[perldocjp-cvs 672] CVS update: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813


argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2010年 10月 21日 (木) 04:11:21 JST

Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/LWP.pod	Thu Oct 21 04:11:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,1537 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+LWP - The World-Wide Web library for Perl
+=end original
+LWP - Perl での WWW アクセスのためのライブラリ
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use LWP;
+  print "This is libwww-perl-$LWP::VERSION\n";
+=begin original
+The libwww-perl collection is a set of Perl modules which provides a
+simple and consistent application programming interface (API) to the
+World-Wide Web.  The main focus of the library is to provide classes
+and functions that allow you to write WWW clients. The library also
+contain modules that are of more general use and even classes that
+help you implement simple HTTP servers.
+=end original
+Libwww-perl は World-Wide Web への簡単で一貫性のあるプログラミング
+インターフェース (API) を提供する Perl モジュールの集まりです。
+WWW クライアントを書くことが出来るクラスと関数を提供することを
+and even classes that
+help you implement simple HTTP servers.
+=begin original
+Most modules in this library provide an object oriented API.  The user
+agent, requests sent and responses received from the WWW server are
+all represented by objects.  This makes a simple and powerful
+interface to these services.  The interface is easy to extend
+and customize for your own needs.
+=end original
+このライブラリのほとんどのモジュールはオブジェクト指向 API を提供しています。
+リクエストを送信し、WWW サーバからレスポンスを受信する
+ユーザーエージェント(user agent)は、すべてオブジェクトによって表されます。
+=begin original
+The main features of the library are:
+=end original
+=over 3
+=item *
+=begin original
+Contains various reusable components (modules) that can be
+used separately or together.
+=end original
+(モジュール) が入っています。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Provides an object oriented model of HTTP-style communication.  Within
+this framework we currently support access to http, https, gopher, ftp, news,
+file, and mailto resources.
+=end original
+HTTP 式通信のオブジェクト指向モデルを提供します。
+mailto リソースへのアクセスを提供しています。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Provides a full object oriented interface or
+a very simple procedural interface.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+Supports the basic and digest authorization schemes.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+Supports transparent redirect handling.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+Supports access through proxy servers.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+Provides parser for F<robots.txt> files and a framework for constructing robots.
+=end original
+F<robots.txt> のためのパーサーとロボットを構築するための
+=item *
+=begin original
+Supports parsing of HTML forms.
+=end original
+Supports parsing of HTML forms.
+=item *
+=begin original
+Implements HTTP content negotiation algorithm that can
+be used both in protocol modules and in server scripts (like CGI
+=end original
+プロトコル・モジュールと (CGI スクリプトのような) サーバースクリプトの
+=item *
+=begin original
+Supports HTTP cookies.
+=end original
+HTTP クッキーをサポートします。
+=item *
+=begin original
+Some simple command line clients, for instance C<lwp-request> and C<lwp-download>.
+=end original
+C<lwp-request> や C<lwp-download> のような単純なコマンドライン
+(HTTP 式通信)
+=begin original
+The libwww-perl library is based on HTTP style communication. This
+section tries to describe what that means.
+=end original
+libwww-perl は HTTP 式通信をベースにしています。
+=begin original
+Let us start with this quote from the HTTP specification document
+=end original
+まずは HTTP 仕様のドキュメント
+<URL:http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Protocols/> からの引用から始めましょう:
+=over 3
+=begin original
+The HTTP protocol is based on a request/response paradigm. A client
+establishes a connection with a server and sends a request to the
+server in the form of a request method, URI, and protocol version,
+followed by a MIME-like message containing request modifiers, client
+information, and possible body content. The server responds with a
+status line, including the message's protocol version and a success or
+error code, followed by a MIME-like message containing server
+information, entity meta-information, and possible body content.
+=end original
+HTTP プロトコルはリクエスト/レスポンスパラダイムをベースにしています。
+クライアントはサーバと接続を確立し、リクエストメソッド、URI そして
+もしあればボディ内容が入った MIME ライクなメッセージといった形式で
+もしあればボディ内容が入った MIME 風のメッセージでレスポンスします。
+=begin original
+What this means to libwww-perl is that communication always take place
+through these steps: First a I<request> object is created and
+configured. This object is then passed to a server and we get a
+I<response> object in return that we can examine. A request is always
+independent of any previous requests, i.e. the service is stateless.
+The same simple model is used for any kind of service we want to
+=end original
+これが libwww-perl に意味することは、通信はこれらのステップで
+行われるということです: まず I<request> オブジェクトが生成され、
+I<response> オブジェクトを取得します。
+=begin original
+For example, if we want to fetch a document from a remote file server,
+then we send it a request that contains a name for that document and
+the response will contain the document itself.  If we access a search
+engine, then the content of the request will contain the query
+parameters and the response will contain the query result.  If we want
+to send a mail message to somebody then we send a request object which
+contains our message to the mail server and the response object will
+contain an acknowledgment that tells us that the message has been
+accepted and will be forwarded to the recipient(s).
+=end original
+=begin original
+It is as simple as that!
+=end original
+=head2 The Request Object
+=begin original
+The libwww-perl request object has the class name C<HTTP::Request>.
+The fact that the class name uses C<HTTP::> as a
+prefix only implies that we use the HTTP model of communication.  It
+does not limit the kind of services we can try to pass this I<request>
+to.  For instance, we will send C<HTTP::Request>s both to ftp and
+gopher servers, as well as to the local file system.
+=end original
+libwww-perl リクエスト (request) オブジェクトは C<HTTP::Request> という
+クラス名の前に C<HTTP::> がついているということは、通信の HTTP モデルを
+例えば ftp や gopher サービスにも、そしてローカルなファイル・システムにも
+C<HTTP::Request> を送信します。
+=begin original
+The main attributes of the request objects are:
+=end original
+Request オブジェクトの主な属性は以下の通りです:
+=over 3
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<method> is a short string that tells what kind of
+request this is.  The most common methods are B<GET>, B<PUT>,
+B<POST> and B<HEAD>.
+=end original
+B<method> は、これが何の種類のリクエストかを伝える短い文字列です。
+もっとも一般的なメソッドは B<GET>, B<PUT>, B<POST>, B<HEAD> です。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<uri> is a string denoting the protocol, server and
+the name of the "document" we want to access.  The B<uri> might
+also encode various other parameters.
+=end original
+B<uri> はアクセスしたいプロトコル、サーバそして"ドキュメント"の名前を
+B<uri> には他のさまざまなパラメータも組み込まれることもあります。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<headers> contain additional information about the
+request and can also used to describe the content.  The headers
+are a set of keyword/value pairs.
+=end original
+B<headers> にはリクエストについての追加の情報が入ります。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<content> is an arbitrary amount of data.
+=end original
+B<content> は任意のデータの固まりです。
+=head2 The Response Object
+=begin original
+The libwww-perl response object has the class name C<HTTP::Response>.
+The main attributes of objects of this class are:
+=end original
+ibwww-perl レスポンス(response)オブジェクトは C<HTTP::Response> という
+=over 3
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<code> is a numerical value that indicates the overall
+outcome of the request.
+=end original
+B<code> はリクエストの全体の結果を示す数値です。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<message> is a short, human readable string that
+corresponds to the I<code>.
+=end original
+B<message> は、I<code> に対応する人間が読める短い文字列です。
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<headers> contain additional information about the
+response and describe the content.
+=end original
+B<headers> にはレスポンスについての追加の情報が入り、内容 (content) について
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<content> is an arbitrary amount of data.
+=end original
+B<content> は任意のデータの固まりです。
+=begin original
+Since we don't want to handle all possible I<code> values directly in
+our programs, a libwww-perl response object has methods that can be
+used to query what kind of response this is.  The most commonly used
+response classification methods are:
+=end original
+すべてのありうる I<code> 値を直接我々のプログラムで扱いたくないので、
+libwww-perl のレスポンスオブジェクトは、これがどんな種類のレスポンスかを
+=over 3
+=item is_success()
+=begin original
+The request was was successfully received, understood or accepted.
+=end original
+=item is_error()
+=begin original
+The request failed.  The server or the resource might not be
+available, access to the resource might be denied or other things might
+have failed for some reason.
+=end original
+=head2 The User Agent
+(ユーザ・エージェント(User Agent))
+=begin original
+Let us assume that we have created a I<request> object. What do we
+actually do with it in order to receive a I<response>?
+=end original
+I<リクエスト> (request)オブジェクトを作成したとします。
+=begin original
+The answer is that you pass it to a I<user agent> object and this
+object takes care of all the things that need to be done
+(like low-level communication and error handling) and returns
+a I<response> object. The user agent represents your
+application on the network and provides you with an interface that
+can accept I<requests> and return I<responses>.
+=end original
+答えは、それを I<ユーザーエージェント> (user agent) オブジェクトに渡します。
+このオブジェクトは (下位レベルの通信やエラーの取り扱いなど)
+しなけれならないすべてのことに注意し、I<レスポンス> (response) オブジェクトを
+I<リクエスト> (request)を受け付け、I<レスポンス> (response) を
+=begin original
+The user agent is an interface layer between
+your application code and the network.  Through this interface you are
+able to access the various servers on the network.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The class name for the user agent is C<LWP::UserAgent>.  Every
+libwww-perl application that wants to communicate should create at
+least one object of this class. The main method provided by this
+object is request(). This method takes an C<HTTP::Request> object as
+argument and (eventually) returns a C<HTTP::Response> object.
+=end original
+ユーザーエージェントのクラス名は C<LWP::UserAgent> です。
+通信したいすべての libwww-perl アプリケーションは、このクラスの
+このオブジェクトにより提供される主なメソッドは request() です。
+このメソッドは C<HTTP::Request> オブジェクトを引数として取り、
+(最終的に) C<HTTP::Response> オブジェクトを返します。
+=begin original
+The user agent has many other attributes that let you
+configure how it will interact with the network and with your
+=end original
+=over 3
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<timeout> specifies how much time we give remote servers to
+respond before the library disconnects and creates an
+internal I<timeout> response.
+=end original
+B<timeout> はライブラリが切断し、内部の I<timeout> レスポンスを作成する前に、
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<agent> specifies the name that your application should use when it
+presents itself on the network.
+=end original
+B<agent> はネットワーク上でそれ自身を表すときにアプリケーションが
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<from> attribute can be set to the e-mail address of the person
+responsible for running the application.  If this is set, then the
+address will be sent to the servers with every request.
+=end original
+B<from> 属性はそのアプリケーションを実行することに責任を持つ人の e-mail
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<parse_head> specifies whether we should initialize response
+headers from the E<lt>head> section of HTML documents.
+=end original
+B<parse_head> は HTML ドキュメントの E<lt>head> セクションから
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<proxy> and B<no_proxy> attributes specify if and when to go through
+a proxy server. <URL:http://www.w3.org/pub/WWW/Proxies/>
+=end original
+B<proxy> と B<no_proxy> 属性はプロキシサーバを通っていくか、そしていつかを
+=item *
+=begin original
+The B<credentials> provide a way to set up user names and
+passwords needed to access certain services.
+=end original
+B<credentials> はあるサービスにアクセスするために必要とされるユーザ名と
+=begin original
+Many applications want even more control over how they interact
+with the network and they get this by sub-classing
+C<LWP::UserAgent>.  The library includes a
+sub-class, C<LWP::RobotUA>, for robot applications.
+=end original
+そしてこれは C<LWP::UserAgent> をサブクラス化することによって実現します。
+C<LWP::RobotUA> が入っています。
+=head2 An Example
+=begin original
+This example shows how the user agent, a request and a response are
+represented in actual perl code:
+=end original
+この例は、ユーザーエージェント(user agent)、リクエスト(request)、
+そしてレスポンス(response)が、実際の perl コードではどのように
+  # Create a user agent object
+  use LWP::UserAgent;
+  $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+  $ua->agent("MyApp/0.1 ");
+  # Create a request
+  my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 'http://search.cpan.org/search');
+  $req->content_type('application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
+  $req->content('query=libwww-perl&mode=dist');
+  # Pass request to the user agent and get a response back
+  my $res = $ua->request($req);
+  # Check the outcome of the response
+  if ($res->is_success) {
+      print $res->content;
+  }
+  else {
+      print $res->status_line, "\n";
+  }
+=begin original
+The $ua is created once when the application starts up.  New request
+objects should normally created for each request sent.
+=end original
+アプリケーションが起動されたとき、$ua が一度作られます。
+=begin original
+This section discusses the various protocol schemes and
+the HTTP style methods that headers may be used for each.
+=end original
+使われるかもしれない HTTP式メソッドについて説明します。
+=begin original
+For all requests, a "User-Agent" header is added and initialized from
+the $ua->agent attribute before the request is handed to the network
+layer.  In the same way, a "From" header is initialized from the
+$ua->from attribute.
+=end original
+"User-Agent" ヘッダが追加され、$ua->agent 属性から初期化されます。
+同じ方法で、"From" ヘッダは $ua->from 属性から初期化されます。
+=begin original
+For all responses, the library adds a header called "Client-Date".
+This header holds the time when the response was received by
+your application.  The format and semantics of the header are the
+same as the server created "Date" header.  You may also encounter other
+"Client-XXX" headers.  They are all generated by the library
+internally and are not received from the servers.
+=end original
+=head2 HTTP Requests
+=begin original
+HTTP requests are just handed off to an HTTP server and it
+decides what happens.  Few servers implement methods beside the usual
+"GET", "HEAD", "POST" and "PUT", but CGI-scripts may implement
+any method they like.
+=end original
+=begin original
+If the server is not available then the library will generate an
+internal error response.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The library automatically adds a "Host" and a "Content-Length" header
+to the HTTP request before it is sent over the network.
+=end original
+このライブラリは自動的にネットワークを越えて送信する前に、HTTP リクエストに
+"Host" と "Content-Length" ヘッダを追加します。
+=begin original
+For a GET request you might want to add a "If-Modified-Since" or
+"If-None-Match" header to make the request conditional.
+=end original
+GET リクエストでは、条件をつけたリクエストを行うために
+"If-Modified-Since" や "If-None-Match" ヘッダを追加したいかもしれません。
+=begin original
+For a POST request you should add the "Content-Type" header.  When you
+try to emulate HTML E<lt>FORM> handling you should usually let the value
+of the "Content-Type" header be "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".
+See L<lwpcook> for examples of this.
+=end original
+POST リクエストでは、"Content-Type" ヘッダを追加しなければなりません。
+HTML E<lt>FORM> の扱いをエミュレートしようとするとき、
+"Content-Type" ヘッダの値は "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" に
+この例については L<lwpcook> をご覧下さい。
+=begin original
+The libwww-perl HTTP implementation currently support the HTTP/1.1
+and HTTP/1.0 protocol.
+=end original
+libwww-perl HTTP 実装は現在 HTTP/1.1 と HTTP/1.0 プロトコルを
+=begin original
+The library allows you to access proxy server through HTTP.  This
+means that you can set up the library to forward all types of request
+through the HTTP protocol module.  See L<LWP::UserAgent> for
+documentation of this.
+=end original
+このライブラリは HTTP を通してプロキシサーバにアクセスすることも
+つまり HTTP プロトコルモジュールを通してすべてのタイプのリクエストを
+これのドキュメントについては L<LWP::UserAgent> をご覧下さい。
+=head2 HTTPS Requests
+(HTTPS リクエスト)
+=begin original
+HTTPS requests are HTTP requests over an encrypted network connection
+using the SSL protocol developed by Netscape.  Everything about HTTP
+requests above also apply to HTTPS requests.  In addition the library
+will add the headers "Client-SSL-Cipher", "Client-SSL-Cert-Subject" and
+"Client-SSL-Cert-Issuer" to the response.  These headers denote the
+encryption method used and the name of the server owner.
+=end original
+HTTPS リクエストは、ネットスケープにより開発された SSL プロトコルを
+使った暗号化されたネットワーク接続による HTTP リクエストです。
+HTTP リクエストについての上記のすべてが HTTPS リクエストにも当てはまります。
+さらにライブラリはレスポンスにヘッダ "Client-SSL-Cipher",
+"Client-SSL-Cert-Subject", "Client-SSL-Cert-Issuer" を追加します。
+=begin original
+The request can contain the header "If-SSL-Cert-Subject" in order to
+make the request conditional on the content of the server certificate.
+If the certificate subject does not match, no request is sent to the
+server and an internally generated error response is returned.  The
+value of the "If-SSL-Cert-Subject" header is interpreted as a Perl
+regular expression.
+=end original
+ヘッダ "If-SSL-Cert-Subject" を入れることが出来ます。
+認証サブジェクト(cerificate subject)が合わなければ、サーバには
+"If-SSL-Cert-Subject" ヘッダの値は Perl の正規表現として解釈されます。
+=head2 FTP Requests
+(FTP リクエスト)
+=begin original
+The library currently supports GET, HEAD and PUT requests.  GET
+retrieves a file or a directory listing from an FTP server.  PUT
+stores a file on a ftp server.
+=end original
+このライブラリは現在 GET, HEAD, PUT リクエストをサポートします。
+GET は FTP サーバからファイルやディレクトリ一覧を取り出します。
+PUT はファイルを ftp サーバに格納します。
+=begin original
+You can specify a ftp account for servers that want this in addition
+to user name and password.  This is specified by including an "Account"
+header in the request.
+=end original
+加えてユーザ名、パスワードを要求するサーバのために ftp アカウントを
+これはリクエストに "Account" ヘッダが入ることによって指定されます。
+=begin original
+User name/password can be specified using basic authorization or be
+encoded in the URL.  Failed logins return an UNAUTHORIZED response with
+"WWW-Authenticate: Basic" and can be treated like basic authorization
+for HTTP.
+=end original
+ユーザ名/パスワードは基本認証を使って指定したり、URL で
+ログインが失敗すると "WWW-Authenticate: Basic" で UNAUTHORIZED レスポンスを
+返し、HTTP のための基本認証のように扱うことが出来ます。
+=begin original
+The library supports ftp ASCII transfer mode by specifying the "type=a"
+parameter in the URL. It also supports transfer of ranges for FTP transfers
+using the "Range" header.
+=end original
+このライブラリは URL で "type=a" パラメータを指定することにより、ftp ASCII
+It also supports transfer of ranges for FTP transfers
+using the "Range" header.
+=begin original
+Directory listings are by default returned unprocessed (as returned
+from the ftp server) with the content media type reported to be
+"text/ftp-dir-listing". The C<File::Listing> module provides methods
+for parsing of these directory listing.
+=end original
+"text/ftp-dir-listing" としてレポートさながら、返され、
+(ftpサーバから返されたまま) 処理されません。
+C<File::Listring> モジュールはこれらのディレクトリ一覧の解析のための
+=begin original
+The ftp module is also able to convert directory listings to HTML and
+this can be requested via the standard HTTP content negotiation
+mechanisms (add an "Accept: text/html" header in the request if you
+want this).
+=end original
+ftp モジュールはディレクトリ一覧を HTML に変換することも出来ます。
+そしてこれは標準の HTTP コンテントネゴシエーション機構を通して
+(こうしたければリクエストに"Accept: text/html" ヘッダを追加してください)
+=begin original
+For normal file retrievals, the "Content-Type" is guessed based on the
+file name suffix. See L<LWP::MediaTypes>.
+=end original
+通常のファイル取り出しでは、"Content-Type" はファイル名の拡張子に基づいて
+L<LWP::MediaTypes> をご覧下さい。
+=begin original
+The "If-Modified-Since" request header works for servers that implement
+the MDTM command.  It will probably not work for directory listings though.
+=end original
+"If-Modified-Since" リクエストヘッダが MDTM コマンドを実装している
+=begin original
+=end original
+  $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'ftp://me:passw****@ftp*****/');
+  $req->header(Accept => "text/html, */*;q=0.1");
+=head2 News Requests
+(News リクエスト)
+=begin original
+Access to the USENET News system is implemented through the NNTP
+protocol.  The name of the news server is obtained from the
+NNTP_SERVER environment variable and defaults to "news".  It is not
+possible to specify the hostname of the NNTP server in news: URLs.
+=end original
+USENET News システムへのアクセスは NNTP プロトコルを通して実装されます。
+news サーバの名前は NNTP_SERVER 環境変数から取得され、デフォルトは "news" です。
+news:URL で NNTP サーバのホスト名を指定することは出来ません。
+=begin original
+The library supports GET and HEAD to retrieve news articles through the
+NNTP protocol.  You can also post articles to newsgroups by using
+(surprise!) the POST method.
+=end original
+このライブラリは NNTP プロトコルを通して news 記事を取り出すための GET と
+HEAD をサポートします。
+(驚くべきことに!) POST メソッドを使って newsgroup に記事を
+=begin original
+GET on newsgroups is not implemented yet.
+=end original
+newsgroup への GET はまだ実装されていません。
+=begin original
+=end original
+  $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'news:abc12****@a*****');
+  $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 'news:comp.lang.perl.test');
+  $req->header(Subject => 'This is a test',
+               From    => 'me****@some*****');
+  $req->content(<<EOT);
+  This is the content of the message that we are sending to
+  the world.
+  EOT
+=head2 Gopher Request
+(Gopher リクエスト)
+=begin original
+The library supports the GET and HEAD methods for gopher requests.  All
+request header values are ignored.  HEAD cheats and returns a
+response without even talking to server.
+=end original
+このライブラリは gopher リクエストのための GET と HEAD メソッドを
+HEAD はごまかして、サーバと話することすらなくレスポンスを返します。
+=begin original
+Gopher menus are always converted to HTML.
+=end original
+Gopher メニューは常に HTML に変換されます。
+=begin original
+The response "Content-Type" is generated from the document type
+encoded (as the first letter) in the request URL path itself.
+=end original
+レスポンスの "Content-Type" はリクエスト URL パスそれ自身にエンコードされた
+=begin original
+=end original
+  $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'gopher://gopher.sn.no/');
+=head2 File Request
+(File リクエスト)
+=begin original
+The library supports GET and HEAD methods for file requests.  The
+"If-Modified-Since" header is supported.  All other headers are
+ignored.  The I<host> component of the file URL must be empty or set
+to "localhost".  Any other I<host> value will be treated as an error.
+=end original
+このライブラリは file リクエストのために GET とHEAD メソッドを
+"If-Modified-Since" ヘッダがサポートされています。
+file URL の host コンポーネントは空であるか "localhost" に
+他の host はすべてエラーとして扱われます。
+=begin original
+Directories are always converted to an HTML document.  For normal
+files, the "Content-Type" and "Content-Encoding" in the response are
+guessed based on the file suffix.
+=end original
+ディレクトリは常に HTML ドキュメントに変換されます。
+通常のファイルでは、レスポンスの中の "Content-Type" と "Content-Encoding" は
+=begin original
+=end original
+  $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => 'file:/etc/passwd');
+=head2 Mailto Request
+(Mailto リクエスト)
+=begin original
+You can send (aka "POST") mail messages using the library.  All
+headers specified for the request are passed on to the mail system.
+The "To" header is initialized from the mail address in the URL.
+=end original
+(つまり "POST") することができます。
+"To" ヘッダは URL でのメール・アドレスで初期化されます。
+=begin original
+=end original
+  $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 'mailto:libww****@perl*****');
+  $req->header(Subject => "subscribe");
+  $req->content("Please subscribe me to the libwww-perl mailing list!\n");
+=head2 CPAN Requests
+(CPAN リクエスト)
+=begin original
+URLs with scheme C<cpan:> are redirected to the a suitable CPAN
+mirror.  If you have your own local mirror of CPAN you might tell LWP
+to use it for C<cpan:> URLs by an assignment like this:
+=end original
+URLs with scheme C<cpan:> are redirected to the a suitable CPAN
+mirror.  If you have your own local mirror of CPAN you might tell LWP
+to use it for C<cpan:> URLs by an assignment like this:
+  $LWP::Protocol::cpan::CPAN = "file:/local/CPAN/";
+=begin original
+Suitable CPAN mirrors are also picked up from the configuration for
+the CPAN.pm, so if you have used that module a suitable mirror should
+be picked automatically.  If neither of these apply, then a redirect
+to the generic CPAN http location is issued.
+=end original
+Suitable CPAN mirrors are also picked up from the configuration for
+the CPAN.pm, so if you have used that module a suitable mirror should
+be picked automatically.  If neither of these apply, then a redirect
+to the generic CPAN http location is issued.
+=begin original
+Example request to download the newest perl:
+=end original
+Example request to download the newest perl:
+  $req = HTTP::Request->new(GET => "cpan:src/latest.tar.gz");
+=begin original
+This table should give you a quick overview of the classes provided by the
+library. Indentation shows class inheritance.
+=end original
+=begin original
+ LWP::MemberMixin   -- Access to member variables of Perl5 classes
+   LWP::UserAgent   -- WWW user agent class
+     LWP::RobotUA   -- When developing a robot applications
+   LWP::Protocol          -- Interface to various protocol schemes
+     LWP::Protocol::http  -- http:// access
+     LWP::Protocol::file  -- file:// access
+     LWP::Protocol::ftp   -- ftp:// access
+     ...
+=end original
+ LWP::MemberMixin   -- Perl5クラスのメンバー変数へのアクセス
+   LWP::UserAgent   -- WWW ユーザ・エージェントクラス
+     LWP::RobotUA   -- ロボット(robot)アプリケーションを開発するとき
+   LWP::Protocol          -- 様々なプロトコル機能へのインターフェース
+     LWP::Protocol::http  -- http:// アクセス
+     LWP::Protocol::file  -- file:// アクセス
+     LWP::Protocol::ftp   -- ftp:// アクセス
+     ...
+=begin original
+ LWP::Authen::Basic -- Handle 401 and 407 responses
+ LWP::Authen::Digest
+=end original
+ LWP::Authen::Basic -- 401と407レスポンスの取り扱い
+ LWP::Authen::Digest
+=begin original
+ HTTP::Headers      -- MIME/RFC822 style header (used by HTTP::Message)
+ HTTP::Message      -- HTTP style message
+   HTTP::Request    -- HTTP request
+   HTTP::Response   -- HTTP response
+ HTTP::Daemon       -- A HTTP server class
+=end original
+ HTTP::Headers      -- MIME/RFC822 形式ヘッダ (HTTP::Messageによって使われる)
+ HTTP::Message      -- HTTP 形式メッセージ
+   HTTP::Request    -- HTTP リクエスト
+   HTTP::Response   -- HTTP レスポンス
+ HTTP::Daemon       -- HTTP サーバクラス
+=begin original
+ WWW::RobotRules    -- Parse robots.txt files
+   WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File -- Persistent RobotRules
+=end original
+ WWW::RobotRules    -- robots.txt ファイルの解析
+   WWW::RobotRules::AnyDBM_File -- 永続化 RobotRules
+ Net::HTTP          -- Low level HTTP client
+=begin original
+The following modules provide various functions and definitions.
+=end original
+=begin original
+ LWP                -- This file.  Library version number and documentation.
+ LWP::MediaTypes    -- MIME types configuration (text/html etc.)
+ LWP::Debug         -- Debug logging module
+ LWP::Simple        -- Simplified procedural interface for common functions
+ HTTP::Status       -- HTTP status code (200 OK etc)
+ HTTP::Date         -- Date parsing module for HTTP date formats
+ HTTP::Negotiate    -- HTTP content negotiation calculation
+ File::Listing      -- Parse directory listings
+ HTML::Form         -- Processing for <form>s in HTML documents
+=end original
+ LWP                -- このファイル。
+ LWP::MediaTypes    -- MIME タイプ設定(text/html など)
+ LWP::Debug         -- デバッグ・ログ出力モジュール
+ LWP::Simple        -- 一般的な機能のための簡略化された手続き型インターフェース
+ HTTP::Status       -- HTTP ステータス・コード (200 OK など)
+ HTTP::Date         -- HTTP日付フォーマットのための日付解析モジュール
+ HTTP::Negotiate    -- HTTPコンテント・ネゴシエーション計算
+ File::Listing      -- ディレクトリ一覧の解析
+ HTML::Form         -- HTML 文書の <form> を処理する
+=begin original
+All modules contain detailed information on the interfaces they
+provide.  The I<lwpcook> manpage is the libwww-perl cookbook that contain
+examples of typical usage of the library.  You might want to take a
+look at how the scripts C<lwp-request>, C<lwp-rget> and C<lwp-mirror>
+are implemented.
+=end original
+I<lwpcook> マニュアルページはライブラリの典型的な利用法の例が入った
+libwww-perl レシピ集 です。
+スクリプト C<lwp-request>, C<lwp-rget>,  C<lwp-mirror> がどのように
+=begin original
+The following environment variables are used by LWP:
+=end original
+The following environment variables are used by LWP:
+=item HOME
+=begin original
+The C<LWP::MediaTypes> functions will look for the F<.media.types> and
+F<.mime.types> files relative to you home directory.
+=end original
+The C<LWP::MediaTypes> functions will look for the F<.media.types> and
+F<.mime.types> files relative to you home directory.
+=item http_proxy
+=item ftp_proxy
+=item xxx_proxy
+=item no_proxy
+=begin original
+These environment variables can be set to enable communication through
+a proxy server.  See the description of the C<env_proxy> method in
+=end original
+These environment variables can be set to enable communication through
+a proxy server.  See the description of the C<env_proxy> method in
+=begin original
+Enable the old HTTP/1.0 protocol driver instead of the new HTTP/1.1
+driver.  You might want to set this to a TRUE value if you discover
+that your old LWP applications fails after you installed LWP-5.60 or
+=end original
+Enable the old HTTP/1.0 protocol driver instead of the new HTTP/1.1
+driver.  You might want to set this to a TRUE value if you discover
+that your old LWP applications fails after you installed LWP-5.60 or
+=begin original
+Used to decide what URI objects to instantiate.  The default is C<URI>.
+You might want to set it to C<URI::URL> for compatibility with old times.
+=end original
+Used to decide what URI objects to instantiate.  The default is C<URI>.
+You might want to set it to C<URI::URL> for compatibility with old times.
+=head1 AUTHORS
+=begin original
+LWP was made possible by contributions from Adam Newby, Albert
+Dvornik, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Andreas Gustafsson, Andreas K?ig,
+Andrew Pimlott, Andy Lester, Ben Coleman, Benjamin Low, Ben Low, Ben
+Tilly, Blair Zajac, Bob Dalgleish, BooK, Brad Hughes, Brian
+J. Murrell, Brian McCauley, Charles C. Fu, Charles Lane, Chris Nandor,
+Christian Gilmore, Chris W. Unger, Craig Macdonald, Dale Couch, Dan
+Kubb, Dave Dunkin, Dave W. Smith, David Coppit, David Dick, David
+D. Kilzer, Doug MacEachern, Edward Avis, erik, Gary Shea, Gisle Aas,
+Graham Barr, Gurusamy Sarathy, Hans de Graaff, Harald Joerg, Harry
+Bochner, Hugo, Ilya Zakharevich, INOUE Yoshinari, Ivan Panchenko, Jack
+Shirazi, James Tillman, Jan Dubois, Jared Rhine, Jim Stern, Joao
+Lopes, John Klar, Johnny Lee, Josh Kronengold, Josh Rai, Joshua
+Chamas, Joshua Hoblitt, Kartik Subbarao, Keiichiro Nagano, Ken
+Williams, KONISHI Katsuhiro, Lee T Lindley, Liam Quinn, Marc Hedlund,
+Marc Langheinrich, Mark D. Anderson, Marko Asplund, Mark Stosberg,
+Markus B Kr?er, Markus Laker, Martijn Koster, Martin Thurn, Matthew
+Eldridge, Matthew.van.Eerde, Matt Sergeant, Michael A. Chase, Michael
+Quaranta, Michael Thompson, Mike Schilli, Moshe Kaminsky, Nathan
+Torkington, Nicolai Langfeldt, Norton Allen, Olly Betts, Paul
+J. Schinder, peterm, Philip GuentherDaniel Buenzli, Pon Hwa Lin,
+Radoslaw Zielinski, Radu Greab, Randal L. Schwartz, Richard Chen,
+Robin Barker, Roy Fielding, Sander van Zoest, Sean M. Burke,
+shildreth, Slaven Rezic, Steve A Fink, Steve Hay, Steven Butler,
+Steve_Kilbane, Takanori Ugai, Thomas Lotterer, Tim Bunce, Tom Hughes,
+Tony Finch, Ville Skytt? Ward Vandewege, William York, Yale Huang,
+and Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes.
+=end original
+LWP は以下の人々の貢献によって実現可能になりました: Adam Newby, Albert
+Dvornik, Alexandre Duret-Lutz, Andreas Gustafsson, Andreas KE<ouml>nig,
+Andrew Pimlott, Andy Lester, Ben Coleman, Benjamin Low, Ben Low, Ben
+Tilly, Blair Zajac, Bob Dalgleish, BooK, Brad Hughes, Brian
+J. Murrell, Brian McCauley, Charles C. Fu, Charles Lane, Chris Nandor,
+Christian Gilmore, Chris W. Unger, Craig Macdonald, Dale Couch, Dan
+Kubb, Dave Dunkin, Dave W. Smith, David Coppit, David Dick, David
+D. Kilzer, Doug MacEachern, Edward Avis, erik, Gary Shea, Gisle Aas,
+Graham Barr, Gurusamy Sarathy, Hans de Graaff, Harald Joerg, Harry
+Bochner, Hugo, Ilya Zakharevich, INOUE Yoshinari, Ivan Panchenko, Jack
+Shirazi, James Tillman, Jan Dubois, Jared Rhine, Jim Stern, Joao
+Lopes, John Klar, Johnny Lee, Josh Kronengold, Josh Rai, Joshua
+Chamas, Joshua Hoblitt, Kartik Subbarao, Keiichiro Nagano, Ken
+Williams, KONISHI Katsuhiro, Lee T Lindley, Liam Quinn, Marc Hedlund,
+Marc Langheinrich, Mark D. Anderson, Marko Asplund, Mark Stosberg,
+Markus B KrE<uuml>ger, Markus Laker, Martijn Koster, Martin Thurn, Matthew
+Eldridge, Matthew.van.Eerde, Matt Sergeant, Michael A. Chase, Michael
+Quaranta, Michael Thompson, Mike Schilli, Moshe Kaminsky, Nathan
+Torkington, Nicolai Langfeldt, Norton Allen, Olly Betts, Paul
+J. Schinder, peterm, Philip GuentherDaniel Buenzli, Pon Hwa Lin,
+Radoslaw Zielinski, Radu Greab, Randal L. Schwartz, Richard Chen,
+Robin Barker, Roy Fielding, Sander van Zoest, Sean M. Burke,
+shildreth, Slaven Rezic, Steve A Fink, Steve Hay, Steven Butler,
+Steve_Kilbane, Takanori Ugai, Thomas Lotterer, Tim Bunce, Tom Hughes,
+Tony Finch, Ville SkyttE<auml>, Ward Vandewege, William York, Yale Huang,
+and Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes.
+=begin original
+LWP owes a lot in motivation, design, and code, to the libwww-perl
+library for Perl4 by Roy Fielding, which included work from Alberto
+Accomazzi, James Casey, Brooks Cutter, Martijn Koster, Oscar
+Nierstrasz, Mel Melchner, Gertjan van Oosten, Jared Rhine, Jack
+Shirazi, Gene Spafford, Marc VanHeyningen, Steven E. Brenner, Marion
+Hakanson, Waldemar Kebsch, Tony Sanders, and Larry Wall; see the
+libwww-perl-0.40 library for details.
+=end original
+LWP owes a lot in motivation, design, and code, to the libwww-perl
+library for Perl4 by Roy Fielding, which included work from Alberto
+Accomazzi, James Casey, Brooks Cutter, Martijn Koster, Oscar
+Nierstrasz, Mel Melchner, Gertjan van Oosten, Jared Rhine, Jack
+Shirazi, Gene Spafford, Marc VanHeyningen, Steven E. Brenner, Marion
+Hakanson, Waldemar Kebsch, Tony Sanders, and Larry Wall; see the
+libwww-perl-0.40 library for details.
+  Copyright 1995-2008, Gisle Aas
+  Copyright 1995, Martijn Koster
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin original
+The latest version of this library is likely to be available from CPAN
+as well as:
+=end original
+  http://gitorious.org/projects/libwww-perl
+=begin original
+The best place to discuss this code is on the <libww****@perl*****>
+mailing list.
+=end original
+このプログラムについて議論する一番よい場所は<libww****@perl*****> メーリング・リストです。
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta

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