[perldocjp-cvs 599] CVS update: docs/modules/Test-Base-0.59/lib/Test


ktats****@users***** ktats****@users*****
2010年 2月 3日 (水) 00:44:42 JST

Index: docs/modules/Test-Base-0.59/lib/Test/Base.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/Test-Base-0.59/lib/Test/Base.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Feb  3 00:44:42 2010
+++ docs/modules/Test-Base-0.59/lib/Test/Base.pod	Wed Feb  3 00:44:42 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,1009 @@
+=encoding utf8
+=head1 名前
+Test::Base - データドリブンのテストフレームワーク
+=head1 概要
+A new test module:
+    # lib/MyProject/Test.pm
+    package MyProject::Test;
+    use Test::Base -Base;
+    use MyProject;
+    package MyProject::Test::Filter;
+    use Test::Base::Filter -base;
+    sub my_filter {
+        return MyProject->do_something(shift);
+    }
+A sample test:    
+    # t/sample.t
+    use MyProject::Test;
+    plan tests => 1 * blocks;
+    run_is input => 'expected';
+    sub local_filter {
+        s/my/your/;
+    }
+    __END__
+    === Test one (the name of the test)
+    --- input my_filter local_filter
+    my
+    input
+    lines
+    --- expected
+    expected
+    output
+    === Test two
+    This is an optional description
+    of this particular test.
+    --- input my_filter
+    other
+    input
+    lines
+    --- expected
+    other expected
+    output
+=head1 説明
+Testing is usually the ugly part of Perl module authoring. Perl gives
+you a standard way to run tests with Test::Harness, and basic testing
+primitives with Test::More. After that you are pretty much on your own
+to develop a testing framework and philosophy. Test::More encourages
+you to make your own framework by subclassing Test::Builder, but that is
+not trivial.
+Test::Base gives you a way to write your own test framework base
+class that I<is> trivial. In fact it is as simple as two lines:
+Test::Base を使うと、自分用の取るにたらないテストフレームワークの
+    package MyTestFramework;
+    use Test::Base -Base;
+A module called C<MyTestFramework.pm> containing those two lines, will
+give all the power of Test::More and all the power of Test::Base to
+every test file that uses it. As you build up the capabilities of
+C<MyTestFramework>, your tests will have all of that power as well.
+C<MyTestFramework> becomes a place for you to put all of your reusable
+testing bits. As you write tests, you will see patterns and duplication,
+and you can "upstream" them into C<MyTestFramework>. Of course, you
+don't have to subclass Test::Base at all. You can use it directly in
+many applications, including everywhere you would use Test::More.
+Test::Base concentrates on offering reusable data driven patterns, so
+that you can write tests with a minimum of code. At the heart of all
+testing you have inputs, processes and expected outputs. Test::Base
+provides some clean ways for you to express your input and expected
+output data, so you can spend your time focusing on that rather than
+your code scaffolding.
+=head1 エクスポートされる関数
+Test::Base extends Test::More and exports all of its functions. So you
+can basically write your tests the same as Test::More. Test::Base
+also exports many functions of its own:
+=head2 is(actual, expected, [test-name])
+This is the equivalent of Test::More's C<is> function with one
+interesting twist. If your actual and expected results differ and the
+output is multi-line, this function will show you a unified diff format
+of output. Consider the benefit when looking for the one character that
+is different in hundreds of lines of output!
+この関数は、出力を unified diffフォーマット(訳註: diff -u)で表示します。
+Diff output requires the optional C<Text::Diff> CPAN module. If you
+don't have this module, the C<is()> function will simply give you normal
+Test::More output. To disable diffing altogether, set the
+C<TEST_SHOW_NO_DIFFS> environment variable (or C<$ENV{TEST_SHOW_NO_DIFFS}>)
+to a true value. You can also call the C<no_diff> function as a shortcut.
+=head2 blocks( [data-section-name] )
+The most important function is C<blocks>. In list context it returns a
+list of C<Test::Base::Block> objects that are generated from the test
+specification in the C<DATA> section of your test file. In scalar
+context it returns the number of objects. This is useful to calculate
+your Test::More plan.
+Each Test::Base::Block object has methods that correspond to the names
+of that object's data sections. There is also a C<name> and a
+C<description> method for accessing those parts of the block if they
+were specified.
+The C<blocks> function can take an optional single argument, that
+indicates to only return the blocks that contain a particular named data
+section. Otherwise C<blocks> returns all blocks.
+    my @all_of_my_blocks = blocks;
+    my @just_the_foo_blocks = blocks('foo');
+=head2 next_block()
+You can use the next_block function to iterate over all the blocks.
+    while (my $block = next_block) {
+        ...
+    }
+It returns undef after all blocks have been iterated over. It can then
+be called again to reiterate.
+=head2 first_block()
+Returns the first block or undef if there are none. It resets the iterator to
+the C<next_block> function.
+=head2 run(&subroutine)
+There are many ways to write your tests. You can reference each block
+individually or you can loop over all the blocks and perform a common
+operation. The C<run> function does the looping for you, so all you need
+to do is pass it a code block to execute for each block.
+The C<run> function takes a subroutine as an argument, and calls the sub
+one time for each block in the specification. It passes the current
+block object to the subroutine.
+    run {
+        my $block = shift;
+        is(process($block->foo), $block->bar, $block->name);
+    };
+=head2 run_is([data_name1, data_name2])
+Many times you simply want to see if two data sections are equivalent in
+every block, probably after having been run through one or more filters.
+With the C<run_is> function, you can just pass the names of any two data
+sections that exist in every block, and it will loop over every block
+comparing the two sections.
+    run_is 'foo', 'bar';
+If no data sections are given C<run_is> will try to detect them
+NOTE: Test::Base will silently ignore any blocks that don't contain
+both sections.
+注意: Test::Baseは、両方のセクションを含んでいないブロックは暗黙に
+=head2 is_deep($data1, $data2, $test_name)
+Like Test::More's C<is_deeply> but uses the more correct
+Test::Deep module.
+Test::More の C<is_deeply>に似ていますが、
+=head2 run_is_deeply([data_name1, data_name2])
+Like C<run_is> but uses C<is_deeply> for complex data structure comparison.
+(訳注) run_is_deeply の説明が3つあったため正しいと思われるものを残しました。
+=head2 run_like([data_name, regexp | data_name]);
+The C<run_like> function is similar to C<run_is> except the second
+argument is a regular expression. The regexp can either be a C<qr{}>
+object or a data section that has been filtered into a regular
+    run_like 'foo', qr{<html.*};
+    run_like 'foo', 'match';
+=head2 run_unlike([data_name, regexp | data_name]);
+The C<run_unlike> function is similar to C<run_like>, except the opposite.
+    run_unlike 'foo', qr{<html.*};
+    run_unlike 'foo', 'no_match';
+=head2 run_compare(data_name1, data_name2)
+The C<run_compare> function is like the C<run_is>, C<run_is_deeply> and
+the C<run_like> functions all rolled into one. It loops over each
+relevant block and determines what type of comparison to do.
+NOTE: If you do not specify either a plan, or run any tests, the
+C<run_compare> function will automatically be run.
+注意: もしプランを指定しなければ、全てのテストを実行します。
+=head2 delimiters($block_delimiter, $data_delimiter)
+Override the default delimiters of C<===> and C<--->.
+=head2 spec_file($file_name)
+By default, Test::Base reads its input from the DATA section. This
+function tells it to get the spec from a file instead.
+=head2 spec_string($test_data)
+By default, Test::Base reads its input from the DATA section. This
+function tells it to get the spec from a string that has been
+prepared somehow.
+=head2 filters( @filters_list or $filters_hashref )
+Specify a list of additional filters to be applied to all blocks. See
+L<FILTERS> below.
+You can also specify a hash ref that maps data section names to an array
+ref of filters for that data type.
+    filters {
+        xxx => [qw(chomp lines)],
+        yyy => ['yaml'],
+        zzz => 'eval',
+    };
+If a filters list has only one element, the array ref is optional.
+=head2 filters_delay( [1 | 0] );
+By default Test::Base::Block objects are have all their filters run
+ahead of time. There are testing situations in which it is advantageous
+to delay the filtering. Calling this function with no arguments or a
+true value, causes the filtering to be delayed.
+    use Test::Base;
+    filters_delay;
+    plan tests => 1 * blocks;
+    for my $block (blocks) {
+        ...
+        $block->run_filters;
+        ok($block->is_filtered);
+        ...
+    }
+In the code above, the filters are called manually, using the
+C<run_filters> method of Test::Base::Block. In functions like
+C<run_is>, where the tests are run automatically, filtering is delayed
+until right before the test.
+=head2 filter_arguments()
+Return the arguments after the equals sign on a filter.
+    sub my_filter {
+        my $args = filter_arguments;
+        # is($args, 'whazzup');
+        ...
+    }
+    __DATA__
+    === A test
+    --- data my_filter=whazzup
+=head2 tie_output()
+You can capture STDOUT and STDERR for operations with this function:
+    my $out = '';
+    tie_output(*STDOUT, $buffer);
+    print "Hey!\n";
+    print "Che!\n";
+    untie *STDOUT;
+    is($out, "Hey!\nChe!\n");
+=head2 no_diff()
+Turn off diff support for is() in a test file.
+=head2 default_object()
+Returns the default Test::Base object. This is useful if you feel
+the need to do an OO operation in otherwise functional test code. See
+L<OO> below.
+=head2 WWW() XXX() YYY() ZZZ()
+These debugging functions are exported from the Spiffy.pm module. See
+L<Spiffy> for more info.
+Spiffy.pm モジュールからエクスポートされたデバッギング関数です。
+=head2 croak() carp() cluck() confess()
+You can use the functions from the Carp module without needing to import
+them. Test::Base does it for you by default.
+=head1 テストの仕様
+Test::Base allows you to specify your test data in an external file,
+the DATA section of your program or from a scalar variable containing
+all the text input.
+A I<test specification> is a series of text lines. Each test (or block)
+is separated by a line containing the block delimiter and an optional
+test C<name>. Each block is further subdivided into named sections with
+a line containing the data delimiter and the data section name. A
+C<description> of the test can go on lines after the block delimiter but
+before the first data section.
+Here is the basic layout of a specification:
+    === <block name 1>
+    <optional block description lines>
+    --- <data section name 1> <filter-1> <filter-2> <filter-n>
+    <test data lines>
+    --- <data section name 2> <filter-1> <filter-2> <filter-n>
+    <test data lines>
+    --- <data section name n> <filter-1> <filter-2> <filter-n>
+    <test data lines>
+    === <block name 2>
+    <optional block description lines>
+    --- <data section name 1> <filter-1> <filter-2> <filter-n>
+    <test data lines>
+    --- <data section name 2> <filter-1> <filter-2> <filter-n>
+    <test data lines>
+    --- <data section name n> <filter-1> <filter-2> <filter-n>
+    <test data lines>
+Here is a code example:
+    use Test::Base;
+    delimiters qw(### :::);
+    # test code here
+    __END__
+    ### Test One
+    We want to see if foo and bar
+    are really the same... 
+    ::: foo
+    a foo line
+    another foo line
+    ::: bar
+    a bar line
+    another bar line
+    ### Test Two
+    ::: foo
+    some foo line
+    some other foo line
+    ::: bar
+    some bar line
+    some other bar line
+    ::: baz
+    some baz line
+    some other baz line
+This example specifies two blocks. They both have foo and bar data
+sections. The second block has a baz component. The block delimiter is
+C<###> and the data delimiter is C<:::>.
+The default block delimiter is C<===> and the default data delimiter
+is C<--->.
+There are some special data section names used for control purposes:
+    --- SKIP
+    --- ONLY
+    --- LAST
+A block with a SKIP section causes that test to be ignored. This is
+useful to disable a test temporarily.
+A block with an ONLY section causes only that block to be used. This is
+useful when you are concentrating on getting a single test to pass. If
+there is more than one block with ONLY, the first one will be chosen.
+Because ONLY is very useful for debugging and sometimes you forgot to
+remove the ONLY flag before commiting to the VCS or uploading to CPAN,
+Test::Base by default gives you a diag message saying I<I found ONLY
+... maybe you're debugging?>. If you don't like it, use
+Test::Baseはデフォルトでは、 I<I found ONLY ... maybe you're debugging?>
+A block with a LAST section makes that block the last one in the
+specification. All following blocks will be ignored.
+=head1 FILTERS
+The real power in writing tests with Test::Base comes from its
+filtering capabilities. Test::Base comes with an ever growing set
+of useful generic filters than you can sequence and apply to various
+test blocks. That means you can specify the block serialization in
+the most readable format you can find, and let the filters translate
+it into what you really need for a test. It is easy to write your own
+filters as well.
+(訳註: thanとあるがthatじゃないかな?)、これまでに増え続けている便利な
+Test::Base allows you to specify a list of filters to each data
+section of each block. The default filters are C<norm> and C<trim>.
+These filters will be applied (in order) to the data after it has been
+parsed from the specification and before it is set into its
+Test::Base::Block object.
+You can add to the default filter list with the C<filters> function. You
+can specify additional filters to a specific block by listing them after
+the section name on a data section delimiter line.
+    use Test::Base;
+    filters qw(foo bar);
+    filters { perl => 'strict' };
+    sub upper { uc(shift) }
+    __END__
+    === Test one
+    --- foo trim chomp upper
+    ...
+    --- bar -norm
+    ...
+    --- perl eval dumper
+    my @foo = map {
+        - $_;
+    } 1..10;
+    \ @foo;
+Putting a C<-> before a filter on a delimiter line, disables that
+=head2 スカラ vs リスト
+Each filter can take either a scalar or a list as input, and will return
+either a scalar or a list. Since filters are chained together, it is
+important to learn which filters expect which kind of input and return
+which kind of output.
+For example, consider the following filter list:
+    norm trim lines chomp array dumper eval
+The data always starts out as a single scalar string. C<norm> takes a
+scalar and returns a scalar. C<trim> takes a list and returns a list,
+but a scalar is a valid list. C<lines> takes a scalar and returns a
+list. C<chomp> takes a list and returns a list. C<array> takes a list
+and returns a scalar (an anonymous array reference containing the list
+elements). C<dumper> takes a list and returns a scalar. C<eval> takes a
+scalar and creates a list.
+A list of exactly one element works fine as input to a filter requiring
+a scalar, but any other list will cause an exception. A scalar in list
+context is considered a list of one element.
+Data accessor methods for blocks will return a list of values when used
+in list context, and the first element of the list in scalar context.
+This is usually "the right thing", but be aware.
+=head2 The Stock Filters
+Test::Base comes with large set of stock filters. They are in the
+C<Test::Base::Filter> module. See L<Test::Base::Filter> for a listing and
+description of these filters.
+Test::Base には、ストックフィルタ多数のフィルタセットがあります。
+=head2 Rolling Your Own Filters
+Creating filter extensions is very simple. You can either write a
+I<function> in the C<main> namespace, or a I<method> in the
+C<Test::Base::Filter> namespace or a subclass of it. In either case the
+text and any extra arguments are passed in and you return whatever you
+want the new value to be.
+Here is a self explanatory example:
+    use Test::Base;
+    filters 'foo', 'bar=xyz';
+    sub foo {
+        transform(shift);
+    }
+    sub Test::Base::Filter::bar {
+        my $self = shift;       # The Test::Base::Filter object
+        my $data = shift;
+        my $args = $self->current_arguments;
+        my $current_block_object = $self->block;
+        # transform $data in a barish manner
+        return $data;
+    }
+If you use the method interface for a filter, you can access the block
+internals by calling the C<block> method on the filter object.
+Normally you'll probably just use the functional interface, although all
+the builtin filters are methods.
+Note that filters defined in the C<main> namespace can look like:
+  sub filter9 {
+      s/foo/bar/;
+  }
+since Test::Base automatically munges the input string into $_
+variable and checks the return value of the function to see if it
+looks like a number. If you must define a filter that returns just a
+single number, do it in a different namespace as a method. These
+filters don't allow the simplistic $_ munging.
+Test::Base は自動的に入力を $_変数に入れて、
+=head1 OO
+Test::Base has a nice functional interface for simple usage. Under the
+hood everything is object oriented. A default Test::Base object is
+created and all the functions are really just method calls on it.
+This means if you need to get fancy, you can use all the object
+oriented stuff too. Just create new Test::Base objects and use the
+functions as methods.
+    use Test::Base;
+    my $blocks1 = Test::Base->new;
+    my $blocks2 = Test::Base->new;
+    $blocks1->delimiters(qw(!!! @@@))->spec_file('test1.txt');
+    $blocks2->delimiters(qw(### $$$))->spec_string($test_data);
+    plan tests => $blocks1->blocks + $blocks2->blocks;
+    # ... etc
+=head1 C<Test::Base::Block>クラス
+In Test::Base, blocks are exposed as Test::Base::Block objects. This
+section lists the methods that can be called on a Test::Base::Block
+object. Of course, each data section name is also available as a method.
+=head2 name()
+This is the optional short description of a block, that is specified on the
+block separator line.
+=head2 description()
+This is an optional long description of the block. It is the text taken from
+between the block separator and the first data section.
+=head2 seq_num()
+Returns a sequence number for this block. Sequence numbers begin with 1. 
+=head2 blocks_object()
+Returns the Test::Base object that owns this block.
+=head2 run_filters()
+Run the filters on the data sections of the blocks. You don't need to
+use this method unless you also used the C<filters_delay> function.
+=head2 is_filtered()
+Returns true if filters have already been run for this block.
+=head2 original_values()
+Returns a hash of the original, unfiltered values of each data section.
+=head1 サブクラス化
+One of the nicest things about Test::Base is that it is easy to
+subclass. This is very important, because in your personal project, you
+will likely want to extend Test::Base with your own filters and other
+reusable pieces of your test framework.
+Here is an example of a subclass:
+    package MyTestStuff;
+    use Test::Base -Base;
+    our @EXPORT = qw(some_func);
+    sub some_func {
+        (my ($self), @_) = find_my_self(@_);
+        ...
+    }
+    package MyTestStuff::Block;
+    use base 'Test::Base::Block';
+    sub desc {
+        $self->description(@_);
+    }
+    package MyTestStuff::Filter;
+    use base 'Test::Base::Filter';
+    sub upper {
+        $self->assert_scalar(@_);
+        uc(shift);
+    }
+Note that you don't have to re-Export all the functions from
+Test::Base. That happens automatically, due to the powers of Spiffy.
+The first line in C<some_func> allows it to be called as either a
+function or a method in the test code.
+=head1 配布サポート
+You might be thinking that you do not want to use Test::Base in you
+modules, because it adds an installation dependency. Fear not.
+Module::Install takes care of that.
+Just write a Makefile.PL that looks something like this:
+    use inc::Module::Install;
+    name            'Foo';
+    all_from        'lib/Foo.pm';
+    use_test_base;
+    WriteAll;
+The line with C<use_test_base> will automatically bundle all the code
+the user needs to run Test::Base based tests.
+=head1 他のクールな機能
+Test::Base automatically adds:
+    use strict;
+    use warnings;
+to all of your test scripts and Test::Base subclasses. A Spiffy
+feature indeed.
+=head1 HISTORY
+This module started its life with the horrible and ridicule inducing
+name C<Test::Chunks>. It was renamed to C<Test::Base> with the hope
+that it would be seen for the very useful module that it has become. If
+you are switching from C<Test::Chunks> to C<Test::Base>, simply
+substitute the concept and usage of C<chunks> to C<blocks>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Ingy d旦t Net <ingy****@cpan*****>
+Copyright (c) 2006, 2008, 2009. Ingy d旦t Net.
+Copyright (c) 2005. Brian Ingerson.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html

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