[OpenTween-git] [SCM] open-tween (opentween) branch, master, updated. Tween_svn-last-141-gf29750f


upsil****@users***** upsil****@users*****
2012年 3月 18日 (日) 23:49:58 JST

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to "open-tween" repository
containing the "opentween" project.

The branch, master has been updated
       via  f29750f1a88dc1567a05498642ca3db3e3176ab7 (commit)
       via  5f66b03e0f9784634db792ba34402cecf9ab702f (commit)
       via  f0dacf7c85451bdc18e7c40645ea97558880d3f9 (commit)
      from  bc64ba02e8c8672f260326f326ac6dda818b042f (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit f29750f1a88dc1567a05498642ca3db3e3176ab7
Author: Kimura Youichi <kim.u****@bucyo*****>
Date:   Sun Mar 18 21:01:09 2012 +0900


commit 5f66b03e0f9784634db792ba34402cecf9ab702f
Author: Kimura Youichi <kim.u****@bucyo*****>
Date:   Sun Mar 18 17:10:57 2012 +0900


commit f0dacf7c85451bdc18e7c40645ea97558880d3f9
Author: Kimura Youichi <kim.u****@bucyo*****>
Date:   Mon Mar 12 14:17:41 2012 +0900



Summary of changes:
 OpenTween/AppendSettingDialog.cs            |    8 +-
 OpenTween/AtIdSupplement.cs                 |    8 +-
 OpenTween/Connection/HttpConnection.cs      |    4 +-
 OpenTween/Connection/HttpConnectionOAuth.cs |   14 +-
 OpenTween/Connection/HttpVarious.cs         |   25 +++-
 OpenTween/Connection/TwitVideo.cs           |   10 ++-
 OpenTween/DoubleClickCopyCanceller.cs       |   10 ++-
 OpenTween/EventViewerDialog.cs              |    2 -
 OpenTween/FilterDialog.cs                   |   28 +++---
 OpenTween/Growl.cs                          |   13 ++-
 OpenTween/HashtagManage.cs                  |   10 +-
 OpenTween/HookGlobalHotkey.cs               |    2 +-
 OpenTween/ImageDictionary.cs                |   16 ++-
 OpenTween/ListManage.cs                     |   12 +-
 OpenTween/MyCommon.cs                       |  114 ++++++++++++-------
 OpenTween/MyLists.cs                        |   10 +-
 OpenTween/Properties/Resources.Designer.cs  |    9 --
 OpenTween/Properties/Resources.en.resx      |    3 -
 OpenTween/Properties/Resources.resx         |    3 -
 OpenTween/Properties/Resources.zh-CHS.resx  |    3 -
 OpenTween/Setting/SettingBase.cs            |    3 -
 OpenTween/Setting/SettingLocal.cs           |   22 ++++-
 OpenTween/ShieldIcon.cs                     |   14 ++-
 OpenTween/ShortUrl.cs                       |    2 +-
 OpenTween/ShowUserInfo.cs                   |    4 +-
 OpenTween/StatusDictionary.cs               |   15 ++-
 OpenTween/Thumbnail.cs                      |   12 ++-
 OpenTween/Tween.cs                          |  162 ++++++++++++++-------------
 OpenTween/Tween.en.resx                     |    2 +-
 OpenTween/Tween.resx                        |   76 ++++++------
 OpenTween/Tween.zh-CHS.resx                 |    2 +-
 OpenTween/TweenAboutBox.cs                  |    8 +-
 OpenTween/TweenAboutBox.en.resx             |    7 +-
 OpenTween/TweenAboutBox.resx                |   90 +--------------
 OpenTween/TweenAboutBox.zh-CHS.resx         |    6 +-
 OpenTween/Twitter.cs                        |    7 +-
 OpenTween/Win32Api.cs                       |   90 ++++++++-------
 37 files changed, 413 insertions(+), 413 deletions(-)

open-tween (opentween)

OpenTween-git メーリングリストの案内