, warning : Possible unintended interpolation of @somewhere in string
+=item * Double-quoted strings may no longer end with an unescaped $
+=begin original
+Double-quoted strings may no longer end with an unescaped $.
+=end original
+ダブルクォートで括られた文字列がエスケープされていない $  で
+    $foo = "foo$";
+    print "foo is $foo\n";
+    # perl4 prints: foo is foo$
+    # perl5 errors: Final $ should be \$ or $name
+=begin original
+Note: perl5 DOES NOT error on the terminating @ in $bar
+=end original
+注意: perl5 は、$bar の終端にある @ については“エラーにしません”
+=item * Arbitrary expressions are evaluated inside braces within double quotes
+=begin original
+Perl now sometimes evaluates arbitrary expressions inside braces that occur
+within double quotes (usually when the opening brace is preceded by C<$>
+or C<@>).
+=end original
+Perl はダブルクォート中にあるブレースの内側の任意の式を
+評価するようになりました(一般的には、C<$> や C<@> に続いて
+    @www = "buz";
+    $foo = "foo";
+    $bar = "bar";
+    sub foo { return "bar" };
+    print "|@{w.w.w}|${main'foo}|";
+    # perl4 prints: |@{w.w.w}|foo|
+    # perl5 prints: |buz|bar|
+=begin original
+Note that you can C<use strict;> to ward off such trappiness under perl5.
+=end original
+C<use strict;> を使って、perl5 におけるこのような罠を避けることが
+=item * C<$$x> now tries to dereference $x
+=begin original
+The construct "this is $$x" used to interpolate the pid at that point, but
+now tries to dereference $x.  C<$$> by itself still works fine, however.
+=end original
+"this is $$x" はプロセス ID を展開するようになっていましたが、
+今は $x の参照外し(dereference)を試みます。
+それでも C<$$> 自身は今でもきちんと動作します。
+    $s = "a reference";
+    $x = *s;
+    print "this is $$x\n";
+    # perl4 prints: this is XXXx   (XXX is the current pid)
+    # perl5 prints: this is a reference
+=item * Creation of hashes on the fly with C<eval "EXPR"> requires protection
+=begin original
+Creation of hashes on the fly with C<eval "EXPR"> now requires either both
+C<$>'s to be protected in the specification of the hash name, or both curlies
+to be protected.  If both curlies are protected, the result will be compatible
+with perl4 and perl5.  This is a very common practice, and should be changed
+to use the block form of C<eval{}>  if possible.
+=end original
+C<eval "EXPR"> を使ったその場(on the fly)でのハッシュの生成は
+ハッシュの名前を指定する C<$> がプロテクトされているか、もしくは
+両方の中かっこがプロテクトされている場合には、perl4 と
+perl5 の結果は同じです。
+    $hashname = "foobar";
+    $key = "baz";
+    $value = 1234;
+    eval "\$$hashname{'$key'} = q|$value|";
+    (defined($foobar{'baz'})) ?  (print "Yup") : (print "Nope");
+    # perl4 prints: Yup
+    # perl5 prints: Nope
+=begin original
+=end original
+    eval "\$$hashname{'$key'} = q|$value|";
+=begin original
+=end original
+    eval "\$\$hashname{'$key'} = q|$value|";
+=begin original
+causes the following result:
+=end original
+    # perl4 prints: Nope
+    # perl5 prints: Yup
+=begin original
+or, changing to
+=end original
+    eval "\$$hashname\{'$key'\} = q|$value|";
+=begin original
+causes the following result:
+=end original
+    # perl4 prints: Yup
+    # perl5 prints: Yup
+    # and is compatible for both versions
+=item * Bugs in earlier perl versions
+=begin original
+perl4 programs which unconsciously rely on the bugs in earlier perl versions.
+=end original
+以前のバージョンにあったバグに依存しているような perl4 プログラム。
+    perl -e '$bar=q/not/; print "This is $foo{$bar} perl5"'
+    # perl4 prints: This is not perl5
+    # perl5 prints: This is perl5
+=item * Array and hash brackets during interpolation
+=begin original
+You also have to be careful about array and hash brackets during
+=end original
+    print "$foo["
+    perl 4 prints: [
+    perl 5 prints: syntax error
+    print "$foo{"
+    perl 4 prints: {
+    perl 5 prints: syntax error
+=begin original
+Perl 5 is expecting to find an index or key name following the respective
+brackets, as well as an ending bracket of the appropriate type.  In order
+to mimic the behavior of Perl 4, you must escape the bracket like so.
+=end original
+Perl 5 は、個々のかっこには添え字かキー名が続き、さらに適切な種類の
+Perl 4 の振る舞いを模倣するためには、そのようなかっこを
+    print "$foo\[";
+    print "$foo\{";
+=item * Interpolation of C<\$$foo{bar}>
+=begin original
+Similarly, watch out for: C<\$$foo{bar}>
+=end original
+同様に、C<\$$foo{bar}> にも注意してください:
+    $foo = "baz";
+    print "\$$foo{bar}\n";
+    # perl4 prints: $baz{bar}
+    # perl5 prints: $
+=begin original
+Perl 5 is looking for C<$foo{bar}> which doesn't exist, but perl 4 is
+happy just to expand $foo to "baz" by itself.  Watch out for this
+especially in C<eval>'s.
+=end original
+perl5 は存在しない C<$foo{bar}> を探しに行きますが、perl4 は
+$foo を“baz”に展開しただけで満足します。
+C<eval> でもこの事に注意してください。
+=item * C<qq()> string passed to C<eval> will not find string terminator
+=begin original
+C<qq()> string passed to C<eval>
+=end original
+C<eval> に C<qq()> された文字列を渡した場合
+    eval qq(
+        foreach \$y (keys %\$x\) {
+            \$count++;
+        }
+    );
+    # perl4 runs this ok
+    # perl5 prints: Can't find string terminator ")"
+=head2 DBM Traps
+(DBM の罠)
+=begin original
+General DBM traps.
+=end original
+=over 5
+=item * Perl5 must have been linked with same dbm/ndbm as the default for C<dbmopen()>
+=begin original
+Existing dbm databases created under perl4 (or any other dbm/ndbm tool)
+may cause the same script, run under perl5, to fail.  The build of perl5
+must have been linked with the same dbm/ndbm as the default for C<dbmopen()>
+to function properly without C<tie>'ing to an extension dbm implementation.
+=end original
+perl4 で(もしくは他の dbm/ndbm ツールで)作成した dbm データベースを、
+perl5 の元で同じスクリプトで扱おうとすると失敗します。
+perl5 の作成において、拡張 dbm の実装を C<tie> しないときに
+C<dbmopen()> がデフォルトで使用する関数のために
+(perl4 のときと同じ)同じ dbm/ndbm をリンクしていなければなりません。
+    dbmopen (%dbm, "file", undef);
+    print "ok\n";
+    # perl4 prints: ok
+    # perl5 prints: ok (IFF linked with -ldbm or -lndbm)
+=item * DBM exceeding limit on the key/value size will cause perl5 to exit immediately
+=begin original
+Existing dbm databases created under perl4 (or any other dbm/ndbm tool)
+may cause the same script, run under perl5, to fail.  The error generated
+when exceeding the limit on the key/value size will cause perl5 to exit
+=end original
+Existing dbm databases created under perl4 (or any other dbm/ndbm tool)
+may cause the same script, run under perl5, to fail.
+key/value のサイズに関する制限を超えたときに発生するエラーにより、
+perl5 では即座にプログラムから exit します。
+    dbmopen(DB, "testdb",0600) || die "couldn't open db! $!";
+    $DB{'trap'} = "x" x 1024;  # value too large for most dbm/ndbm
+    print "YUP\n";
+    # perl4 prints:
+    dbm store returned -1, errno 28, key "trap" at - line 3.
+    YUP
+    # perl5 prints:
+    dbm store returned -1, errno 28, key "trap" at - line 3.
+=head2 Unclassified Traps
+=begin original
+Everything else.
+=end original
+=over 5
+=item * C<require>/C<do> trap using returned value
+(C<require>/C<do> の戻り値を使ったときの罠)
+=begin original
+If the file doit.pl has:
+=end original
+doit.pl というファイルが
+    sub foo {
+        $rc = do "./do.pl";
+        return 8;
+    }
+    print &foo, "\n";
+=begin original
+And the do.pl file has the following single line:
+=end original
+であって、do.pl が以下のような内容だったとすると、
+    return 3;
+=begin original
+Running doit.pl gives the following:
+=end original
+doit.pl の実行結果はこうなります。
+    # perl 4 prints: 3 (aborts the subroutine early)
+    # perl 5 prints: 8
+=begin original
+Same behavior if you replace C<do> with C<require>.
+=end original
+C<do> を C<require> に置き換えても同じ振る舞いとなります。
+=item * C<split> on empty string with LIMIT specified
+(空文字列に LIMIT を指定して C<split> を使った場合)
+    $string = '';
+    @list = split(/foo/, $string, 2)
+=begin original
+Perl4 returns a one element list containing the empty string but Perl5
+returns an empty list.
+=end original
+Perl4 は空文字列を持った一要素のリストを返しますが、Perl5 は
+=begin original
+As always, if any of these are ever officially declared as bugs,
+they'll be fixed and removed.
+=end original
+=begin meta
+Translate: KIMURA Koichi (5.005_03)
+Update: SHIRAKATA Kentaro <argra****@ub32*****> (5.6.1-)
+Status: in progress
+=end meta

perldocjp-cvs メーリングリストの案内