[perldocjp-cvs 331] CVS update: docs/perl/5.10.0


argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2008年 12月 11日 (木) 02:31:50 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.10.0/perl.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/perl/5.10.0/perl.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Thu Dec 11 02:31:50 2008
+++ docs/perl/5.10.0/perl.pod	Thu Dec 11 02:31:50 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,927 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
+=end original
+perl - Practical Extraction and Report Language
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<perl>	S<[ B<-sTtuUWX> ]>
+	S<[ B<-hv> ] [ B<-V>[:I<configvar>] ]>
+	S<[ B<-cw> ] [ B<-d>[B<t>][:I<debugger>] ] [ B<-D>[I<number/list>] ]>
+	S<[ B<-pna> ] [ B<-F>I<pattern> ] [ B<-l>[I<octal>] ] [ B<-0>[I<octal/hexadecimal>] ]>
+	S<[ B<-I>I<dir> ] [ B<-m>[B<->]I<module> ] [ B<-M>[B<->]I<'module...'> ] [ B<-f> ]>
+	S<[ B<-C [I<number/list>] >]>
+	S<[ B<-P> ]>
+	S<[ B<-S> ]>
+	S<[ B<-x>[I<dir>] ]>
+	S<[ B<-i>[I<extension>] ]>
+	S<[ B<-e> I<'command'> ] [ B<--> ] [ I<programfile> ] [ I<argument> ]...>
+=begin original
+If you're new to Perl, you should start with L<perlintro>, which is a 
+general intro for beginners and provides some background to help you
+navigate the rest of Perl's extensive documentation.
+=end original
+If you're new to Perl, you should start with L<perlintro>, which is a 
+general intro for beginners and provides some background to help you
+navigate the rest of Perl's extensive documentation.
+=begin original
+For ease of access, the Perl manual has been split up into several sections.
+=end original
+参照しやすいように Perl のマニュアルは、いくつかの節に分割しています。
+=head2 Overview
+    perl		Perl overview (this section)
+    perlintro		Perl introduction for beginners
+    perltoc		Perl documentation table of contents
+=head2 Tutorials
+    perlreftut		Perl references short introduction
+    perldsc		Perl data structures intro
+    perllol		Perl data structures: arrays of arrays
+    perlrequick 	Perl regular expressions quick start
+    perlretut		Perl regular expressions tutorial
+    perlboot		Perl OO tutorial for beginners
+    perltoot		Perl OO tutorial, part 1
+    perltooc		Perl OO tutorial, part 2
+    perlbot		Perl OO tricks and examples
+    perlstyle		Perl style guide
+    perlcheat		Perl cheat sheet
+    perltrap		Perl traps for the unwary
+    perldebtut		Perl debugging tutorial
+    perlfaq		Perl frequently asked questions
+      perlfaq1		General Questions About Perl
+      perlfaq2		Obtaining and Learning about Perl
+      perlfaq3		Programming Tools
+      perlfaq4		Data Manipulation
+      perlfaq5		Files and Formats
+      perlfaq6		Regexes
+      perlfaq7		Perl Language Issues
+      perlfaq8		System Interaction
+      perlfaq9		Networking
+=head2 Reference Manual
+    perlsyn		Perl syntax
+    perldata		Perl data structures
+    perlop		Perl operators and precedence
+    perlsub		Perl subroutines
+    perlfunc		Perl built-in functions
+      perlopentut	Perl open() tutorial
+      perlpacktut	Perl pack() and unpack() tutorial
+    perlpod		Perl plain old documentation
+    perlpodspec 	Perl plain old documentation format specification
+    perlrun		Perl execution and options
+    perldiag		Perl diagnostic messages
+    perllexwarn 	Perl warnings and their control
+    perldebug		Perl debugging
+    perlvar		Perl predefined variables
+    perlre		Perl regular expressions, the rest of the story
+    perlrebackslash	Perl regular expression backslash sequences
+    perlrecharclass	Perl regular expression character classes
+    perlreref		Perl regular expressions quick reference
+    perlref		Perl references, the rest of the story
+    perlform		Perl formats
+    perlobj		Perl objects
+    perltie		Perl objects hidden behind simple variables
+      perldbmfilter	Perl DBM filters
+    perlipc		Perl interprocess communication
+    perlfork		Perl fork() information
+    perlnumber		Perl number semantics
+    perlthrtut		Perl threads tutorial
+      perlothrtut	Old Perl threads tutorial
+    perlport		Perl portability guide
+    perllocale		Perl locale support
+    perluniintro	Perl Unicode introduction
+    perlunicode 	Perl Unicode support
+    perlunifaq		Perl Unicode FAQ
+    perlunitut		Perl Unicode tutorial
+    perlebcdic		Considerations for running Perl on EBCDIC platforms
+    perlsec		Perl security
+    perlmod		Perl modules: how they work
+    perlmodlib		Perl modules: how to write and use
+    perlmodstyle	Perl modules: how to write modules with style
+    perlmodinstall	Perl modules: how to install from CPAN
+    perlnewmod		Perl modules: preparing a new module for distribution
+    perlpragma		Perl modules: writing a user pragma
+    perlutil		utilities packaged with the Perl distribution
+    perlcompile 	Perl compiler suite intro
+    perlfilter		Perl source filters
+    perlglossary	Perl Glossary
+=head2 Internals and C Language Interface
+    perlembed		Perl ways to embed perl in your C or C++ application
+    perldebguts 	Perl debugging guts and tips
+    perlxstut		Perl XS tutorial
+    perlxs		Perl XS application programming interface
+    perlclib		Internal replacements for standard C library functions
+    perlguts		Perl internal functions for those doing extensions
+    perlcall		Perl calling conventions from C
+    perlreapi		Perl regular expression plugin interface
+    perlreguts		Perl regular expression engine internals
+    perlapi		Perl API listing (autogenerated)
+    perlintern		Perl internal functions (autogenerated)
+    perliol		C API for Perl's implementation of IO in Layers
+    perlapio		Perl internal IO abstraction interface
+    perlhack		Perl hackers guide
+=head2 Miscellaneous
+    perlbook		Perl book information
+    perlcommunity	Perl community information
+    perltodo		Perl things to do
+    perldoc		Look up Perl documentation in Pod format
+    perlhist		Perl history records
+    perldelta		Perl changes since previous version
+    perl595delta	Perl changes in version 5.9.5
+    perl594delta	Perl changes in version 5.9.4
+    perl593delta	Perl changes in version 5.9.3
+    perl592delta	Perl changes in version 5.9.2
+    perl591delta	Perl changes in version 5.9.1
+    perl590delta	Perl changes in version 5.9.0
+    perl588delta	Perl changes in version 5.8.8
+    perl587delta	Perl changes in version 5.8.7
+    perl586delta	Perl changes in version 5.8.6
+    perl585delta	Perl changes in version 5.8.5
+    perl584delta	Perl changes in version 5.8.4
+    perl583delta	Perl changes in version 5.8.3
+    perl582delta	Perl changes in version 5.8.2
+    perl581delta	Perl changes in version 5.8.1
+    perl58delta 	Perl changes in version 5.8.0
+    perl573delta	Perl changes in version 5.7.3
+    perl572delta	Perl changes in version 5.7.2
+    perl571delta	Perl changes in version 5.7.1
+    perl570delta	Perl changes in version 5.7.0
+    perl561delta	Perl changes in version 5.6.1
+    perl56delta 	Perl changes in version 5.6
+    perl5005delta	Perl changes in version 5.005
+    perl5004delta	Perl changes in version 5.004
+    perlartistic	Perl Artistic License
+    perlgpl		GNU General Public License
+=head2 Language-Specific
+    perlcn		Perl for Simplified Chinese (in EUC-CN)
+    perljp		Perl for Japanese (in EUC-JP)
+    perlko		Perl for Korean (in EUC-KR)
+    perltw		Perl for Traditional Chinese (in Big5)
+=head2 Platform-Specific
+    perlaix		Perl notes for AIX
+    perlamiga		Perl notes for AmigaOS
+    perlapollo		Perl notes for Apollo DomainOS
+    perlbeos		Perl notes for BeOS
+    perlbs2000		Perl notes for POSIX-BC BS2000
+    perlce		Perl notes for WinCE
+    perlcygwin		Perl notes for Cygwin
+    perldgux		Perl notes for DG/UX
+    perldos		Perl notes for DOS
+    perlepoc		Perl notes for EPOC
+    perlfreebsd 	Perl notes for FreeBSD
+    perlhpux		Perl notes for HP-UX
+    perlhurd		Perl notes for Hurd
+    perlirix		Perl notes for Irix
+    perllinux		Perl notes for Linux
+    perlmachten 	Perl notes for Power MachTen
+    perlmacos		Perl notes for Mac OS (Classic)
+    perlmacosx		Perl notes for Mac OS X
+    perlmint		Perl notes for MiNT
+    perlmpeix		Perl notes for MPE/iX
+    perlnetware 	Perl notes for NetWare
+    perlopenbsd 	Perl notes for OpenBSD
+    perlos2		Perl notes for OS/2
+    perlos390		Perl notes for OS/390
+    perlos400		Perl notes for OS/400
+    perlplan9		Perl notes for Plan 9
+    perlqnx		Perl notes for QNX
+    perlriscos		Perl notes for RISC OS
+    perlsolaris 	Perl notes for Solaris
+    perlsymbian 	Perl notes for Symbian
+    perltru64		Perl notes for Tru64
+    perluts		Perl notes for UTS
+    perlvmesa		Perl notes for VM/ESA
+    perlvms		Perl notes for VMS
+    perlvos		Perl notes for Stratus VOS
+    perlwin32		Perl notes for Windows
+=begin original
+By default, the manpages listed above are installed in the 
+F</usr/local/man/> directory.  
+=end original
+By default, the manpages listed above are installed in the 
+F</usr/local/man/> directory.  
+=begin original
+Extensive additional documentation for Perl modules is available.  The
+default configuration for perl will place this additional documentation
+in the F</usr/local/lib/perl5/man> directory (or else in the F<man>
+subdirectory of the Perl library directory).  Some of this additional
+documentation is distributed standard with Perl, but you'll also find
+documentation for third-party modules there.
+=end original
+Extensive additional documentation for Perl modules is available.  The
+default configuration for perl will place this additional documentation
+in the F</usr/local/lib/perl5/man> directory (or else in the F<man>
+subdirectory of the Perl library directory).  Some of this additional
+documentation is distributed standard with Perl, but you'll also find
+documentation for third-party modules there.
+=begin original
+You should be able to view Perl's documentation with your man(1)
+program by including the proper directories in the appropriate start-up
+files, or in the MANPATH environment variable.  To find out where the
+configuration has installed the manpages, type:
+=end original
+You should be able to view Perl's documentation with your man(1)
+program by including the proper directories in the appropriate start-up
+files, or in the MANPATH environment variable.  To find out where the
+configuration has installed the manpages, type:
+    perl -V:man.dir
+=begin original
+If the directories have a common stem, such as F</usr/local/man/man1>
+and F</usr/local/man/man3>, you need only to add that stem
+(F</usr/local/man>) to your man(1) configuration files or your MANPATH
+environment variable.  If they do not share a stem, you'll have to add
+both stems.
+=end original
+If the directories have a common stem, such as F</usr/local/man/man1>
+and F</usr/local/man/man3>, you need only to add that stem
+(F</usr/local/man>) to your man(1) configuration files or your MANPATH
+environment variable.  If they do not share a stem, you'll have to add
+both stems.
+=begin original
+If that doesn't work for some reason, you can still use the
+supplied F<perldoc> script to view module information.  You might
+also look into getting a replacement man program.
+=end original
+If that doesn't work for some reason, you can still use the
+supplied F<perldoc> script to view module information.  You might
+also look into getting a replacement man program.
+=begin original
+If something strange has gone wrong with your program and you're not
+sure where you should look for help, try the B<-w> switch first.  It
+will often point out exactly where the trouble is.
+=end original
+よいかわからない場合には、取り敢えず B<-w> スイッチを試してみてください。
+=begin original
+Perl is a language optimized for scanning arbitrary
+text files, extracting information from those text files, and printing
+reports based on that information.  It's also a good language for many
+system management tasks.  The language is intended to be practical
+(easy to use, efficient, complete) rather than beautiful (tiny,
+elegant, minimal).
+=end original
+Perl は、テキストファイルを読み取り、そこから情報を引き出し、
+この言語は、綺麗さ (小規模、エレガント、最少) ではなく、
+実用性 (使い易さ、効率、完全性) を目指しています。
+=begin original
+Perl combines (in the author's opinion, anyway) some of the best
+features of C, B<sed>, B<awk>, and B<sh>, so people familiar with
+those languages should have little difficulty with it.  (Language
+historians will also note some vestiges of B<csh>, Pascal, and even
+BASIC-PLUS.)  Expression syntax corresponds closely to C
+expression syntax.  Unlike most Unix utilities, Perl does not
+arbitrarily limit the size of your data--if you've got the memory,
+Perl can slurp in your whole file as a single string.  Recursion is of
+unlimited depth.  And the tables used by hashes (sometimes called
+"associative arrays") grow as necessary to prevent degraded
+performance.  Perl can use sophisticated pattern matching techniques to
+scan large amounts of data quickly.  Although optimized for
+scanning text, Perl can also deal with binary data, and can make dbm
+files look like hashes.  Setuid Perl scripts are safer than C programs
+through a dataflow tracing mechanism that prevents many stupid
+security holes.
+=end original
+Perl は、(少なくとも作者の意見では) C, B<sed>, B<awk>, B<sh> の良い部分を
+(言語歴史学者はまた、B<csh>, Pascal あるいは BASIC-PLUS の痕跡にも
+式の構文は、C の式の構文に対応したものとなっています。
+多くの UNIX のユーティリティとは違って、Perl はデータの大きさに
+つまり Perl では、メモリさえ十分にあれば、ファイルを丸ごと 1 つの
+Perl では、大量のデータをすばやく走査できるように、工夫を凝らした
+テキストの走査のために設計されてはいますが、Perl では、
+dbm ファイルをハッシュのようにして扱うこともできるようになっています。
+塞ぐようにしているため、多くの場合、setuid Perl スクリプトは C の
+=begin original
+If you have a problem that would ordinarily use B<sed> or B<awk> or
+B<sh>, but it exceeds their capabilities or must run a little faster,
+and you don't want to write the silly thing in C, then Perl may be for
+you.  There are also translators to turn your B<sed> and B<awk>
+scripts into Perl scripts.
+=end original
+普通は B<sed> や B<awk> や B<sh> で書くような問題でも、少し荷が
+C で書く程でもないときには、Perl が最適でしょう。
+また、B<sed> や B<awk> のスクリプトを Perl のスクリプトに変換する
+=begin original
+But wait, there's more...
+=end original
+=begin original
+Begun in 1993 (see L<perlhist>), Perl version 5 is nearly a complete
+rewrite that provides the following additional benefits:
+=end original
+1993 年から(L<perlhist> を参照してください)、Perl version 5 は、
+=over 4
+=item *
+=begin original
+modularity and reusability using innumerable modules 
+=end original
+=begin original
+Described in L<perlmod>, L<perlmodlib>, and L<perlmodinstall>.
+=end original
+L<perlmod>, L<perlmodlib>, L<perlmodinstall> に記述しています。
+=item *
+=begin original
+embeddable and extensible 
+=end original
+=begin original
+Described in L<perlembed>, L<perlxstut>, L<perlxs>, L<perlcall>,
+L<perlguts>, and L<xsubpp>.
+=end original
+Described in L<perlembed>, L<perlxstut>, L<perlxs>, L<perlcall>,
+L<perlguts>, and L<xsubpp>.
+=item *
+=begin original
+roll-your-own magic variables (including multiple simultaneous DBM
+=end original
+roll-your-own magic variables (including multiple simultaneous DBM
+=begin original
+Described in L<perltie> and L<AnyDBM_File>.
+=end original
+L<perltie> と L<AnyDBM_File> に記述しています。
+=item *
+=begin original
+subroutines can now be overridden, autoloaded, and prototyped
+=end original
+=begin original
+Described in L<perlsub>.
+=end original
+L<perlsub> に記述しています。
+=item *
+=begin original
+arbitrarily nested data structures and anonymous functions
+=end original
+=begin original
+Described in L<perlreftut>, L<perlref>, L<perldsc>, and L<perllol>.
+=end original
+L<perlreftut>, L<perlref>, L<perldsc>, L<perllol> に記述しています。
+=item *
+=begin original
+object-oriented programming
+=end original
+=begin original
+Described in L<perlobj>, L<perlboot>, L<perltoot>, L<perltooc>,
+and L<perlbot>.
+=end original
+Described in L<perlobj>, L<perlboot>, L<perltoot>, L<perltooc>,
+and L<perlbot>.
+=item *
+=begin original
+support for light-weight processes (threads)
+=end original
+support for light-weight processes (threads)
+=begin original
+Described in L<perlthrtut> and L<threads>.
+=end original
+Described in L<perlthrtut> and L<threads>.
+=item *
+=begin original
+support for Unicode, internationalization, and localization
+=end original
+support for Unicode, internationalization, and localization
+=begin original
+Described in L<perluniintro>, L<perllocale> and L<Locale::Maketext>.
+=end original
+Described in L<perluniintro>, L<perllocale> and L<Locale::Maketext>.
+=item *
+=begin original
+lexical scoping
+=end original
+=begin original
+Described in L<perlsub>.
+=end original
+Described in L<perlsub>.
+=item *
+=begin original
+regular expression enhancements
+=end original
+=begin original
+Described in L<perlre>, with additional examples in L<perlop>.
+=end original
+Described in L<perlre>, with additional examples in L<perlop>.
+=item *
+=begin original
+enhanced debugger and interactive Perl environment,
+with integrated editor support
+=end original
+enhanced debugger and interactive Perl environment,
+with integrated editor support
+=begin original
+Described in L<perldebtut>, L<perldebug> and L<perldebguts>.
+=end original
+Described in L<perldebtut>, L<perldebug> and L<perldebguts>.
+=item *
+=begin original
+POSIX 1003.1 compliant library
+=end original
+POSIX 1003.1 準拠ライブラリ
+=begin original
+Described in L<POSIX>.
+=end original
+L<POSIX> に記述しています。
+=begin original
+Okay, that's I<definitely> enough hype.
+=end original
+=begin original
+Perl is available for most operating systems, including virtually
+all Unix-like platforms.  See L<perlport/"Supported Platforms">
+for a listing.
+=end original
+Perl is available for most operating systems, including virtually
+all Unix-like platforms.  See L<perlport/"Supported Platforms">
+for a listing.
+=begin original
+See L<perlrun>.
+=end original
+L<perlrun> を参照してください。
+=head1 AUTHOR
+=begin original
+Larry Wall <larry****@wall*****>, with the help of oodles of other folks.
+=end original
+Larry Wall <lwall****@netla*****>, 多くの方の助力を得つつ。
+=begin original
+If your Perl success stories and testimonials may be of help to others 
+who wish to advocate the use of Perl in their applications, 
+or if you wish to simply express your gratitude to Larry and the 
+Perl developers, please write to perl-****@perl***** .
+=end original
+If your Perl success stories and testimonials may be of help to others 
+who wish to advocate the use of Perl in their applications, 
+or if you wish to simply express your gratitude to Larry and the 
+Perl developers, please write to perl-****@perl***** .
+=head1 FILES
+=begin original
+ "@INC"			locations of perl libraries
+=end original
+ "@INC"                 perl ライブラリの位置
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=begin original
+ a2p	awk to perl translator
+ s2p	sed to perl translator
+=end original
+ a2p    awk から perl へのトランスレータ
+ s2p    sed から perl へのトランスレータ
+ http://www.perl.org/       the Perl homepage
+ http://www.perl.com/       Perl articles (O'Reilly)
+ http://www.cpan.org/       the Comprehensive Perl Archive
+ http://www.pm.org/         the Perl Mongers
+=begin original
+The C<use warnings> pragma (and the B<-w> switch) produces some 
+lovely diagnostics.
+=end original
+C<use warnings> プラグマ (および B<-w> スイッチ)は、
+=begin original
+See L<perldiag> for explanations of all Perl's diagnostics.  The C<use
+diagnostics> pragma automatically turns Perl's normally terse warnings
+and errors into these longer forms.
+=end original
+すべての Perl の診断メッセージについては、L<perldiag> を
+C<use diagnostics> プラグマは、
+automatically turns Perl's normally terse warnings
+and errors into these longer forms.
+=begin original
+Compilation errors will tell you the line number of the error, with an
+indication of the next token or token type that was to be examined.
+(In a script passed to Perl via B<-e> switches, each
+B<-e> is counted as one line.)
+=end original
+(スクリプトが B<-e> スイッチで Perl に渡される場合には、B<-e> スイッチ
+1 つが 1 行とカウントされます。)
+=begin original
+Setuid scripts have additional constraints that can produce error
+messages such as "Insecure dependency".  See L<perlsec>.
+=end original
+setuid スクリプトでは、制限事項が増えるため、"Insecure dependency" と
+L<perlsec> を参照してください。
+=begin original
+Did we mention that you should definitely consider using the B<-w>
+=end original
+絶対に B<-w> スイッチを使った方が良いっていうのは、もう書きましたっけ?
+=head1 BUGS
+=begin original
+The B<-w> switch is not mandatory.
+=end original
+B<-w> スイッチが必須になっていません。
+=begin original
+Perl is at the mercy of your machine's definitions of various
+operations such as type casting, atof(), and floating-point
+output with sprintf().
+=end original
+Perl は型のキャスト、atof()、sprintf() による浮動小数点出力のような
+=begin original
+If your stdio requires a seek or eof between reads and writes on a
+particular stream, so does Perl.  (This doesn't apply to sysread()
+and syswrite().)
+=end original
+使用している標準入出力ライブラリが、read と write の間に
+seek や eof が必要なものであれば、Perl でも同様となります。
+(ただし、sysread() や syswrite() には適用されません。)
+=begin original
+While none of the built-in data types have any arbitrary size limits
+(apart from memory size), there are still a few arbitrary limits:  a
+given variable name may not be longer than 251 characters.  Line numbers
+displayed by diagnostics are internally stored as short integers,
+so they are limited to a maximum of 65535 (higher numbers usually being
+affected by wraparound).
+=end original
+組み込みのデータ型には (メモリサイズからくるものを除いて) 恣意的な
+どの変数名も 251 文字より長くてはなりません。
+Line numbers
+displayed by diagnostics are internally stored as short integers,
+so they are limited to a maximum of 65535 (higher numbers usually being
+affected by wraparound).
+=begin original
+You may mail your bug reports (be sure to include full configuration
+information as output by the myconfig program in the perl source
+tree, or by C<perl -V>) to perlb****@perl***** .  If you've succeeded
+in compiling perl, the B<perlbug> script in the F<utils/> subdirectory
+can be used to help mail in a bug report.
+=end original
+You may mail your bug reports (be sure to include full configuration
+information as output by the myconfig program in the perl source
+tree, or by C<perl -V>) to perlb****@perl***** .  If you've succeeded
+in compiling perl, the B<perlbug> script in the F<utils/> subdirectory
+can be used to help mail in a bug report.
+=begin original
+Perl actually stands for Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister, but
+don't tell anyone I said that.
+=end original
+Perl は本当は「病的折衷主義ガラクタ出力機」(Pathologically
+Eclectic Rubbish Lister) を意味していますが、私がそういった
+=head1 NOTES
+=begin original
+The Perl motto is "There's more than one way to do it."  Divining
+how many more is left as an exercise to the reader.
+=end original
+Perl のモットーは「やり方は 1 通りではない。」ということです。
+=begin original
+The three principal virtues of a programmer are Laziness,
+Impatience, and Hubris.  See the Camel Book for why.
+=end original
+プログラマの 3 つの美徳は、無精、短気、傲慢です。
+=begin meta
+Created: 吉村 寿人 <JAE00****@nifty*****> (5.000)
+Updated: Kentaro Shirakata <argra****@ub32*****> (5.10.0)
+License: GPL or Artistic
+=end meta

perldocjp-cvs メーリングリストの案内