[perldocjp-cvs 1643] CVS update: docs/modules/overload-1.07


argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2012年 12月 8日 (土) 04:33:06 JST

Index: docs/modules/overload-1.07/overload.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/overload-1.07/overload.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sat Dec  8 04:33:06 2012
+++ docs/modules/overload-1.07/overload.pod	Sat Dec  8 04:33:06 2012
@@ -0,0 +1,2968 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+overload - Package for overloading Perl operations
+=end original
+overload - Perl の演算子のオーバーロードを行うパッケージ
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    package SomeThing;
+    use overload
+	'+' => \&myadd,
+	'-' => \&mysub;
+	# etc
+    ...
+    package main;
+    $a = SomeThing->new( 57 );
+    $b=5+$a;
+    ...
+    if (overload::Overloaded $b) {...}
+    ...
+    $strval = overload::StrVal $b;
+=begin original
+This pragma allows overloading of Perl's operators for a class.
+To overload built-in functions, see L<perlsub/Overriding Built-in Functions> instead.
+=end original
+このプラグマはクラスのための Perl の演算子を
+L<perlsub/Overriding Built-in Functions> を参照してください。
+=head2 Declaration of overloaded functions
+=begin original
+The compilation directive
+=end original
+    package Number;
+    use overload
+	"+" => \&add,
+	"*=" => "muas";
+=begin original
+declares function Number::add() for addition, and method muas() in
+the "class" C<Number> (or one of its base classes)
+for the assignment form C<*=> of multiplication.
+=end original
+では、加法の関数 Number::add() と「クラス」C<Number> (あるいは、
+その基底クラスの 1 つ) の中の乗法の代入形式 C<*=> のメソッド muas() を
+=begin original
+Arguments of this directive come in (key, value) pairs.  Legal values
+are values legal inside a C<&{ ... }> call, so the name of a
+subroutine, a reference to a subroutine, or an anonymous subroutine
+will all work.  Note that values specified as strings are
+interpreted as methods, not subroutines.  Legal keys are listed below.
+=end original
+この指示子の引数は (key, value) のペアです。
+この value としては、C<&{ ... }> の中で使用できるものがすべてを
+key として有効な値は以下に述べます。
+=begin original
+The subroutine C<add> will be called to execute C<$a+$b> if $a
+is a reference to an object blessed into the package C<Number>, or if $a is
+not an object from a package with defined mathemagic addition, but $b is a
+reference to a C<Number>.  It can also be called in other situations, like
+C<$a+=7>, or C<$a++>.  See L<MAGIC AUTOGENERATION>.  (Mathemagical
+methods refer to methods triggered by an overloaded mathematical
+=end original
+C<$a+$b> を実行するときに、$a がパッケージ C<Number> 内に bless された
+オブジェクトへのリファレンスである場合か、$a がそのようなマスマジカルな
+加法を用意しているパッケージのオブジェクトでなくても、$b が Number への
+リファレンスである場合に、サブルーチン C<add> が呼び出されます。
+これは、C<$a+=7> とか C<$a++> といった、シチュエーションでも呼ばれます。
+=begin original
+Since overloading respects inheritance via the @ISA hierarchy, the
+above declaration would also trigger overloading of C<+> and C<*=> in
+all the packages which inherit from C<Number>.
+=end original
+オーバーロードは @ISA 階層による継承を遵守するので、上述の宣言は
+C<Number> から継承される全てのパッケージの C<+> と C<*=> のオーバーロードも
+=head2 Calling Conventions for Binary Operations
+=begin original
+The functions specified in the C<use overload ...> directive are called
+with three (in one particular case with four, see L<Last Resort>)
+arguments.  If the corresponding operation is binary, then the first
+two arguments are the two arguments of the operation.  However, due to
+general object calling conventions, the first argument should always be
+an object in the package, so in the situation of C<7+$a>, the
+order of the arguments is interchanged.  It probably does not matter
+when implementing the addition method, but whether the arguments
+are reversed is vital to the subtraction method.  The method can
+query this information by examining the third argument, which can take
+three different values:
+=end original
+C<use overload ...> 指示子で指定される関数は、三つ (唯一特別な場合があって、
+その時は四つ (L<Last Resort>の節を参照) ) の引数で呼び出されます。
+C<7+$a> のような場合には、引数の順序の入れ替えが行なわれます。
+メソッド側では、この引数の入れ替えについての情報を 3 つめの引数を
+この引数は、3 種類の値をとります:
+=over 7
+=item FALSE
+=begin original
+the order of arguments is as in the current operation.
+=end original
+=item TRUE
+=begin original
+the arguments are reversed.
+=end original
+=item C<undef>
+=begin original
+the current operation is an assignment variant (as in
+C<$a+=7>), but the usual function is called instead.  This additional
+information can be used to generate some optimizations.  Compare
+L<Calling Conventions for Mutators>.
+=end original
+現在の演算子は、(C<$a+=7> のような) 代入形式のものですが、代わりに普通の
+L<Calling Conventions for Mutators> と比較してください。
+=head2 Calling Conventions for Unary Operations
+=begin original
+Unary operation are considered binary operations with the second
+argument being C<undef>.  Thus the functions that overloads C<{"++"}>
+is called with arguments C<($a,undef,'')> when $a++ is executed.
+=end original
+単項演算子は、2 番目の引数が C<undef> の二項演算子であると考えられます。
+つまり、C<{"++"}> をオーバーロードする関数は、$a++ が実行されるときに、
+C<($a, undef, '')> という引数で呼び出されます。
+=head2 Calling Conventions for Mutators
+=begin original
+Two types of mutators have different calling conventions:
+=end original
+2 種類のミューテータは異なった呼び出し規約を持ちます:
+=item C<++> and C<-->
+(C<++> と C<-->)
+=begin original
+The routines which implement these operators are expected to actually
+I<mutate> their arguments.  So, assuming that $obj is a reference to a
+=end original
+I<変更(mutate)> することを想定しています。
+それで、$obj が数値へのリファレンスと仮定すると、
+  sub incr { my $n = $ {$_[0]}; ++$n; $_[0] = bless \$n}
+=begin original
+is an appropriate implementation of overloaded C<++>.  Note that
+=end original
+はオーバーロードした C<++> の適切な実装です。以下のものは
+  sub incr { ++$ {$_[0]} ; shift }
+=begin original
+is OK if used with preincrement and with postincrement. (In the case
+of postincrement a copying will be performed, see L<Copy Constructor>.)
+=end original
+事前インクリメントと事後インクリメントの場合は OK であることに
+L<Copy Constructor> を参照してください。)
+=item C<x=> and other assignment versions
+(C<x=> とその他の代入演算子)
+=begin original
+There is nothing special about these methods.  They may change the
+value of their arguments, and may leave it as is.  The result is going
+to be assigned to the value in the left-hand-side if different from
+this value.
+=end original
+=begin original
+This allows for the same method to be used as overloaded C<+=> and
+C<+>.  Note that this is I<allowed>, but not recommended, since by the
+semantic of L<"Fallback"> Perl will call the method for C<+> anyway,
+if C<+=> is not overloaded.
+=end original
+これは、オーバーロードした C<+=> と C<+> として同じメソッドを使うことを
+これは I<許されます> が、推奨されません; なぜなら L<"Fallback"> の
+意味論によって Perl はもし C<+=> がオーバーロードされていなければ
+とにかく C<+> を呼び出すからです。
+=begin original
+B<Warning.>  Due to the presence of assignment versions of operations,
+routines which may be called in assignment context may create
+self-referential structures.  Currently Perl will not free self-referential
+structures until cycles are C<explicitly> broken.  You may get problems
+when traversing your structures too.
+=end original
+B<警告:> 演算の代入版の存在によって、代入コンテキストで呼び出される
+現在のところ、Perl は循環が C<明示的に> 破壊されるまで自己参照構造を
+=begin original
+=end original
+  use overload '+' => sub { bless [ \$_[0], \$_[1] ] };
+=begin original
+is asking for trouble, since for code C<$obj += $foo> the subroutine
+is called as C<$obj = add($obj, $foo, undef)>, or C<$obj = [\$obj,
+\$foo]>.  If using such a subroutine is an important optimization, one
+can overload C<+=> explicitly by a non-"optimized" version, or switch
+to non-optimized version if C<not defined $_[2]> (see
+L<Calling Conventions for Binary Operations>).
+=end original
+は自ら災いを招くことになります; なぜなら C<$obj += $foo> というコードでは
+サブルーチンは C<$obj = add($obj, $foo, undef)> あるいは C<$obj = [\$obj,
+\$foo]> として呼び出されるからです。
+明示的に C<+=> をオーバーロードするか、もし C<not defined $_[2]> なら
+(L<Calling Conventions for Binary Operations> を参照してください)。
+=begin original
+Even if no I<explicit> assignment-variants of operators are present in
+the script, they may be generated by the optimizer.  Say, C<",$obj,"> or
+C<',' . $obj . ','> may be both optimized to
+=end original
+たとえスクリプトで I<明示的に> 代入系の演算子を使っていなくても、
+例えば、C<",$obj,"> や C<',' . $obj . ','> は両方とも以下のように
+  my $tmp = ',' . $obj;    $tmp .= ',';
+=head2 Overloadable Operations
+=begin original
+The following symbols can be specified in C<use overload> directive:
+=end original
+以下のシンボルが C<use overload> 指示子で指定できます:
+=over 5
+=item * I<Arithmetic operations>
+    "+", "+=", "-", "-=", "*", "*=", "/", "/=", "%", "%=",
+    "**", "**=", "<<", "<<=", ">>", ">>=", "x", "x=", ".", ".=",
+=begin original
+For these operations a substituted non-assignment variant can be called if
+the assignment variant is not available.  Methods for operations C<+>,
+C<->, C<+=>, and C<-=> can be called to automatically generate
+increment and decrement methods.  The operation C<-> can be used to
+autogenerate missing methods for unary minus or C<abs>.
+=end original
+演算子 C<+>, C<->, C<+=>, C<-=> に対するメソッドは、インクリメント演算子や
+演算子 C<-> は、単項のマイナスや C<abs> のメソッドがないときに
+=begin original
+See L<"MAGIC AUTOGENERATION">, L<"Calling Conventions for Mutators"> and
+L<"Calling Conventions for Binary Operations">) for details of these
+=end original
+これらの置換に関する詳細については L<"MAGIC AUTOGENERATION">,
+L<"Calling Conventions for Mutators">,
+L<"Calling Conventions for Binary Operations"> を参照して下さい。
+=item * I<Comparison operations>
+    "<",  "<=", ">",  ">=", "==", "!=", "<=>",
+    "lt", "le", "gt", "ge", "eq", "ne", "cmp",
+=begin original
+If the corresponding "spaceship" variant is available, it can be
+used to substitute for the missing operation.  During C<sort>ing
+arrays, C<cmp> is used to compare values subject to C<use overload>.
+=end original
+配列のソートのときには、C<use overload> のもとの C<cmp> を使って値を
+=item * I<Bit operations>
+    "&", "&=", "^", "^=", "|", "|=", "neg", "!", "~",
+=begin original
+C<neg> stands for unary minus.  If the method for C<neg> is not
+specified, it can be autogenerated using the method for
+subtraction. If the method for C<!> is not specified, it can be
+autogenerated using the methods for C<bool>, or C<"">, or C<0+>.
+=end original
+C<neg> は、単項のマイナスを表わします。
+C<neg> のメソッドが指定されていないときには、引き算のメソッドを使って、
+C<!> のメソッドが指定されていないときには、C<bool>, C<\"\">, C<0+> の
+=begin original
+The same remarks in L<"Arithmetic operations"> about
+assignment-variants and autogeneration apply for
+bit operations C<"&">, C<"^">, and C<"|"> as well.
+=end original
+L<"Arithmetic operations"> での様々な代入と自動生成に関する意見は
+ビット操作 C<"&">, C<"^">, C<"|"> にも適用されます。
+=item * I<Increment and decrement>
+    "++", "--",
+=begin original
+If undefined, addition and subtraction methods can be
+used instead.  These operations are called both in prefix and
+postfix form.
+=end original
+=item * I<Transcendental functions>
+    "atan2", "cos", "sin", "exp", "abs", "log", "sqrt", "int"
+=begin original
+If C<abs> is unavailable, it can be autogenerated using methods
+for "E<lt>" or "E<lt>=E<gt>" combined with either unary minus or subtraction.
+=end original
+C<abs> がないときには、"E<lt>" か "E<lt>=<E<gt>" のメソッドを、単項の
+=begin original
+Note that traditionally the Perl function L<int> rounds to 0, thus for
+floating-point-like types one should follow the same semantic.  If
+C<int> is unavailable, it can be autogenerated using the overloading of
+=end original
+伝統的に Perl 関数 L<int> は 0 に丸めるので、浮動小数点風の型は同じ意味論に
+もし C<int> が利用不可能なら、C<0+> のオーバーロードを使って
+=item * I<Boolean, string and numeric conversion>
+    'bool', '""', '0+',
+=begin original
+If one or two of these operations are not overloaded, the remaining ones can
+be used instead.  C<bool> is used in the flow control operators
+(like C<while>) and for the ternary C<?:> operation.  These functions can
+return any arbitrary Perl value.  If the corresponding operation for this value
+is overloaded too, that operation will be called again with this value.
+=end original
+C<bool> は、(C<while> のような) フロー制御演算子や、三項演算子 C<?:> で
+これらの関数は、任意の Perl 値を返すことができます。
+=begin original
+As a special case if the overload returns the object itself then it will
+be used directly. An overloaded conversion returning the object is
+probably a bug, because you're likely to get something that looks like
+=end original
+オブジェクトを返すオーバーロードされた変換はおそらくバグです; なぜなら
+おそらく C<YourPackage=HASH(0x8172b34)> のようなものを受け取るからです。
+=item * I<Iteration>
+    "<>"
+=begin original
+If not overloaded, the argument will be converted to a filehandle or
+glob (which may require a stringification).  The same overloading
+happens both for the I<read-filehandle> syntax C<E<lt>$varE<gt>> and
+I<globbing> syntax C<E<lt>${var}E<gt>>.
+=end original
+同じオーバーロードは I<ファイルハンドル読み込み> 構文 C<E<lt>$varE<gt>> と
+I<グロブ> 構文 C<E<lt>${var}E<gt>> の両方でも起こります。
+=begin original
+B<BUGS> Even in list context, the iterator is currently called only
+once and with scalar context.
+=end original
+B<バグ> たとえリストコンテキストでも、現在のところ反復子は
+スカラコンテキストで 1 度だけしか呼び出されない。
+=item * I<Matching>
+=begin original
+The key C<"~~"> allows you to override the smart matching logic used by
+the C<~~> operator and the switch construct (C<given>/C<when>).  See
+L<perlsyn/switch> and L<feature>.
+=end original
+キー C<"~~"> は C<~~> 演算子と switch 構文 (C<given>/C<when>) で使われる
+L<perlsyn/switch> と L<feature> を参照してください。
+=begin original
+Unusually, overloading of the smart match operator does not automatically
+take precedence over normal smart match behaviour. In particular, in the
+following code:
+=end original
+    package Foo;
+    use overload '~~' => 'match';
+    my $obj =  Foo->new();
+    $obj ~~ [ 1,2,3 ];
+=begin original
+the smart match does I<not> invoke the method call like this:
+=end original
+スマートマッチングは以下のようなメソッド呼び出しは起動 I<されません>:
+    $obj->match([1,2,3],0);
+=begin original
+rather, the smart match distributive rule takes precedence, so $obj is
+smart matched against each array element in turn until a match is found,
+so you may see between one and three of these calls instead:
+=end original
+正確には、スマートマッチング分配規則が優先順位を持つので、$obj は
+    $obj->match(1,0);
+    $obj->match(2,0);
+    $obj->match(3,0);
+=begin original
+Consult the match table in  L<perlsyn/"Smart matching in detail"> for
+details of when overloading is invoked.
+=end original
+L<perlsyn/"Smart matching in detail"> のマッチングテーブルを
+=item * I<Dereferencing>
+    '${}', '@{}', '%{}', '&{}', '*{}'.
+=begin original
+If not overloaded, the argument will be dereferenced I<as is>, thus
+should be of correct type.  These functions should return a reference
+of correct type, or another object with overloaded dereferencing.
+=end original
+オーバーロードされないと、引数は I<そのままで> デリファレンスされ、
+=begin original
+As a special case if the overload returns the object itself then it
+will be used directly (provided it is the correct type).
+=end original
+=begin original
+The dereference operators must be specified explicitly they will not be passed to
+=end original
+デリファレンス演算子は "nomethod" を渡されないように明示的に
+=item * I<Special>
+(I<特殊 key>)
+    "nomethod", "fallback", "=".
+=begin original
+see L<SPECIAL SYMBOLS FOR C<use overload>>.
+=end original
+L<SPECIAL SYMBOLS FOR C<use overload>> を参照してください。
+=begin original
+See L<"Fallback"> for an explanation of when a missing method can be
+=end original
+存在しないメソッドの自動生成についての説明は L<"Fallback"> を参照して下さい。
+=begin original
+A computer-readable form of the above table is available in the hash
+%overload::ops, with values being space-separated lists of names:
+=end original
+上述のテーブルのコンピュータ可読形式は、ハッシュ %overload::ops で
+利用可能です; 値は空白で区切られた名前のリストです:
+ with_assign	  => '+ - * / % ** << >> x .',
+ assign		  => '+= -= *= /= %= **= <<= >>= x= .=',
+ num_comparison	  => '< <= > >= == !=',
+ '3way_comparison'=> '<=> cmp',
+ str_comparison	  => 'lt le gt ge eq ne',
+ binary		  => '& &= | |= ^ ^=',
+ unary		  => 'neg ! ~',
+ mutators	  => '++ --',
+ func		  => 'atan2 cos sin exp abs log sqrt',
+ conversion	  => 'bool "" 0+',
+ iterators	  => '<>',
+ dereferencing	  => '${} @{} %{} &{} *{}',
+ matching	  => '~~',
+ special	  => 'nomethod fallback ='
+=head2 Inheritance and overloading
+=begin original
+Inheritance interacts with overloading in two ways.
+=end original
+=item Strings as values of C<use overload> directive
+(C<use overload> 指示子の値としての文字列)
+=begin original
+If C<value> in
+=end original
+もし以下での C<value> が
+  use overload key => value;
+=begin original
+is a string, it is interpreted as a method name.
+=end original
+=item Overloading of an operation is inherited by derived classes
+=begin original
+Any class derived from an overloaded class is also overloaded.  The
+set of overloaded methods is the union of overloaded methods of all
+the ancestors. If some method is overloaded in several ancestor, then
+which description will be used is decided by the usual inheritance
+=end original
+=begin original
+If C<A> inherits from C<B> and C<C> (in this order), C<B> overloads
+C<+> with C<\&D::plus_sub>, and C<C> overloads C<+> by C<"plus_meth">,
+then the subroutine C<D::plus_sub> will be called to implement
+operation C<+> for an object in package C<A>.
+=end original
+もし C<A> が C<B> を C<C> を (この順序で) 継承していて、C<B> が C<+> を
+C<\&D::plus_sub> でオーバーロードし、C<C> が C<+> を C<"plus_meth"> で
+オーバーロードしている場合、パッケージ C<A> でオブジェクトのために
+演算 C<+> を実装するために、サブルーチン C<D::plus_sub> が呼び出されます。
+=begin original
+Note that since the value of the C<fallback> key is not a subroutine,
+its inheritance is not governed by the above rules.  In the current
+implementation, the value of C<fallback> in the first overloaded
+ancestor is used, but this is accidental and subject to change.
+=end original
+C<fallback> キーの値はサブルーチンではないので、この継承は上述のルールには
+現在の実装では、最初にオーバーロードした祖先の C<fallback> の値が
+=head1 SPECIAL SYMBOLS FOR C<use overload>
+(C<use overload> の特殊シンボル)
+=begin original
+Three keys are recognized by Perl that are not covered by the above
+=end original
+ここまでに説明してきたものの他に、3 つの key が Perl に認識されます。
+=head2 Last Resort
+=begin original
+C<"nomethod"> should be followed by a reference to a function of four
+parameters.  If defined, it is called when the overloading mechanism
+cannot find a method for some operation.  The first three arguments of
+this function coincide with the arguments for the corresponding method if
+it were found, the fourth argument is the symbol
+corresponding to the missing method.  If several methods are tried,
+the last one is used.  Say, C<1-$a> can be equivalent to
+=end original
+C<"nomethod"> は、4 つのパラメータを持つ関数へのリファレンスが引き続きます。
+この関数の最初の 3 つの引数は、本来、呼ばれるはずだったメソッドに対する
+引数と一致し、4 番目の引数は、見つからなかったメソッドに対応する
+たとえば、C<1-$a> であれば、
+C<"nomethod" =E<gt> "nomethodMethod"> の組が C<use overload> 指示子で
+	&nomethodMethod($a,1,1,"-")
+=begin original
+if the pair C<"nomethod" =E<gt> "nomethodMethod"> was specified in the
+C<use overload> directive.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The C<"nomethod"> mechanism is I<not> used for the dereference operators
+( ${} @{} %{} &{} *{} ).
+=end original
+C<"nomethod"> の機構は デリファレンス演算子 ( ${} @{} %{} &{} *{} ) では
+=begin original
+If some operation cannot be resolved, and there is no function
+assigned to C<"nomethod">, then an exception will be raised via die()--
+unless C<"fallback"> was specified as a key in C<use overload> directive.
+=end original
+何らかの演算子が見つからず、C<"nomethod"> に結び付けられた関数もない
+場合には、(C<"fallback"> が C<use overload> 指示子のキーとして
+指定されていない限り) die() による例外が発生します。
+=head2 Fallback
+=begin original
+The key C<"fallback"> governs what to do if a method for a particular
+operation is not found.  Three different cases are possible depending on
+the value of C<"fallback">:
+=end original
+C<"fallback"> は、特定の演算子に対するメソッドが見つからない場合の
+C<"fallback"> の value によって、3 つの場合があります:
+=over 16
+=item * C<undef>
+=begin original
+Perl tries to use a
+substituted method (see L<MAGIC AUTOGENERATION>).  If this fails, it
+then tries to calls C<"nomethod"> value; if missing, an exception
+will be raised.
+=end original
+Perl は、代替のメソッドを使うことを試みます
+それもダメならば、C<"nomethod"> を呼び出そうとします。
+=item * TRUE
+=begin original
+The same as for the C<undef> value, but no exception is raised.  Instead,
+it silently reverts to what it would have done were there no C<use overload>
+=end original
+C<undef> の場合と同じですが、例外を発生させません。
+この場合、黙って、もし C<use overload> がなかったときに、
+=item * defined, but FALSE
+=begin original
+No autogeneration is tried.  Perl tries to call
+C<"nomethod"> value, and if this is missing, raises an exception.
+=end original
+Perl は、まず C<"nomethod"> の実行を試みて、これがなければ、例外を
+=begin original
+B<Note.> C<"fallback"> inheritance via @ISA is not carved in stone
+yet, see L<"Inheritance and overloading">.
+=end original
+B<注意>: @ISA 経由の C<"fallback"> 継承はまだ行われません。
+L<"Inheritance and overloading"> を参照して下さい。
+=head2 Copy Constructor
+=begin original
+The value for C<"="> is a reference to a function with three
+arguments, i.e., it looks like the other values in C<use
+overload>. However, it does not overload the Perl assignment
+operator. This would go against Camel hair.
+=end original
+C<"="> の値は、3 引数の関数へのリファレンスです。
+つまり、C<use overload> の他の値と似ているように見えます。
+しかし、これは Perl の代入演算子をオーバーロードしません。
+これは「ラクダの毛(Camel hair)」に対抗しています。
+=begin original
+This operation is called in the situations when a mutator is applied
+to a reference that shares its object with some other reference, such
+=end original
+	$a=$b;
+	++$a;
+=begin original
+To make this change $a and not change $b, a copy of C<$$a> is made,
+and $a is assigned a reference to this new object.  This operation is
+done during execution of the C<++$a>, and not during the assignment,
+(so before the increment C<$$a> coincides with C<$$b>).  This is only
+done if C<++> is expressed via a method for C<'++'> or C<'+='> (or
+C<nomethod>).  Note that if this operation is expressed via C<'+'>
+a nonmutator, i.e., as in
+=end original
+これを、$a を変更し、$b を変更しないようにするために、C<$$a> のコピーを作り、
+この新しいオブジェクトへのリファレンスが $a に代入されます。
+この操作は、C<++$a> の実行中に (すなわち、その前に C<$$a> が C<$$b> に
+これはC<++> が C<'++'> か C<'+='> (か C<nomethod>) のメソッドを通じて
+この演算子が、非ミューテータ C<"+"> を使って記述されている場合、
+	$a=$b;
+	$a=$a+1;
+=begin original
+then C<$a> does not reference a new copy of C<$$a>, since $$a does not
+appear as lvalue when the above code is executed.
+=end original
+C<$a> は C<$$a> の新しいコピーのリファレンスではありません。
+上記のコードが実行されたときに $$a は左辺値としては現れていないからです。
+=begin original
+If the copy constructor is required during the execution of some mutator,
+but a method for C<'='> was not specified, it can be autogenerated as a
+string copy if the object is a plain scalar or a simple assignment if it
+is not.
+=end original
+C<'='> が指定されていないときには、そのオブジェクトが単なるスカラであれば
+=over 5
+=item B<Example>
+=begin original
+The actually executed code for
+=end original
+	$a=$b;
+        Something else which does not modify $a or $b....
+	++$a;
+=begin original
+may be
+=end original
+	$a=$b;
+        Something else which does not modify $a or $b....
+	$a = $a->clone(undef,"");
+        $a->incr(undef,"");
+=begin original
+if $b was mathemagical, and C<'++'> was overloaded with C<\&incr>,
+C<'='> was overloaded with C<\&clone>.
+=end original
+(もし $b がマスマジカルで、C<'++'> が C<\&incr> でオーバーロードされていて、
+C<'='> が C<\&clone> でオーバーロードされていれば。)
+=begin original
+Same behaviour is triggered by C<$b = $a++>, which is consider a synonym for
+C<$b = $a; ++$a>.
+=end original
+同じ振る舞いは C<$b = $a++> で引き起こされます; これは C<$b = $a; ++$a> と
+=begin original
+If a method for an operation is not found, and the value for  C<"fallback"> is
+TRUE or undefined, Perl tries to autogenerate a substitute method for
+the missing operation based on the defined operations.  Autogenerated method
+substitutions are possible for the following operations:
+=end original
+演算子に対するメソッドが見つからず、C<"fallback"> が「真」か
+「未定義」であれば、Perl は、定義されている演算子をもとに、見つからなかった
+=over 16
+=item I<Assignment forms of arithmetic operations>
+=begin original
+C<$a+=$b> can use the method for C<"+"> if the method for C<"+=">
+is not defined.
+=end original
+C<"+="> メソッドが定義されていないとき、C<$a+=$b> は、C<"+"> メソッドを
+=item I<Conversion operations>
+=begin original
+String, numeric, and boolean conversion are calculated in terms of one
+another if not all of them are defined.
+=end original
+=item I<Increment and decrement>
+=begin original
+The C<++$a> operation can be expressed in terms of C<$a+=1> or C<$a+1>,
+and C<$a--> in terms of C<$a-=1> and C<$a-1>.
+=end original
+演算 C<++$a> は、C<$a+=1> か C<$a+1> で、演算 C<$a--> は、C<$a-=1> か
+C<$a-1> で表現することができます。
+=item C<abs($a)>
+=begin original
+can be expressed in terms of C<$aE<lt>0> and C<-$a> (or C<0-$a>).
+=end original
+abs($a) は、C<$aE<lt>0> と C<-$a> (または C<0-$a>) で表現できます。
+=item I<Unary minus>
+=begin original
+can be expressed in terms of subtraction.
+=end original
+=item I<Negation>
+=begin original
+C<!> and C<not> can be expressed in terms of boolean conversion, or
+string or numerical conversion.
+=end original
+C<!> と C<not> はブール値変換、文字列変換、数値変換を使って表現できます。
+=item I<Concatenation>
+=begin original
+can be expressed in terms of string conversion.
+=end original
+=item I<Comparison operations>
+=begin original
+can be expressed in terms of its "spaceship" counterpart: either
+C<E<lt>=E<gt>> or C<cmp>:
+=end original
+比較演算は、それぞれに対応する「スペースシップ」演算 (C<E<lt>=<E<gt>> か
+C<cmp>) を用いて表現することができます:
+    <, >, <=, >=, ==, != 	in terms of <=>
+    lt, gt, le, ge, eq, ne 	in terms of cmp
+=item I<Iterator>
+    <>				in terms of builtin operations
+=item I<Dereferencing>
+    ${} @{} %{} &{} *{}		in terms of builtin operations
+=item I<Copy operator>
+=begin original
+can be expressed in terms of an assignment to the dereferenced value, if this
+value is a scalar and not a reference, or simply a reference assignment
+=end original
+=head1 Minimal set of overloaded operations
+=begin original
+Since some operations can be automatically generated from others, there is
+a minimal set of operations that need to be overloaded in order to have
+the complete set of overloaded operations at one's disposal.
+Of course, the autogenerated operations may not do exactly what the user
+expects. See L<MAGIC AUTOGENERATION> above. The minimal set is:
+=end original
+    + - * / % ** << >> x
+    <=> cmp
+    & | ^ ~
+    atan2 cos sin exp log sqrt int
+=begin original
+Additionally, you need to define at least one of string, boolean or
+numeric conversions because any one can be used to emulate the others.
+The string conversion can also be used to emulate concatenation.
+=end original
+さらに、文字列、真偽値、数値変換のうち少なくとも 1 つを定義する必要が
+あります; なぜならどれでも他のものをエミュレートできるからです。
+=head1 Losing overloading
+=begin original
+The restriction for the comparison operation is that even if, for example,
+`C<cmp>' should return a blessed reference, the autogenerated `C<lt>'
+function will produce only a standard logical value based on the
+numerical value of the result of `C<cmp>'.  In particular, a working
+numeric conversion is needed in this case (possibly expressed in terms of
+other conversions).
+=end original
+比較演算子に対する制限は、たとえば、`C<cmp>' が bless された
+`C<lt>' は、`C<cmp>' の結果の数値に基づく標準の論理値だけを
+=begin original
+Similarly, C<.=>  and C<x=> operators lose their mathemagical properties
+if the string conversion substitution is applied.
+=end original
+同様に、C<.=> 演算子や C<x=> 演算子も、文字列変換による代替が起これば、
+=begin original
+When you chop() a mathemagical object it is promoted to a string and its
+mathemagical properties are lost.  The same can happen with other
+operations as well.
+=end original
+マスマジカルなオブジェクトを chop() すると、文字列になり、マスマジカルな
+=head1 Run-time Overloading
+=begin original
+Since all C<use> directives are executed at compile-time, the only way to
+change overloading during run-time is to
+=end original
+全ての C<use> 指示子はコンパイル時に実行されるので、実行時にオーバーロードを
+    eval 'use overload "+" => \&addmethod';
+=begin original
+You can also use
+=end original
+    eval 'no overload "+", "--", "<="';
+=begin original
+though the use of these constructs during run-time is questionable.
+=end original
+=head1 Public functions
+=begin original
+Package C<overload.pm> provides the following public functions:
+=end original
+パッケージ C<overload.pm> は以下のパブリック関数を提供します:
+=over 5
+=item overload::StrVal(arg)
+=begin original
+Gives string value of C<arg> as in absence of stringify overloading. If you
+are using this to get the address of a reference (useful for checking if two
+references point to the same thing) then you may be better off using
+C<Scalar::Util::refaddr()>, which is faster.
+=end original
+文字列化のオーバーロードがないものとしたときの C<arg> の文字列値を
+もしリファレンスのアドレスを得るためにこれを使っている (二つのリファレンスが
+C<Scalar::Util::refaddr()> を使った方が良いでしょう。
+=item overload::Overloaded(arg)
+=begin original
+Returns true if C<arg> is subject to overloading of some operations.
+=end original
+C<arg> が何らかの操作のオーバーロードの影響下にあるなら真を返します。
+=item overload::Method(obj,op)
+=begin original
+Returns C<undef> or a reference to the method that implements C<op>.
+=end original
+C<op> を実装しているメソッドへのリファレンス、あるいは C<undef> を返します。
+=head1 Overloading constants
+=begin original
+For some applications, the Perl parser mangles constants too much.
+It is possible to hook into this process via C<overload::constant()>
+and C<overload::remove_constant()> functions.
+=end original
+アプリケーションによっては Perl パーザが定数をいじりすぎる場合があります。
+この処理を C<overload::constant()> 関数と
+C<overload::remove_constant()> 関数を使ってフックできます。
+=begin original
+These functions take a hash as an argument.  The recognized keys of this hash
+=end original
+=over 8
+=item integer
+=begin original
+to overload integer constants,
+=end original
+=item float
+=begin original
+to overload floating point constants,
+=end original
+=item binary
+=begin original
+to overload octal and hexadecimal constants,
+=end original
+8 進および 16 進定数をオーバーロードします。
+=item q
+=begin original
+to overload C<q>-quoted strings, constant pieces of C<qq>- and C<qx>-quoted
+strings and here-documents,
+=end original
+C<q>-クォートされた文字列、C<qq>- および C<qx>-クォートされた文字列の
+=item qr
+=begin original
+to overload constant pieces of regular expressions.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The corresponding values are references to functions which take three arguments:
+the first one is the I<initial> string form of the constant, the second one
+is how Perl interprets this constant, the third one is how the constant is used.
+Note that the initial string form does not
+contain string delimiters, and has backslashes in backslash-delimiter
+combinations stripped (thus the value of delimiter is not relevant for
+processing of this string).  The return value of this function is how this
+constant is going to be interpreted by Perl.  The third argument is undefined
+unless for overloaded C<q>- and C<qr>- constants, it is C<q> in single-quote
+context (comes from strings, regular expressions, and single-quote HERE
+documents), it is C<tr> for arguments of C<tr>/C<y> operators,
+it is C<s> for right-hand side of C<s>-operator, and it is C<qq> otherwise.
+=end original
+対応する値は 3 つの引数を取る関数へのリファレンスへのリファレンスです:
+最初のものは定数の I<初期> 文字列形式、2 番目は Perl がこの定数を
+どのように解釈するか、3 番目は定数をどのように使うかです。
+この関数の返り値はこの定数が Perl によってどのように解釈されるかです。
+3 番目の引数は、オーバーロードされた C<q>- か C<qr>- 定数以外では未定義値、
+シングルクォートコンテキストの場合は C<q>、C<tr>/C<y> 演算子の引数の
+場合は C<tr>、C<s> 演算子の右側の場合は C<s>、その他では C<qq> になります。
+=begin original
+Since an expression C<"ab$cd,,"> is just a shortcut for C<'ab' . $cd . ',,'>,
+it is expected that overloaded constant strings are equipped with reasonable
+overloaded catenation operator, otherwise absurd results will result.
+Similarly, negative numbers are considered as negations of positive constants.
+=end original
+式 C<"ab$cd,,"> は単に C<'ab' . $cd . ',,'> のショートカットなので、
+=begin original
+Note that it is probably meaningless to call the functions overload::constant()
+and overload::remove_constant() from anywhere but import() and unimport() methods.
+From these methods they may be called as
+=end original
+import() と unimport() メソッド以外から overload::constant() や
+overload::remove_constant() を呼び出すのはおそらく無意味であることに
+	sub import {
+	  shift;
+	  return unless @_;
+	  die "unknown import: @_" unless @_ == 1 and $_[0] eq ':constant';
+	  overload::constant integer => sub {Math::BigInt->new(shift)};
+	}
+=begin original
+What follows is subject to change RSN.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The table of methods for all operations is cached in magic for the
+symbol table hash for the package.  The cache is invalidated during
+processing of C<use overload>, C<no overload>, new function
+definitions, and changes in @ISA. However, this invalidation remains
+unprocessed until the next C<bless>ing into the package. Hence if you
+want to change overloading structure dynamically, you'll need an
+additional (fake) C<bless>ing to update the table.
+=end original
+このキャッシュは C<use overload>, C<no overload>, 新しい関数定義、
+ @ ISA の変更のいずれかの処理の間に無効化されます。
+しかし、この無効化はパッケージに対する次の C<bless> までは実行されずに
+更新するために、(意味の無い) C<bless> を行なう必要があります。
+=begin original
+(Every SVish thing has a magic queue, and magic is an entry in that
+queue.  This is how a single variable may participate in multiple
+forms of magic simultaneously.  For instance, environment variables
+regularly have two forms at once: their %ENV magic and their taint
+magic. However, the magic which implements overloading is applied to
+the stashes, which are rarely used directly, thus should not slow down
+=end original
+(すべての SV 風のものは、マジックキューを持っており、マジックが
+これによって、1 つの変数が、同時に複数のマジックの形式に関わることが
+たとえば、環境変数は普段、%ENV マジックと「汚染」マジックの
+Perl の速度を低下させないはずです。)
+=begin original
+If an object belongs to a package using overload, it carries a special
+flag.  Thus the only speed penalty during arithmetic operations without
+overloading is the checking of this flag.
+=end original
+=begin original
+In fact, if C<use overload> is not present, there is almost no overhead
+for overloadable operations, so most programs should not suffer
+measurable performance penalties.  A considerable effort was made to
+minimize the overhead when overload is used in some package, but the
+arguments in question do not belong to packages using overload.  When
+in doubt, test your speed with C<use overload> and without it.  So far
+there have been no reports of substantial speed degradation if Perl is
+compiled with optimization turned on.
+=end original
+実際、C<use overload> が存在しなければ、オーバーロード可能な演算に
+疑わしいときには、C<use overload> がある場合と無い場合で、
+スピードのテストをしてください。 これまでのところ、Perl が
+=begin original
+There is no size penalty for data if overload is not used. The only
+size penalty if overload is used in some package is that I<all> the
+packages acquire a magic during the next C<bless>ing into the
+package. This magic is three-words-long for packages without
+overloading, and carries the cache table if the package is overloaded.
+=end original
+I<全ての>パッケージが次のパッケージへの C<bless> 時に
+このマジックはオーバーロードを使わないパッケージの場合は 3 ワード長で、
+=begin original
+Copying (C<$a=$b>) is shallow; however, a one-level-deep copying is
+carried out before any operation that can imply an assignment to the
+object $a (or $b) refers to, like C<$a++>.  You can override this
+behavior by defining your own copy constructor (see L<"Copy Constructor">).
+=end original
+C<$a=$b> のようなコピーは、表層的なものです。
+しかし、C<$a++> のように、$b (または、$a) が参照するオブジェクトへの
+代入を意味する演算の前に、1 層深度のコピーが行なわれます。
+できます (L<"Copy Constructor">の項を参照してください)。
+=begin original
+It is expected that arguments to methods that are not explicitly supposed
+to be changed are constant (but this is not enforced).
+=end original
+定数であることが期待されます (が、強制はされません)。
+=head1 Metaphor clash
+=begin original
+One may wonder why the semantic of overloaded C<=> is so counter intuitive.
+If it I<looks> counter intuitive to you, you are subject to a metaphor
+=end original
+なぜオーバーロードされた C<=> の意味論がこんなに直感的でないかを
+もし直感的でない I<ように見える> なら、比喩の衝突に影響されています。
+=begin original
+Here is a Perl object metaphor:
+=end original
+Perl のオブジェクトの比喩はこれです:
+=begin original
+I<  object is a reference to blessed data>
+=end original
+I<  オブジェクトは bless されたデータへのリファレンス>
+=begin original
+and an arithmetic metaphor:
+=end original
+=begin original
+I<  object is a thing by itself>.
+=end original
+I<  オブジェクトはそれ自体が一つのもの>。
+=begin original
+The I<main> problem of overloading C<=> is the fact that these metaphors
+imply different actions on the assignment C<$a = $b> if $a and $b are
+objects.  Perl-think implies that $a becomes a reference to whatever
+$b was referencing.  Arithmetic-think implies that the value of "object"
+$a is changed to become the value of the object $b, preserving the fact
+that $a and $b are separate entities.
+=end original
+C<=> をオーバーロードする I<主な> 問題は、$a と $b がオブジェクトのとき、
+C<$a = $b> という代入はこれらの比喩からは異なった動作を暗示するという
+Perl 的な考え方は、$a は $b がリファレンスしている何かへのリファレンスに
+算術的な考え方は、$a と $b が別々の実体であることは維持したまま、
+「オブジェクト」$a の値は、オブジェクト $b の値になることを暗示します。
+=begin original
+The difference is not relevant in the absence of mutators.  After
+a Perl-way assignment an operation which mutates the data referenced by $a
+would change the data referenced by $b too.  Effectively, after
+C<$a = $b> values of $a and $b become I<indistinguishable>.
+=end original
+Perl 式の代入の後、$a でリファレンスされているデータを変更する演算は
+$b でリファレンスされているデータも変更します。
+事実上、C<$a = $b> の後では $a と $b の値は I<区別ができない> ものに
+=begin original
+On the other hand, anyone who has used algebraic notation knows the
+expressive power of the arithmetic metaphor.  Overloading works hard
+to enable this metaphor while preserving the Perlian way as far as
+possible.  Since it is not possible to freely mix two contradicting
+metaphors, overloading allows the arithmetic way to write things I<as
+far as all the mutators are called via overloaded access only>.  The
+way it is done is described in L<Copy Constructor>.
+=end original
+オーバーロードはこの比喩を有効にするのは難しい一方、Perl 的な方法を
+オーバーロードは I<全てのミューテータがオーバーロードされた
+アクセス経由でのみ呼び出される限りにおいて> 算術的な方法で
+これを行う方法は L<Copy Constructor> に記述されています。
+=begin original
+If some mutator methods are directly applied to the overloaded values,
+one may need to I<explicitly unlink> other values which references the
+same value:
+=end original
+同じ値をリファレンスしているほかの値と I<明示的にリンクを切る> 必要が
+    $a = Data->new(23);
+    ...
+    $b = $a;		# $b is "linked" to $a
+    ...
+    $a = $a->clone;	# Unlink $b from $a
+    $a->increment_by(4);
+=begin original
+Note that overloaded access makes this transparent:
+=end original
+    $a = Data->new(23);
+    $b = $a;		# $b is "linked" to $a
+    $a += 4;		# would unlink $b automagically
+=begin original
+However, it would not make
+=end original
+    $a = Data->new(23);
+    $a = 4;		# Now $a is a plain 4, not 'Data'
+=begin original
+preserve "objectness" of $a.  But Perl I<has> a way to make assignments
+to an object do whatever you want.  It is just not the overload, but
+tie()ing interface (see L<perlfunc/tie>).  Adding a FETCH() method
+which returns the object itself, and STORE() method which changes the
+value of the object, one can reproduce the arithmetic metaphor in its
+completeness, at least for variables which were tie()d from the start.
+=end original
+$a の「オブジェクト性」は保存されません。
+しかし、Perl にはオブジェクトへの代入を望み通りのやり方にする方法が
+これは単にオーバーロードではなく、tie() するインターフェースです
+(L<perlfunc/tie> を参照してください)。
+オブジェクト自身を返す FETCH() メソッドと、オブジェクトの値を変更する
+STORE() メソッドを追加することで、少なくとも最初から tie() されている
+=begin original
+(Note that a workaround for a bug may be needed, see L<"BUGS">.)
+=end original
+(このバグの回避策が必要かもしれないことに注意してください; L<"BUGS"> を
+=head1 Cookbook
+=begin original
+Please add examples to what follows!
+=end original
+=head2 Two-face scalars
+(2 面スカラ)
+=begin original
+Put this in F<two_face.pm> in your Perl library directory:
+=end original
+これを F<two_face.pm> として Perl ライブラリディレクトリに置きます:
+  package two_face;		# Scalars with separate string and
+                                # numeric values.
+  sub new { my $p = shift; bless [@_], $p }
+  use overload '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num, fallback => 1;
+  sub num {shift->[1]}
+  sub str {shift->[0]}
+=begin original
+Use it as follows:
+=end original
+  require two_face;
+  my $seven = two_face->new("vii", 7);
+  printf "seven=$seven, seven=%d, eight=%d\n", $seven, $seven+1;
+  print "seven contains `i'\n" if $seven =~ /i/;
+=begin original
+(The second line creates a scalar which has both a string value, and a
+numeric value.)  This prints:
+=end original
+(2 行目は文字列値と数値の両方を持つスカラを作ります。)
+  seven=vii, seven=7, eight=8
+  seven contains `i'
+=head2 Two-face references
+(2 面リファレンス)
+=begin original
+Suppose you want to create an object which is accessible as both an
+array reference and a hash reference.
+=end original
+  package two_refs;
+  use overload '%{}' => \&gethash, '@{}' => sub { $ {shift()} };
+  sub new {
+    my $p = shift;
+    bless \ [@_], $p;
+  }
+  sub gethash {
+    my %h;
+    my $self = shift;
+    tie %h, ref $self, $self;
+    \%h;
+  }
+  sub TIEHASH { my $p = shift; bless \ shift, $p }
+  my %fields;
+  my $i = 0;
+  $fields{$_} = $i++ foreach qw{zero one two three};
+  sub STORE {
+    my $self = ${shift()};
+    my $key = $fields{shift()};
+    defined $key or die "Out of band access";
+    $$self->[$key] = shift;
+  }
+  sub FETCH {
+    my $self = ${shift()};
+    my $key = $fields{shift()};
+    defined $key or die "Out of band access";
+    $$self->[$key];
+  }
+=begin original
+Now one can access an object using both the array and hash syntax:
+=end original
+  my $bar = two_refs->new(3,4,5,6);
+  $bar->[2] = 11;
+  $bar->{two} == 11 or die 'bad hash fetch';
+=begin original
+Note several important features of this example.  First of all, the
+I<actual> type of $bar is a scalar reference, and we do not overload
+the scalar dereference.  Thus we can get the I<actual> non-overloaded
+contents of $bar by just using C<$$bar> (what we do in functions which
+overload dereference).  Similarly, the object returned by the
+TIEHASH() method is a scalar reference.
+=end original
+まず、$bar の I<実際の> 型はスカラリファレンスで、スカラデリファレンスは
+C<$$bar> とすることで、I<実際の> $bar のオーバーロードされていない中身を
+同様に、TIEHASH() メソッドで返されるオブジェクトはスカラリファレンスです。
+=begin original
+Second, we create a new tied hash each time the hash syntax is used.
+This allows us not to worry about a possibility of a reference loop,
+which would lead to a memory leak.
+=end original
+2 番目に、ハッシュ文法が使われるたびに新しい tie されたハッシュを作ります。
+=begin original
+Both these problems can be cured.  Say, if we want to overload hash
+dereference on a reference to an object which is I<implemented> as a
+hash itself, the only problem one has to circumvent is how to access
+this I<actual> hash (as opposed to the I<virtual> hash exhibited by the
+overloaded dereference operator).  Here is one possible fetching routine:
+=end original
+例えば、ハッシュ自身として I<実装されている> オブジェクトへの
+デリファレンス演算子によって提供される I<仮想> ハッシュではなく)
+この I<実際の> ハッシュにどうやってアクセスするかです。
+  sub access_hash {
+    my ($self, $key) = (shift, shift);
+    my $class = ref $self;
+    bless $self, 'overload::dummy'; # Disable overloading of %{}
+    my $out = $self->{$key};
+    bless $self, $class;	# Restore overloading
+    $out;
+  }
+=begin original
+To remove creation of the tied hash on each access, one may an extra
+level of indirection which allows a non-circular structure of references:
+=end original
+アクセス毎に tie されたハッシュの生成をしないようにするには、
+  package two_refs1;
+  use overload '%{}' => sub { ${shift()}->[1] },
+               '@{}' => sub { ${shift()}->[0] };
+  sub new {
+    my $p = shift;
+    my $a = [@_];
+    my %h;
+    tie %h, $p, $a;
+    bless \ [$a, \%h], $p;
+  }
+  sub gethash {
+    my %h;
+    my $self = shift;
+    tie %h, ref $self, $self;
+    \%h;
+  }
+  sub TIEHASH { my $p = shift; bless \ shift, $p }
+  my %fields;
+  my $i = 0;
+  $fields{$_} = $i++ foreach qw{zero one two three};
+  sub STORE {
+    my $a = ${shift()};
+    my $key = $fields{shift()};
+    defined $key or die "Out of band access";
+    $a->[$key] = shift;
+  }
+  sub FETCH {
+    my $a = ${shift()};
+    my $key = $fields{shift()};
+    defined $key or die "Out of band access";
+    $a->[$key];
+  }
+=begin original
+Now if $baz is overloaded like this, then C<$baz> is a reference to a
+reference to the intermediate array, which keeps a reference to an
+actual array, and the access hash.  The tie()ing object for the access
+hash is a reference to a reference to the actual array, so
+=end original
+ここでもし $bar がこのようにオーバーロードされると、C<$baz> は
+アクセスハッシュへの tie() したオブジェクトは 実際の配列への
+=item *
+=begin original
+There are no loops of references.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+Both "objects" which are blessed into the class C<two_refs1> are
+references to a reference to an array, thus references to a I<scalar>.
+Thus the accessor expression C<$$foo-E<gt>[$ind]> involves no
+overloaded operations.
+=end original
+C<two_refs1> クラスに bless された両方の「オブジェクト」は配列への
+リファレンスへのリファレンスなので、I<スカラ> へのリファレンスです。
+従って、アクセサ式 C<$$foo-E<gt>[$ind]> はオーバーロードされた演算を
+=head2 Symbolic calculator
+=begin original
+Put this in F<symbolic.pm> in your Perl library directory:
+=end original
+この F<symbolic.pm> をあなたの Perl ライブラリディレクトリに入れてください:
+  package symbolic;		# Primitive symbolic calculator
+  use overload nomethod => \&wrap;
+  sub new { shift; bless ['n', @_] }
+  sub wrap {
+    my ($obj, $other, $inv, $meth) = @_;
+    ($obj, $other) = ($other, $obj) if $inv;
+    bless [$meth, $obj, $other];
+  }
+=begin original
+This module is very unusual as overloaded modules go: it does not
+provide any usual overloaded operators, instead it provides the L<Last
+Resort> operator C<nomethod>.  In this example the corresponding
+subroutine returns an object which encapsulates operations done over
+the objects: C<< symbolic->new(3) >> contains C<['n', 3]>, C<< 2 +
+symbolic->new(3) >> contains C<['+', 2, ['n', 3]]>.
+=end original
+L<Last Resort> 演算子 C<nomethod> を提供します。
+C<< symbolic->new(3) >> は C<['n', 3]> を含み、C<< 2 + symbolic->new(3) >> は
+C<['+', 2, ['n', 3]]> を含みます。
+=begin original
+Here is an example of the script which "calculates" the side of
+circumscribed octagon using the above package:
+=end original
+以下は、上述のパッケージを使って外接 8 角形の辺を「計算する」スクリプトの
+  require symbolic;
+  my $iter = 1;			# 2**($iter+2) = 8
+  my $side = symbolic->new(1);
+  my $cnt = $iter;
+  while ($cnt--) {
+    $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
+  }
+  print "OK\n";
+=begin original
+The value of $side is
+=end original
+$side の値は
+  ['/', ['-', ['sqrt', ['+', 1, ['**', ['n', 1], 2]],
+	               undef], 1], ['n', 1]]
+=begin original
+Note that while we obtained this value using a nice little script,
+there is no simple way to I<use> this value.  In fact this value may
+be inspected in debugger (see L<perldebug>), but only if
+C<bareStringify> B<O>ption is set, and not via C<p> command.
+=end original
+この値を I<使う> 単純な方法はないことに注意してください。
+実際この値はデバッガ (L<perldebug> を参照してください) で検査できますが、
+C<bareStringify> オプションがセットされていて、C<p> コマンド
+=begin original
+If one attempts to print this value, then the overloaded operator
+C<""> will be called, which will call C<nomethod> operator.  The
+result of this operator will be stringified again, but this result is
+again of type C<symbolic>, which will lead to an infinite loop.
+=end original
+C<""> が呼び出され、これは C<nomethod> 演算子を呼び出します。
+C<symbolic> 型なので、無限ループを引き起こします。
+=begin original
+Add a pretty-printer method to the module F<symbolic.pm>:
+=end original
+F<symbolic.pm> モジュールに整形表示メソッドを追加します:
+  sub pretty {
+    my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
+    $a = 'u' unless defined $a;
+    $b = 'u' unless defined $b;
+    $a = $a->pretty if ref $a;
+    $b = $b->pretty if ref $b;
+    "[$meth $a $b]";
+  }
+=begin original
+Now one can finish the script by
+=end original
+  print "side = ", $side->pretty, "\n";
+=begin original
+The method C<pretty> is doing object-to-string conversion, so it
+is natural to overload the operator C<""> using this method.  However,
+inside such a method it is not necessary to pretty-print the
+I<components> $a and $b of an object.  In the above subroutine
+C<"[$meth $a $b]"> is a catenation of some strings and components $a
+and $b.  If these components use overloading, the catenation operator
+will look for an overloaded operator C<.>; if not present, it will
+look for an overloaded operator C<"">.  Thus it is enough to use
+=end original
+メソッド C<pretty> はオブジェクト-文字列変換を行うので、
+このメソッドを使って演算子 C<""> をオーバーロードするのが自然です。
+オブジェクトの I<要素> である $a や $b を整形表示する必要はありません。
+上述のサブルーチンで、C<"[$meth $a $b]"> は、なんらかの文字列と要素 $a および
+$b の連結です。
+オーバーロードされた演算子 C<.> を探します; もし存在しなければ、
+オーバーロードされた演算子 C<""> を探します。
+  use overload nomethod => \&wrap, '""' => \&str;
+  sub str {
+    my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
+    $a = 'u' unless defined $a;
+    $b = 'u' unless defined $b;
+    "[$meth $a $b]";
+  }
+=begin original
+Now one can change the last line of the script to
+=end original
+  print "side = $side\n";
+=begin original
+which outputs
+=end original
+  side = [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1 u] 2]] u] 1] [n 1 u]]
+=begin original
+and one can inspect the value in debugger using all the possible
+=end original
+=begin original
+Something is still amiss: consider the loop variable $cnt of the
+script.  It was a number, not an object.  We cannot make this value of
+type C<symbolic>, since then the loop will not terminate.
+=end original
+まだ何かがおかしいです: スクリプトのループ変数 $cnt を考えてみます。
+この値の型を C<symbolic> にはできません; なぜならそうするとループが
+=begin original
+Indeed, to terminate the cycle, the $cnt should become false.
+However, the operator C<bool> for checking falsity is overloaded (this
+time via overloaded C<"">), and returns a long string, thus any object
+of type C<symbolic> is true.  To overcome this, we need a way to
+compare an object to 0.  In fact, it is easier to write a numeric
+conversion routine.
+=end original
+確かに、循環を終了させるために、$cnt は偽になる必要があります。
+しかし、偽かどうかをチェックする演算子 C<bool> が
+(今回はオーバーロードされた C<""> 経由で) オーバーロードされていて、
+長い文字列を返すので、型 C<symbolic> のあらゆるオブジェクトは真です。
+これを乗り越えるために、オブジェクトを 0 と比較する方法が必要です。
+=begin original
+Here is the text of F<symbolic.pm> with such a routine added (and
+slightly modified str()):
+=end original
+以下はそのようなルーチンを追加した (そして str() を少し修正した)
+F<symbolic.pm> の内容です:
+  package symbolic;		# Primitive symbolic calculator
+  use overload
+    nomethod => \&wrap, '""' => \&str, '0+' => \&num;
+  sub new { shift; bless ['n', @_] }
+  sub wrap {
+    my ($obj, $other, $inv, $meth) = @_;
+    ($obj, $other) = ($other, $obj) if $inv;
+    bless [$meth, $obj, $other];
+  }
+  sub str {
+    my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
+    $a = 'u' unless defined $a;
+    if (defined $b) {
+      "[$meth $a $b]";
+    } else {
+      "[$meth $a]";
+    }
+  }
+  my %subr = ( n => sub {$_[0]},
+	       sqrt => sub {sqrt $_[0]},
+	       '-' => sub {shift() - shift()},
+	       '+' => sub {shift() + shift()},
+	       '/' => sub {shift() / shift()},
+	       '*' => sub {shift() * shift()},
+	       '**' => sub {shift() ** shift()},
+	     );
+  sub num {
+    my ($meth, $a, $b) = @{+shift};
+    my $subr = $subr{$meth}
+      or die "Do not know how to ($meth) in symbolic";
+    $a = $a->num if ref $a eq __PACKAGE__;
+    $b = $b->num if ref $b eq __PACKAGE__;
+    $subr->($a,$b);
+  }
+=begin original
+All the work of numeric conversion is done in %subr and num().  Of
+course, %subr is not complete, it contains only operators used in the
+example below.  Here is the extra-credit question: why do we need an
+explicit recursion in num()?  (Answer is at the end of this section.)
+=end original
+全ての数値変換の作業は %subr と num() で行われます。
+もちろん、%subr は不完全で、以下の例で使われる演算子のみを含んでいます。
+これは追加点の質問です: なぜ num() で明示的な再帰が必要なのでしょう?
+=begin original
+Use this module like this:
+=end original
+  require symbolic;
+  my $iter = symbolic->new(2);	# 16-gon
+  my $side = symbolic->new(1);
+  my $cnt = $iter;
+  while ($cnt) {
+    $cnt = $cnt - 1;		# Mutator `--' not implemented
+    $side = (sqrt(1 + $side**2) - 1)/$side;
+  }
+  printf "%s=%f\n", $side, $side;
+  printf "pi=%f\n", $side*(2**($iter+2));
+=begin original
+It prints (without so many line breaks)
+=end original
+  [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1]
+			  [n 1]] 2]]] 1]
+     [/ [- [sqrt [+ 1 [** [n 1] 2]]] 1] [n 1]]]=0.198912
+  pi=3.182598
+=begin original
+The above module is very primitive.  It does not implement
+mutator methods (C<++>, C<-=> and so on), does not do deep copying
+(not required without mutators!), and implements only those arithmetic
+operations which are used in the example.
+=end original
+ミューテータメソッド (C<++>, C<-=> and so on) を実装していませんし、
+=begin original
+To implement most arithmetic operations is easy; one should just use
+the tables of operations, and change the code which fills %subr to
+=end original
+ほとんどの算術演算の実装は簡単です; 単に演算のテーブルを使って、
+%subr を埋めているコードを以下のように変更するだけです
+  my %subr = ( 'n' => sub {$_[0]} );
+  foreach my $op (split " ", $overload::ops{with_assign}) {
+    $subr{$op} = $subr{"$op="} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
+  }
+  my @bins = qw(binary 3way_comparison num_comparison str_comparison);
+  foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{ @bins }") {
+    $subr{$op} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
+  }
+  foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{qw(unary func)}") {
+    print "defining `$op'\n";
+    $subr{$op} = eval "sub {$op shift()}";
+  }
+=begin original
+Due to L<Calling Conventions for Mutators>, we do not need anything
+special to make C<+=> and friends work, except filling C<+=> entry of
+%subr, and defining a copy constructor (needed since Perl has no
+way to know that the implementation of C<'+='> does not mutate
+the argument, compare L<Copy Constructor>).
+=end original
+L<Calling Conventions for Mutators> によって、%subr の C<+=> エントリを
+埋めることと、コピーコンストラクタを定義すること (これは C<'+='> の実装が
+引数を変更しないことを Perl が知る方法はないために必要です;
+L<Copy Constructor> と比較してください) のほかに、C<+=> とその親類が
+=begin original
+To implement a copy constructor, add C<< '=' => \&cpy >> to C<use overload>
+line, and code (this code assumes that mutators change things one level
+deep only, so recursive copying is not needed):
+=end original
+コピーコンストラクタを実行するには、C<use overload> の行に
+C<< '=' => \&cpy >> を追加して、以下のコードを書きます
+(このコードは、ミューテータは 1 レベルの深さのみの変更を行うので、
+  sub cpy {
+    my $self = shift;
+    bless [@$self], ref $self;
+  }
+=begin original
+To make C<++> and C<--> work, we need to implement actual mutators,
+either directly, or in C<nomethod>.  We continue to do things inside
+C<nomethod>, thus add
+=end original
+C<++> と C<--> が動作するようにするには、実際のミューテータを、
+直接あるいは C<nomethod> で実装する必要があります。
+私達は物事を C<nomethod> で続けると決めたので、以下を
+    if ($meth eq '++' or $meth eq '--') {
+      @$obj = ($meth, (bless [@$obj]), 1); # Avoid circular reference
+      return $obj;
+    }
+=begin original
+after the first line of wrap().  This is not a most effective
+implementation, one may consider
+=end original
+wrap() の最初の行の後に追加します。
+  sub inc { $_[0] = bless ['++', shift, 1]; }
+=begin original
+=end original
+=begin original
+As a final remark, note that one can fill %subr by
+=end original
+最後の意見として、以下のようなもので %subr を埋めることができることに
+  my %subr = ( 'n' => sub {$_[0]} );
+  foreach my $op (split " ", $overload::ops{with_assign}) {
+    $subr{$op} = $subr{"$op="} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
+  }
+  my @bins = qw(binary 3way_comparison num_comparison str_comparison);
+  foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{ @bins }") {
+    $subr{$op} = eval "sub {shift() $op shift()}";
+  }
+  foreach my $op (split " ", "@overload::ops{qw(unary func)}") {
+    $subr{$op} = eval "sub {$op shift()}";
+  }
+  $subr{'++'} = $subr{'+'};
+  $subr{'--'} = $subr{'-'};
+=begin original
+This finishes implementation of a primitive symbolic calculator in
+50 lines of Perl code.  Since the numeric values of subexpressions
+are not cached, the calculator is very slow.
+=end original
+これは、原始的なシンボリック計算機を 50 行の Perl コードで実装完了します。
+=begin original
+Here is the answer for the exercise: In the case of str(), we need no
+explicit recursion since the overloaded C<.>-operator will fall back
+to an existing overloaded operator C<"">.  Overloaded arithmetic
+operators I<do not> fall back to numeric conversion if C<fallback> is
+not explicitly requested.  Thus without an explicit recursion num()
+would convert C<['+', $a, $b]> to C<$a + $b>, which would just rebuild
+the argument of num().
+=end original
+これが課題の答えです: str() の場合、オーバーロードした C<.> 演算子は
+すでに存在するオーバーロードした演算子 C<""> にフォールバックするので、
+オーバーロードした算術演算子は、明示的に C<fallback> が要求されない限り
+フォールバック I<しません> 。
+従って、明示的な再帰なしでは num() は C<['+', $a, $b]> を C<$a + $b> に
+変換し、これは単に num() の引数を再ビルドします。
+=begin original
+If you wonder why defaults for conversion are different for str() and
+num(), note how easy it was to write the symbolic calculator.  This
+simplicity is due to an appropriate choice of defaults.  One extra
+note: due to the explicit recursion num() is more fragile than sym():
+we need to explicitly check for the type of $a and $b.  If components
+$a and $b happen to be of some related type, this may lead to problems.
+=end original
+もしなぜ str() と num() で変換のデフォルトが異なるかが不思議なら、
+もう一つ追加の注意: 明示的な再帰によって、num() は sym() より壊れやすいです:
+$a と $b の型を明示的にチェックする必要があります。
+もし $a と $b がたまたま関係のある型の場合、これは問題を引き起こすかも
+=head2 I<Really> symbolic calculator
+(I<本当に> シンボリックな計算機)
+=begin original
+One may wonder why we call the above calculator symbolic.  The reason
+is that the actual calculation of the value of expression is postponed
+until the value is I<used>.
+=end original
+その理由は、式の値の実際の計算はその値が I<使われる> まで延期されます。
+=begin original
+To see it in action, add a method
+=end original
+  sub STORE {
+    my $obj = shift;
+    $#$obj = 1;
+    @$obj->[0,1] = ('=', shift);
+  }
+=begin original
+to the package C<symbolic>.  After this change one can do
+=end original
+パッケージ C<symbolic> に追加します。
+  my $a = symbolic->new(3);
+  my $b = symbolic->new(4);
+  my $c = sqrt($a**2 + $b**2);
+=begin original
+and the numeric value of $c becomes 5.  However, after calling
+=end original
+$c の数値は 5 になります。
+  $a->STORE(12);  $b->STORE(5);
+=begin original
+the numeric value of $c becomes 13.  There is no doubt now that the module
+symbolic provides a I<symbolic> calculator indeed.
+=end original
+$c の数値は 13 になります。
+これでモジュール symbolic はまさに I<シンボリック> 計算機を提供します。
+=begin original
+To hide the rough edges under the hood, provide a tie()d interface to the
+package C<symbolic> (compare with L<Metaphor clash>).  Add methods
+=end original
+フードの中の荒いエッジを隠すために、パッケージ C<symbolic> へ
+tie() したインターフェースを提供します (L<Metaphor clash> と
+  sub TIESCALAR { my $pack = shift; $pack->new(@_) }
+  sub FETCH { shift }
+  sub nop {  }		# Around a bug
+=begin original
+(the bug is described in L<"BUGS">).  One can use this new interface as
+=end original
+(このバグは L<"BUGS"> に記述されています)。
+  tie $a, 'symbolic', 3;
+  tie $b, 'symbolic', 4;
+  $a->nop;  $b->nop;	# Around a bug
+  my $c = sqrt($a**2 + $b**2);
+=begin original
+Now numeric value of $c is 5.  After C<$a = 12; $b = 5> the numeric value
+of $c becomes 13.  To insulate the user of the module add a method
+=end original
+ここで $c の数値は 5 です。
+C<$a = 12; $b = 5> の後、$c の数値は 13 になります。
+  sub vars { my $p = shift; tie($_, $p), $_->nop foreach @_; }
+=begin original
+=end original
+  my ($a, $b);
+  symbolic->vars($a, $b);
+  my $c = sqrt($a**2 + $b**2);
+  $a = 3; $b = 4;
+  printf "c5  %s=%f\n", $c, $c;
+  $a = 12; $b = 5;
+  printf "c13  %s=%f\n", $c, $c;
+=begin original
+shows that the numeric value of $c follows changes to the values of $a
+and $b.
+=end original
+とすると、$c の数値は $a と $b の値の変更に従います。
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ilya Zakharevich E<lt>F<ilya****@math*****>E<gt>.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+The L<overloading> pragma can be used to enable or disable overloaded
+operations within a lexical scope.
+=end original
+L<overloading> プラグマは、レキシカルスコープ内のオーバーロードされた
+=begin original
+When Perl is run with the B<-Do> switch or its equivalent, overloading
+induces diagnostic messages.
+=end original
+Perl を B<-Do> スイッチか同等のものを使って起動すると、
+=begin original
+Using the C<m> command of Perl debugger (see L<perldebug>) one can
+deduce which operations are overloaded (and which ancestor triggers
+this overloading). Say, if C<eq> is overloaded, then the method C<(eq>
+is shown by debugger. The method C<()> corresponds to the C<fallback>
+key (in fact a presence of this method shows that this package has
+overloading enabled, and it is what is used by the C<Overloaded>
+function of module C<overload>).
+=end original
+Perl デバッガの C<m> コマンド (L<perldebug> を参照してください) を
+使うことで、どの演算がオーバーロードされているか (そしてどの祖先が
+このオーバーロードを引き起こしているか) を推論することができます。
+例えば、C<eq> がオーバーロードされていると、メソッド C<(eq> が
+メソッド C<()> は C<fallback> キーに対応します
+C<overload> モジュールの C<Overloaded> 関数で使われていることを
+=begin original
+The module might issue the following warnings:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item Odd number of arguments for overload::constant
+=begin original
+(W) The call to overload::constant contained an odd number of arguments.
+The arguments should come in pairs.
+=end original
+(W) 奇数の数の引数で overload::constant を呼び出しました。
+=item `%s' is not an overloadable type
+=begin original
+(W) You tried to overload a constant type the overload package is unaware of.
+=end original
+(W) オーバーロードパッケージが知らない定数型をオーバーロードしようとしました。
+=item `%s' is not a code reference
+=begin original
+(W) The second (fourth, sixth, ...) argument of overload::constant needs
+to be a code reference. Either an anonymous subroutine, or a reference
+to a subroutine.
+=end original
+(W) overload::constant の 2 番目 (4 番目、6 番目, ...) の引数はコード
+=head1 BUGS
+=begin original
+Because it is used for overloading, the per-package hash %OVERLOAD now
+has a special meaning in Perl. The symbol table is filled with names
+looking like line-noise.
+=end original
+オーバーロードに使用されるため、Perl では、ハッシュ %OVERLOAD は、
+=begin original
+For the purpose of inheritance every overloaded package behaves as if
+C<fallback> is present (possibly undefined). This may create
+interesting effects if some package is not overloaded, but inherits
+from two overloaded packages.
+=end original
+(未定義かもしれない) C<fallback> が存在するかのように振る舞います。
+=begin original
+Relation between overloading and tie()ing is broken.  Overloading is
+triggered or not basing on the I<previous> class of tie()d value.
+=end original
+オーバーロードと tie() の関係は壊れています。
+オーバーロードは tie() された値の I<以前の> クラスによって
+=begin original
+This happens because the presence of overloading is checked too early,
+before any tie()d access is attempted.  If the FETCH()ed class of the
+tie()d value does not change, a simple workaround is to access the value
+immediately after tie()ing, so that after this call the I<previous> class
+coincides with the current one.
+=end original
+これは、オーバーロードの存在のチェックが早すぎて、tie() したアクセスを
+もし tie() された値の FETCH() されたクラスが変更していないなら、簡単な
+回避法は tie() した直後に値にアクセスすることで、この呼び出しの後
+I<以前の> クラスは現在のものと同期します。
+=begin original
+B<Needed:> a way to fix this without a speed penalty.
+=end original
+B<必要:> 速度に影響を与えることなくこれを修正する方法。
+=begin original
+Barewords are not covered by overloaded string constants.
+=end original
+=begin original
+This document is confusing.  There are grammos and misleading language
+used in places.  It would seem a total rewrite is needed.
+=end original
+=begin meta
+Translate: 吉村 寿人 <JAE00****@nifty*****> (5.000)
+Update: Kentaro Shirakata <argra****@ub32*****> (5.6.1, 1.06-)
+Status: completed
+=end meta

perldocjp-cvs メーリングリストの案内