[perldocjp-cvs 1354] CVS update: docs/modules/diagnostics-1.17


argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2011年 9月 11日 (日) 01:06:12 JST

Index: docs/modules/diagnostics-1.17/diagnostics.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/diagnostics-1.17/diagnostics.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Sep 11 01:06:12 2011
+++ docs/modules/diagnostics-1.17/diagnostics.pod	Sun Sep 11 01:06:12 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+diagnostics, splain - produce verbose warning diagnostics
+=end original
+diagnostics, splain - 詳細な警告診断メッセージを出力する
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+=begin original
+Using the C<diagnostics> pragma:
+=end original
+C<diagnostics> プラグマを使う:
+    use diagnostics;
+    use diagnostics -verbose;
+    enable  diagnostics;
+    disable diagnostics;
+=begin original
+Using the C<splain> standalone filter program:
+=end original
+C<splain> スタンドアロンフィルタプログラムを使う:
+    perl program 2>diag.out
+    splain [-v] [-p] diag.out
+=begin original
+Using diagnostics to get stack traces from a misbehaving script:
+=end original
+diagnostics を使って正常に動作しないスクリプトのスタックトレースを取る:
+    perl -Mdiagnostics=-traceonly my_script.pl
+=head2 The C<diagnostics> Pragma
+(C<diagnostics> プラグマ)
+=begin original
+This module extends the terse diagnostics normally emitted by both the
+perl compiler and the perl interpreter (from running perl with a -w 
+switch or C<use warnings>), augmenting them with the more
+explicative and endearing descriptions found in L<perldiag>.  Like the
+other pragmata, it affects the compilation phase of your program rather
+than merely the execution phase.
+=end original
+このモジュールは perl コンパイラ及び perl インタプリタ双方から
+(-w スイッチをつけたり C<use warnings> を使ったりしている時に)
+出力される簡潔な診断メッセージを L<perldiag> にあるようなより説明的で
+=begin original
+To use in your program as a pragma, merely invoke
+=end original
+プログラム中でプラグマとして使うには, 単純に
+    use diagnostics;
+=begin original
+at the start (or near the start) of your program.  (Note 
+that this I<does> enable perl's B<-w> flag.)  Your whole
+compilation will then be subject(ed :-) to the enhanced diagnostics.
+These still go out B<STDERR>.
+=end original
+(これは perl の B<-w> フラグを有効に I<する> ことに注意して下さい。)
+診断は B<STDERR> に出力されます。
+=begin original
+Due to the interaction between runtime and compiletime issues,
+and because it's probably not a very good idea anyway,
+you may not use C<no diagnostics> to turn them off at compiletime.
+However, you may control their behaviour at runtime using the 
+disable() and enable() methods to turn them off and on respectively.
+=end original
+消すために C<no diagnostics> 使えません。
+しかし、disable() 及び enable() メソッドを使って実行時にその振る舞いを
+=begin original
+The B<-verbose> flag first prints out the L<perldiag> introduction before
+any other diagnostics.  The $diagnostics::PRETTY variable can generate nicer
+escape sequences for pagers.
+=end original
+B<-verbose> フラグは最初に他の診断に先立って L<perldiag> の概説を
+$diagnostics::PRETTY 変数でページャ用のよりよいエスケープシーケンスを
+=begin original
+Warnings dispatched from perl itself (or more accurately, those that match
+descriptions found in L<perldiag>) are only displayed once (no duplicate
+descriptions).  User code generated warnings a la warn() are unaffected,
+allowing duplicate user messages to be displayed.
+=end original
+perl 自身から発行される警告(より正確には、L<perldiag> で
+warn() のように警告を生成するユーザのコードには影響しないので、ユーザが
+=begin original
+This module also adds a stack trace to the error message when perl dies.
+This is useful for pinpointing what caused the death. The B<-traceonly> (or
+just B<-t>) flag turns off the explanations of warning messages leaving just
+the stack traces. So if your script is dieing, run it again with
+=end original
+このモジュールは perl が die したときにエラーメッセージにスタック
+B<-traceonly> (または単にB<-t>) フラグはスタックトレースは有効にしたまま
+従って、スクリプトが die するときには
+  perl -Mdiagnostics=-traceonly my_bad_script
+=begin original
+to see the call stack at the time of death. By supplying the B<-warntrace>
+(or just B<-w>) flag, any warnings emitted will also come with a stack
+=end original
+<-warntrace> (または単に B<-w>)フラグを使うことですべての警告で
+=head2 The I<splain> Program
+(I<splain> プログラム)
+=begin original
+While apparently a whole nuther program, I<splain> is actually nothing
+more than a link to the (executable) F<diagnostics.pm> module, as well as
+a link to the F<diagnostics.pod> documentation.  The B<-v> flag is like
+the C<use diagnostics -verbose> directive.
+The B<-p> flag is like the
+$diagnostics::PRETTY variable.  Since you're post-processing with 
+I<splain>, there's no sense in being able to enable() or disable() processing.
+=end original
+一見したところ全く別のプログラムのように見えますが、実際 I<splain> は
+F<diagnostics.pod> ドキュメントへのリンクと同様に(実行可能な) 
+F<diagnostics.pm> へのリンク以上の何者でもありません。
+B<-v> フラグは B<use diagnostics -verbose> 指示子のようなものです。
+B<-p> フラグは $diagnostics::PRETTY 変数のようなものです。
+I<splain> で後処理をしているので処理を enable() または disable() を行う意味は
+=begin original
+Output from I<splain> is directed to B<STDOUT>, unlike the pragma.
+=end original
+I<splain> の出力はプラグマとは違って B<STDOUT> に出力されます.
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+=begin original
+The following file is certain to trigger a few errors at both
+runtime and compiletime:
+=end original
+    use diagnostics;
+    print NOWHERE "nothing\n";
+    print STDERR "\n\tThis message should be unadorned.\n";
+    warn "\tThis is a user warning";
+    print "\nDIAGNOSTIC TESTER: Please enter a <CR> here: ";
+    my $a, $b = scalar <STDIN>;
+    print "\n";
+    print $x/$y;
+=begin original
+If you prefer to run your program first and look at its problem
+afterwards, do this:
+=end original
+    perl -w test.pl 2>test.out
+    ./splain < test.out
+=begin original
+Note that this is not in general possible in shells of more dubious heritage, 
+as the theoretical 
+=end original
+    (perl -w test.pl >/dev/tty) >& test.out
+    ./splain < test.out
+=begin original
+Because you just moved the existing B<stdout> to somewhere else.
+=end original
+なぜなら既存の B<stdout> をどこか別のところにやっているからです。
+=begin original
+If you don't want to modify your source code, but still have on-the-fly
+warnings, do this:
+=end original
+    exec 3>&1; perl -w test.pl 2>&1 1>&3 3>&- | splain 1>&2 3>&- 
+=begin original
+Nifty, eh?
+=end original
+=begin original
+If you want to control warnings on the fly, do something like this.
+Make sure you do the C<use> first, or you won't be able to get
+at the enable() or disable() methods.
+=end original
+at the enable() or disable() methods.
+最初に C<use> するようにします; これがないと enable() 及び
+disable() メソッドを使えません。
+    use diagnostics; # checks entire compilation phase 
+	print "\ntime for 1st bogus diags: SQUAWKINGS\n";
+	print BOGUS1 'nada';
+	print "done with 1st bogus\n";
+    disable diagnostics; # only turns off runtime warnings
+	print "\ntime for 2nd bogus: (squelched)\n";
+	print BOGUS2 'nada';
+	print "done with 2nd bogus\n";
+    enable diagnostics; # turns back on runtime warnings
+	print "\ntime for 3rd bogus: SQUAWKINGS\n";
+	print BOGUS3 'nada';
+	print "done with 3rd bogus\n";
+    disable diagnostics;
+	print "\ntime for 4th bogus: (squelched)\n";
+	print BOGUS4 'nada';
+	print "done with 4th bogus\n";
+=begin original
+Diagnostic messages derive from the F<perldiag.pod> file when available at
+runtime.  Otherwise, they may be embedded in the file itself when the
+splain package is built.   See the F<Makefile> for details.
+=end original
+診断メッセージは実行時に F<perldiag.pod> ファイルから派生します. 
+それ以外は splain パッケージがビルドされたときにファイルに
+詳細は F<Makefile> を見てください.
+=begin original
+If an extant $SIG{__WARN__} handler is discovered, it will continue
+to be honored, but only after the diagnostics::splainthis() function 
+(the module's $SIG{__WARN__} interceptor) has had its way with your
+=end original
+既存の $SIG{__WARN__} ハンドラが見つかっても, 誠実に継続しますが
+それは diagnostics::splainthis() 関数(このモジュールの $SIG{__WANR__} 
+=begin original
+There is a $diagnostics::DEBUG variable you may set if you're desperately
+curious what sorts of things are being intercepted.
+=end original
+$diagnostics::DEBUG 変数を設定してみるとよいでしょう。
+    BEGIN { $diagnostics::DEBUG = 1 } 
+=head1 BUGS
+=begin original
+Not being able to say "no diagnostics" is annoying, but may not be
+=end original
+"no diagnostics" を使えないことは悩ましいですがおそらく
+=begin original
+The C<-pretty> directive is called too late to affect matters.
+You have to do this instead, and I<before> you load the module.
+=end original
+C<-pretty> 指示子は状況に影響を与えるには呼び出されるのが遅すぎます。
+代わりにモジュールを読み込む I<前に> 次のことを行う必要があります。
+    BEGIN { $diagnostics::PRETTY = 1 } 
+=begin original
+I could start up faster by delaying compilation until it should be
+needed, but this gets a "panic: top_level" when using the pragma form
+in Perl 5.001e.
+=end original
+これは Perl 5.001e においてプラグマ形式を使ったとき "panic: top_level"
+=begin original
+While it's true that this documentation is somewhat subserious, if you use
+a program named I<splain>, you should expect a bit of whimsy.
+=end original
+この文書は重要に準じるものである一方、I<splain> という名前のプログラムを
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Tom Christiansen <F<tchri****@mox*****>>, 25 June 1995.
+=begin meta
+Translate: 山科 氷魚 (YAMASHINA Hio) <hio****@hio*****> (1.15)
+Update: SHIRAKATA Kentaro <argra****@ub32*****> (1.17)
+=end meta

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