[perldocjp-cvs 354] CVS update: docs/perl/5.10.0


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2008年 12月 21日 (日) 18:29:23 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.10.0/perlreftut.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/perl/5.10.0/perlreftut.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Dec 21 18:29:23 2008
+++ docs/perl/5.10.0/perlreftut.pod	Sun Dec 21 18:29:22 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,1277 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+perlreftut - Mark's very short tutorial about references
+=end original
+perlreftut - Mark によるリファレンスに関するとても短いチュートリアル
+=begin original
+One of the most important new features in Perl 5 was the capability to
+manage complicated data structures like multidimensional arrays and
+nested hashes.  To enable these, Perl 5 introduced a feature called
+`references', and using references is the key to managing complicated,
+structured data in Perl.  Unfortunately, there's a lot of funny syntax
+to learn, and the main manual page can be hard to follow.  The manual
+is quite complete, and sometimes people find that a problem, because
+it can be hard to tell what is important and what isn't.
+=end original
+Perl 5 における最も重要な新機能の一つは、多次元配列やネストした
+これらを可能とするために、Perl 5 は「リファレンス」と呼ばれる機能を導入し、
+=begin original
+Fortunately, you only need to know 10% of what's in the main page to get
+90% of the benefit.  This page will show you that 10%.
+=end original
+幸運にも、メインページにあることの 10% を知るだけで 90% の恩恵を
+このページではあなたにその 10% をお見せします。
+=head1 Who Needs Complicated Data Structures?
+=begin original
+One problem that came up all the time in Perl 4 was how to represent a
+hash whose values were lists.  Perl 4 had hashes, of course, but the
+values had to be scalars; they couldn't be lists.
+=end original
+Perl 4 の時代にあった問題の一つが、リストの値を持ったハッシュの表現を
+Perl 4 はもちろんハッシュを持っていましたが、その値は
+=begin original
+Why would you want a hash of lists?  Let's take a simple example: You
+have a file of city and country names, like this:
+=end original
+	Chicago, USA
+	Frankfurt, Germany
+	Berlin, Germany
+	Washington, USA
+	Helsinki, Finland
+	New York, USA
+=begin original
+and you want to produce an output like this, with each country mentioned
+once, and then an alphabetical list of the cities in that country:
+=end original
+	Finland: Helsinki.
+	Germany: Berlin, Frankfurt.
+	USA:  Chicago, New York, Washington.
+=begin original
+The natural way to do this is to have a hash whose keys are country
+names.  Associated with each country name key is a list of the cities in
+that country.  Each time you read a line of input, split it into a country
+and a city, look up the list of cities already known to be in that
+country, and append the new city to the list.  When you're done reading
+the input, iterate over the hash as usual, sorting each list of cities
+before you print it out.
+=end original
+=begin original
+If hash values can't be lists, you lose.  In Perl 4, hash values can't
+be lists; they can only be strings.  You lose.  You'd probably have to
+combine all the cities into a single string somehow, and then when
+time came to write the output, you'd have to break the string into a
+list, sort the list, and turn it back into a string.  This is messy
+and error-prone.  And it's frustrating, because Perl already has
+perfectly good lists that would solve the problem if only you could
+use them.
+=end original
+Perl 4 では、ハッシュの値はリストにはできず、文字列だけが可能でした。
+すでに Perl は持っているので、これは不満がたまります。
+=head1 The Solution
+=begin original
+By the time Perl 5 rolled around, we were already stuck with this
+design: Hash values must be scalars.  The solution to this is
+=end original
+Perl 5 の時代でも、すでにこのデザインに困っていました: ハッシュの値は
+=begin original
+A reference is a scalar value that I<refers to> an entire array or an
+entire hash (or to just about anything else).  Names are one kind of
+reference that you're already familiar with.  Think of the President
+of the United States: a messy, inconvenient bag of blood and bones.
+But to talk about him, or to represent him in a computer program, all
+you need is the easy, convenient scalar string "George Bush".
+=end original
+リファレンスは配列全体やハッシュ全体(もしくはそれ以外の何か)を I<参照する>
+アメリカ合衆国の大統領を考えてみましょう: 厄介で不自由な、血や骨の
+必要なのは、簡単で、便利なスカラ文字列「George Bush」なのです。
+=begin original
+References in Perl are like names for arrays and hashes.  They're
+Perl's private, internal names, so you can be sure they're
+unambiguous.  Unlike "George Bush", a reference only refers to one
+thing, and you always know what it refers to.  If you have a reference
+to an array, you can recover the entire array from it.  If you have a
+reference to a hash, you can recover the entire hash.  But the
+reference is still an easy, compact scalar value.
+=end original
+Perl におけるリファレンスは配列やハッシュの名前に似ています。
+それらは Perl のプライベートで内部的なな名前なので曖昧さがないことを
+「George Bush」とは異なり、一つのリファレンスは一つのものしか参照しません。
+=begin original
+You can't have a hash whose values are arrays; hash values can only be
+scalars.  We're stuck with that.  But a single reference can refer to
+an entire array, and references are scalars, so you can have a hash of
+references to arrays, and it'll act a lot like a hash of arrays, and
+it'll be just as useful as a hash of arrays.
+=end original
+=begin original
+We'll come back to this city-country problem later, after we've seen
+some syntax for managing references.
+=end original
+=head1 Syntax
+=begin original
+There are just two ways to make a reference, and just two ways to use
+it once you have it.
+=end original
+=head2 Making References
+=head3 B<Make Rule 1>
+(B<作成ルール 1>)
+=begin original
+If you put a C<\> in front of a variable, you get a
+reference to that variable.
+=end original
+ある変数の先頭に C<\> をつければ、その変数へのリファレンスを
+=begin original
+    $aref = \@array;         # $aref now holds a reference to @array
+    $href = \%hash;          # $href now holds a reference to %hash
+    $sref = \$scalar;        # $sref now holds a reference to $scalar
+=end original
+    $aref = \@array;         # $aref は @array へのリファレンスを保持する
+    $href = \%hash;          # $href は %hash へのリファレンスを保持する
+    $sref = \$scalar;        # $sref は $scalar へのリファレンスを保持する
+=begin original
+Once the reference is stored in a variable like $aref or $href, you
+can copy it or store it just the same as any other scalar value:
+=end original
+$aref や $href のような変数にリファレンスを格納指定しまえば、
+=begin original
+    $xy = $aref;             # $xy now holds a reference to @array
+    $p[3] = $href;           # $p[3] now holds a reference to %hash
+    $z = $p[3];              # $z now holds a reference to %hash
+=end original
+    $xy = $aref;             # $xy は @array へのリファレンスを保持する
+    $p[3] = $href;           # $p[3] は %hash へのリファレンスを保持する
+    $z = $p[3];              # $z は %hash へのリファレンスを保持する
+=begin original
+These examples show how to make references to variables with names.
+Sometimes you want to make an array or a hash that doesn't have a
+name.  This is analogous to the way you like to be able to use the
+string C<"\n"> or the number 80 without having to store it in a named
+variable first.
+=end original
+これは、文字列 C<"\n"> や、数値 80 を、一旦名前付き変数に保管する
+=begin comment
+B<Make Rule 2>
+=end comment
+=head3 B<Make Rule 2>
+(B<作成ルール 2>)
+=begin original
+C<[ ITEMS ]> makes a new, anonymous array, and returns a reference to
+that array.  C<{ ITEMS }> makes a new, anonymous hash, and returns a
+reference to that hash.
+=end original
+C<[ ITEMS ]> は新たな無名配列を作り、その配列へのリファレンスを返します。
+C<{ ITEMS }> は新たな無名ハッシュを作り、そのハッシュへのリファレンスを
+=begin original
+    $aref = [ 1, "foo", undef, 13 ];
+    # $aref now holds a reference to an array
+=end original
+    $aref = [ 1, "foo", undef, 13 ];  
+    # $aref は配列へのリファレンスを保持している
+=begin original
+    $href = { APR => 4, AUG => 8 };
+    # $href now holds a reference to a hash
+=end original
+    $href = { APR => 4, AUG => 8 };   
+    # $href はハッシュへのリファレンスを保持している
+=begin original
+The references you get from rule 2 are the same kind of
+references that you get from rule 1:
+=end original
+ルール 2 によって得たリファレンスはルール 1 によって得た同種の
+=begin original
+	# This:
+	$aref = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
+=end original
+	# これは:
+	$aref = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
+=begin original
+	# Does the same as this:
+	@array = (1, 2, 3);
+	$aref = \@array;
+=end original
+	# これと同じ:
+	@array = (1, 2, 3);
+	$aref = \@array;
+=begin original
+The first line is an abbreviation for the following two lines, except
+that it doesn't create the superfluous array variable C<@array>.
+=end original
+最初の行は続く二行を短くしたもので、C<@array> という余分な配列変数を
+=begin original
+If you write just C<[]>, you get a new, empty anonymous array.
+If you write just C<{}>, you get a new, empty anonymous hash.
+=end original
+C<[]> と書いた場合には新たな空の無名配列が得られます。
+C<{}> と書いた場合には新たな空の無名ハッシュが得られます。
+=head2 Using References
+=begin original
+What can you do with a reference once you have it?  It's a scalar
+value, and we've seen that you can store it as a scalar and get it back
+again just like any scalar.  There are just two more ways to use it:
+=end original
+=head3 B<Use Rule 1>
+(B<使用ルール 1>)
+=begin original
+You can always use an array reference, in curly braces, in place of
+the name of an array.  For example, C<@{$aref}> instead of C<@array>.
+=end original
+たとえば、C<@array> の代わりに C<@{$aref}> とします。
+=begin original
+Here are some examples of that:
+=end original
+=begin original
+=end original
+=begin original
+	@a		@{$aref}		An array
+	reverse @a	reverse @{$aref}	Reverse the array
+	$a[3]		${$aref}[3]		An element of the array
+	$a[3] = 17;	${$aref}[3] = 17	Assigning an element
+=end original
+	@a		@{$aref}		配列
+	reverse @a	reverse @{$aref}	配列を反転する
+	$a[3]		${$aref}[3]		配列の要素
+	$a[3] = 17;	${$aref}[3] = 17	要素の代入
+=begin original
+On each line are two expressions that do the same thing.  The
+left-hand versions operate on the array C<@a>.  The right-hand
+versions operate on the array that is referred to by C<$aref>.  Once
+they find the array they're operating on, both versions do the same
+things to the arrays.
+=end original
+左側のものは C<@a> という配列に対する操作で、右側のものは C<$aref> によって
+=begin original
+Using a hash reference is I<exactly> the same:
+=end original
+ハッシュのリファレンスを使うことも I<まったく> 同じです:
+=begin original
+	%h		%{$href}	      A hash
+	keys %h		keys %{$href}	      Get the keys from the hash
+	$h{'red'}	${$href}{'red'}	      An element of the hash
+	$h{'red'} = 17	${$href}{'red'} = 17  Assigning an element
+=end original
+	%h		%{$href}	      ハッシュ
+	keys %h		keys %{$href}	      ハッシュからキーを得る
+	$h{'red'}	${$href}{'red'}       ハッシュの要素
+	$h{'red'} = 17	${$href}{'red'} = 17  要素への代入
+=begin original
+Whatever you want to do with a reference, B<Use Rule 1> tells you how
+to do it.  You just write the Perl code that you would have written
+for doing the same thing to a regular array or hash, and then replace
+the array or hash name with C<{$reference}>.  "How do I loop over an
+array when all I have is a reference?"  Well, to loop over an array, you
+would write
+=end original
+リファレンスに対して行いたいことはすべて、L<Use Rule 1> で
+通常の配列やハッシュに対して同じことを行うような Perl コードを書き、その
+配列やハッシュをリファレンス C<{$reference}> で置き換えるのです。
+        for my $element (@array) {
+           ...
+        }
+=begin original
+so replace the array name, C<@array>, with the reference:
+=end original
+そしてこの配列名 C<@array> をリファレンスで置き換えます:
+        for my $element (@{$aref}) {
+           ...
+        }
+=begin original
+"How do I print out the contents of a hash when all I have is a
+reference?"  First write the code for printing out a hash:
+=end original
+        for my $key (keys %hash) {
+          print "$key => $hash{$key}\n";
+        }
+=begin original
+And then replace the hash name with the reference:
+=end original
+        for my $key (keys %{$href}) {
+          print "$key => ${$href}{$key}\n";
+        }
+=head3 B<Use Rule 2>
+(B<使用ルール 2>)
+=begin original
+B<Use Rule 1> is all you really need, because it tells you how to do
+absolutely everything you ever need to do with references.  But the
+most common thing to do with an array or a hash is to extract a single
+element, and the B<Use Rule 1> notation is cumbersome.  So there is an
+=end original
+L<Use Rule 1> はあなたが実際に必要とするすべてです。
+取り出すことで、L<Use Rule 1> の記法は扱いにくいものです。
+=begin original
+C<${$aref}[3]> is too hard to read, so you can write C<< $aref->[3] >>
+=end original
+C<${$aref}[3]> は読みづらいので、代わりに C<< $aref->[3] >> と書くことが
+=begin original
+C<${$href}{red}> is too hard to read, so you can write
+C<< $href->{red} >> instead.
+=end original
+C<${$href}{red}> は読みづらいので、代わりに C<< $href->{red} >> と
+=begin original
+If C<$aref> holds a reference to an array, then C<< $aref->[3] >> is
+the fourth element of the array.  Don't confuse this with C<$aref[3]>,
+which is the fourth element of a totally different array, one
+deceptively named C<@aref>.  C<$aref> and C<@aref> are unrelated the
+same way that C<$item> and C<@item> are.
+=end original
+C<$aref> が配列へのリファレンスを保持しているとき、C<< $aref->[3] >> は
+これと C<$aref[3]> を混同しないでください。
+後者は C<@aref> という名前のついた配列の四番目の要素です。
+C<$aref> と C<@aref> は、C<$item> と C<@item> がそうであるように
+=begin original
+Similarly, C<< $href->{'red'} >> is part of the hash referred to by
+the scalar variable C<$href>, perhaps even one with no name.
+C<$href{'red'}> is part of the deceptively named C<%href> hash.  It's
+easy to forget to leave out the C<< -> >>, and if you do, you'll get
+bizarre results when your program gets array and hash elements out of
+totally unexpected hashes and arrays that weren't the ones you wanted
+to use.
+=end original
+同様に、C<< $href->{'red'} >> はスカラ変数 C<$href> によって参照される
+C<$href{'red'}> は C<%href> という名前のついたハッシュの一部です。
+C<< -> >> はつけ忘れやすく、もしつけ忘れたならばあなたのプログラムが配列や
+=head2 An Example
+=begin original
+Let's see a quick example of how all this is useful.
+=end original
+=begin original
+First, remember that C<[1, 2, 3]> makes an anonymous array containing
+C<(1, 2, 3)>, and gives you a reference to that array.
+=end original
+まずはじめに、C<[1, 2, 3]> が C<(1, 2, 3)> から構成される無名配列を
+=begin original
+Now think about
+=end original
+	@a = ( [1, 2, 3],
+               [4, 5, 6],
+	       [7, 8, 9]
+             );
+=begin original
+ @ a is an array with three elements, and each one is a reference to
+another array.
+=end original
+ @ aは三つの要素をもつ配列で、その要素はそれぞれ別の配列に対する
+=begin original
+C<$a[1]> is one of these references.  It refers to an array, the array
+containing C<(4, 5, 6)>, and because it is a reference to an array,
+B<Use Rule 2> says that we can write C<< $a[1]->[2] >> to get the
+third element from that array.  C<< $a[1]->[2] >> is the 6.
+Similarly, C<< $a[0]->[1] >> is the 2.  What we have here is like a
+two-dimensional array; you can write C<< $a[ROW]->[COLUMN] >> to get
+or set the element in any row and any column of the array.
+=end original
+C<$a[1]> はそのようなリファレンスの一つです。
+これは C<(4,5,6)> からなる配列を参照します。
+これは配列へのリファレンスで、L<Use Rule 2> はそのような配列の第三要素を
+得るために C<< $a[1]->[2] >> と書けることを述べていたので、
+C<< $a[1]->[2] >> は 6 になります。
+同様に、C<< $a[0]->[1] >> は 2 です。
+C<< $a[ROW]->[COLUMN] >> と書くことができます。
+=begin original
+The notation still looks a little cumbersome, so there's one more
+=end original
+=head2 Arrow Rule
+=begin original
+In between two B<subscripts>, the arrow is optional.
+=end original
+矢印は、二つの B<添え字> の間にあるのなら、省略できます。
+=begin original
+Instead of C<< $a[1]->[2] >>, we can write C<$a[1][2]>; it means the
+same thing.  Instead of C<< $a[0]->[1] = 23 >>, we can write
+C<$a[0][1] = 23>; it means the same thing.
+=end original
+C<< $a[1]->[2] >> は C<$a[1][2]> と書くことができます;
+C<< $a[0]->[1] = 23 >> と書く代わりに C<$a[0][1] = 23> とできます。
+=begin original
+Now it really looks like two-dimensional arrays!
+=end original
+=begin original
+You can see why the arrows are important.  Without them, we would have
+had to write C<${$a[1]}[2]> instead of C<$a[1][2]>.  For
+three-dimensional arrays, they let us write C<$x[2][3][5]> instead of
+the unreadable C<${${$x[2]}[3]}[5]>.
+=end original
+もし矢印がなければ、C<$a[1][2]> の代わりに C<${$a[1]}[2]> と
+三次元配列では、C<${${$x[2]}[3]}[5]> のような読みづらいものではなくて
+C<$x[2][3][5]> とできます。
+=head1 Solution
+=begin original
+Here's the answer to the problem I posed earlier, of reformatting a
+file of city and country names.
+=end original
+    1   my %table;
+    2   while (<>) {
+    3    chomp;
+    4     my ($city, $country) = split /, /;
+    5     $table{$country} = [] unless exists $table{$country};
+    6     push @{$table{$country}}, $city;
+    7   }
+    8   foreach $country (sort keys %table) {
+    9     print "$country: ";
+   10     my @cities = @{$table{$country}};
+   11     print join ', ', sort @cities;
+   12     print ".\n";
+   13	}
+=begin original
+The program has two pieces: Lines 2--7 read the input and build a data
+structure, and lines 8-13 analyze the data and print out the report.
+We're going to have a hash, C<%table>, whose keys are country names,
+and whose values are references to arrays of city names.  The data
+structure will look like this:
+=end original
+プログラムは二つの部分から構成されています: 2 行目から 7 行目は入力を
+そして 8 行目から 13 行目でデータを解析して結果を出力します。
+リファレンスを持つハッシュ C<%table> を作ろうとしています。
+           %table
+        +-------+---+
+        |       |   |   +-----------+--------+
+        |Germany| *---->| Frankfurt | Berlin |
+        |       |   |   +-----------+--------+
+        +-------+---+
+        |       |   |   +----------+
+        |Finland| *---->| Helsinki |
+        |       |   |   +----------+
+        +-------+---+
+        |       |   |   +---------+------------+----------+
+        |  USA  | *---->| Chicago | Washington | New York |
+        |       |   |   +---------+------------+----------+
+        +-------+---+
+=begin original
+We'll look at output first.  Supposing we already have this structure,
+how do we print it out?
+=end original
+    8   foreach $country (sort keys %table) {
+    9     print "$country: ";
+   10     my @cities = @{$table{$country}};
+   11     print join ', ', sort @cities;
+   12     print ".\n";
+   13	}
+=begin original
+C<%table> is an
+ordinary hash, and we get a list of keys from it, sort the keys, and
+loop over the keys as usual.  The only use of references is in line 10.
+C<$table{$country}> looks up the key C<$country> in the hash
+and gets the value, which is a reference to an array of cities in that country.
+B<Use Rule 1> says that
+we can recover the array by saying
+C<@{$table{$country}}>.  Line 10 is just like
+=end original
+C<%table> は通常のハッシュで、そこからキーのリストを得てそれをソートして
+リファレンスは 10 行目でだけ使われています。
+C<$table{$country}> はハッシュの C<$country> キーを参照します。
+L<Use Rule 1> は配列を C<@{$table{$country}}> で取り出せるといっています。
+	@cities = @array;
+=begin original
+except that the name C<array> has been replaced by the reference
+C<{$table{$country}}>.  The C<@> tells Perl to get the entire array.
+Having gotten the list of cities, we sort it, join it, and print it
+out as usual.
+=end original
+と同じようなものですが、C<array> という名前が C<{$table{$country}}> という
+C<@> は Perl に配列全体を取り出すことを指示しています。
+=begin original
+Lines 2-7 are responsible for building the structure in the first
+place.  Here they are again:
+=end original
+2 行目から 7 行目は構造を構築している部分です。
+    2   while (<>) {
+    3    chomp;
+    4     my ($city, $country) = split /, /;
+    5     $table{$country} = [] unless exists $table{$country};
+    6     push @{$table{$country}}, $city;
+    7   }
+=begin original
+Lines 2-4 acquire a city and country name.  Line 5 looks to see if the
+country is already present as a key in the hash.  If it's not, the
+program uses the C<[]> notation (B<Make Rule 2>) to manufacture a new,
+empty anonymous array of cities, and installs a reference to it into
+the hash under the appropriate key.
+=end original
+2 行目から 4 行目は都市と国の名前を得ています。
+もし存在していなければ、プログラムは[]記法(L<Make Rule 2>)を使って新しい
+=begin original
+Line 6 installs the city name into the appropriate array.
+C<$table{$country}> now holds a reference to the array of cities seen
+in that country so far.  Line 6 is exactly like
+=end original
+C<$table{$country}> はここでその国の都市の配列に対するリファレンスを
+6 行目は
+	push @array, $city;
+=begin original
+except that the name C<array> has been replaced by the reference
+C<{$table{$country}}>.  The C<push> adds a city name to the end of the
+referred-to array.
+=end original
+のようなものですが、異なるのは C<array> が C<{$table{$country}}> という
+C<push> は都市名を参照されている配列の末尾に追加します。
+=begin original
+There's one fine point I skipped.  Line 5 is unnecessary, and we can
+get rid of it.
+=end original
+5 行目は不必要なので、取り除くことができます。
+    2   while (<>) {
+    3    chomp;
+    4     my ($city, $country) = split /, /;
+    5   ####  $table{$country} = [] unless exists $table{$country};
+    6     push @{$table{$country}}, $city;
+    7   }
+=begin original
+If there's already an entry in C<%table> for the current C<$country>,
+then nothing is different.  Line 6 will locate the value in
+C<$table{$country}>, which is a reference to an array, and push
+C<$city> into the array.  But
+what does it do when
+C<$country> holds a key, say C<Greece>, that is not yet in C<%table>?
+=end original
+C<%table> の中に現在の C<$country> のためのエントリがすでに存在していれば
+6 行目は配列へのリファレンスである C<$table{$country}> の値に注目し、
+その配列に C<$city> をプッシュします。
+しかし、C<$country> が C<%table> の中にない C<Greece> のようなキーを
+=begin original
+This is Perl, so it does the exact right thing.  It sees that you want
+to push C<Athens> onto an array that doesn't exist, so it helpfully
+makes a new, empty, anonymous array for you, installs it into
+C<%table>, and then pushes C<Athens> onto it.  This is called
+`autovivification'--bringing things to life automatically.  Perl saw
+that they key wasn't in the hash, so it created a new hash entry
+automatically. Perl saw that you wanted to use the hash value as an
+array, so it created a new empty array and installed a reference to it
+in the hash automatically.  And as usual, Perl made the array one
+element longer to hold the new city name.
+=end original
+これは Perl です; ですから、本当に正しいことを行います。
+存在していない配列に Athens をプッシュしようとするので、新しく空の
+無名配列をあなたのために作り出してそれを C<%table> にインストールします。
+そしてそれから C<Athens> をそこにプッシュします。
+これは `autovivification' と呼ばれます。
+Perl はハッシュの中にそれらのキーが存在しないことを確認し、新しいハッシュ
+Perl はあなたがハッシュの値を配列として扱いたがっていることを
+=head1 The Rest
+=begin original
+I promised to give you 90% of the benefit with 10% of the details, and
+that means I left out 90% of the details.  Now that you have an
+overview of the important parts, it should be easier to read the
+L<perlref> manual page, which discusses 100% of the details.
+=end original
+わたしはあなたに 10% の詳細で 90% の利益を得ることを約束しました。
+そしてそれは詳細の 90% をそのままにしているということです。
+それにより詳細の100% を述べている L<perlref> man ページをより簡単に
+=begin original
+Some of the highlights of L<perlref>:
+=end original
+L<perlref> のハイライトの幾つかを挙げておきます:
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+You can make references to anything, including scalars, functions, and
+other references.
+=end original
+=item *
+=begin original
+In B<Use Rule 1>, you can omit the curly brackets whenever the thing
+inside them is an atomic scalar variable like C<$aref>.  For example,
+C<@$aref> is the same as C<@{$aref}>, and C<$$aref[1]> is the same as
+C<${$aref}[1]>.  If you're just starting out, you may want to adopt
+the habit of always including the curly brackets.
+=end original
+L<Use Rule 1> の中で、その中にあるものが C<$aref> のようなアトミックな
+たとえば、C<@$aref> は C<@{$aref}> と同じで、C<$$aref[1]> は
+C<${$aref}[1]> と同じです。
+=item *
+=begin original
+This doesn't copy the underlying array:
+=end original
+        $aref2 = $aref1;
+=begin original
+You get two references to the same array.  If you modify
+C<< $aref1->[23] >> and then look at
+C<< $aref2->[23] >> you'll see the change.
+=end original
+もし C<< $aref1->[23] >> を変更して、C<< $aref2->[23] >> を
+=begin original
+To copy the array, use
+=end original
+        $aref2 = [@{$aref1}];
+=begin original
+This uses C<[...]> notation to create a new anonymous array, and
+C<$aref2> is assigned a reference to the new array.  The new array is
+initialized with the contents of the array referred to by C<$aref1>.
+=end original
+これは新たな無名配列を作り出すために C<[...]> 記法を使っています。
+そして、C<$aref2> は新たな配列に対するリファレンスが代入されます。
+新たな配列は C<$aref1> によって参照される配列の内容によって初期化されます。
+=begin original
+Similarly, to copy an anonymous hash, you can use
+=end original
+        $href2 = {%{$href1}};
+=item *
+=begin original
+To see if a variable contains a reference, use the C<ref> function.  It
+returns true if its argument is a reference.  Actually it's a little
+better than that: It returns C<HASH> for hash references and C<ARRAY>
+for array references.
+=end original
+配列がリファレンスを保持しているときにそれを確認するには、C<ref> 関数を
+実際にはもうちょっと良くて、ハッシュリファレンスであれば C<HASH> を、
+配列リファレンスであれば C<ARRAY> を返します。
+=item *
+=begin original
+If you try to use a reference like a string, you get strings like
+=end original
+	ARRAY(0x80f5dec)   or    HASH(0x826afc0)
+=begin original
+If you ever see a string that looks like this, you'll know you
+printed out a reference by mistake.
+=end original
+=begin original
+A side effect of this representation is that you can use C<eq> to see
+if two references refer to the same thing.  (But you should usually use
+C<==> instead because it's much faster.)
+=end original
+この表現の副作用は、C<eq> を二つのリファレンスが同じものを
+(しかし、通常はより早い C<==> を代わりに使うべきでしょう)。
+=item *
+=begin original
+You can use a string as if it were a reference.  If you use the string
+C<"foo"> as an array reference, it's taken to be a reference to the
+array C<@foo>.  This is called a I<soft reference> or I<symbolic
+reference>.  The declaration C<use strict 'refs'> disables this
+feature, which can cause all sorts of trouble if you use it by accident.
+=end original
+文字列 C<"foo"> を配列リファレンスとして使うとき、C<@foo> への
+これは I<ソフトリファレンス> または I<シンボリックリファレンス> と
+C<use strict 'refs'> と宣言することによって、アクシデントによって問題が
+=begin original
+You might prefer to go on to L<perllol> instead of L<perlref>; it
+discusses lists of lists and multidimensional arrays in detail.  After
+that, you should move on to L<perldsc>; it's a Data Structure Cookbook
+that shows recipes for using and printing out arrays of hashes, hashes
+of arrays, and other kinds of data.
+=end original
+L<perlref> よりも L<perllol> に行きたいと思うかもしれません。
+その後で、L<perldsc> に行くと良いでしょう。
+これはデータ構造クックブック(Data Structure Cookbook)で、ハッシュの配列、
+=head1 Summary
+=begin original
+Everyone needs compound data structures, and in Perl the way you get
+them is with references.  There are four important rules for managing
+references: Two for making references and two for using them.  Once
+you know these rules you can do most of the important things you need
+to do with references.
+=end original
+リファレンスを扱うにあたって四つの重要なルールがあります: 二つは
+=head1 Credits
+=begin original
+Author: Mark Jason Dominus, Plover Systems (C<mjd-p****@plove*****>)
+=end original
+作者: Mark Jason Dominus, Plover Systems (C<mjd-p****@plove*****>)
+=begin original
+This article originally appeared in I<The Perl Journal>
+( http://www.tpj.com/ ) volume 3, #2.  Reprinted with permission.
+=end original
+この記事は最初は I<The Perl Journal> ( http://www.tpj.com/ )
+volume 3, #2 に登場しました。
+=begin original
+The original title was I<Understand References Today>.
+=end original
+元のタイトルは I<Understand References Today> でした。
+=head2 Distribution Conditions
+Copyright 1998 The Perl Journal.
+This documentation is free; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+under the same terms as Perl itself.
+Irrespective of its distribution, all code examples in these files are
+hereby placed into the public domain.  You are permitted and
+encouraged to use this code in your own programs for fun or for profit
+as you see fit.  A simple comment in the code giving credit would be
+courteous but is not required.
+=begin meta
+Created: KIMURA Koichi
+Updated: Kentaro Shirakata <argra****@ub32*****> (5.10.0-)
+=end meta

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