[perldocjp-cvs 1382] CVS update: docs/modules/Time-Piece-1.20/Time


argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2011年 12月 14日 (水) 01:25:24 JST

Index: docs/modules/Time-Piece-1.20/Time/Piece.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Time-Piece-1.20/Time/Piece.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 14 01:25:24 2011
+++ docs/modules/Time-Piece-1.20/Time/Piece.pod	Wed Dec 14 01:25:24 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+Time::Piece - Object Oriented time objects
+=end original
+Time::Piece - オブジェクト指向な時間オブジェクト
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Time::Piece;
+    my $t = localtime;
+    print "Time is $t\n";
+    print "Year is ", $t->year, "\n";
+=begin original
+This module replaces the standard localtime and gmtime functions with
+implementations that return objects. It does so in a backwards
+compatible manner, so that using localtime/gmtime in the way documented
+in perlfunc will still return what you expect.
+=end original
+このモジュールは、標準の localtime と gmtime 関数を、オブジェクトを返す
+これを後方互換性がある形で行うので、perlfunc に書かれているように
+localtime/gmtime を使っても、期待通りのものを返します。
+=begin original
+The module actually implements most of an interface described by
+Larry Wall on the perl5-porters mailing list here:
+=end original
+このモジュールは、Larry Wall が perl5-porters メーリングリストに書いた、
+=head1 USAGE
+=begin original
+After importing this module, when you use localtime or gmtime in a scalar
+context, rather than getting an ordinary scalar string representing the
+date and time, you get a Time::Piece object, whose stringification happens
+to produce the same effect as the localtime and gmtime functions. There is 
+also a new() constructor provided, which is the same as localtime(), except
+when passed a Time::Piece object, in which case it's a copy constructor. The
+following methods are available on the object:
+=end original
+このモジュールをインポートした後は、スカラコンテキストで localtime か
+gmtime を使うと、日付と時間を表現する普通のスカラ文字列ではなく、
+Time::Piece オブジェクトを得ます。
+Time::Piece オブジェクトの文字列化は、偶然にも localtime と gmtime 関数と
+new() コンストラクタもありますが、Time::Piece オブジェクトが渡されない限り
+localtime() と同じです。
+Time::Piece オブジェクトが渡されると、コピーコンストラクタになります。
+=begin original
+    $t->sec                 # also available as $t->second
+    $t->min                 # also available as $t->minute
+    $t->hour                # 24 hour
+    $t->mday                # also available as $t->day_of_month
+    $t->mon                 # 1 = January
+    $t->_mon                # 0 = January
+    $t->monname             # Feb
+    $t->month               # same as $t->monname
+    $t->fullmonth           # February
+    $t->year                # based at 0 (year 0 AD is, of course 1 BC)
+    $t->_year               # year minus 1900
+    $t->yy                  # 2 digit year
+    $t->wday                # 1 = Sunday
+    $t->_wday               # 0 = Sunday
+    $t->day_of_week         # 0 = Sunday
+    $t->wdayname            # Tue
+    $t->day                 # same as wdayname
+    $t->fullday             # Tuesday
+    $t->yday                # also available as $t->day_of_year, 0 = Jan 01
+    $t->isdst               # also available as $t->daylight_savings
+    $t->hms                 # 12:34:56
+    $t->hms(".")            # 12.34.56
+    $t->time                # same as $t->hms
+    $t->ymd                 # 2000-02-29
+    $t->date                # same as $t->ymd
+    $t->mdy                 # 02-29-2000
+    $t->mdy("/")            # 02/29/2000
+    $t->dmy                 # 29-02-2000
+    $t->dmy(".")            # 29.02.2000
+    $t->datetime            # 2000-02-29T12:34:56 (ISO 8601)
+    $t->cdate               # Tue Feb 29 12:34:56 2000
+    "$t"                    # same as $t->cdate
+    $t->epoch               # seconds since the epoch
+    $t->tzoffset            # timezone offset in a Time::Seconds object
+    $t->julian_day          # number of days since Julian period began
+    $t->mjd                 # modified Julian date (JD-2400000.5 days)
+    $t->week                # week number (ISO 8601)
+    $t->is_leap_year        # true if it its
+    $t->month_last_day      # 28-31
+    $t->time_separator($s)  # set the default separator (default ":")
+    $t->date_separator($s)  # set the default separator (default "-")
+    $t->day_list(@days)     # set the default weekdays
+    $t->mon_list(@days)     # set the default months
+    $t->strftime(FORMAT)    # same as POSIX::strftime (without the overhead
+                            # of the full POSIX extension)
+    $t->strftime()          # "Tue, 29 Feb 2000 12:34:56 GMT"
+    Time::Piece->strptime(STRING, FORMAT)
+                            # see strptime man page. Creates a new
+                            # Time::Piece object
+=end original
+    $t->sec                 # $t->second も可
+    $t->min                 # $t->minute も可
+    $t->hour                # 24 時制
+    $t->mday                # $t->day_of_month も可
+    $t->mon                 # 1 = 一月
+    $t->_mon                # 0 = 一月
+    $t->monname             # Feb
+    $t->month               # $t->monname と同じ
+    $t->fullmonth           # February
+    $t->year                # 0 始まり(AD 0 年は、もちろん、BC 1 年)
+    $t->_year               # 年から1900引いたもの
+    $t->yy                  # 2 桁の年
+    $t->wday                # 1 = 日曜
+    $t->_wday               # 0 = 日曜
+    $t->day_of_week         # 0 = 日曜
+    $t->wdayname            # Tue
+    $t->day                 # wdayname と同じ
+    $t->fullday             # Tuesday
+    $t->yday                # $t->day_of_year も可, 0 = Jan 01
+    $t->isdst               # $t->daylight_savings も可。
+    $t->hms                 # 12:34:56
+    $t->hms(".")            # 12.34.56
+    $t->time                # $t->hms と同じ
+    $t->ymd                 # 2000-02-29
+    $t->date                # $t->ymd と同じ
+    $t->mdy                 # 02-29-2000
+    $t->mdy("/")            # 02/29/2000
+    $t->dmy                 # 29-02-2000
+    $t->dmy(".")            # 29.02.2000
+    $t->datetime            # 2000-02-29T12:34:56 (ISO 8601)
+    $t->cdate               # Tue Feb 29 12:34:56 2000
+    "$t"                    # $t->cdate と同じ
+    $t->epoch               # epochからの秒
+    $t->tzoffset            # Time::Seconds オブジェクトによるタイムゾーンオフセット
+    $t->julian_day          # ユリウス歴が始まってからの日の数
+    $t->mjd                 # 修正ユリウス日 (JD-2400000.5 日)
+    $t->week                # 週番号 (ISO 8601)
+    $t->is_leap_year        # 閏年なら真を返す
+    $t->month_last_day      # 28-31
+    $t->time_separator($s)  # デフォルトのセパレータをセットします (default ":")
+    $t->date_separator($s)  # デフォルトのセパレータをセットします (default "-")
+    $t->day_list(@days)     # デフォルトの曜日をセットします
+    $t->mon_list(@days)     # デフォルトの月名をセットします
+    $t->strftime(FORMAT)    # POSIX::strftime と同じ(しかし完全な
+                            # POSIX 拡張のためのオーバーヘッドはありません)
+    $t->strftime()          # "Tue, 29 Feb 2000 12:34:56 GMT"
+    Time::Piece->strptime(STRING, FORMAT)
+                            # strptime man ページを見て下さい。新しく
+                            # Time::Piece オブジェクトを作ります
+=head2 Local Locales
+=begin original
+Both wdayname (day) and monname (month) allow passing in a list to use
+to index the name of the days against. This can be useful if you need
+to implement some form of localisation without actually installing or
+using locales.
+=end original
+  my @days = qw( Dimanche Lundi Merdi Mercredi Jeudi Vendredi Samedi );
+  my $french_day = localtime->day(@days);
+=begin original
+These settings can be overriden globally too:
+=end original
+  Time::Piece::day_list(@days);
+=begin original
+Or for months:
+=end original
+  Time::Piece::mon_list(@months);
+=begin original
+And locally for months:
+=end original
+  print localtime->month(@months);
+=head2 Date Calculations
+=begin original
+It's possible to use simple addition and subtraction of objects:
+=end original
+    use Time::Seconds;
+    my $seconds = $t1 - $t2;
+    $t1 += ONE_DAY; # add 1 day (constant from Time::Seconds)
+=begin original
+The following are valid ($t1 and $t2 are Time::Piece objects):
+=end original
+下記のものは有効です($t と $t2 は Time::Piece オブジェクト):
+    $t1 - $t2; # returns Time::Seconds object
+    $t1 - 42; # returns Time::Piece object
+    $t1 + 533; # returns Time::Piece object
+=begin original
+However adding a Time::Piece object to another Time::Piece object
+will cause a runtime error.
+=end original
+ですが、Time::Piece オブジェクトに別の Time::Piece オブジェクトを
+=begin original
+Note that the first of the above returns a Time::Seconds object, so
+while examining the object will print the number of seconds (because
+of the overloading), you can also get the number of minutes, hours,
+days, weeks and years in that delta, using the Time::Seconds API.
+=end original
+上の例の最初のものは、Time::Seconds オブジェクトを返すことに注意して下さい;
+Time::Seconds の API を使って、その差異から、分数、時間数、日数、週の数、
+=begin original
+In addition to adding seconds, there are two APIs for adding months and
+=end original
+In addition to adding seconds, there are two APIs for adding months and
+    $t->add_months(6);
+    $t->add_years(5);
+=begin original
+The months and years can be negative for subtractions. Note that there
+is some "strange" behaviour when adding and subtracting months at the
+ends of months. Generally when the resulting month is shorter than the
+starting month then the number of overlap days is added. For example
+subtracting a month from 2008-03-31 will not result in 2008-02-31 as this
+is an impossible date. Instead you will get 2008-03-02. This appears to
+be consistent with other date manipulation tools.
+=end original
+The months and years can be negative for subtractions. Note that there
+is some "strange" behaviour when adding and subtracting months at the
+ends of months. Generally when the resulting month is shorter than the
+starting month then the number of overlap days is added. For example
+subtracting a month from 2008-03-31 will not result in 2008-02-31 as this
+is an impossible date. Instead you will get 2008-03-02. This appears to
+be consistent with other date manipulation tools.
+=head2 Date Comparisons
+=begin original
+Date comparisons are also possible, using the full suite of "<", ">",
+"<=", ">=", "<=>", "==" and "!=".
+=end original
+"<"、 ">"、"<="、 ">="、 "<=>"、 "=="、 "!=" の全てが使えます。
+=head2 Date Parsing
+=begin original
+Time::Piece has a built-in strptime() function (from FreeBSD), allowing
+you incredibly flexible date parsing routines. For example:
+=end original
+Time::Piece は、信じられない程柔軟に日付を解析する組み込みの (FreeBSD 由来の)
+strptime() 関数を使えます。
+  my $t = Time::Piece->strptime("Sunday 3rd Nov, 1943",
+                                "%A %drd %b, %Y");
+  print $t->strftime("%a, %d %b %Y");
+=begin original
+=end original
+  Wed, 03 Nov 1943
+=begin original
+(see, it's even smart enough to fix my obvious date bug)
+=end original
+=begin original
+For more information see "man strptime", which should be on all unix
+=end original
+もっと知りたければ、"man strptime" を見て下さい;
+これは、すべての unix システムで使えます。
+=begin original
+Alternatively look here: http://www.unix.com/man-page/FreeBSD/3/strftime/
+=end original
+=head2 YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
+=begin original
+The ISO 8601 standard defines the date format to be YYYY-MM-DD, and
+the time format to be hh:mm:ss (24 hour clock), and if combined, they
+should be concatenated with date first and with a capital 'T' in front
+of the time.
+=end original
+ISO 8601 標準は、日付のフォーマットを YYYY-MM-DD として、
+時刻は hh:mm:ss(24 時制) として定めています。
+組み合わせる場合、日付を最初にして、時刻の前に大文字の 'T' で結び付ける
+=head2 Week Number
+=begin original
+The I<week number> may be an unknown concept to some readers.  The ISO
+8601 standard defines that weeks begin on a Monday and week 1 of the
+year is the week that includes both January 4th and the first Thursday
+of the year.  In other words, if the first Monday of January is the
+2nd, 3rd, or 4th, the preceding days of the January are part of the
+last week of the preceding year.  Week numbers range from 1 to 53.
+=end original
+I<週番号> は、概念を知らない読者もいるかもしれません。
+ISO 8601 標準は、週は月曜で始まり、その年の第 1 週は 1 月 4 日と
+言い換えると、1 月の最初の月曜日が 2 日か、3 日か、4 日であれば、
+週番号は、1 から 53 の範囲です。
+=head2 Global Overriding
+=begin original
+Finally, it's possible to override localtime and gmtime everywhere, by
+including the ':override' tag in the import list:
+=end original
+最後に localtime と gmtime をどこにでもオーバーライドすることが可能です;
+インポートリストに、':override' タグを含めて下さい:
+    use Time::Piece ':override';
+=head1 CAVEATS
+=head2 Setting $ENV{TZ} in Threads on Win32
+(Win32 でスレッドで $ENV{TZ} を設定する)
+=begin original
+Note that when using perl in the default build configuration on Win32
+(specifically, when perl is built with PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS), each perl
+interpreter maintains its own copy of the environment and only the main
+interpreter will update the process environment seen by strftime.
+=end original
+Note that when using perl in the default build configuration on Win32
+(specifically, when perl is built with PERL_IMPLICIT_SYS), each perl
+interpreter maintains its own copy of the environment and only the main
+interpreter will update the process environment seen by strftime.
+=begin original
+Therefore, if you make changes to $ENV{TZ} from inside a thread other than
+the main thread then those changes will not be seen by strftime if you
+subsequently call that with the %Z formatting code. You must change $ENV{TZ}
+in the main thread to have the desired effect in this case (and you must
+also call _tzset() in the main thread to register the environment change).
+=end original
+Therefore, if you make changes to $ENV{TZ} from inside a thread other than
+the main thread then those changes will not be seen by strftime if you
+subsequently call that with the %Z formatting code. You must change $ENV{TZ}
+in the main thread to have the desired effect in this case (and you must
+also call _tzset() in the main thread to register the environment change).
+=begin original
+Furthermore, remember that this caveat also applies to fork(), which is
+emulated by threads on Win32.
+=end original
+Furthermore, remember that this caveat also applies to fork(), which is
+emulated by threads on Win32.
+=head2 Use of epoch seconds
+=begin original
+This module internally uses the epoch seconds system that is provided via
+the perl C<time()> function and supported by C<gmtime()> and C<localtime()>.
+=end original
+This module internally uses the epoch seconds system that is provided via
+the perl C<time()> function and supported by C<gmtime()> and C<localtime()>.
+=begin original
+If your perl does not support times larger than C<2^31> seconds then this
+module is likely to fail at processing dates beyond the year 2038. There are
+moves afoot to fix that in perl. Alternatively use 64 bit perl. Or if none
+of those are options, use the L<DateTime> module which has support for years
+well into the future and past.
+=end original
+If your perl does not support times larger than C<2^31> seconds then this
+module is likely to fail at processing dates beyond the year 2038. There are
+moves afoot to fix that in perl. Alternatively use 64 bit perl. Or if none
+of those are options, use the L<DateTime> module which has support for years
+well into the future and past.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Matt Sergeant, matt****@serge*****
+Jarkko Hietaniemi, jhi****@iki***** (while creating Time::Piece for core perl)
+=head1 License
+This module is free software, you may distribute it under the same terms
+as Perl.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+The excellent Calendar FAQ at http://www.tondering.dk/claus/calendar.html
+=end original
+http://www.tondering.dk/claus/calendar.html にある素晴らしいカレンダー FAQ。
+=head1 BUGS
+=begin original
+The test harness leaves much to be desired. Patches welcome.
+=end original
+=begin meta
+Translate: 加藤敦 <ktat.****@gmail*****>
+Update: SHIRAKATA Kentaro <argra****@ub32*****>
+=end meta
Index: docs/modules/Time-Piece-1.20/Time/Seconds.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Time-Piece-1.20/Time/Seconds.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Dec 14 01:25:24 2011
+++ docs/modules/Time-Piece-1.20/Time/Seconds.pod	Wed Dec 14 01:25:24 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+Time::Seconds - a simple API to convert seconds to other date values
+=end original
+Time::Seconds - 他の日付の値を秒に変換する簡単な API
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use Time::Piece;
+    use Time::Seconds;
+    my $t = localtime;
+    $t += ONE_DAY;
+    my $t2 = localtime;
+    my $s = $t - $t2;
+    print "Difference is: ", $s->days, "\n";
+=begin original
+This module is part of the Time::Piece distribution. It allows the user
+to find out the number of minutes, hours, days, weeks or years in a given
+number of seconds. It is returned by Time::Piece when you delta two
+Time::Piece objects.
+=end original
+このモジュールは、Time::Piece ディストリビューションの一部です。
+Time::Piece オブジェクトによって返されます。
+=begin original
+Time::Seconds also exports the following constants:
+=end original
+Time::Seconds は、下記の内容もエキスポートします:
+    ONE_DAY
+=begin original
+Since perl does not (yet?) support constant objects, these constants are in
+seconds only, so you cannot, for example, do this: C<print ONE_WEEK-E<gt>minutes;>
+=end original
+です; 従って、例えば次のようにはできません: C<print ONE_WEEK-E<gt>minutes;>
+=head1 METHODS
+=begin original
+The following methods are available:
+=end original
+    my $val = Time::Seconds->new(SECONDS)
+    $val->seconds;
+    $val->minutes;
+    $val->hours;
+    $val->days;
+    $val->weeks;
+	$val->months;
+	$val->financial_months; # 30 days
+    $val->years;
+=begin original
+The methods make the assumption that there are 24 hours in a day, 7 days in
+a week, 365.24225 days in a year and 12 months in a year.
+(from The Calendar FAQ at http://www.tondering.dk/claus/calendar.html)
+=end original
+メソッドは、1 日は 24 時間、1 週は 7 日、1 年は 365.24225 日、
+1 年は 12 ヵ月であると想定しています。
+(http://www.tondering.dk/claus/calendar.html のカレンダー FAQより)
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Matt Sergeant, matt****@serge*****
+Tobias Brox, tobia****@tobia*****
+BalE<aacute>zs SzabE<oacute> (dLux), dlux****@kapu*****
+=head1 LICENSE
+=begin original
+Please see Time::Piece for the license.
+=end original
+ライセンスについては Time::Piece を参照してください。
+=head1 Bugs
+=begin original
+Currently the methods aren't as efficient as they could be, for reasons of
+clarity. This is probably a bad idea.
+=end original
+=begin meta
+Translate: 加藤敦 <ktat.****@gmail*****>
+Update: SHIRAKATA Kentaro <argra****@ub32*****>
+=end meta

perldocjp-cvs メーリングリストの案内