[Mingw-users] Offline installer GCC Compiler Suite

Anton Shepelev anton****@gmail*****
Mon Feb 17 00:21:20 JST 2020

Keith Marshall:

> That said, we do not have the manpower resources to
> maintain an offline installer, but it should be possible
> for any user, with a live internet connection to create
> their own.  The idea, which I have used in the past, is to
> create the initial installation on removable (or network
> shared) media, then clone that (offline) wherever you
> wish.

Does that mean that MinGW is fully portable and does not
depend on anything outside the MinGW directory?

> You may subsequently remount the removable/shared media
> installation in the online environment, update/upgrade it,
> and distribute the updates to offline clones, as required.

How to distribute updates without overwriting the users'
data?  By careful picking of the required files, as listed
on the "Files" tab of the GUI installer?

Please, do not forward replies to my e-mail.

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