2007年 9月 24日 (月) 16:09:14 JST
Don'+t let AC-GU p*ass, Gra*b it Mo+nd=ay ASSE+T CA-PITA;L GP I=NC. A.CGU $1.1+5 A,CGU Asse*t Capi,t-al Grou+p-, In=c. w-ill fo,cus up.on lo;cat*i=ng and inve*sti*n;g in sm=al;l, prof;ita+b.l;e ent=er,p+ris+es w=ith pro*mi,si+ng gr, po;t,en.tia;l. The Co,mpan+y i*n;tends to i=nv-est in c-ompa+n+ies in a wid-e ran=ge of cat=eg-o;r+ies, inc.l;ud;ing ma-n;u=fa+cturi,ng*, e-nvi-ronm.e=nta-l clean-;u;p-, fina*nc+i;al s=erv+ice-s and ot+her are,as-, th;is comp-a-ny is go,ing to e.x.p+lode. AC*GU A-CGU AC,GU AC*GU A*CGU Get on ACG+U firs*t thin*g M.ond;ay! ASS;ET CA+PITA.L GP IN+C. A-CGU $1;.15 HURR+Y cal,l you+r Bro+ke,r Now !!! H=uge PR cam+p-aig=n un-de-rwa-y now and its t=ime for you to get in now and r.ide t+his wa=ve ea-rly to profi,t-. scars or nodes on the bones from previous gummata sabre-blade or other deformity of the tibiae. #The Contagiousness of Inherited Syphilis.#In 1837, Colles of Dublin stated his belief that, while a syphilitic infant may convey the disease to a healthy wet nurse, it is incapable of infecting its own mother if nursed by her, even although she may never have shown symptoms of the disease. This doctrine, which is known as _Colles' law_, is generally accepted in spite of the alleged occurrence of